Hello Bloggers.
What a run it was this evening! 'Little Boy Lost' had made an appeal for some one to show him the way for next weeks 'Mob Match' between our club and our neighbouring club. So I persuaded Nagging Sister to to run in the evening rather than at 2 ish. Which she agreed. Crazy Fool was quite happy to run at 5.30 today. Also another surprise guest runner was Big Son! I persuaded him to come along for a run as well!
AT 4:50 Nagging Sister called me saying that she didn't want to go!! I just went into complete 'Nag Mode' and got her back on side, I quickly said see you at mine soon and put the phone down before she could say anything else. I know she will enjoy it once we get started.
So, introductions done, we walked out of the rec, "Come on, this is a run not a walk" I said. And with that we all started running, the same route that Crazy Fool and I did on Tuesday with our group one.
I warned Little Boy Lost that Nagging Sister would moan all the way round, well, she had so far with me, but as we were heading up the hill, there was still not a peep out of her! "She is not moaning yet" he say, but then Nagging Sister said "Wait till we get to the woods with all those insects, then I will start"
We soon reached the woods, and I had remembered what our group leader said on Tuesday "As long as you keep left, and the rail way lines on your left, you are not going to go wrong!" I was quite glad she said that, as I had said I knew the way!, I was the path finder today!
It was all going just splendidly. The land mark 'Dog Poo' ally turned exactly where I thought it should, which means I DIDN'T GET LOST and from here it was just plain sailing! Everyone knows this way, even Nagging Sister is getting to know this bit, in fact, even Crazy fool is getting to know this bit.
Big Son, however, has never been on this route, yet he was out in front, and having to ask which way to go. He thinks he is the path finder! After 'Dog Poo' ally it's fairly straight forward. Nagging Sister has been this way enough times now, her confidence grew, and boy did it show. Signs of the old Nagging sister showed themselves!
But, and this is a 'doozy' of a but, Little Boy Lost noticed how very uneven the path was, with all the tree roots and bricks and rocks and what not, and said "It's a bit of a trip hazard here" Two minutes later, just two minutes, I tripped up on said tree roots, did this brilliant tumble, worthy of any stunt Angelina Jolie would do in the Tomb Raider films, it was spectacular! After I dusted myself off, and told everyone that I was ok, (other words, giving them permission to pee themselves laughing) then we carried on with our run.
It was fairly uneventful from here. Little Boy Lost only once said, that he would have taken the wrong path (oops, sorry, a different path), which is up, up up that hill that Nagging sister don't like! (but still seems to run most of it)
So, to stop you all getting bored, Nagging sister came back, nagged me stupid when I slowed down, and she wanted to move, Little Boy Lost and Crazy Fool ran the whole of the route, you know the bit around the cricket pitch as well, (me and Nagging Sister just ran to the pavilion) and Big Son acquired a couple of blisters on his feet, both me and the Old Boy said it was probably his socks rubbing as they were all scrunched up under his feet!
So, geeky stats for all you readers
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