Thursday, 17 February 2011

Just A Short Ride!

Hello blog readers.

Yes, it is just a short ride today, only 10 miles, just to keep our legs spinning, and not seizing up on us.

We set off, going up to do part of the Old Boys 20 mile route, I did the first half yesterday, and so I am doing the second part today! So I have done his 20 miles in two parts.

It was ok. Busy! Very busy roads. We went up Orpington. Why, everywhere I go, is up, I don't know. But there you go, up the hills to Oprington, then we turned left down the high street, around the one way system and on to Carlton Parade. then up the busy road, towards the bypass.

We stayed on the road, until we got to the bypass, then used the cycle path after this. its all uphill, again, the Old Boy thinks I need plenty of hill training! So it's just as well we on the cycle path, if I do have to stop, at least there will be no cars hooting me.

We rode to Crittals Corner, using the cycle path, which dips down and we have to ride up, (more hills!) and the on towards Perry Street. This is where I wanted to go on Monday, but the rain beat me. So it's nice to see the route with the Old Boy, I may not get lost now, if I try this route out next time.

But it seems, to me, it's still going up hill! I can't understand it. My home must be about 20 miles below sea level! It never looked that way before, mind you, I have always gone every where by car or bus! He did mentioned to me about trying out Summer Hill, or Old Hill. But I'm not read for another hill yet. I need to truly put PerryHall Lane firmly in place, under my feet! Never to be a burden on me again! Well, that's what I hope. But I know that will always be a hard ride. And I know there are other hard roads and hills out there, but I am hoping with experience I will be able to tackle them better.

When the Old Boy said that we are turning left, when we got to Chislehurst, then I knew that Summer and Old hill where not on his agenda. I was quite pleased, and I did express my feelings about those particular hills, like "No, I don't want to do those yet, I'm not ready" kind of way! But this is still part of the route that the Old Boy does, when he goes on his 20 mile blasts. It's just as well, because we need to stop off and get some shopping at Pettswood.

Heading through the barriers, and then turning right. Down hills now, we must be at the top of where ever it is we were heading! Thank goodness! And now we are heading for home.

Into Pettswood, and stop at the local. After I came out of the shop, the Old Boy suggests getting some sushi. Well, that is just the cherry on the cake.

Shopping done, sushi bought, and now heading off home, for dinner and relaxation.

Geeky stats for you.

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