Hello blog lovers.
Well today I am smiling. I was out running again today, the same route as the previous ones lately, only this time I was running with Nagging Sister. Do you all remember her, from way back when I was this Old couch potato, and she turned into Nagging Sister!
When I told her about the route today, through the woods and things, she said "There are no hills, is there Old girl" "NO! I said, thankfully I was on the end of my phone and she couldn't see me crossing my fingers! "It is so much better than running around Normans park three times" I said to her. But I think she likes to know the ending. "The woods are lovely to run through, so much more interesting" I said truthfully!
She arrived at my house and went upstairs to get changed. I wanted her to drive to the start point, just so that she didn't get an inkling of where we were heading, because then she might realise that the are just a couple of small hills! I sat in her car,.... and it swallowed me up! what on earth she been doing in her car. I tried to adjust the backrest and raise the seat. It was like something out of 'Keystone cops' scenarios! I was falling all over the place, ending up almost laid flat out! Of course Nagging sister was in fits of laughter and couldn't quite tell me which levers I should be pulling or pushing.
So after the bendy work out in her car we arrived at 'Dog Poo' ally. The it dawned on her! "Oh this is where we used to ride our bikes" she said, "There are hills in there!" I just smiled and said "You won't even notice them, you will be just enjoying the run" and avoiding all the muddy puddles I thought to myself! with a little grin. My sister is like me, she doesn't like the whole nature thing, mud and spiders and buzzing insects flying in her face!
I could hear her behind me (Yes that's right she is behind me) screaming and 'arrgghing' as the little creatures flew at her. And even the prickles that were growing over the path she was moaning at just like......well like me!! It felt good. Just remembering how she used to drag my ass around Normans Park, and push me to just make just one lap, and now here I was dragging her ass through nature at its best!
It wasn't until we got to the the path just beside the railway line that I had realised I hadn't started my Garmin, I had it all ready, it showed my heart rate monitor, and then it asked if we were indoors or not, but I had forgotten to push the start! So you will see the Geeky stats start from the railway lines, it is only about .44 of a mile in, but Nagging Sister is thinking that we had done a mile already!
Our first hill came, and we more or less managed to run up it. I think we both did stop for a very quick breather, and then caught our breaths at the top of the hill. "Do you remember this, when we were cycling around these woods" I asked her "Yes I do" she said. And again back then it was her dragging my backside and telling me to keep up with her. I must be fitter than I was back then, rather than Nagging Sister just being less fitter than she was. I know its a combination of both, but still feels so good, and is keeping a smile on my face.
We were heading down, down, down the steep hill. The hill that we took our bikes on back in 2008. The field now occupied by cows rather than the bored looking sheep. The cows just looking at us strangely, as if to say 'Hey, slow down, chill out, whats the rush" as they munch their way through the grass.
I could hear Naggy sister again 'Arrgghhhing and ooouuucchhing' behind me as we run down the hill, I just smiled away enjoying the hill do all the work. We were soon on to the road part of the run though. And again Nagging Sister remembered how I used to complain like anything trying to get up there after our riding session. "This used to be hard to ride up" she said "Is it still going to be hard to run up?" I just nodded, and smiled. We attacked the hill as best we could, but we did both walk again. Then on to Jubilee Park.
Running through here, on the tarmac path, no weeds or stinging nettles to negotiate through and she still complaining! I can't see the end, its never ending, where is the end" She says, I just laughed, because that used to be me, not that long ago as well! But back in 2008 trying to get around Normans Park just once, it was like an impossibility back then, and Nagging Sister yelling at me to "Move it woman!"
"Just one bridge to cross over" I said to her then the rest of the way on the road to the car. "Or you can do three bridges" She kind of grumpled to me that bridges was not even in her thoughts for next year let alone now! But after we did the first bridge and we ended up on the road, she was desperately looking for her car. "We got to run up this road first" I told her, "Or you could run this way and do the other two bridges and then pop out of 'Dog Poo' ally again. This time she said "Yeah, why no, in for a penny in for a pound" And we head on through to the next bridge, which she promptly fell up!
We ran back down the other bit of path to the tunnel and back to the car. I made a mental note of the distance between the place I started my Garmin to the car, and it was .44 of a mile, so all in all we ran for just over 3 miles, in about 40 odd minutes.
Geeky stats, but remember, I only started my Garmin after we had ran .44 of a mile in
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