Friday, 28 January 2011

My Ride Today!

Hello Blog readers.

I know it says my ride today, but this blog is actually about yesterday. I am writing it now, because I didn't have time to write it last night. There still maybe another blog coming about today's exercise, but we shall just have to see about that.

The Old Boy asked me to map out my own route, rather that one that he has chosen, and since looking at some new bikes, and seeing how light they are, and how light the Old Boys bike is, I thought I would do a fairly easy route, until I get my new bike that is.

So I decided to do one of my routes that I have done before, but only in the opposite direction. Its about 10 miles, well it was until the Old Boy stuck on another mile or so at the end! Its the route that I take up to the second pub that I use to pop into for my lunch, only there won't be any stopping tonight.

We set off and it is bitterly cold. My fingers I'm sure were being stuck to the brakes, like your tongue did on ice lollies when you were a child! Not only that, there is a head wind coming at us, urging us to go back home, stopping us from wanting to go out. "These are the days when you have a good ride" says the Old Boy. My goodness, what is he on about! "Eh?" I says to him. "You know, the days when you don't really want to go out, its cold and its horrible, but you end up having a good work out" I just looked at him, tears streaming down my face through the cold, snot coming out of my nose and my hands welded to the handlebars, "Really" I says.

But we push on. I am looking forward to going down Perry Hall lane, those few times of going up this road, or trying to go up knoll rise, has really made me hate hills. So to ride on this road without stopping, its like I have conquered it!, (even if I am going down it) I can smile and ride on this road and say, "there, I haven't stop, take that you gradient hill!"

But the Old Boy thinks this is still going to be a very hilly ride. I know there is going to be some hills, because when I have been riding the other direction then I have had to go up hills, and then come down them, but they don't look or feel as steep as that dreaded Perry Hall lane. These are do-able in my mind. Not a problem. (I hope)

The wind seemed to be at us, even when we changed direction, always in my face, making me blind with my tears. I squeeze my eyes shut as tightly as I can but as quickly as I can, it really helps that you can see where you are going while on a bike! The tears disappear for a short while. I have noticed my hands warming up now, unless the have just fallen off. And I know I am warm in my coat, but my legs are so cold.

Perry Hall lane soon comes, and flying down it, now that's more like it, speed on Perry hall lane, yippee! All the way down to the one way system, but those darn tears are blinding me again now, what with the cold and now the speed! But it felt good. Through the high street, there was such a lot of traffic about, and all the cars seem to take up my space on the road! How dare they. All I need is a space to ride my bike, but they seem to have taken that up with their big petrol guzzling, pollution making lazy machines! don't they know who I am? tut.

"Go on the pavement" says the Old Boy, I think he had enough of eating the exhausts from the cars too. So we rode on the pavement, not fast, but definitely faster than those smelly cars! We soon got to the memorial and across the roundabout, and was heading up hill. Yes, it is a hilly route, and I am remembering all the down hills that are in this route going the other way, but, they are still do-able, they are still more easier that riding up Perryhall, definitely! I am sure of it!?

We soon get to Greenstreetgreen, and the Old Boy says to go on the cycle path, rather than ride on the road. Now I remember the cycle path on the other side of the road. It was bumpy, and puddle ridden and dark. "is there a cycle path that side" I said to him, hoping that there wasn't "Yeah, I have seen people riding on there" he says. Round the roudnabout, through the pub car park and on to the cycle path. I am begining to think the Old Boy is secretly scared of riding on roads, but to my surprise this side of the road the path was quite good, hardly any tree route bumps, or puddles, in fact it was quite a smooth ride. "Oh Wow, this is better" I said to the Old Boy, "Yes" he said "And I'm sure its lighter as well." It did look brighter on this side of the road.

And now for the climb up towards Bromley. I do like coming down this way, and I do seem to cruise down for quite a while, going in the other direction, and now I am thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea of mine to ride in the other direction! But we got there, and some more lovely rides down. Of course I was expected to turn right at the bus garage and the go up PrincesPlain road, and then turnaround lamppost and home. But the Old Boy said, "We can't just leave it there, we need to go at least to the bottom of the road, and then turn right by the Crown" he says. I agreed, muttering under my breath. Well I'm out, its not that far home now, might as well go for it.

We get to the Crown and the Old Boy is in front of me, I think he is showing off, because I did over take him while we were on the A21, when he said he was 'waiting' for me again, chuckle. I expect he will keep an eye out for me though. Up and up Southborough Lane now, but there is no way I am going into Petts Wood. My legs are beginning to hurt or ache, or complain, or it could be that its all psychological (spell check again) but I really didn't feel it was necessary going to Petts Wood tonight.

There were quite a lot of joggers about, heading towards me, they were running down the hill, but I spied one going in the opposite direction, "I shall catch her up, this can be a little mini workout" I thought to my self. I peddled like mad up the incline getting nearer and nearer to the jogger. "Blimey, she likes her running" I thought. I managed to get up next to her, I gave her a quick sidewards glance, but she was totally in the zone and didn't notice me, and then I rode on by. But the hill was getting slightly steeper, my peddling was getting slower, I could see the Old Boy on the other side of the road at top Oxhawth waiting for me. Plodding along on my way, not in any particular rush until, that is, the jogger came up beside me and was overtaking me! "No way, no way!" I thought to myself, "Not with the Old Boy watching me as well I bet she done that on purpose" And so I peddled like mad up hill, slowly catching up to her, it was hard work (and please, no falling about laughing from those cyclists who overtake other cyclists, remember I have only just started doing this!) be truthful, I only just managed to overtake her before I got to top Oxhawth. But, OH, was I pleased that I did. I would have never have lived it down if I didn't.

"She nearly caught up with you again" the Old Boy said, I think I may have mumbled something. "That was quite a hilly route" he said to me after. I said "well, yes, whats the point of a fitness ride if there is not at least a little challenge" I said with a smile.

Now dinner time!

Geeky stats

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