Wednesday, 5 January 2011

2 For The Price Of 1

Hello blogees,

That's right folks, its two blogs for the price of one today. As my computers have been quite 'ill' I have not been able to write down and log everything that have done so far.

So, on Monday 3rd of January, as it was still holiday season, me and the old boy decided to go for a walk, get some of the Christmas stuffing from our waistlines. But hubby wasn't interested in just a nice leisurely walk through the local parks, oh no! He has always wanted to walk through a place called Cuckmere Haven. Now this is a lovely picturesque place, a lovely cutting through the South downs, little streams of water to walk near. So we jumped in the car and headed off on our destination.

It was a little chilly, but I had my all singing, all dancing coat on, and hat and gloves (one of my chrissy presents) and complete with my garmin we set off.

We head towards the sea! Now the old man does a lot of walking with his job, and he obviously has his pace, which is slightly different to my walking pace! But this is good. This is what we both need after stuffing ourselves over Christmas, and so I keep up with him, and soon warm up. In fact, the hat comes off, and the gloves! As we get close to the seashore, I can see a pub to the right of us, a lovely place to stop for a quick cuppa maybe a spot of lunch, but as we climb up the shingle beach, to my disappointment there was the inlet of the water, keeping me away from the pub (and the loo!)

"That's ok" says the old boy, we shall just go left in a loop and head back to the car that way. Well to my horror, he was pointed to a cliff face! you could see people scaling this cliff face, following a path carved out by other nutters........ erm.... I mean ramblers. It must have been a thousand foot high where he wanted us to climb!

I croaked out a "Yes, lets go" and tried to keep up with him on the shingle beach. We reached the bottom of the 'hill' and started to make our ascent. I was glad I had my garmin on, it will be fascinating to find out how high this mountain is! I followed up after the old boy on the path carved into the side of the mountain. The old boy wasn't stopping, so I just kept on after him. Up and up, I could feel the air getting thinner as we climbed higher and higher, (I think it was just me running out of breath keeping up with him). We got to three quarters of the way and had a photo opportunity (photos will be here soon, after computer is better!) by the way, the photo stop was my idea! But all to soon we started climbing again. Towards the top of the 'mountain' I jokingly said to the old boy, "Race you to the top" "Your on" he says and then took to his heels! He was like a bloomin mountain goat running up there, right to the fence, where he waited and looked back at me, as I struggled to even walk now! (It was only the next day that he told me, he was blowing out his backside, his heart was about to pop out of his chest and thought maybe he shouldn't have ran so far in front of me in case he needed CPR!)

Once at the top though, after we both recovered a bit it was a pleasant walk down. And not as steep as the climb up! Why he didn't chose that way to go up is beyond me. We quickly came down the mountain and started our walk back to the car (hopefully a stop at a pub for a 'potty' break). We chose a slightly different route back, going over a little bridge across the water and I know that this is where the pub is. On the way there we noticed a little baby seal, just lounging on the other side of the river, every so often, popping his little head up and looking around. Now that is something worth walking for!

We got back to our car and then went to the pub for lunch and promptly put on all those calories that I just burned off! But at least I earned those calories this time!

So your second blog.

Yesterday I went for a jog. I didn't go with the running club, I know I need to get back up to speed with my running, So I'm looking towards the end of January before I get back there, but I have been given 'homework' by the coach, i.e. to get my self able to run for at least 30 mins non stop! So with that in mind I decided to be really brave and go running after work at around 20 past 5 in the evening. I knew there would be loads more people around this time of the night, and I shall be sticking to well lit up streets and bus routes!

As I set off, just as I reached the end of my path I smiled! I have missed my jogging over the festive period. It felt good to get out and run. But the smile didn't last long as the chill of the night threaten to take my breath from me. So I just concentrated on my breathing and running. My garmin was all set up and I had my heart rate monitor on (love my new gadgets and gizmos) and headed towards Petts Wood. I had chosen this way as there were less dark roads, but there is of course that hill. Ok not quite as mountainous as the one on Monday, but still a hill.

I kept checking my heart rate, and when it dropped again (because I walked!) then I was back on my toes. I was feeling good, but the enjoyment over the festive season was really showing (and on the scales!) "At least you're out here Old Girl" I was saying to myself "At least you're out here and not sat down saying, I shall do it tomorrow!"

I kept up this encouraging chat, I was also giving myself a 'hard time' because I walked! But then I remembered what the coach said in my email, about walking for so many minutes and then walk for one, but for the life of me I couldn't remember how long each should be!

I was soon on my road though, and I was feeling well pleased with myself. As I was running up my path the Old boy came out of the house and was talking to me as I ran up to him, but I couldn't hear, I had my IPOD on! But afterwards he did say that I looked good!!

Yeah!! It feels good to be out running!

So the vital statistics

Miles 3.48
Time 1.22 hours
Elevation max 378 ft (it felt so much higher!)
Heart rate not monitered

Miles 3.01
Time 39.05 mins
Elevation 105 ft
Heart rate avg 144 max 153

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