Thursday, 7 July 2011

Lost In The Woods!

Hello Blogees.

Today the Old Boy fancied taking me out for a jog, just a short one for about 2 miles, through the woods at my pace, he said. As he is not quite sure his knees would be up to it. But since January he has lost 3 and half stone, and got himself fairly fit using the bike! So I'm expecting him quite frankly breeze this.

It has been raining today, so I'm sure the woods are going to be quite wet and muddy. and possibly slippery. I am not feeling on top form today, I don't know why. I have been feeling tired all day. Today's run, I think will be a struggle for me, especially with all this nature about, you know me and nature. I love walking through the woods, you can see everything, the birds, and animals, puddles and sticky patches! But when I'm running I just concentrate on where my feet are landing. The Old Boy said I looked rather serious when I'm running, and that I should enjoy it and have some fun. But I do, in my head I am singing, or thinking, or even just thinking about nothing! which is just fantastic. Just to lose yourself in the whole running, (avoiding muddy puddles of course) and nothing else is just so, strangely, relaxing.

Anyway, the Old Boy, like I said, was on form! Even after his two solo jog sessions and a bike ride this week!! He was way ahead of me! He was having to wait for me in places too. But When we were about a mile into it, I think we got a little lost! I think we should have gone straight up the big path, but The Old Boy seems to know where he is going, so I follow him down the narrower path.

I don't think this is going to be a 2 mile run, I think it will be a tad longer! I was really struggling with this run this evening, and the Old Boy was doing just great, but I did notice him walking on some occasions. We kept having to 're-group' and decide which path we are going to go down. He keps saying, "I'm sure this is the way I went on Monday" (Monday, I dropped him off at dog 'do do' ally and then drove around to goss hill road to pick him up) I had already run that morning, which is why I didn't go with him. In fact the Old boy did pretty well on that occasion too!

We eventually found the right paths that we needed to be on that will take us to our car. Yes, that's right, we took the car to the beginning of our run! After that we both were on our own pace, with the Old waiting for me before he turns left or right. I must learn to yodel and then me and him can keep in contact a bit more.

We were just coming down the last sticky path to our car and we spotted another PWR runner, running in the opposite direction, a quick introduction as we pass, and then the Old Boy tells me that his muscle 'twanged' and pulled up just at the end of our jog.

But I was feeling very worn out, and very lethargic, not at all like myself. Hopefully its just 'one of the days' and will pass, as tomorrow is a rest day, but we have our adorable little grandson to run after!

Geeky stats, and as you can see, they are not very impressive at all!

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