Hello blog readers.
In the style of Thomas The Tank Engine I am a very useful jogger! Our group 1 has swelled in ranks due to the phenomenal success of the beginners group which started in September. We have had loads more new members, and also some are still just popping along in ones or twos!
Our illustrious Leader had asked me to be sweeper today. I felt very proud and flattered to be asked to do such an important role, after all, we don't want to lose anybody. And you all know me by now, being at the back is my happy spot!
So for the first half of our run, I'm in my element, in the comfort zone as the Old Boy says to me, in fact, he is not the only one that says that about me! But the second has is a different story. I had to push myself that bit harder. I was a little concerned with one on the newbies, and I held back a little to help to encourage her and to see if she was ok.
When we got to Willet Way we were told that we could run as fast....or slow as we like. I chose to do the 'run fast/run slow' lamp post to lamp post. Right up to the recreation ground! A enjoyed my run today. As it seems I always do the days! I am looking forward to my next run.
So geeky stats, oh and I forgot to switch off my garmin, again, so the last 5 or six minutes is of me doing my stretches!
Tuesday club run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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