Hello blogees,
Today could be an exciting day. After being on 'key keeping' duty for a while this morning, I got myself ready to go for a run. I was planning on doing my old usual route, up to Turpington, Greenway etc, just for a change. But then I had a text from my running buddy, Smarty Pants. I may be needed to be taxi driver (and who knows, maybe midwife if things move along quickly). So it is an exciting day!
With that in mind, I didn't want to be too far away, so I though why not run to good old turnaround lamppost and back. So this is what I did. The weather is ok, not bad for this time of the year, so only had on new running top and trousers. ...... Oh I must say this. I thought as I'm not going to be out that long, instead of looking through the clean laundry for a sports bra, I would just wear an ordinary one!! They make sports bras for a reason ladies, let me assure you of that! My body was not under control one bit!! I felt most uncomfortable, and I kept having to hoist everything back in place! Lesson learned!
Not only that, but because I had my earphones in I would not have heard the phone, nor felt the vibrations of the phone in my back pocket, so the only place I knew where I can feel the vibrations was in my bra, but, as you know, because of ...... the lack of control there, my phone went flying across the pavement! You can probably see where I had to stop and walk back back a bit, to pick up the pieces.
After that I just kept my phone in my hand, I should have done that in the first place. Of course down this path is the usual irresponsible dog owners dogs doings, thank goodness my phone didn't end up in a pile of sh...... shlippery stuff. I ran towards a chap with his dog, I always slow down when approaching dogs, you never know how a it will take it when you are running up towards it, but when the dog owner himself has to tighten the lead and put his body between you and the dog, then you feel justified in looking a little afraid!
Lamppost reached, patted and smiled at, but no standing around for me, catching my breath or taking in the view. Nope, back up the path I go. Again there was another dog owner with his pet. This one looked like he could do a few miles with me to lose some of its weight, but still a frightening looking dog. This one, however, wasn't on its lead. I slowed down, moved aside for the dog to go pass, but the dog wasn't interested in moving on, it was more interest in me!! Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, so much better than cats!, I just don't like the ones that look like big muscly scary dogs! Especially coming sniffing towards me. The owner kindly got his dog away from me, and I ran on.
Dog patrol safely passed, dogs doing elegantly jumped over, and now thoughts of Smarty Pants. Oh wow, it could be any minute. Then other thoughts started to creep into my brain cell. First one was, "I am going to get back looking a little hot and sweaty, even though its only just over a mile". "No problem" You all say, "just have a quick shower, babies don't normally pop out in 5 mins" Well, there's the problem, I have no heating and no hot water in my house, not until tomorrow anyway! No problem, I shall just do the old fashioned way of washing, and pour hot water in a basin and do a standup wash. Sorted.
Then another, more serious thought occurred. I need to fill the car up with petrol! The petrol light was flashing the last time I used the car, I kept meaning to fill it up, just never got around to it. If I don't fill it, and things do happen, then I could very well be playing midwife!!
By the time all these thoughts had gone through my head, and how I am going to solve them all, I was at my path. And I noticed that I had slowed down to walking! Duh, woman, get a move on, you got stuff to do!
I ran up my path turned off my Garmin (Oh yes, I didn't forget to use that today) and set about getting ready for anything that may happen today. Exciting days! A new life ready to begin! Wonderful!
Geeky stats. (I'm not sure it this is a pb, just cant remember now)
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