Hello blog readers
Well today has been a very, very nice day for me. A lay in in the morning, waking up to tea and griddled bacon and sausage. Then the Old Boy said that we are going shopping. Its an awfully windy day out today, and we would not have liked a pleasure ride today.
So our plan was to go shopping, for jeans, for little old me! Which we did, but of course as any lady knows, new clothes means new shoes! So the Old Boy treated me to two new pairs of shoes and a pair of boots! Am I spoilt or what, and no, Mr. 100 Mile Runner, none of them were running shoes he he he!! (mm, Maybe I should take the Old Boy to the sports shop next time, I could do with some more jog pants, .....and cycle pants)
But because we have being doing well with the whole healthy eating, and the exercise thingy, I wanted to go for a run, just the usual 3 miler, and see how well I do.
So after we got back from shopping, a little relax, try on everything again! and then change into jog pants. The Old Boy wanted to do something as well, but not a 10 miler on his bike, (he is not feeling that great) and he is still not ready for a jog yet, but he decided that he would come along on his bike He was going to be my personal trainer on todays run!
Outside, Garmin set, Old Boy set, and off we go. I am going to have to go some to keep him happy! After all the big talk, and the blog reading, then I am going to have to do some pretty impressive footwork! ..........Or just stick to my pace and try and try and try as usual! Off I go, my shadow following behind. I got to get up Hollingworth hill if nothing else! I got to get up it all this time. With him watching it needs to be done
I could tell my heat was racing a bit, and my breathing was all over the place, knowing I was being watched by 'Big Brother' the pressure was on as I started running up the hill. Knowing that just up here its a flat piece, knowing just up here, along the road for a bit then its all down hill. I got to think of that, and not the Old Boy riding comfortably on his bike behind me. I pushed myself, I tried to fly up this hill, to get it over and done with, impress the Old Boy on his transport. I suppose I should be grateful that he hasn't got his motor bike on the road yet!
I got to the top of the hill! Blimey that was hard. But I stopped jogging! So annoyed with myself, I walked for a few paces, and then through my music playing on my IPOD I heard the Old Boy RINGING HIS BELL! Oh, so that's how he is going to play his role, is it! Turn the music up a bit more!
I ran and ran as far as I could, trying desperately not to stop. The chill of the evening air cooling my already sweaty face, I think about where I normally do my next stop, if I was on my own! I managed to run passed there, (the half mile mark) and carried on and on until I got to Shepperton Road. This is where I normally stop again, but I ran on a little further and then stopped. Again with the bells, I looked to my right and saw him do the sign of I'm watching you' the the whole fingers to the eyes and then pointing at me!
I think I stopped again on this route, and the Old Boy rode alongside of me, 'tinging' his bell, no doubt, but I had my music up loud and just glared at him from under the peak of my cap.
The main road now I cross over. Running along, the wind still at me, blowing in my face, making it hard to stay upright. It blew my cap off! I had to stop and go back to pick it up! But t least the Old Boy cant ride next to me as I'm on the right side of the road! But he is still riding along side me. Looking at me! How many times have I stopped now. Am I due another one. If he wasn't here then I could stop whenever I wanted to. I kept going. Under the railway bridge, The Old boy is in front of me now! At least he can't see if I slow down. I watch him as he turns left up the Fairway. I carry on running. A quick stop, then get a feeling that he is watching me and I carry on running. Turn the corner. Where is he? I cant see his twinkly lights. Memories of Thursdays ride come back to me, only this time at least I know which way to go. I carry on another quick stop and the take a look behind me. There is the Old boy! Where did he come from, Where did he go? Ting ting on his bloomin bell again. Ting ting as I am still walking. But now its the pub bit, I got to run passed the pub, great advert for all the smokers remember!
That done and Old boy goes around the square and cathest me just as I am about to cross over. The wind is still quite strong! Run towards the walk over railway bridge now. And I do walk over it. Then its the lovely run down hill, just cross over the road Old Girl, think about that down hill run. You can get into the zone, forget the music, forget the Old Boy on his bike and fly down here.
Just the little hill to the crest. Not too bad. Then down hill. I open up a bit, strides getting longer, pace picking up, faster now, feeling like a runner! Now I got to add this in, (after all, its my blog, and its how I am feeling and doing and thinking on my runs after all) but, the snot and mucus that is building up inside is just yuck! I have had to be very unlady like at several places along my route so far today, but this time things just wouldn't clear! It was making me gag! There I was running at a pretty good pace for an Old Girl, but this nasty mucus was making me heave! I almost threw up because it was just 'hanging around' the back of my throat.
There nasty bit done now folks, you can start reading again. Towards Oxhawth now, second Oxhawth of course, and running up here. I take a glance at my watch. I need to keep this up, then I can get a PB! just need to stay at this pace. Of course I didn't, and those blooming bells were ringing, ringing ringing again.
And then there was 'The road I dare Not Stop On!' At least I wont here the Old Boys darn bell! But I was feeling pretty tired. Whether it is that I am not running at perfect health, or its the time of day that I am running I don't know, but I knew I need extra help to keep running up this road, so I take out the earplugs. I knew the Old Boy will be giving me encouraging advice, and instructions and orders and boosts and all the stuff you need to hear when you are on your last legs!
"That's it Old Girl, keep going, a bit more now" he was saying "Push out a little more, widen your stride out" I was listening and trying to do as he asked "That's it, 100 yards more now, I feel a sprint finish coming on" he says. Is that a sprint finish from him or me!! The headwind down this piece of road was not good, I had my head down, not good for talking in as much oxygen as I could. Try and try, run faster, go on Old Girl, do it!
I gave it as much as I could, I spread my gait, I ran faster, pace was higher, I tried to sprint. All up my path, pushing harder, faster. Done it! Stop the clock.
"That's a good run" he says "Must be a PB" but alas it wasn't. Even the Old Boy couldn't believe it. Oh well. Next time.
Geeky stats for you
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