Hello blog lovers.
Feeling good again, I went for my run with the club. It was cold out, but I know from experience that I will warm up. But I decided to wear my brightly coloured cycling jacket. Its good to be seen in the dark. Especially with my reputation of falling off and over things!
So after the notices given and the group routes sorted, we were off. Our illustrious leader is well and truly back in control. We had one newbie today, and she fitted in really well.
Only one probably today, and that was me and my scatter brainess, I didn't start my Garmin off! I thought I had, but it's just so dark I didn't really see to check it was going, I thought I had heard the bleep as I set it. But it could have been someone elses. Oh well. At lease I know exactly how far we had ran before I noticed it hadn't started. We had run exactly a mile. Mr.Kit man had some geeky stats going, and also, I remember running this bit before with one of the other run leaders!
So Garmin eventually started we continued on our way. It was a good run, but we were getting stretched out a bit so we had a pause just after the twiddly as our leader calls it, she also said "If you want to run around or up to the end of this road and back again, then do so, while we wait" A very nice offer I thought, but no one took her up on it. What a lazy bunch we are! Maybe next time I will do the extra bits. Have I said that before?
The route home was pleasant, no little inclines to speak of. And it was just a pleasant run. I had the little bit extra left over for a sprint finish back to the pavilion. Again I'm not sure where it came from, I just must be one of those fast finishers. mind you, I didn't do any 10 min/mil or faster today. Maybe my endurance is slowly building up after all this time.
Back at the Pavilion one of our club members is a newly qualified fitness instructor and she gave us some stretches to do. I did need that! My poor bruises!!
Geek stats, but don't forget to add a mile (and 14 mins, but that was with the catch up and breather stop)
Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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