Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Early Start? Why Not!

Hello Blog readers.

It was an early start for me today, makes a change. I am normally still tucked up in bed thinking about getting up and making a cuppa. But today I had an errand to do. I reserved a car seat in a shop and I had to get it, as there just seems to be few of the ones that I want, in existence! Of course I need a shower after jogging and then I have the whole toddlers group today! Busy day!! Such a high flying life I have!

So I set off early. School children were still eating breakfast I should imagine. Ok, so they will be walking to school at least, but its still well before 9 in the morning! I was feeling the cold air, and wishing spring would get here real soon. But still feeling positive about todays run. I had a rest day yesterday, I just wasn't quite in the mood. My mind just wasn't on anything yesterday. You know you get those days, where you wake up and just feel........ *sigh* fed up, and just generally yuck. So today I was looking forward to running off the cobwebs and filling up my lungs with oxygen.

I was determined to get up the first hill today, non stop! I just needed to do it. Almost! Almost! Blimey, why did I stop! I know why I stopped, it was because I forgot about my breathing! I was puffing and blowing so much I could have blown up a hot air balloon! So after a telling off, I got my breathing under control and continued up the hill. I was nearly there anyway, why did I stop!

I was listening to tunes on my IPOD and trying to find some good jogging music, if I can get my feet running at the same beat as music then I can concentrate on my breathing. Or so I thought! It was working for a while, and listening to music does really help, maybe I should turn up the music a bit more so I can drown out the little voice saying "Ok now walk for a few paces"

I thought I was getting around this route pretty quickly. I was feeling good, I am beginning to think that Naggy and the Old Boy are right! Its all in my head! I can run, I am a runner, but I keep listening to the silly little voice in my head that tells me to walk. I should listen to them and to the positive small voices, "Go on, you can do it, keep running" I have until April to get round this bloomin 3 mile course, 5k! That's all it is. I can do this. The cycling is a good cross trainer for running and jogging, so another runner told me. So everything I am doing is right. I just got to stop thinking that I can't do it, and that I must stop running.

There, telling off done again!

So through the fairway of Petts Wood, and I run passed the pub! Of course that time in the morning there was no one to try and impress, not that my running would do that anyway! But am am getting tougher on myself. I do stop again, and then run to the railway walking bridge. Cross over there (walking!) and then from here I tell myself "That's it Old Girl, listen to the tunes, enjoy the run, its all down hill, no stopping until bottom Oxhawth" Well that's what I told myself, and guess what? I did it. I love running down hill, it makes you feel like you can run forever. That's what I need, a 5k all down route, not too steep, just a gentle down hill, non stop for 5k, does anyone know a road like that?

So from the bottom Oxhawth I have a another little stop and then run again. One more stop on this road (by the slight incline) and then I'm on the 'Road That I dare Not Stop On' I am still feeling pretty good, I take a glance at my watch and I can see that I am on for a PB here if I can keep up this pace. Not sure how much I am in front but from the beginning of Faringdon I am on target for a PB! Wow.

So I really concentrate hard on my breathing, on my pace, on everything, but I am running on the pavement, with those slight little dips for driveways, I need to do this so I don't have to watch out for cars and buses. A tad more energy used up now is not going to do much damage!

Wow I am feeling good, pushing all the time, "Keep it up Old Girl" I say, "You're doing well" I know, crazy isn't it, but you really do talk to yourself when you're working out! turn down my road, that's it, keep it going, up to my house now. Stop the clock!

Oh yes, PB! right there, I even doubled checked on my garmin site, just to make sure!!

So geeky stats, put up with a huge smile!! :-)

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