Hello Blog lovers.
I know, its Sunday, and no, its not an early morning run, or late afternoon run. Its a middle of the morning run! Guess who did not go to church today! But I know, through reading the bible He, Himself, did some .....un orthodox things, ..... picking food to eat for Him and His mates, and ...... would you believe making people better on days that you were not allowed to do anything!
So today, running through the woods, looking, enjoying, running, smelling and totally emersing one self in His glorious makings, was just fantastic! I decided from the start, because of (reason #121, Old Girls excuse book) I had exercised the day before, i.e. riding up to Downe Village (pint of lager! to recuperate) I wasn't go to go full out. And besides, Hitchy, was coming along, and she said that she hadn't ran for two weeks (reason #12 or whatever in old girls book) then I was going to 'keep her company! If only that were true.
Hitchy has come a long, long way in her running, she is ten years younger than me or more (reason #1, I think) so there was not way that I, in anyway, shape or form, was keeping her company! It was definitely the other way around.
I was looking forward to this run, not only just to get out and run through the woods, which I really love to do now days, but for the fact I can get another gong for my efforts! Ok, so my running club is very much into 'waste not, want not' and we had some 'spare medals' to share. I was also looking forward to the geeky stats, just to see if I had improved or not, since August. And guess what?, go on guess! I had improved. Not only did we start from the park, probably about 270 metres extra, but I was a whole 2 minutes quicker!
I was so pleased when I compared my two times on this route! Even though I moaned and groaned all the way round "This is supposed to be fun!" Hitchy had said to me. And it really is fun, I really do enjoy my running........after I had done the route of course, but I still enjoy my running! I miss it when I am not running, therefore, I enjoy running, just makes sense to me!
But looking at all the woods this time of year, don't it just fill your heart with wonder at what God had made! The colours of the leaves on the trees, the golder carpet that us runners are running on, the freshness of the air through the woods, the smells, the sounds, .....the silence! wow! Loving it, moaning at my slowness of course, but here I am enjoying everything.
Then its the road again! Popping out of the woods and up Barfield road, I know this road, boy do I know this road, its up hill, coming from this way, of course, and I virtually know every stone on this road, through running down here with the OB!
Still, its not far now, and I am feeling.......ok...ish! Hitchy is doing her thing! She could so easily have just took off and left me eating her dust, but here she is 'serpentine' her way through the course, running backwards, looking as if she is out for a Sunday morning stroll! Thankfully she is here because she just wants to get out and run. She loves running with people, in fact, if it wasn't for her job she would be a PWR! Darn the need for cash to live!!!!
Anyway, to top off the whole fantastic day, we had a great social time after in the local, and the I came home and had a fantastic time with my kids and grandson, and a small box of fireworks! A Brilliant fantastic day!
Geeky stats for you and I have put up the comparison page as well, clever init!
Comparison page
And todays run
Not a Mob Match! by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Fantastic, well done on the PB