Sunday, 16 January 2011

Hitchhiker Jogger.

Hi blog watchers.

After a very relaxing weekend I was well rested up for today's jog! I got back from church, shoved a wash in the machine and then got ready for my jog.

All set, the weather is a bit overcast, not as bright as it was while I was in church, Garmin locating the satellites and HM detected. Ready.

I am feeling pretty good, I am confident that I can push myself a little bit harder, hopefully get all the way up the hill at least! Coming up to my church is where I meet up with my Hitchhiker! She had text me earlier and asked if I was going out jogging today and when I said yes, she said she will meet me on route! As I am going up the hill I can see my new running partner (I have so many running partners, I should have one for everyday of the week!) she is stretching out, and looking like she has been running for ages! Oh my, have I done it again, have I got a running partner that is going to run rings around me!

There's no stopping, not on the hill, she just starts jogging along with me, and then says that she may not be able to chat as she jogs along. I am quite pleased about that! She says that she hasn't been jogging for a while, which of course means that she has done some sort of exercise before. Am I the only one who has never ever really done any sort of exercise before!

The jog up hill was tough going, my breathing was all over the place, I think I was trying to impress new running partner with my chatting and running skills, and I did stop a bit on the hill. But after twenty of so paces we were back at it. Obviously new running partner wasn't even out of breath as she only just started running.

It was a pleasant run, and I was really concentrating on trying not to stop on any more of the route, but I just listen to that silly voice in my head and stop! But I feel like its a quicker pace. Maybe I am getting stronger and a little faster!?

On to the main road now, and new hitchhiker partner says that she has a psychological block when she is running by herself, she has run around her little block and then says to herself that she cant run any more. I tell her that the route from my house around and back again is about 3 miles long, or 5k (well she is younger and likes all the new fandagled measurements) she has it in her mind that she wants to run a 10k. I think she will have no trouble with that distance.

On pass the pub now, the last time me and new running partner was here we were inside sinking 'woo woo' Cocktails and lager! And look at us now! We have to keep running, can't be seen walking pass the pub! On and On till we get to the turning left to cross over the walking bridge over the railway lines. A short walk (Yes I know, another one) but I don't hear new running partner complaining!, and then we were back on our toes going down the main road. As were were heading on down another jogging came up behind us and turned left as we were continuing on the down hill, "I'm so glad we were still jogging" I tell new running partner "Can't be seen walking in front of other joggers" I puffed out to her.

As we were approaching the first Oxhawth I asked if she wanted to go down there and head on home as I still got to do my full three miles. Well, she is game! She said that she will carry on and if she has to stop jogging then so be it. We made pretty good time down this bit I think. And then she remembers the hill at the top of Oxhawth! "No problem, its not that bad!" Yeah right!

we eventually get there to the top of Oxhawth, and then I notice that she has a slight pinkness to her cheeks! She has done really really well! She is fitter than she thought she was. I can see another running partner doing 10 min miles in no time! "Are you going to go straight up to your road" I ask her "Or you coming down here to the roundabout"

Its the first time I've seen her looking slightly tired. She kind of looked up the hill, then down the hill, and looked as if she was going to go straight up, but she said "Oh, come on lets get to the round about, and then I can go up the hill, and walk when you can't see me any more" So there were both were. Heading on down Farringdon, I was feeling good, which means I should have pushed myself harder, but I did have a new running partner and I was going easy for her sake (Well, that's my excuse anyway) and just as we neared the roundabout, that is when new running partner chose to walk!! Yes, she is human! So we said our goodbyes and I went off up the road while new running partner ran over to the other side, whether she ran all the way I shall have to ask her next time we meet. I noticed the time on my super douper gizmo Garmin. "If I push harder I can get under 40 minutes here" I said to myself and I clicked up another gear and ran, a quick look at my watch as I was getting nearer and nearer to my house, have to put a sprint on now, keep going keep going. Up the path. Done it. A quick look at my watch, and yes its under 40 minutes!!

So geeky info

time 39:16
Distance 2.98 miles
HR avg 140 bpm max 153 bpm

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