Monday, 25 July 2011

Rocky MMXI

Hello blog readers.

Another lovely afternoon for a run through the woods. Nagging Sister is with me again this afternoon, and is looking forward to toady's run.

I told her that we are going to be doing the same route, but in the opposite direction, and with a little be extra woody bit. She looked a bit apprehensive, but I know that she can do it.

And blimey, was I right! What on earth had she been eating, must be plenty of pasta. She did ask "Is it a mile yet" just as we were about a quarter of a mile in, but I could tell she was joking. I think she must have over dosed on pasta between Thursday and today!

As the Garmin beeped its one mile alarm Nagging Sister was still running well. She did ask me to slow down a tad but still, she not doing too bad. The hill was next. I felt sure that she would complain a bit here, and slow down. I do hope so, I am looking forward to my turn to nag! All my running buddies, that I have been running with, have been faster and fitter than me! Maybe that is a good thing, to keep on my toes! But imagine my disappointment when old Nagging Sister attacked the hill and looked as if she is going to run the whole thing to the top! Well that would really cheese me off! I still struggle with hills! How can I nag her if she is running up hill while I am struggling to get there!

Once at the top of the hill, (she got there before me!) I could at least nag her for sitting down on the seat there! But the it was running on the flat, and I did speed up at bit, just so that she could say "Slow down!" I felt a little bit better then. And I also felt quite smug when I said we were running up hill, rather than the way she was heading, down hill to the little bridge over the stream!

Well, running through the woods is lovely, and I knew she would like it. Who wouldn't? The great down hill run, I made sure I ran the whole way, at least I think I did. Her pasta addiction (I'm sure that's what she been eating) has made her have go faster legs!

As we were heading for the three bridges she was in front of me! not only that, at one point she told me to "Come on move it!" Nagging Sister is making a break from 'Belly mould' that she has been hiding in!

We got to the last bridge and I said to Nagging Sister, "Come on then, run to the top" I stated to sing the Rocky theme music just as we were about to go up the steps. "Da dada da dada da da da, da dada da dada da da da" and I flew up the stairs with Nagging sister at my side. I got to the top and I did the whole 'Rocky dance' routine at the top. We tried to run across the top "ARRGGHHHH that hurt" I said, as the pain in my thighs kicked in! Nagging sister too was feeling it. But still, I took my opportunity to at least have a go at the whole nagging thing, (I know I am not going to be top dog much longer) just to see what its like on the dark side, "Ok, I want you to run the rest of the way non stop" So just as we set foot of the steps of the last bridge we both took a deep breath and ran the rest of the way. I could hear Nagging Sister behind me, I knew I had to get to the car before her, so for the last 100 yards or so it was a sprint finish from me. I just wished I had enough breath to have told Nagging Sister, she used to always say that to me!

Geeky stats from today's run,

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