Thursday, 13 January 2011

Just Me And My Garmin

Hello blogees.

I was feeling tired, I don't know why, because I had a huge, huge lay in, (and no, I won't reveal the time I got up) But I wanted to go for a run, even though my head didn't. Its Thursday, its not raining, and there is no excuses that can keep me in the house.

So I got my gear on, strap on the HRM and connected to the satellites. I am going to do the hill run. That is my new usual route for now on, I need to build up stamina, then I need to extend this route maybe next week.

The weather is quite mild out, and I know I am going to warm up pretty quickly. I set off, still not quite in the mood for running, but I know I always feel good after I have done it, if not during.

The hill up by my church is horrible. Its steep, well it is when you have to run it.....or push a buggy up it! and I managed to get half way up this before I stopped, but only for a few short paces then was back to running again.

Once at the top its nice and flat for a while, I can get my breathing back on track, get the heart rate down and concentrate on running as far as I can from here. I saw a friend of mine walking back from the nursery, she gave a wave but the little girl with her just looked, well I wasn't exactly an oil painting! Hair all sweaty, big pink face just about able to say hi! Actually quite scary to a 3 year old! But on and on, the next bit is down hill, the music is playing but can't remember what it was, but the beat was keeping me going till the next turning. Another quick walk and push myself on.

I feel as if I am quicker, but my legs are so so tired! They feel like I have lumps of lead in my boots! "Not far now Old Girl" I say to myself, "All the next bit is kind of heading on home!" So I continue to push myself, but my body is really complaining now. Nothing is really hurting, its just complaining. Its like when you have a real bad cold and your arms ache, and your legs ache, and the energy is way down in the soles of your feet. So I try and push past this, "If it don't hurt then there is no reason to stop" I tell myself.

Soon I was on the road with the pub. I have it in my mind that stopping or walking next to pubs is a big NO NO I have to set an example to all those smokers sat outside, smoking and drinking beer, soaked up by their pub grub. There is nothing wrong with a pint of beer and the occasional pub lunch, but I found the smoking is definitely a big fat NO NO I was thinking back to the time I smoked and when I cam in from having a quickie ciggie, my sister used to pull that face, you know the one, nose screwed up, corners of mouth turned down, and the hand waving in front of her as if you had just let off the most disgusting bottom vent ever! Well, now I know how she feels, because I too can smell that on people, all though I don't do the whole face thingy, just a gently reminder that they stink!

Anyway off me soap box, and back to my run. on the homeward bound now, over the railway bridge, which I walked, well, there there people in front of me and people on the other side walking, so I thought I use it as a breather. Up the main road now, and I see another friend outside his house, a quick stop to say hi, and a sweaty cheek offered and back on to running.

Nearly home, I almost went down the first Oxhawth, which is not my usual route, and had to really tell myself off. I was feeling really fatigued now, and looking forward to getting home, a nice cuppa and a hot shower. I am thinking that I am going to have a rest day tomorrow, especially as me and the Old Boy are planning a longer bike ride on Saturday!

Coming up to the road I dare not walk on. Really feeling tired now, looking forward to that feeling of "Yes Done It" when I get to the last lamppost outside my house. That always makes me smile.

Up my road, have I got anything let to give a sprint finish, even if its just up my path? That's it, I'm going for it, ease off the brakes and going into full sprint mode, I step in a bit of mud which made my shoes a bit slippery, but I ignored that, I am going for it, sprinting right up to the lamppost. I DID IT! Another jog jogged.

Geeky stats
Time 40.09
Distance 2.98 miles (why its different again, who knows, but it is the same route)
Heart rate avg 141 bpm max 169 bpm

Slower than the first run of this route, but I'm sure I ran more of it.

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