Hello Blog lovers,
I can tell you, both me and the Old Boy were not really in the mood for going out, it was cold and dark, and we were later than usual due to me working a little later. But we went out anyway.
We got all our riding gear on, me with double gloves today, my bike gloves and some woolly ones over those! We checked our bikes lights are all on and working and set off.
The Old Boy wanted to do a route we have done before. through the ally, up to the Keston Mark and then right through to coney hall. I didn't mind that route, its not too bad, hill wise that is, but I do remember a rather bumpy unloved piece of road that is a right bone shaker. And its on a down hill! I love going faster on the down hills but this part of the road is just so bad, so many potholes and the tarmac is coming up and all sorts! And its quite a busy part of the road too, so you are kind of stuck on that part of the road.
It seems I was keeping up with the Old Boy, either that or he has slowed down for me! Hmm I know he said he was tired, but I think its because of my bike! Just an altogether better ride. Every Traffic light I was more or less behind him, the only one that I didn't quite manage was the first set at Keston Mark, but I wasn't far behind him. I knew the route, but I also know my sense of direction, and somewhere on this Croydon road we will be turning right, but they all seemed the same to me, so it was just as well I was keeping up with his twinkling lights!!
It really did feel like it was an easy ride, neither of us looked as if we were pushing ourselves, and before long were where turning right on to Westmoreland Road! The hill here normally gets me blowing a bit, but not today. "Oh, wow, surely I haven't got fitter over night" I thought to myself. Then we were turning left to go through Bromley, up hill! Now this one really does have me blowing out my backside! It maybe short but its steep, and I have to make sure that I don't cycle in the bus lane like I did last time, I'm sure I was holding up a bus on the last ride up here!
There I was riding up the hill, and this little ditty that has been in my head since Keston is still going round my head. It is keeping time for my legs to keep on peddling up hill, the ditty is "Keep on peddling, keep on peddling, keep on peddling, peddle power!" This kept me going, believe it on not. I wasn't even glaring daggers at the Old Boy today, the whole ride so far was.......easy! I am going to have to push myself harder, go up a gear on my bike and work harder! Or we are going to have to find harder routes, with more hills!
Going through the high street, slowly of course, we both feel we have done this route quicker than we did last time. I am not feeling exhausted or anything. It feels like a pleasure ride. On through Bromley Hill, still just a leisurely pace, I should have pushed myself, but, but......well no excuses, I should have pushed myself. BUT I was going as fast as the road would allow me to go safely! That is important as well.
Turning right onto London Lane, and today is when I noticed that you are not actually allowed a right turn here. So I used the pedestrian crossings to get over, I'm sure last time I rode my bike on the wrong side of the road, luckily there wasn't any traffic coming from London Lane then!
Today the Old Boy stayed on the road and we negotiated the roundabout and rode straight into Plaistow Lane. So much better than getting of the bike and walking, and getting back on and waiting for a space to ride again.
The ride home was just enjoyable. I know I should have pushed harder, we were soon on to Blackbrook lane. This is a lovely road to ride on, smooth virtually all the way, and I peddled in a slightly harder gear to get to the end. The I saw the Old Boy turn left into Southborough instead of going straight over to ride through the park, but today, I didn't care I was quite looking forward to tackling the hill, give myself a least a bit of workout this evening!
So up the hill we went! The same little ditty going through my mined, "Keep on peddling, keep on peddling, keep on peddling, peddle power!" Did it! I cant remember if I groaned a bit, I know I was looking out for that jogger that over took me last time! I'm sure I did moan, just before the crest, but, wow!! Is it the bike, or is it me!! I would so love it if it was me!!
We turned left at Nightingale Lane and headed off home, talking about the teething problems on our new bikes. The gears not quite 'getting into place' or maybe its us that are not quite used to changing the gears just yet.
Reached home, stopped the Garmin and so for the geeky stats. And have you noticed that if I wear the heart rate monitor it shows calories burned as a lot less than if I didn't wear it. So who knows, what the calorie burn up on a ride like this is.
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Sunday, 30 January 2011
What If I kept On Running?
Hi blog readers.
Well today I went out running. It seems to be an age since I last did any sort of running, and my goal that I set my self this month is most certainly not going to be achieved!
After church I threw in some washing, and a quick clean up of the kitchen before I got changed to go running. I texted Naggy to see if she was coming, but she had already made arrangements to go to a friends house, but as she told me she was going to be running first thing this morning, there was no need to tell her off for not running today.
As it was a solo run I got my toonz plugged into my ears. The new earphones are much better than the 'over the head' ones that I have been using, and it cut off all the outside world, so it was just me and my run. Oh don't worry, I make sure I am very vigilante when crossing roads, always stop and look, never just run out, not when I have my earphones in.
It was quite cold out, and it took my breath away, but I knew I would soon warm up. I have noticed my breathing is all over the place again. The cycling is good, and it gives you a good work out, without all the impact on your joints, but the running is so much harder. Hollingworth Hill was a struggle today, I know I have ran up here in one go before, but today I just couldn't manage it, but I made sure I only stopped for about 5 steps, took a deep breath and carried on.
I tried and tried to not stop but I just couldn't do it. The Old Boy and Naggy tell me that its all in my head, in fact they both sat at my table once a discussed me, while I was sat there with them and how its all in my head that I can't get the whole way round. I don't know what it is, but the jogging/walking thing has stuck in my head and that, at the moment is how I am getting around these routes.
I was soon into Petts wood, I like to run pass the Daylight Inn, showing off to all those unhealthy smokers outside, but today I couldn't even manage that, I did have one of my mini challenges before then, i.e. I was 'racing' a walker, and I needed to get passed him before he got to the parked car, (which I am pleased to say I did) but that did puff me out before I got to the pub. I was quite relieved that there was no smokers outside today, its not a good advert for getting fit to see a jogger walking along looking exhausted!
From the Pub I ran to the walk over bridge, and walked over the bridge! Usually there are people on here when I get to here, which is why I generally walk over, but today there wasn't, but I still walked. Lazy mare!! I gave myself a telling off and then carried on running, to the main road and crossed over to head down Southborough Lane.
I like running down here, I seem to pick up speed, or it may just 'feel' like it, but running down hill really gives you an ego boost and makes you feel like a proper runner! Another stop or two before I get to the second Oxhawth, with a firm telling off, and even a little whimper that I just can't run the whole way. Pathetic, I know! But running down Oxhawth composing myself, a wet face, tears probably, but also because it was cold and it always gets my eyes watering, determined to get to the beginning of the hill before I even think about stopping again, if I even do stop! But then a car stopped and caught my eye. It was Naggy herself.
"Oh, you're running already" she says to me, and then promptly gets a toot from the car behind. She stopped in the middle of the road! She pulled over and I went over for a quick chat. "How you doing so far" she asked, "Not too bad" I said as I looked at the Garmin, "Oh that is pretty good" she said as she noticed the time, I stopped the Garmin after about a minute of chatting to her, and we caught up on stuff that happened over the past couple of days. Then I found out that she never actually went running this morning, she was doing what I am going to do as soon as I finished my run, housework! I was cooling down pretty quickly chatting to Naggy, and my garmin had thought I had gone to sleep altogether as it wanted to 'power down'.
So after a few more minutes we said our goodbyes and I started my Garmin again and tried to run Oh my goodness I really did cool down, my legs had stiffened up, I was moving like I was an eighty year old!! Why didn't I keep moving at least while I was chatting to her, bending knees, or stretching, or in fact, just run on with a quick wave. but you know what women are like! Love to chat, especially me! Well, you can tell by my blogs. I kept trying to move a little quicker, but my legs just refused to go any faster, I needed to warm up again! I decided I would use this last little incline to push hard and get myself warmed up again, before getting to the 'Road That I dare Not Stop On'
I got to the top and headed on down, my legs were warming up again and I could move a little better. Now, concentrate Old Girl, "And get your ass down this road". I ran as fast as I dare, I knew I wasn't allowing myself to stop on this part of the route, I knew that there was still just over about a quarter of a mile to go and I didn't want to burn myself out.
All the way now, I was totally focused on getting home, I picked up some speed just before I turned onto my road (I am getting braver) and just run like mad down the road, up my path and stopped the Garmin (officially) "Blimey Old Girl" I thought, "If you didn't stop for a chin wag...."
Well who knows eh? Maybe I would have been slower on the non stop road, or maybe not, but I totally blame Naggy for stopping me..........and me...... as I have always said, I am one of lifes lazy people, any excuse really and I will stop! Got to get tough on me. And besides, there was so much to talk about, couldn't have done that all by text or facebook chat!
So geeky stats, and you will notice the elapsed time and the moving time etc, so you can see how long me and Naggy chatted for!
Well today I went out running. It seems to be an age since I last did any sort of running, and my goal that I set my self this month is most certainly not going to be achieved!
After church I threw in some washing, and a quick clean up of the kitchen before I got changed to go running. I texted Naggy to see if she was coming, but she had already made arrangements to go to a friends house, but as she told me she was going to be running first thing this morning, there was no need to tell her off for not running today.
As it was a solo run I got my toonz plugged into my ears. The new earphones are much better than the 'over the head' ones that I have been using, and it cut off all the outside world, so it was just me and my run. Oh don't worry, I make sure I am very vigilante when crossing roads, always stop and look, never just run out, not when I have my earphones in.
It was quite cold out, and it took my breath away, but I knew I would soon warm up. I have noticed my breathing is all over the place again. The cycling is good, and it gives you a good work out, without all the impact on your joints, but the running is so much harder. Hollingworth Hill was a struggle today, I know I have ran up here in one go before, but today I just couldn't manage it, but I made sure I only stopped for about 5 steps, took a deep breath and carried on.
I tried and tried to not stop but I just couldn't do it. The Old Boy and Naggy tell me that its all in my head, in fact they both sat at my table once a discussed me, while I was sat there with them and how its all in my head that I can't get the whole way round. I don't know what it is, but the jogging/walking thing has stuck in my head and that, at the moment is how I am getting around these routes.
I was soon into Petts wood, I like to run pass the Daylight Inn, showing off to all those unhealthy smokers outside, but today I couldn't even manage that, I did have one of my mini challenges before then, i.e. I was 'racing' a walker, and I needed to get passed him before he got to the parked car, (which I am pleased to say I did) but that did puff me out before I got to the pub. I was quite relieved that there was no smokers outside today, its not a good advert for getting fit to see a jogger walking along looking exhausted!
From the Pub I ran to the walk over bridge, and walked over the bridge! Usually there are people on here when I get to here, which is why I generally walk over, but today there wasn't, but I still walked. Lazy mare!! I gave myself a telling off and then carried on running, to the main road and crossed over to head down Southborough Lane.
I like running down here, I seem to pick up speed, or it may just 'feel' like it, but running down hill really gives you an ego boost and makes you feel like a proper runner! Another stop or two before I get to the second Oxhawth, with a firm telling off, and even a little whimper that I just can't run the whole way. Pathetic, I know! But running down Oxhawth composing myself, a wet face, tears probably, but also because it was cold and it always gets my eyes watering, determined to get to the beginning of the hill before I even think about stopping again, if I even do stop! But then a car stopped and caught my eye. It was Naggy herself.
"Oh, you're running already" she says to me, and then promptly gets a toot from the car behind. She stopped in the middle of the road! She pulled over and I went over for a quick chat. "How you doing so far" she asked, "Not too bad" I said as I looked at the Garmin, "Oh that is pretty good" she said as she noticed the time, I stopped the Garmin after about a minute of chatting to her, and we caught up on stuff that happened over the past couple of days. Then I found out that she never actually went running this morning, she was doing what I am going to do as soon as I finished my run, housework! I was cooling down pretty quickly chatting to Naggy, and my garmin had thought I had gone to sleep altogether as it wanted to 'power down'.
So after a few more minutes we said our goodbyes and I started my Garmin again and tried to run Oh my goodness I really did cool down, my legs had stiffened up, I was moving like I was an eighty year old!! Why didn't I keep moving at least while I was chatting to her, bending knees, or stretching, or in fact, just run on with a quick wave. but you know what women are like! Love to chat, especially me! Well, you can tell by my blogs. I kept trying to move a little quicker, but my legs just refused to go any faster, I needed to warm up again! I decided I would use this last little incline to push hard and get myself warmed up again, before getting to the 'Road That I dare Not Stop On'
I got to the top and headed on down, my legs were warming up again and I could move a little better. Now, concentrate Old Girl, "And get your ass down this road". I ran as fast as I dare, I knew I wasn't allowing myself to stop on this part of the route, I knew that there was still just over about a quarter of a mile to go and I didn't want to burn myself out.
All the way now, I was totally focused on getting home, I picked up some speed just before I turned onto my road (I am getting braver) and just run like mad down the road, up my path and stopped the Garmin (officially) "Blimey Old Girl" I thought, "If you didn't stop for a chin wag...."
Well who knows eh? Maybe I would have been slower on the non stop road, or maybe not, but I totally blame Naggy for stopping me..........and me...... as I have always said, I am one of lifes lazy people, any excuse really and I will stop! Got to get tough on me. And besides, there was so much to talk about, couldn't have done that all by text or facebook chat!
So geeky stats, and you will notice the elapsed time and the moving time etc, so you can see how long me and Naggy chatted for!
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Hello blog lovers.
Well the Old Boy has again done what he promised and bought this Old Girl a new bike!
I didn't realise it was all so complicated and confusing to buy a bike. I just look at a bike and say "I want that bike in white thanks," but it's not as simple as that. There is the size to figure out, the style of bike, either a cross bar or the ladies style, a step through type. Then there is the reach, and the leg position on peddles. Then there's mountain bikes, and road bikes, and racers, and hybrids, and different handle bars, and gears and number of gears. On top of all that it has to suit the Old Boys pocket!
I eventually found a bike after looking in bike shops in Biggin Hill, Hayes and two more in Bromley! I ended up getting the bike that I first saw last Thursday!! I know all you girls can relate to that (or is that just me?)
It was too late to go for any sort of pleasure ride with the Old Boy, because we were in the car and he had to drive home while I rode home on my new bike. Once home though, we cooed and arred over the new arrival, then we started to compare his bike to mine, and who had the bestest and whose is the cleanest and whose can go the fastest, you know the sort of thing. I think we came to the conclusion that it still takes a rider to get the best out of the bike.
"Come on then" says the Old Boy, "lets get out for a quick 10 miler" I was more than keen, as my bike had brand new blinking lights too! "We'll go down to Greenstreetgreen" he says, but by the time we had got our gear on the Old Boy had changed his mind, he said something about Farnborough Village as well. Of course me not being the greatest navigator in the world, and I have never really paid any attention when we have been in the car as to what way we were going, I presumed that we are still going to GreenstreetGreen and then on to Farnborough from there.
Going up the A21 I kept up with the Old Boy, I was getting used to the gearing and the way I have to change gear, but soon the hill slowed me down a bit. I kept on going, I could see the Old Boys blinking lights, and even saw another cyclist overtake him just as he over took me. So I kept my head down, and just peddled and peddled. Just after the last roundabout before GreenstreetGreen I had to pull over because I had a phone call. By this time I couldn't see the Old Boys lights and I presumed it was him anyway, and he was waiting by the Rose and Crown for, wondering if I was ok. But, that is not how it was. The Old Boy had turned off by Starts hill and was indeed heading up to Farnborough Village! I had got it wrong! There is obvisouly not a way to get to Farnborough from GreenStreetgreen, and he had been through the Villiage and passed the pubs, and back again to the traffic lights to find me. Now as I am writing this he is still moaning that I don't listen! And that I got it wrong. Hmm, well maybe! Or he should have made his self clearer!
Now that I know we are not going to Farnborough Village there is only one way home, and that is up hills. Either Crofton Road, or Knoll Rise, or Perry Hall or Poverest!! Oh, well, at least I can test the gears out on this bike, and at least it will put to rest the argument that it is indeed power and not gearing that gets you up the hills! I still have to peddle, it's me that has to do all the work, no matter what sort of bike is underneath my tenderised bottom!
The Old Boy said that we should go up PerryHall lane! My nemesis, (one of many I might add) and this will be a test. So far I have never got up this in one go, or two goes, in fact I usually walk it! So lets see if I have got fitter! I could hear the Old Boy behind me as we go up just a slight incline "Is this it, is this what you been moaning about?" I told him that we not got there yet, just up a little bit more and then there it was. Rising up high. I can feel the hill as I begin the ascent, "This is a pimple" says the Old Boy, But I know that this hill wants me to fail, it wants me to get off and walk on its pavements, and have another little laugh at the Old girl as she trys to get fitter!
To my surprise I passed the place where I first stopped, I passed the second place that I stopped and kept going, it was hurting, my legs where screaming at me to stop, I could see the roundabout up the top, "I just want to get there, just to the round about, and I will be happier." I said to myself. The Old Boy decided to be behind me as we tackled this hill, I knew that he would be watching me, seeing if I am fitter, seeing if it can do it.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I made it to the round about and then had to get off! There was no way I could have negotiated that as well, my legs were hurting me. But I had got to the place I said I wanted to, maybe if this roundabout wasn't here I could have kept going. The Old Boy just looked at me, tutted and shook his head, and then carried on. I walked over to the other side of the road, found a safe place to put the bike on the road again and then finished the hill!! One stop on the dreaded hill, yes, I am pleased with that.
I overtook the Old Boy again and continued to lead, but as I have already mentioned I am not very good at navigating, or remembering routes, and now this route is in the dark, I did get a little lost. "Why you heading to Chislehurst" says the Old Boy. "Oh should we have turned left there" I says. The Old Boy just raised his eyebrows again and said "Thats ok, we can go this way and maybe do Summer Hill, or we could go through PettsWood" You can guess which one I opted for!
When I realised where were were, I was thinking that we were going to go back to the orignal route, over the walking bridge, straight down the road and turn left in to Oxhawth. But the Old Boy had other ideas, as he was in the lead again. We went through the high street, turned right to the roundabout and right again and went through Pettswood on the other side. He went straight down Southborough and passed both Oxhawths and turned left when we got to the first pub to go through the park!!
A pleasant ride! An enjoyable ride, and a very good test for the new bike!
Yup, I think I like this bike, and I am sure it is going to help in getting me fit!
Geeky stats for test ride, and I have even included a picture of me on my new bike!

Well the Old Boy has again done what he promised and bought this Old Girl a new bike!
I didn't realise it was all so complicated and confusing to buy a bike. I just look at a bike and say "I want that bike in white thanks," but it's not as simple as that. There is the size to figure out, the style of bike, either a cross bar or the ladies style, a step through type. Then there is the reach, and the leg position on peddles. Then there's mountain bikes, and road bikes, and racers, and hybrids, and different handle bars, and gears and number of gears. On top of all that it has to suit the Old Boys pocket!
I eventually found a bike after looking in bike shops in Biggin Hill, Hayes and two more in Bromley! I ended up getting the bike that I first saw last Thursday!! I know all you girls can relate to that (or is that just me?)
It was too late to go for any sort of pleasure ride with the Old Boy, because we were in the car and he had to drive home while I rode home on my new bike. Once home though, we cooed and arred over the new arrival, then we started to compare his bike to mine, and who had the bestest and whose is the cleanest and whose can go the fastest, you know the sort of thing. I think we came to the conclusion that it still takes a rider to get the best out of the bike.
"Come on then" says the Old Boy, "lets get out for a quick 10 miler" I was more than keen, as my bike had brand new blinking lights too! "We'll go down to Greenstreetgreen" he says, but by the time we had got our gear on the Old Boy had changed his mind, he said something about Farnborough Village as well. Of course me not being the greatest navigator in the world, and I have never really paid any attention when we have been in the car as to what way we were going, I presumed that we are still going to GreenstreetGreen and then on to Farnborough from there.
Going up the A21 I kept up with the Old Boy, I was getting used to the gearing and the way I have to change gear, but soon the hill slowed me down a bit. I kept on going, I could see the Old Boys blinking lights, and even saw another cyclist overtake him just as he over took me. So I kept my head down, and just peddled and peddled. Just after the last roundabout before GreenstreetGreen I had to pull over because I had a phone call. By this time I couldn't see the Old Boys lights and I presumed it was him anyway, and he was waiting by the Rose and Crown for, wondering if I was ok. But, that is not how it was. The Old Boy had turned off by Starts hill and was indeed heading up to Farnborough Village! I had got it wrong! There is obvisouly not a way to get to Farnborough from GreenStreetgreen, and he had been through the Villiage and passed the pubs, and back again to the traffic lights to find me. Now as I am writing this he is still moaning that I don't listen! And that I got it wrong. Hmm, well maybe! Or he should have made his self clearer!
Now that I know we are not going to Farnborough Village there is only one way home, and that is up hills. Either Crofton Road, or Knoll Rise, or Perry Hall or Poverest!! Oh, well, at least I can test the gears out on this bike, and at least it will put to rest the argument that it is indeed power and not gearing that gets you up the hills! I still have to peddle, it's me that has to do all the work, no matter what sort of bike is underneath my tenderised bottom!
The Old Boy said that we should go up PerryHall lane! My nemesis, (one of many I might add) and this will be a test. So far I have never got up this in one go, or two goes, in fact I usually walk it! So lets see if I have got fitter! I could hear the Old Boy behind me as we go up just a slight incline "Is this it, is this what you been moaning about?" I told him that we not got there yet, just up a little bit more and then there it was. Rising up high. I can feel the hill as I begin the ascent, "This is a pimple" says the Old Boy, But I know that this hill wants me to fail, it wants me to get off and walk on its pavements, and have another little laugh at the Old girl as she trys to get fitter!
To my surprise I passed the place where I first stopped, I passed the second place that I stopped and kept going, it was hurting, my legs where screaming at me to stop, I could see the roundabout up the top, "I just want to get there, just to the round about, and I will be happier." I said to myself. The Old Boy decided to be behind me as we tackled this hill, I knew that he would be watching me, seeing if I am fitter, seeing if it can do it.
Yes. Yes. Yes. I made it to the round about and then had to get off! There was no way I could have negotiated that as well, my legs were hurting me. But I had got to the place I said I wanted to, maybe if this roundabout wasn't here I could have kept going. The Old Boy just looked at me, tutted and shook his head, and then carried on. I walked over to the other side of the road, found a safe place to put the bike on the road again and then finished the hill!! One stop on the dreaded hill, yes, I am pleased with that.
I overtook the Old Boy again and continued to lead, but as I have already mentioned I am not very good at navigating, or remembering routes, and now this route is in the dark, I did get a little lost. "Why you heading to Chislehurst" says the Old Boy. "Oh should we have turned left there" I says. The Old Boy just raised his eyebrows again and said "Thats ok, we can go this way and maybe do Summer Hill, or we could go through PettsWood" You can guess which one I opted for!
When I realised where were were, I was thinking that we were going to go back to the orignal route, over the walking bridge, straight down the road and turn left in to Oxhawth. But the Old Boy had other ideas, as he was in the lead again. We went through the high street, turned right to the roundabout and right again and went through Pettswood on the other side. He went straight down Southborough and passed both Oxhawths and turned left when we got to the first pub to go through the park!!
A pleasant ride! An enjoyable ride, and a very good test for the new bike!
Yup, I think I like this bike, and I am sure it is going to help in getting me fit!
Geeky stats for test ride, and I have even included a picture of me on my new bike!

Friday, 28 January 2011
My Ride Today!
Hello Blog readers.
I know it says my ride today, but this blog is actually about yesterday. I am writing it now, because I didn't have time to write it last night. There still maybe another blog coming about today's exercise, but we shall just have to see about that.
The Old Boy asked me to map out my own route, rather that one that he has chosen, and since looking at some new bikes, and seeing how light they are, and how light the Old Boys bike is, I thought I would do a fairly easy route, until I get my new bike that is.
So I decided to do one of my routes that I have done before, but only in the opposite direction. Its about 10 miles, well it was until the Old Boy stuck on another mile or so at the end! Its the route that I take up to the second pub that I use to pop into for my lunch, only there won't be any stopping tonight.
We set off and it is bitterly cold. My fingers I'm sure were being stuck to the brakes, like your tongue did on ice lollies when you were a child! Not only that, there is a head wind coming at us, urging us to go back home, stopping us from wanting to go out. "These are the days when you have a good ride" says the Old Boy. My goodness, what is he on about! "Eh?" I says to him. "You know, the days when you don't really want to go out, its cold and its horrible, but you end up having a good work out" I just looked at him, tears streaming down my face through the cold, snot coming out of my nose and my hands welded to the handlebars, "Really" I says.
But we push on. I am looking forward to going down Perry Hall lane, those few times of going up this road, or trying to go up knoll rise, has really made me hate hills. So to ride on this road without stopping, its like I have conquered it!, (even if I am going down it) I can smile and ride on this road and say, "there, I haven't stop, take that you gradient hill!"
But the Old Boy thinks this is still going to be a very hilly ride. I know there is going to be some hills, because when I have been riding the other direction then I have had to go up hills, and then come down them, but they don't look or feel as steep as that dreaded Perry Hall lane. These are do-able in my mind. Not a problem. (I hope)
The wind seemed to be at us, even when we changed direction, always in my face, making me blind with my tears. I squeeze my eyes shut as tightly as I can but as quickly as I can, it really helps that you can see where you are going while on a bike! The tears disappear for a short while. I have noticed my hands warming up now, unless the have just fallen off. And I know I am warm in my coat, but my legs are so cold.
Perry Hall lane soon comes, and flying down it, now that's more like it, speed on Perry hall lane, yippee! All the way down to the one way system, but those darn tears are blinding me again now, what with the cold and now the speed! But it felt good. Through the high street, there was such a lot of traffic about, and all the cars seem to take up my space on the road! How dare they. All I need is a space to ride my bike, but they seem to have taken that up with their big petrol guzzling, pollution making lazy machines! don't they know who I am? tut.
"Go on the pavement" says the Old Boy, I think he had enough of eating the exhausts from the cars too. So we rode on the pavement, not fast, but definitely faster than those smelly cars! We soon got to the memorial and across the roundabout, and was heading up hill. Yes, it is a hilly route, and I am remembering all the down hills that are in this route going the other way, but, they are still do-able, they are still more easier that riding up Perryhall, definitely! I am sure of it!?
We soon get to Greenstreetgreen, and the Old Boy says to go on the cycle path, rather than ride on the road. Now I remember the cycle path on the other side of the road. It was bumpy, and puddle ridden and dark. "is there a cycle path that side" I said to him, hoping that there wasn't "Yeah, I have seen people riding on there" he says. Round the roudnabout, through the pub car park and on to the cycle path. I am begining to think the Old Boy is secretly scared of riding on roads, but to my surprise this side of the road the path was quite good, hardly any tree route bumps, or puddles, in fact it was quite a smooth ride. "Oh Wow, this is better" I said to the Old Boy, "Yes" he said "And I'm sure its lighter as well." It did look brighter on this side of the road.
And now for the climb up towards Bromley. I do like coming down this way, and I do seem to cruise down for quite a while, going in the other direction, and now I am thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea of mine to ride in the other direction! But we got there, and some more lovely rides down. Of course I was expected to turn right at the bus garage and the go up PrincesPlain road, and then turnaround lamppost and home. But the Old Boy said, "We can't just leave it there, we need to go at least to the bottom of the road, and then turn right by the Crown" he says. I agreed, muttering under my breath. Well I'm out, its not that far home now, might as well go for it.
We get to the Crown and the Old Boy is in front of me, I think he is showing off, because I did over take him while we were on the A21, when he said he was 'waiting' for me again, chuckle. I expect he will keep an eye out for me though. Up and up Southborough Lane now, but there is no way I am going into Petts Wood. My legs are beginning to hurt or ache, or complain, or it could be that its all psychological (spell check again) but I really didn't feel it was necessary going to Petts Wood tonight.
There were quite a lot of joggers about, heading towards me, they were running down the hill, but I spied one going in the opposite direction, "I shall catch her up, this can be a little mini workout" I thought to my self. I peddled like mad up the incline getting nearer and nearer to the jogger. "Blimey, she likes her running" I thought. I managed to get up next to her, I gave her a quick sidewards glance, but she was totally in the zone and didn't notice me, and then I rode on by. But the hill was getting slightly steeper, my peddling was getting slower, I could see the Old Boy on the other side of the road at top Oxhawth waiting for me. Plodding along on my way, not in any particular rush until, that is, the jogger came up beside me and was overtaking me! "No way, no way!" I thought to myself, "Not with the Old Boy watching me as well I bet she done that on purpose" And so I peddled like mad up hill, slowly catching up to her, it was hard work (and please, no falling about laughing from those cyclists who overtake other cyclists, remember I have only just started doing this!)and........to be truthful, I only just managed to overtake her before I got to top Oxhawth. But, OH, was I pleased that I did. I would have never have lived it down if I didn't.
"She nearly caught up with you again" the Old Boy said, I think I may have mumbled something. "That was quite a hilly route" he said to me after. I said "well, yes, whats the point of a fitness ride if there is not at least a little challenge" I said with a smile.
Now dinner time!
Geeky stats
I know it says my ride today, but this blog is actually about yesterday. I am writing it now, because I didn't have time to write it last night. There still maybe another blog coming about today's exercise, but we shall just have to see about that.
The Old Boy asked me to map out my own route, rather that one that he has chosen, and since looking at some new bikes, and seeing how light they are, and how light the Old Boys bike is, I thought I would do a fairly easy route, until I get my new bike that is.
So I decided to do one of my routes that I have done before, but only in the opposite direction. Its about 10 miles, well it was until the Old Boy stuck on another mile or so at the end! Its the route that I take up to the second pub that I use to pop into for my lunch, only there won't be any stopping tonight.
We set off and it is bitterly cold. My fingers I'm sure were being stuck to the brakes, like your tongue did on ice lollies when you were a child! Not only that, there is a head wind coming at us, urging us to go back home, stopping us from wanting to go out. "These are the days when you have a good ride" says the Old Boy. My goodness, what is he on about! "Eh?" I says to him. "You know, the days when you don't really want to go out, its cold and its horrible, but you end up having a good work out" I just looked at him, tears streaming down my face through the cold, snot coming out of my nose and my hands welded to the handlebars, "Really" I says.
But we push on. I am looking forward to going down Perry Hall lane, those few times of going up this road, or trying to go up knoll rise, has really made me hate hills. So to ride on this road without stopping, its like I have conquered it!, (even if I am going down it) I can smile and ride on this road and say, "there, I haven't stop, take that you gradient hill!"
But the Old Boy thinks this is still going to be a very hilly ride. I know there is going to be some hills, because when I have been riding the other direction then I have had to go up hills, and then come down them, but they don't look or feel as steep as that dreaded Perry Hall lane. These are do-able in my mind. Not a problem. (I hope)
The wind seemed to be at us, even when we changed direction, always in my face, making me blind with my tears. I squeeze my eyes shut as tightly as I can but as quickly as I can, it really helps that you can see where you are going while on a bike! The tears disappear for a short while. I have noticed my hands warming up now, unless the have just fallen off. And I know I am warm in my coat, but my legs are so cold.
Perry Hall lane soon comes, and flying down it, now that's more like it, speed on Perry hall lane, yippee! All the way down to the one way system, but those darn tears are blinding me again now, what with the cold and now the speed! But it felt good. Through the high street, there was such a lot of traffic about, and all the cars seem to take up my space on the road! How dare they. All I need is a space to ride my bike, but they seem to have taken that up with their big petrol guzzling, pollution making lazy machines! don't they know who I am? tut.
"Go on the pavement" says the Old Boy, I think he had enough of eating the exhausts from the cars too. So we rode on the pavement, not fast, but definitely faster than those smelly cars! We soon got to the memorial and across the roundabout, and was heading up hill. Yes, it is a hilly route, and I am remembering all the down hills that are in this route going the other way, but, they are still do-able, they are still more easier that riding up Perryhall, definitely! I am sure of it!?
We soon get to Greenstreetgreen, and the Old Boy says to go on the cycle path, rather than ride on the road. Now I remember the cycle path on the other side of the road. It was bumpy, and puddle ridden and dark. "is there a cycle path that side" I said to him, hoping that there wasn't "Yeah, I have seen people riding on there" he says. Round the roudnabout, through the pub car park and on to the cycle path. I am begining to think the Old Boy is secretly scared of riding on roads, but to my surprise this side of the road the path was quite good, hardly any tree route bumps, or puddles, in fact it was quite a smooth ride. "Oh Wow, this is better" I said to the Old Boy, "Yes" he said "And I'm sure its lighter as well." It did look brighter on this side of the road.
And now for the climb up towards Bromley. I do like coming down this way, and I do seem to cruise down for quite a while, going in the other direction, and now I am thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea of mine to ride in the other direction! But we got there, and some more lovely rides down. Of course I was expected to turn right at the bus garage and the go up PrincesPlain road, and then turnaround lamppost and home. But the Old Boy said, "We can't just leave it there, we need to go at least to the bottom of the road, and then turn right by the Crown" he says. I agreed, muttering under my breath. Well I'm out, its not that far home now, might as well go for it.
We get to the Crown and the Old Boy is in front of me, I think he is showing off, because I did over take him while we were on the A21, when he said he was 'waiting' for me again, chuckle. I expect he will keep an eye out for me though. Up and up Southborough Lane now, but there is no way I am going into Petts Wood. My legs are beginning to hurt or ache, or complain, or it could be that its all psychological (spell check again) but I really didn't feel it was necessary going to Petts Wood tonight.
There were quite a lot of joggers about, heading towards me, they were running down the hill, but I spied one going in the opposite direction, "I shall catch her up, this can be a little mini workout" I thought to my self. I peddled like mad up the incline getting nearer and nearer to the jogger. "Blimey, she likes her running" I thought. I managed to get up next to her, I gave her a quick sidewards glance, but she was totally in the zone and didn't notice me, and then I rode on by. But the hill was getting slightly steeper, my peddling was getting slower, I could see the Old Boy on the other side of the road at top Oxhawth waiting for me. Plodding along on my way, not in any particular rush until, that is, the jogger came up beside me and was overtaking me! "No way, no way!" I thought to myself, "Not with the Old Boy watching me as well I bet she done that on purpose" And so I peddled like mad up hill, slowly catching up to her, it was hard work (and please, no falling about laughing from those cyclists who overtake other cyclists, remember I have only just started doing this!)and........to be truthful, I only just managed to overtake her before I got to top Oxhawth. But, OH, was I pleased that I did. I would have never have lived it down if I didn't.
"She nearly caught up with you again" the Old Boy said, I think I may have mumbled something. "That was quite a hilly route" he said to me after. I said "well, yes, whats the point of a fitness ride if there is not at least a little challenge" I said with a smile.
Now dinner time!
Geeky stats
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Calm Before The Rest Day
Hello Blogers
I am seriously thinking about starting another blog, one for cycling! I have been doing a lot of it lately, and today hasn't changed, I did more cycling with the Old Boy!
"I just fancy doing an easy ten miles today babe" he says to me. When I mapped out the instructions yesterday, it was 10 point something miles. Quite do-able before dinner, and starting off a bit later, but I was looking forward to it.
We set off, the Old Boy lit up like a christmas tree, with new lights, blinking back and front! Me with my boring non blinking lights, (and I had to change the batteries en route too). The Old Boy headed up towards the usual way, towards turnaround lamppost, but then spun round and headed towards Faringdon. I followed on, being mesmerised by both of his lights.
"So where we going?" I asked him, "The route you mapped out yesterday" he said. "Ok, I shall follow you then" And so we were off.
I thought he was going to go up Hollingworth, that is a steep hill, but its all over and done with in a couple of minutes, but he decided to go down to the next right turn and do the slightly less steeper hill, but it does go on for a bit longer. I'm glad its not rain out, although it was earlier, and the ground is wet with puddles in the kerbs.
We rode up Crofton and then turned right towards Locksbottom. This is the route I have done a few times by myself, but usually in the day time! The Old Boy is a lot faster than me, I'm not sure if its his bike with the millions of gears, or if its because he is stronger than me, or if its just because I ride at a snails pace, but he has to wait for me to catch up! I like to think its because he has to have a rest!
I managed to get up to Locksbottom, and we are heading straight over. I was already In the right lane, the Old boy wasn't, well he had pulled over to wait for me! From here it is a really pleasant ride, well, when I say pleasant, the hills are not too bad, but the road!! It's full of potholes, and breaks, and bumps, and dips, and puddles! My bottom has be tenderised!
It's just a long road that we are following, no right or left turns yet, and down hill as well. It certainly is an easy ride today, in readiness for tomorrows rest day, well for him, I am hoping to get a run in first thing in the morning! It was a long road, uneventful, nothing to write home about, or blog about. And the we turned right, and then a left, into Tiepegs Road. A weird name I thought, I wonder if it has any reason why its called that?
I can remember, another hill, and I'm sure this is where I had to change batteries. I wish the Garmin site was up and running, since I have been using the Garmin I can follow my route, and remember what I was thinking. Oh well, back to the old days, and use the old grey matter again.
We were cycling up Westmorland road but then he turned off and headed towards Bromley south, and up that hill. But instead of turning right and headed off home, he turns left and heads on back towards Bromley. Where the flippin nora is he going!
We were going the same way we did yesterday, down London Lane and then head towards Plastow Lane. More hills. Oh well, its a rest day tomorrow! I shall have earned my rest day! Hills to ride up and come down. Thank goodness it's still not raining. We soon came to Southborogh Lane. But instead of going straight across, the way that I mapped it out yestereday, the Old boy heads off up to PettsWood. "Where the f....flippin heck is he going?" I just followed on. Not liking this heading up towards PettsWood business, one bit, but maybe he will turn down Oxhawth and head on home from there. But OH NO! Straight past Oxhawth, and the second one. That's where a little ditty popped into my mind, and I'm sorry people, but I'm too much of a lady, and not going to repeat what I was saying, in fact I am going to wash my mind out with soap!
Up the hill to Pettswood, we ride, up another flamin hill, why would he do that to me, why, why. Has he not done enough for today?!! But I keep following, no stopping, I don't want to give him the satisfaction! Besides, the expletives coming from me is very therapeutic!
"You did that really well" he said to me, I just glared at him before I said "Why did you just make me do that hill, I thought we were going through the park?" "Well, I thought you could do with a little bit extra as we are having a rest day tomorrow"
A nice gentle ride home now. Not bombing it, just slowly going home, easy on the legs.
Stop the Garmin, after the Old Boy reminded me, yet again. So the stats are:-
I am seriously thinking about starting another blog, one for cycling! I have been doing a lot of it lately, and today hasn't changed, I did more cycling with the Old Boy!
"I just fancy doing an easy ten miles today babe" he says to me. When I mapped out the instructions yesterday, it was 10 point something miles. Quite do-able before dinner, and starting off a bit later, but I was looking forward to it.
We set off, the Old Boy lit up like a christmas tree, with new lights, blinking back and front! Me with my boring non blinking lights, (and I had to change the batteries en route too). The Old Boy headed up towards the usual way, towards turnaround lamppost, but then spun round and headed towards Faringdon. I followed on, being mesmerised by both of his lights.
"So where we going?" I asked him, "The route you mapped out yesterday" he said. "Ok, I shall follow you then" And so we were off.
I thought he was going to go up Hollingworth, that is a steep hill, but its all over and done with in a couple of minutes, but he decided to go down to the next right turn and do the slightly less steeper hill, but it does go on for a bit longer. I'm glad its not rain out, although it was earlier, and the ground is wet with puddles in the kerbs.
We rode up Crofton and then turned right towards Locksbottom. This is the route I have done a few times by myself, but usually in the day time! The Old Boy is a lot faster than me, I'm not sure if its his bike with the millions of gears, or if its because he is stronger than me, or if its just because I ride at a snails pace, but he has to wait for me to catch up! I like to think its because he has to have a rest!
I managed to get up to Locksbottom, and we are heading straight over. I was already In the right lane, the Old boy wasn't, well he had pulled over to wait for me! From here it is a really pleasant ride, well, when I say pleasant, the hills are not too bad, but the road!! It's full of potholes, and breaks, and bumps, and dips, and puddles! My bottom has be tenderised!
It's just a long road that we are following, no right or left turns yet, and down hill as well. It certainly is an easy ride today, in readiness for tomorrows rest day, well for him, I am hoping to get a run in first thing in the morning! It was a long road, uneventful, nothing to write home about, or blog about. And the we turned right, and then a left, into Tiepegs Road. A weird name I thought, I wonder if it has any reason why its called that?
I can remember, another hill, and I'm sure this is where I had to change batteries. I wish the Garmin site was up and running, since I have been using the Garmin I can follow my route, and remember what I was thinking. Oh well, back to the old days, and use the old grey matter again.
We were cycling up Westmorland road but then he turned off and headed towards Bromley south, and up that hill. But instead of turning right and headed off home, he turns left and heads on back towards Bromley. Where the flippin nora is he going!
We were going the same way we did yesterday, down London Lane and then head towards Plastow Lane. More hills. Oh well, its a rest day tomorrow! I shall have earned my rest day! Hills to ride up and come down. Thank goodness it's still not raining. We soon came to Southborogh Lane. But instead of going straight across, the way that I mapped it out yestereday, the Old boy heads off up to PettsWood. "Where the f....flippin heck is he going?" I just followed on. Not liking this heading up towards PettsWood business, one bit, but maybe he will turn down Oxhawth and head on home from there. But OH NO! Straight past Oxhawth, and the second one. That's where a little ditty popped into my mind, and I'm sorry people, but I'm too much of a lady, and not going to repeat what I was saying, in fact I am going to wash my mind out with soap!
Up the hill to Pettswood, we ride, up another flamin hill, why would he do that to me, why, why. Has he not done enough for today?!! But I keep following, no stopping, I don't want to give him the satisfaction! Besides, the expletives coming from me is very therapeutic!
"You did that really well" he said to me, I just glared at him before I said "Why did you just make me do that hill, I thought we were going through the park?" "Well, I thought you could do with a little bit extra as we are having a rest day tomorrow"
A nice gentle ride home now. Not bombing it, just slowly going home, easy on the legs.
Stop the Garmin, after the Old Boy reminded me, yet again. So the stats are:-
Monday, 24 January 2011
Please Summer, Get Here Soon!
Hello Blog lovers.
What a ride that was today! In the words of Jeremy Clarkson, "It was a wet lap"
I had a bit of a weekend, and I was totally bushed. I didn't even get out for my usual Sunday run after church! I really was very tired indeed!
I wasn't quite my usual bubbly self first thing this morning, as the little lads mum noticed. I do try not to look too scary for the kids first thing in the mornings, but sometimes fail miserably! But after a pleasant day looking after the little lad, and no school run, I felt ok for a 10 miler with the Old Boy.
We set off, and it was rather chilly, but we were both wrapped up nice and warmly, the Old Boy with his woolly hat on. We rode down to turn around lamppost and beyond, towards Keston. "We are going to ride straight up, past the Ponds, and the do a right" the Old Boy informs me. Now I know most of you who read this know the route, and the route is one long huge, long huge, did I say long huge hill, up to the ponds and then more! It started raining, (before I even got to the ponds) I really wanted to say to the Old Boy, "Look its raining, how about making it a short ride back home" But he was up ahead of me, I could see his little light blinking away. I had to carry on and try and catch him up.
I crossed over the road at the Keston Mark (well, I still know it as that) by the garage, and the Old Boy was waiting for me. I know why he was waiting, he was wanting to get behind me, to keep me from stopping, to encourage me to get up this f.........lipping hill! As I said to the Old Boy, and as I readily admit to myself and all who ask, I am one of lifes lazy people. I could quite easily sit and watch telly, play on the compter, even do ps2 singstar, and improve my karaoke performances!. It takes determination and motivation to get me off my comfy chair. But I do like riding, I like riding on flat routes, I like riding down hills, and looking at scenery, and stopping for lunches and swift halves. But that is not going to get me fit!
Right moaning done. Like I said, this hill just goes on and on. I had to stop a couple of times. The hill is really that long and that huge. I told the Old boy to go on and I will see him at the top, but, being the gentleman that he is, he waiting for me. I stopped about twice just after the ponds, so not too bad. I kept on going though (until I stopped again). We soon reached the top, I don't know how fast (well slow) I got up the hill, but once at the top it was a beautiful ride down as we turned right. This is part of the road that the Old Boy wanted me to finish when we first picked his bike up. So I know this road is all down hill!
But would you believe I had to stop. Yup, I was going so fast, the rain was coming down, and I was puffing like a steam engine. I had to stop and clear my glasses! It was a fun ride home from here, the rain even eventually stopped. We rode passed the GreyHound pub, and headed on into Hayes, and passed the 'Ribs' restaurant. MMMMM, you gotta love those ribs.
Hayes Lane soon came up, and the hill reminding me that I am not yet fit. Apparently I did the small hill very well, "A good momentum" The Old Boy said. But Hayes Lane, I really had to concentrate on the old breathing, and keeping the legs going. When we got to the top, The Old Boy said the from here, it was going to be straight across to Homesdale, up towards Page Heath Villas (you know, the posh sounding place, but it isn't really) and then on to Blackbrook lane, turn left and up to the very top!
The Old Boy was in front of me as we crossed over the road. I know this route, I have run this road with Naggy, and at the bottom of this road is the hill. The Old Boy was well in front of me, but as I knew where we were heading it didn't bother me, no doubt he will wait for me at the top the hill, to make sure I rode up the whole thing.
Head down and get the hill out of the way. Did it! Turn right into, Page Heath Villas, waiting to see the Old Boy and give him a grin to say that I did it. But the Old Boy wasn't there! I rode on a bit and waiting under the bus stop, maybe he will come back for me, or maybe he was waiting at the top of the hill but somehow missed me!. I waiting for about 5 minutes. "Blooming cheek! The Old Boy has gone on without me" I thought. Well, I guess he knows that I know my way home from here! So I carry on. Not looking forward to going up Southborough Lane without my nagging voice behind me!
On Southborough now, the first part is nice and flat. I ride pass the road that takes me home "Why are you doing that" a little voice comes into my head as I look up towards Petts Wood. And then the incline starts. I start singing to myself in a monotonous, repetitive single tonal way "This is not the bloomin way home, this is not the bloomin way home" All the way to the top. Thoughts of the Old Boy sitting in doors by now, probably cooking dinner, and having a cup of tea ready for me, spurring me on. Done it! All the way! Non stop! I just got to the roundabout, when I heard a voice behind me "Straight on now babe!" It was the Old Boy!
Apparently I had misheard him. I was supposed to have gone on pass Page Heath, up the other side of the hill. The Old Boy did come back and look for me, he even rode down to Tescos to look for me, thinking I may have come off my bike! I think he needs to add on another half a mile or so looking for me (he he he) and extra hill work.
A nice ride home from here, with the Old Boy telling me how he was looking for me, and how eventually saw me when he got on to Blackbrook lane. He caught up with me on Southborough, but kept very quiet. He was waiting for me to stop on this bit and was looking forward to telling me "Don't even think about stopping!" But I spoilt his fun by getting up the whole way!
We were warmed up when we got back, now would that be the weather had warmed up, or we just got used to it, being as we were soaked through!
Geeky stats for you all.
What a ride that was today! In the words of Jeremy Clarkson, "It was a wet lap"
I had a bit of a weekend, and I was totally bushed. I didn't even get out for my usual Sunday run after church! I really was very tired indeed!
I wasn't quite my usual bubbly self first thing this morning, as the little lads mum noticed. I do try not to look too scary for the kids first thing in the mornings, but sometimes fail miserably! But after a pleasant day looking after the little lad, and no school run, I felt ok for a 10 miler with the Old Boy.
We set off, and it was rather chilly, but we were both wrapped up nice and warmly, the Old Boy with his woolly hat on. We rode down to turn around lamppost and beyond, towards Keston. "We are going to ride straight up, past the Ponds, and the do a right" the Old Boy informs me. Now I know most of you who read this know the route, and the route is one long huge, long huge, did I say long huge hill, up to the ponds and then more! It started raining, (before I even got to the ponds) I really wanted to say to the Old Boy, "Look its raining, how about making it a short ride back home" But he was up ahead of me, I could see his little light blinking away. I had to carry on and try and catch him up.
I crossed over the road at the Keston Mark (well, I still know it as that) by the garage, and the Old Boy was waiting for me. I know why he was waiting, he was wanting to get behind me, to keep me from stopping, to encourage me to get up this f.........lipping hill! As I said to the Old Boy, and as I readily admit to myself and all who ask, I am one of lifes lazy people. I could quite easily sit and watch telly, play on the compter, even do ps2 singstar, and improve my karaoke performances!. It takes determination and motivation to get me off my comfy chair. But I do like riding, I like riding on flat routes, I like riding down hills, and looking at scenery, and stopping for lunches and swift halves. But that is not going to get me fit!
Right moaning done. Like I said, this hill just goes on and on. I had to stop a couple of times. The hill is really that long and that huge. I told the Old boy to go on and I will see him at the top, but, being the gentleman that he is, he waiting for me. I stopped about twice just after the ponds, so not too bad. I kept on going though (until I stopped again). We soon reached the top, I don't know how fast (well slow) I got up the hill, but once at the top it was a beautiful ride down as we turned right. This is part of the road that the Old Boy wanted me to finish when we first picked his bike up. So I know this road is all down hill!
But would you believe I had to stop. Yup, I was going so fast, the rain was coming down, and I was puffing like a steam engine. I had to stop and clear my glasses! It was a fun ride home from here, the rain even eventually stopped. We rode passed the GreyHound pub, and headed on into Hayes, and passed the 'Ribs' restaurant. MMMMM, you gotta love those ribs.
Hayes Lane soon came up, and the hill reminding me that I am not yet fit. Apparently I did the small hill very well, "A good momentum" The Old Boy said. But Hayes Lane, I really had to concentrate on the old breathing, and keeping the legs going. When we got to the top, The Old Boy said the from here, it was going to be straight across to Homesdale, up towards Page Heath Villas (you know, the posh sounding place, but it isn't really) and then on to Blackbrook lane, turn left and up to the very top!
The Old Boy was in front of me as we crossed over the road. I know this route, I have run this road with Naggy, and at the bottom of this road is the hill. The Old Boy was well in front of me, but as I knew where we were heading it didn't bother me, no doubt he will wait for me at the top the hill, to make sure I rode up the whole thing.
Head down and get the hill out of the way. Did it! Turn right into, Page Heath Villas, waiting to see the Old Boy and give him a grin to say that I did it. But the Old Boy wasn't there! I rode on a bit and waiting under the bus stop, maybe he will come back for me, or maybe he was waiting at the top of the hill but somehow missed me!. I waiting for about 5 minutes. "Blooming cheek! The Old Boy has gone on without me" I thought. Well, I guess he knows that I know my way home from here! So I carry on. Not looking forward to going up Southborough Lane without my nagging voice behind me!
On Southborough now, the first part is nice and flat. I ride pass the road that takes me home "Why are you doing that" a little voice comes into my head as I look up towards Petts Wood. And then the incline starts. I start singing to myself in a monotonous, repetitive single tonal way "This is not the bloomin way home, this is not the bloomin way home" All the way to the top. Thoughts of the Old Boy sitting in doors by now, probably cooking dinner, and having a cup of tea ready for me, spurring me on. Done it! All the way! Non stop! I just got to the roundabout, when I heard a voice behind me "Straight on now babe!" It was the Old Boy!
Apparently I had misheard him. I was supposed to have gone on pass Page Heath, up the other side of the hill. The Old Boy did come back and look for me, he even rode down to Tescos to look for me, thinking I may have come off my bike! I think he needs to add on another half a mile or so looking for me (he he he) and extra hill work.
A nice ride home from here, with the Old Boy telling me how he was looking for me, and how eventually saw me when he got on to Blackbrook lane. He caught up with me on Southborough, but kept very quiet. He was waiting for me to stop on this bit and was looking forward to telling me "Don't even think about stopping!" But I spoilt his fun by getting up the whole way!
We were warmed up when we got back, now would that be the weather had warmed up, or we just got used to it, being as we were soaked through!
Geeky stats for you all.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Lazy/Busy Pleasure/Pain!!
Hello Blog watchers.
Today me and the Old Boy planned a lovely leisurely ride home from Sevenoaks. This is an alternative route to what the Old Boy had thought of before. He had in mind that we were going to ride home from Tonbridge, up some huge gradient hills, until someone in the know, who loves cycling, said that would be a very, very challenging route! So the Old boy thought about another one, after saying that he could quite easily do the Tonbridge ride!
To get to Sevenoaks we had to ride to Chislehurst Station. This is so that we didn't have to carry the bikes up and over bridges to get on to the platform, we could just ride through and be on the right one.

I didn't start the Garmin from when we left home. I am being quite tough on myself, and said that the ride doesn't start until we get to Sevenoaks. The sky is overcast and it is a little chilly out. It was so much nicer yesterday. Oh well, we are not going to let the weather spoil our lovely ride out today. Our train came in at 12:03 and we got out bikes on and managed not to upset anyone or get in any ones way! Which was one of my worries!
Sitting on the train, the Old boy just looked at his bike, the way he used to look at me. He even had that same smile! all too soon the train ride was over and we got off. Then the Old boy said to me that we have to carry our bikes up the stairs to get out of the station.
I let the Old Boy go up first, in hope that he will come back down and collect mine for me (which he didn't) and I struggled up the flights of stairs. I noticed another cyclists wanting to come down "How nice, he is waiting until I get up first" I thought to my self, but just as got to the top I noticed the lady with a suitcase,that got off the train with us, stepping out of the LIFT which the other cyclists was waiting for! "There's a bloomin lift!" I screeched at the Old boy, "That's the first time I have known that to be working" he says in defence.
Well, that done, can't grumble, we have 16 miles between us and a nice hot cuppa, with a lunch stop en route! So from here is where our journey begins. Here, take a butchers!
Ok, so I'm not looking glamarous, but this is a bike ride you know! We went straight across from the station and headed on towards Bat And Ball (peculiar name, I know) and I was just attempting a slight incline, probably like the incline up the A21, when Nagging Sister called me. Of course, being a woman I can't not answer the phone, I have to know what she wanted. The Old boy didn't notice that I had stopped to take a call. So after a short time I saw the Old Boy appear from the top of the hill as he came back to look for me.
Call done, (Nagging sister suitable impressed by my ride today) we attempted the hill again, (the second time for the Old Boy) and I managed to cycle up the hill, no problem. Onwards through Bat and ball. So far so good. Yes, this is going to be a pleasant ride, unlike the one he originally thought of.
Up now towards Otford. This is a lovely little village, with its own little duckpond in the middle. Here is a picture of it, with me as focal point of course.
Now, for the pain and busy bit. Just after this lovely little village, and the very nice ride to get here so far, there was a hill, and not the little hill that Nagging Sister stopped me from zooming up. Ok not as bad as Old Hill! (although it does look it, to me) but it goes on and on for about 2 miles. 2 miles of steep steep. Of course I didn't make it. I tried, I really did. I even overtook a bus that had parked at the side so I didn't have to stop, but then as I turned the corner (and saw the hill grow even more) some inconsiderate driver just got a little too close to me and I lost my momentum and a little confidence! I did ride up some the hill, just not all of it.
At the crest of the hill I felt elated, because before me was a down hill, it was stretched out, and I couldn't see the end of the gorgeous down hill stretch before me. I just flicked up my gears to the highest and tried to peddle as much as possible. I remember the Old Boy mentioned there was another hill just not as bad as the one we just done. Usually when going down hill I have my hands on the brakes and just giving them a gentle squeeze, but I was enjoying covering this distance and this speed, getting closer to Lunch Land! And by now, I thought I had done enough for a lovely lunch. One more small hill before we reached Eynsford, the place where we are having lunch.
It had just started to rain "Here's a cyclists trick" I said to the Old boy, and I produced at plastic bag from under my seat and covered my seat, "Oh that's a good idea he said and promptly took it me and covered his seat first then stretched what was left over mine!
Lunch was delicious though. We were in 'The Plough' at Eynsford, the Old Boy ordered a couple of diet cokes, but there was a small mistake about the charge for them, the barman had charged for bottle coke instead of draught, but after the Old boy said he could sort it out after as we will be having lunch here, the barman said, "well in that case, pudding is on me" Of course I wasn't planning on having pudding, but after such a super gesture like that how could I refuse!
Now this is the pleasure bit again. After that huge hill, and the small hill, now comes sheer indulgence. The pub is a lovely pub, and we were sat in really comfy seats. The Old boy ordered a salad, and I ordered the linguine. Not too difficult, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that will need the skills of Gordon Ramsey. But we sat there, and sat there, we watched other people eat their lunch, and we sat there. We sat there until 2:30 before our lunch arrived! I didn't mind, but I was rather hungry by then. But when it arrived, mmmm, it was very tasty! Here's a pic of our lunches
We soon finished that, and it was on to the pudding! Unfortunately I was in eating mode by then and forgot to take a picture of the lovely trifle that turned up, (the Old Boy is not a pudding lover)
But because of the time, we had to eat and run. We paid up and went outside to get ready for the rest of the ride home. An hour and half we were there, approximate, but at least the rain had stopped.
Here's a picture of me, locating satellites on my Garmin, (after being reminded to by the Old Boy)

Now, those of you who know Eynsford and can guess the way that the Old Boy had in mind for the route home then you know what is store for me, and those of you who don't take a look at the geeky stats at the end! Just around the corner is where there is a huge hill, not something that you want to be doing just after having a delicious lunch, with pudding. I almost chundered at the sight of it, let alone trying to cycle up it!
You can guess, I didn't quite manage to do that. In fact we were overtaken by another cyclist, who called out rather politely "Lovely day, isn't it" and carried on riding up the hill as it it was nothing. After I stopped the Old boy had his competitive hat on and tried to catch up to the other guy, "I could have got him" he says.
At the peak of this hill is the bridge across the M25. I was exhausted, but I know that we are more that half way home now, so not long now, and the Old Boy did say that was the last big hill before we get home, "well until Poverest" he said with a smile.
We flew down the next couple of hills, it was like a roller coaster at the fair. A hill, then fly down, a smaller hill, then fly down. Then there was Poverest! "You are going to go up this in one go" Says the Old Boy "One go, no stopping" he barked again. "I will try" I said, not very convincingly. And so I did. I got up a very short way before I had to stop "Is that it, is that all you got, I'll give you eat trifle" he said, and he flew up the hill.
I tried again and again. I didn't want to walk up, I wanted to cycle up. so I cycled some and stopped, then cycled again and stopped until I got to the top! "There, I did it, I cylcled!" I said triumphantly to the Old Boy.
From here it was just through PettsWood, quick stop off at the local supermarket and home!
Done it. A very enjoyable afternoon out, with a delicious lunch. Cant wait for the next ride!
Geeky stats. And you will notice that it appears that we jump across peoples gardens again, but that is because I forgot to start the Garmin again after we stopped at the shop!
We got home, and we were both very cold, and the Old Boy said that the old family jewels have hibinated!!!
Today me and the Old Boy planned a lovely leisurely ride home from Sevenoaks. This is an alternative route to what the Old Boy had thought of before. He had in mind that we were going to ride home from Tonbridge, up some huge gradient hills, until someone in the know, who loves cycling, said that would be a very, very challenging route! So the Old boy thought about another one, after saying that he could quite easily do the Tonbridge ride!
To get to Sevenoaks we had to ride to Chislehurst Station. This is so that we didn't have to carry the bikes up and over bridges to get on to the platform, we could just ride through and be on the right one.

I didn't start the Garmin from when we left home. I am being quite tough on myself, and said that the ride doesn't start until we get to Sevenoaks. The sky is overcast and it is a little chilly out. It was so much nicer yesterday. Oh well, we are not going to let the weather spoil our lovely ride out today. Our train came in at 12:03 and we got out bikes on and managed not to upset anyone or get in any ones way! Which was one of my worries!
Sitting on the train, the Old boy just looked at his bike, the way he used to look at me. He even had that same smile! all too soon the train ride was over and we got off. Then the Old boy said to me that we have to carry our bikes up the stairs to get out of the station.
I let the Old Boy go up first, in hope that he will come back down and collect mine for me (which he didn't) and I struggled up the flights of stairs. I noticed another cyclists wanting to come down "How nice, he is waiting until I get up first" I thought to my self, but just as got to the top I noticed the lady with a suitcase,that got off the train with us, stepping out of the LIFT which the other cyclists was waiting for! "There's a bloomin lift!" I screeched at the Old boy, "That's the first time I have known that to be working" he says in defence.
Well, that done, can't grumble, we have 16 miles between us and a nice hot cuppa, with a lunch stop en route! So from here is where our journey begins. Here, take a butchers!

Ok, so I'm not looking glamarous, but this is a bike ride you know! We went straight across from the station and headed on towards Bat And Ball (peculiar name, I know) and I was just attempting a slight incline, probably like the incline up the A21, when Nagging Sister called me. Of course, being a woman I can't not answer the phone, I have to know what she wanted. The Old boy didn't notice that I had stopped to take a call. So after a short time I saw the Old Boy appear from the top of the hill as he came back to look for me.
Call done, (Nagging sister suitable impressed by my ride today) we attempted the hill again, (the second time for the Old Boy) and I managed to cycle up the hill, no problem. Onwards through Bat and ball. So far so good. Yes, this is going to be a pleasant ride, unlike the one he originally thought of.
Up now towards Otford. This is a lovely little village, with its own little duckpond in the middle. Here is a picture of it, with me as focal point of course.

Now, for the pain and busy bit. Just after this lovely little village, and the very nice ride to get here so far, there was a hill, and not the little hill that Nagging Sister stopped me from zooming up. Ok not as bad as Old Hill! (although it does look it, to me) but it goes on and on for about 2 miles. 2 miles of steep steep. Of course I didn't make it. I tried, I really did. I even overtook a bus that had parked at the side so I didn't have to stop, but then as I turned the corner (and saw the hill grow even more) some inconsiderate driver just got a little too close to me and I lost my momentum and a little confidence! I did ride up some the hill, just not all of it.
At the crest of the hill I felt elated, because before me was a down hill, it was stretched out, and I couldn't see the end of the gorgeous down hill stretch before me. I just flicked up my gears to the highest and tried to peddle as much as possible. I remember the Old Boy mentioned there was another hill just not as bad as the one we just done. Usually when going down hill I have my hands on the brakes and just giving them a gentle squeeze, but I was enjoying covering this distance and this speed, getting closer to Lunch Land! And by now, I thought I had done enough for a lovely lunch. One more small hill before we reached Eynsford, the place where we are having lunch.
It had just started to rain "Here's a cyclists trick" I said to the Old boy, and I produced at plastic bag from under my seat and covered my seat, "Oh that's a good idea he said and promptly took it me and covered his seat first then stretched what was left over mine!
Lunch was delicious though. We were in 'The Plough' at Eynsford, the Old Boy ordered a couple of diet cokes, but there was a small mistake about the charge for them, the barman had charged for bottle coke instead of draught, but after the Old boy said he could sort it out after as we will be having lunch here, the barman said, "well in that case, pudding is on me" Of course I wasn't planning on having pudding, but after such a super gesture like that how could I refuse!
Now this is the pleasure bit again. After that huge hill, and the small hill, now comes sheer indulgence. The pub is a lovely pub, and we were sat in really comfy seats. The Old boy ordered a salad, and I ordered the linguine. Not too difficult, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that will need the skills of Gordon Ramsey. But we sat there, and sat there, we watched other people eat their lunch, and we sat there. We sat there until 2:30 before our lunch arrived! I didn't mind, but I was rather hungry by then. But when it arrived, mmmm, it was very tasty! Here's a pic of our lunches

We soon finished that, and it was on to the pudding! Unfortunately I was in eating mode by then and forgot to take a picture of the lovely trifle that turned up, (the Old Boy is not a pudding lover)
But because of the time, we had to eat and run. We paid up and went outside to get ready for the rest of the ride home. An hour and half we were there, approximate, but at least the rain had stopped.
Here's a picture of me, locating satellites on my Garmin, (after being reminded to by the Old Boy)

Now, those of you who know Eynsford and can guess the way that the Old Boy had in mind for the route home then you know what is store for me, and those of you who don't take a look at the geeky stats at the end! Just around the corner is where there is a huge hill, not something that you want to be doing just after having a delicious lunch, with pudding. I almost chundered at the sight of it, let alone trying to cycle up it!
You can guess, I didn't quite manage to do that. In fact we were overtaken by another cyclist, who called out rather politely "Lovely day, isn't it" and carried on riding up the hill as it it was nothing. After I stopped the Old boy had his competitive hat on and tried to catch up to the other guy, "I could have got him" he says.
At the peak of this hill is the bridge across the M25. I was exhausted, but I know that we are more that half way home now, so not long now, and the Old Boy did say that was the last big hill before we get home, "well until Poverest" he said with a smile.
We flew down the next couple of hills, it was like a roller coaster at the fair. A hill, then fly down, a smaller hill, then fly down. Then there was Poverest! "You are going to go up this in one go" Says the Old Boy "One go, no stopping" he barked again. "I will try" I said, not very convincingly. And so I did. I got up a very short way before I had to stop "Is that it, is that all you got, I'll give you eat trifle" he said, and he flew up the hill.
I tried again and again. I didn't want to walk up, I wanted to cycle up. so I cycled some and stopped, then cycled again and stopped until I got to the top! "There, I did it, I cylcled!" I said triumphantly to the Old Boy.
From here it was just through PettsWood, quick stop off at the local supermarket and home!
Done it. A very enjoyable afternoon out, with a delicious lunch. Cant wait for the next ride!
Geeky stats. And you will notice that it appears that we jump across peoples gardens again, but that is because I forgot to start the Garmin again after we stopped at the shop!
We got home, and we were both very cold, and the Old Boy said that the old family jewels have hibinated!!!
Friday, 21 January 2011
Records Can Still Be Broken!
Hello Blog readers!
Wow, so pleased with today's effort! I didn't think I had it in me to break personal bests, but there you go, and the proof is in the Garmin!! Boy do I love this new toy of mine! It shows me my route that I take each time, my heart rate, and the fact I cant lie about it, there is no taking off a couple of extra minutes fiddling with the key to get in and check times, not that I ever did that before the Garmin I might add. But on the odd occasions that my IPOD timer went astray, or the old stop watch was accidentally stopped, I did have to kind of guess.
I was feeling pretty upbeat about running out today. A fresh pair of legs, the cycle ride yesterday was very gentle indeed, and no running since Sunday! wow, its been that long! Well, I felt like I needed to get out and run really well today. So after kitting up like the professional I am now, (what? you have something to say?) I stand outside looking for satellites, soon as they were located, I pushed the button and set off.
When I am indoors, thinking about my run, I am all confident that I am going to push and push myself really hard. Then I get outside and start the run and I think about how far I am going to get before I stop! So from the second that thought comes into my head, I say to my self "You're doing the bloomin hill in one go woman!" and with that comes a little whimper, as the cool air gets to me. "Don't worry about that, the hill will soon get you warm" another thought pops into my mind. Is the fact that nagging sister and Vic.2 have decided to take up pavement pounding again that these thoughts pop into my head, has naggy neighbour put a pod cast in my IPOD of her nagging! Who knows! But it has the done the trick. Right to the top of the hill I get, and just a bit further along the road, to the 0.51 mile mark (I looked at the Garmin) and just took a quick breather there. Just a short one, to poke my lungs back down my throat, and then running again.
I had it in mind to have a next quick stop at the corner of shepperton, just as I turn into it. I like to give myself little treats like that, unlike Nagging Sister and Naggy, but I also said, "If you can Old Girl, and if you don't need to stop for a breather, carry on" Now this is how I like to be treated, (it's probably not going to get me entered into the next Olympics though) So I turned the corner into Shepperton and I carried on. I carried on running, even though I promised myself a little walking breather there!
But then, I stated to get a little bit tougher, I didn't want to stop now until the main road. That was the next breather I had promised myself, even though I had missed the last one. I did stop though, but N.M.F (Not my fault) another jogger stopped me, skinny as a rake, and asked which way it was to Chislehurst. She was wanting to do a loop, so I can only imagine that Chislehurst is where she had come from! She didn't look like she had run that far, but I pointed in the general direction of where I thought Chislehurst was. I followed her up to the main road and she turned the same way I was running, in accordance with the vague pointy directions I sent her, and then she asked someone else! And he pointed in the opposite direction of where I did! Oh well. If you see a skinny, pink clad jogger looking lost, point her in the direction of Chislehurst please.
Right, tougher. Its all well and good giving in the namby pamby with people like me, who are comfortable in the comfort zone, who don't even ever challenge the comfort zone, but that's it, you see. I need to challenge the comfort zone, go for personal bests, push out further than the three miles I am doing. But Naggy gave me some advice that I need to be able to run the three miles non stop first, and so did the coach with the PettsWood Runners, I need to be able to run at least 30 minutes of non stop jogging! I got to get tough on me.
So from here I turn into a class act nag! Right next point bridge, no stopping. next point passed the pub no stopping! The on to the railway bridge! Whoa, my brain started to take over from what my body was doing. I was still running up to the bridge! "One section at a time Please!!" says this tiny voice in my head. I have a short break just on the other side of the overhead bridge, and then make my way towards the pub. I stopped again, and I get very annoyed at myself, there is no reason for me to stop!
Push on again, passed the pub, to the walkover rail bridge, just one section at a time, next focal point, the bustop by the library, then the next bustop by my friends house. By the time I was passed theirs I was flying down the road, I had a quick glans at my Garmin and it said I was on for a 10 min mile on the last mile, if I kept up at that pace! But of course I didn't
Running passed the first Oxhawth, always a mental torture, knowing that I got to run back up to the same road to get home. But I was moving quite quickly. Down the second Oxhawth now, and heading up towards 'The Road I Dare Not Stop On". But first the slight incline, which by now feels like a mountain on my legs and I nag and nag to ge my backside up there!
Done it, (with walking spells!) But the last stretch now. "Focus Old Girl lets see whats left inside" I put on a bit more speed as I run down here, but just as I get to the roundabout I stop! "My goodness Old girl, don't' you dare stop here" I can hear naggy and nagging sister and Vic.2 giving me such an ear bashing. Not only that I was telling myself off as well. "Get your ass back to running, NOW" I start to run again. Totally disgusted with myself that I walked. Pass the roundabout and on and I glance at the my watch, "Blimey, get a move on Old Girl and this could be a PB" Well that spurred me on. I dug deep and pushed harder, my chest was heaving, gunk was bubbling out of my lungs and nose, but I needed to keep going,
Round the corner, dig deep that's it, keep going, up the path, finish in style!! yup! That's A PB cant wait to upload that on facebook!
So geek stats, and you will notice something very strange indeed, for some reason unknown to man or satellites, it had me starting my run in someones garden, then shooting back to near my house, and then right back, running leapfrog over more gardens to eventually settling down on the right route! I am just hoping there are not burglaries reported in that area at the same time I was doing my run!! Cos otherwise they have me bang to rites!!
It seems that my Garmin has some poetic license in it too!
p.s. just noticed the elevation gain too, I don't remember any mountains that I climbed all though that last hill did feel like it! ha ha ha
Wow, so pleased with today's effort! I didn't think I had it in me to break personal bests, but there you go, and the proof is in the Garmin!! Boy do I love this new toy of mine! It shows me my route that I take each time, my heart rate, and the fact I cant lie about it, there is no taking off a couple of extra minutes fiddling with the key to get in and check times, not that I ever did that before the Garmin I might add. But on the odd occasions that my IPOD timer went astray, or the old stop watch was accidentally stopped, I did have to kind of guess.
I was feeling pretty upbeat about running out today. A fresh pair of legs, the cycle ride yesterday was very gentle indeed, and no running since Sunday! wow, its been that long! Well, I felt like I needed to get out and run really well today. So after kitting up like the professional I am now, (what? you have something to say?) I stand outside looking for satellites, soon as they were located, I pushed the button and set off.
When I am indoors, thinking about my run, I am all confident that I am going to push and push myself really hard. Then I get outside and start the run and I think about how far I am going to get before I stop! So from the second that thought comes into my head, I say to my self "You're doing the bloomin hill in one go woman!" and with that comes a little whimper, as the cool air gets to me. "Don't worry about that, the hill will soon get you warm" another thought pops into my mind. Is the fact that nagging sister and Vic.2 have decided to take up pavement pounding again that these thoughts pop into my head, has naggy neighbour put a pod cast in my IPOD of her nagging! Who knows! But it has the done the trick. Right to the top of the hill I get, and just a bit further along the road, to the 0.51 mile mark (I looked at the Garmin) and just took a quick breather there. Just a short one, to poke my lungs back down my throat, and then running again.
I had it in mind to have a next quick stop at the corner of shepperton, just as I turn into it. I like to give myself little treats like that, unlike Nagging Sister and Naggy, but I also said, "If you can Old Girl, and if you don't need to stop for a breather, carry on" Now this is how I like to be treated, (it's probably not going to get me entered into the next Olympics though) So I turned the corner into Shepperton and I carried on. I carried on running, even though I promised myself a little walking breather there!
But then, I stated to get a little bit tougher, I didn't want to stop now until the main road. That was the next breather I had promised myself, even though I had missed the last one. I did stop though, but N.M.F (Not my fault) another jogger stopped me, skinny as a rake, and asked which way it was to Chislehurst. She was wanting to do a loop, so I can only imagine that Chislehurst is where she had come from! She didn't look like she had run that far, but I pointed in the general direction of where I thought Chislehurst was. I followed her up to the main road and she turned the same way I was running, in accordance with the vague pointy directions I sent her, and then she asked someone else! And he pointed in the opposite direction of where I did! Oh well. If you see a skinny, pink clad jogger looking lost, point her in the direction of Chislehurst please.
Right, tougher. Its all well and good giving in the namby pamby with people like me, who are comfortable in the comfort zone, who don't even ever challenge the comfort zone, but that's it, you see. I need to challenge the comfort zone, go for personal bests, push out further than the three miles I am doing. But Naggy gave me some advice that I need to be able to run the three miles non stop first, and so did the coach with the PettsWood Runners, I need to be able to run at least 30 minutes of non stop jogging! I got to get tough on me.
So from here I turn into a class act nag! Right next point bridge, no stopping. next point passed the pub no stopping! The on to the railway bridge! Whoa, my brain started to take over from what my body was doing. I was still running up to the bridge! "One section at a time Please!!" says this tiny voice in my head. I have a short break just on the other side of the overhead bridge, and then make my way towards the pub. I stopped again, and I get very annoyed at myself, there is no reason for me to stop!
Push on again, passed the pub, to the walkover rail bridge, just one section at a time, next focal point, the bustop by the library, then the next bustop by my friends house. By the time I was passed theirs I was flying down the road, I had a quick glans at my Garmin and it said I was on for a 10 min mile on the last mile, if I kept up at that pace! But of course I didn't
Running passed the first Oxhawth, always a mental torture, knowing that I got to run back up to the same road to get home. But I was moving quite quickly. Down the second Oxhawth now, and heading up towards 'The Road I Dare Not Stop On". But first the slight incline, which by now feels like a mountain on my legs and I nag and nag to ge my backside up there!
Done it, (with walking spells!) But the last stretch now. "Focus Old Girl lets see whats left inside" I put on a bit more speed as I run down here, but just as I get to the roundabout I stop! "My goodness Old girl, don't' you dare stop here" I can hear naggy and nagging sister and Vic.2 giving me such an ear bashing. Not only that I was telling myself off as well. "Get your ass back to running, NOW" I start to run again. Totally disgusted with myself that I walked. Pass the roundabout and on and I glance at the my watch, "Blimey, get a move on Old Girl and this could be a PB" Well that spurred me on. I dug deep and pushed harder, my chest was heaving, gunk was bubbling out of my lungs and nose, but I needed to keep going,
Round the corner, dig deep that's it, keep going, up the path, finish in style!! yup! That's A PB cant wait to upload that on facebook!
So geek stats, and you will notice something very strange indeed, for some reason unknown to man or satellites, it had me starting my run in someones garden, then shooting back to near my house, and then right back, running leapfrog over more gardens to eventually settling down on the right route! I am just hoping there are not burglaries reported in that area at the same time I was doing my run!! Cos otherwise they have me bang to rites!!
It seems that my Garmin has some poetic license in it too!
p.s. just noticed the elevation gain too, I don't remember any mountains that I climbed all though that last hill did feel like it! ha ha ha
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Lets Go For An Easy 5 Miles!
Hi all blog lovers.
Today I wasn't feeling particularly energetic, or adventurous or even very healthy!, but I still did want to go out and do something.
I hurt my back on Tuesday, nothing major, just a little niggle, when I was bending over to strap up the baby in the car seat. But I know from experience that if I had ignored it, (just as the Old Boy ignores his little niggles) then it would get so much worse. So I had a couple of days rest. I was going to go out for a jog this morning, but decided to miss that. Like I said I'm not particularly energetic today.
But when they Old Boy said that he was just planning on a short 5 mile, easy ride, I decided to go with him. After all, he did fix my puncture!.
So we set off, after getting all dressed up for the occasion, put my Garmin on, but not the HRM, well, its only going to be an easy ride, right!! Up the path to turnaround lamppost turn left, the right at the end of that road to that lovely busy, but smooth rideable road, the A21. "Lets go into Bromley" says the Old Boy, " then up Widmore, down this road, hen towards Hawthorn, then up towards Petts Wood" Well that seems quite an easy ride, I thought, I'm sure its more that 5 miles though.
We rode on the road until the Old Boy said to use the cycle path on the pavement. Sometimes Those pavement cycle routes are more of a nuisance than car drivers in general. You have to keep stopping for the giveways on each road, where if you were on the road you just cycle on by. And usually its more bumpy on the pavements! When we were near the High Street, the Old Boy asked if I wanted to go left, then on towards Keston. Of course that's that long, long hill. I told him I wasn't up to that. So we got to Bromley, and decided to ride on through Bromley, (through the High street, are you allowed to do that?) and then on to London road. And then turn right heading towards his old secondary school.
Its a nice ride down here, and we negotiated all the traffic just fine, both of us seem to be growing in confidence of our cycling abilities, although, turning left for me is still a problem, with the hand signals that is, I just can't seem to let go of the handlebars to do a left signal! There are slight hills, nothing to strenuous, but then the Old Boy said "We are going to turn left here to avoid all the traffic, and head towards Summer Hill" I almost fell off my bike, I'm sure if I had the HRM on then you would see that my heat probably stopped for a few seconds with the thought of climbing up that hill!
"But we will turn off before we get there" says the Old Boy! Blimey thank goodness for that. I regain my posture and we carry on. I am getting quite tired though, and the reserve energy tank seems to be running on empty now. I was looking forward to getting home now.
Its a good ride, and I am enjoying it. I spot a couple more cyclists (one with out lights on his bike, tut tut) with the same tabbard that I have, my Skyride bright yellow bib! I quite like seeing the odd yellow bib running up and down the roads, I feel like I'm part of a big clan! A big old cyclying clan.
We are at the beginning of Tylney road, I'm so glad that that the Old Boy knows where he is going, if it were left to me then my routes would just end up to Downe Village, (the pub) or Greenstreet Green (the pub). But this 'following the Old Boy' is always a surprise when I realise where I am!
So from here I know where I am going. Down Tylny road, across the roundabout and through Page Heath Villas (sounds very posh doesn't it?) and then straight on and on to Blackbrook lane. I know the Old Boy was wanting to go to Petts Wood, but I know just down here and across the roundabout is the way to the park and home. I'm afraid that I chickened out. "Lets just take the short cut home, through the park" The Old Boy took pity on me and agreed.
We got back pretty quickly after that, no punctures this time round, but I was very pleased that I went out. When I checked the Garmin I was really surprised that we had indeed covered 8.88 miles!!
Yeah, nearly 9 niles and that's not too bad for someone who wasn't particularly looking forward to even stepping foot outside the house today!
So here are the stats
Today I wasn't feeling particularly energetic, or adventurous or even very healthy!, but I still did want to go out and do something.
I hurt my back on Tuesday, nothing major, just a little niggle, when I was bending over to strap up the baby in the car seat. But I know from experience that if I had ignored it, (just as the Old Boy ignores his little niggles) then it would get so much worse. So I had a couple of days rest. I was going to go out for a jog this morning, but decided to miss that. Like I said I'm not particularly energetic today.
But when they Old Boy said that he was just planning on a short 5 mile, easy ride, I decided to go with him. After all, he did fix my puncture!.
So we set off, after getting all dressed up for the occasion, put my Garmin on, but not the HRM, well, its only going to be an easy ride, right!! Up the path to turnaround lamppost turn left, the right at the end of that road to that lovely busy, but smooth rideable road, the A21. "Lets go into Bromley" says the Old Boy, " then up Widmore, down this road, hen towards Hawthorn, then up towards Petts Wood" Well that seems quite an easy ride, I thought, I'm sure its more that 5 miles though.
We rode on the road until the Old Boy said to use the cycle path on the pavement. Sometimes Those pavement cycle routes are more of a nuisance than car drivers in general. You have to keep stopping for the giveways on each road, where if you were on the road you just cycle on by. And usually its more bumpy on the pavements! When we were near the High Street, the Old Boy asked if I wanted to go left, then on towards Keston. Of course that's that long, long hill. I told him I wasn't up to that. So we got to Bromley, and decided to ride on through Bromley, (through the High street, are you allowed to do that?) and then on to London road. And then turn right heading towards his old secondary school.
Its a nice ride down here, and we negotiated all the traffic just fine, both of us seem to be growing in confidence of our cycling abilities, although, turning left for me is still a problem, with the hand signals that is, I just can't seem to let go of the handlebars to do a left signal! There are slight hills, nothing to strenuous, but then the Old Boy said "We are going to turn left here to avoid all the traffic, and head towards Summer Hill" I almost fell off my bike, I'm sure if I had the HRM on then you would see that my heat probably stopped for a few seconds with the thought of climbing up that hill!
"But we will turn off before we get there" says the Old Boy! Blimey thank goodness for that. I regain my posture and we carry on. I am getting quite tired though, and the reserve energy tank seems to be running on empty now. I was looking forward to getting home now.
Its a good ride, and I am enjoying it. I spot a couple more cyclists (one with out lights on his bike, tut tut) with the same tabbard that I have, my Skyride bright yellow bib! I quite like seeing the odd yellow bib running up and down the roads, I feel like I'm part of a big clan! A big old cyclying clan.
We are at the beginning of Tylney road, I'm so glad that that the Old Boy knows where he is going, if it were left to me then my routes would just end up to Downe Village, (the pub) or Greenstreet Green (the pub). But this 'following the Old Boy' is always a surprise when I realise where I am!
So from here I know where I am going. Down Tylny road, across the roundabout and through Page Heath Villas (sounds very posh doesn't it?) and then straight on and on to Blackbrook lane. I know the Old Boy was wanting to go to Petts Wood, but I know just down here and across the roundabout is the way to the park and home. I'm afraid that I chickened out. "Lets just take the short cut home, through the park" The Old Boy took pity on me and agreed.
We got back pretty quickly after that, no punctures this time round, but I was very pleased that I went out. When I checked the Garmin I was really surprised that we had indeed covered 8.88 miles!!
Yeah, nearly 9 niles and that's not too bad for someone who wasn't particularly looking forward to even stepping foot outside the house today!
So here are the stats
Monday, 17 January 2011
A Dark Bike Ride Again!
Hello blogess.
I can't wait for the spring and summer to get here. I am not liking these dark nights out riding.
But me and the Old Boy have decided that we are going to do as much cycling as we can! As he works during the day and I have work during the day as well, the only time that we can get out cycling is after I have finished work. So come 6:30 this evening after getting all our stuff ready, bikes, gloves, comfortable attire! And brightly coloured outer wear, me with my SkyRide tabard and the Old Man with something out of his van, complete with go faster reflective stripes! We were ready.
"Where shall we go" says the Old Boy. Well, I hadn't really thought about that! Just as we set off to who knows where I started the Garmin up, its always good to see how fast I am going, in preparation for the London to Brighton bike ride, (hopefully) which will be in June! so not that far off really. "Ok we shall head up the path, then go on to Keston" says the Old Boy. "Ok, I shall just follow on" I says.
We set off up the path, its nice and bright the lights are on and I can see where I am going, very important to be able to see where you are going! We were soon out of the path, passed turnaround lamppost and headed up the quiet road before turning right towards the bus garage. When we go to the top of this road the Old boy said that we should do my route that I do when I am on my own cycling. So that's turning left up towards Greenstreet Green along the A21. This is a lovely route, but of course there is that hill. A long long hill, and then there is the other hill towards the end of the ride.
"You can do this" says the Old boy, and he takes off like he is cycling from the British cycling team! I just plod along, trying to get up the hill, slowly but surely, peddling all the way. No stopping on this bit of the route, no way. Not after all the bragging I have done when I talk about my cycle rides to the Old boy. Keep going. The rain had started to fall, just gently, but being a spectacle wearer, this can be quite hazard's!
When we were at the last roundabout before we head on back home I had to 'tinkle' my bell, to let the Old Boy that I had to stop and clear my glasses. He asked me if I had kept going all the way up the hill "Yes, of course I did, I always do when I come this way" I said to him indigently. "I have done this ride before, you know" I said to him. "Ok" then he said. Then I told him that cycling on the road, rather than the cycle route/pedestrian path was so much better. It may be safer from cars, but the path itself was just awful. There were lumps and bumps from the tree routes, and of course it wasn't was well lit as the road, so I couldn't see the pot holes and huge mud puddles that we were cycling through.
We were soon on track again though and headed on to Orpington, where thoughts of that dreaded hill was already turning my legs into jelly! But I got to at least try and try to get up as much as possible.
We were soon at the war memorial at the beginning of the high street. Now because I have been down here before on my bike, and during the day, I knew that the road and the pavement does this kind of merge thingy, where you can't tell where the pavement ends and the road starts! I had managed to stay on the road, but the Old Boy ended up as a pedestrian! "I lost the road" he said laughingly, as I watched him come up on the left hand side of me, along the pavement!
"Get on to the road by the lights here" I said to him as we approached the pedestrian crossing. He came across and joined the road again and followed on behind me. Just up a little bit further, on the one way system the Old Boy decides that we are going to go a little further, and not attempt the huge Perry Hall road, we are going up another one. I'm not sure if that is slightly less steeper or not, but its still going to be a hill, non the less!
So on and on we go, and soon enough that hill was in front of me!! Looming up, taunting me! "No stopping on this hill" The Old Boy said in his best drill sergeants voice, "No stopping at all" Yeah right! Don't he know who I am!! I am Kents bestest 'Ex Couch Potatoes' It takes a lot for me to pull on my jog pants and get out there and do stuff, no matter how much fun it is, its just the whole, achy, hurty, sweaty, muscle toning, did I say sweaty bit that I have a problem with. Put it this way, if there was a pill that I could take that would make me instantly fit and slim, would I take it? Too Right I would! But the bike thing is fun. The bike thing is what me and the Old Boy can do together, chat and decide on routes, and plan Saturday rides out, with a lovely stop off for lunch somewhere. Sigh, so, for now, on and on, up and up!
Of course I stopped, I tinkled my bell again and made the Old Boy stop as well. He informed me when I got to him that he could have made it in one go. I said he should have gone on, leave me in his dust, well rain spray at least. But he was doing the chivalrous thing and waiting.
I think I got to the top of the hill without any more stops, I can't be sure, it was all to traumatic for me, but the lovely flatlands, oh fabulous, and then not only that, there was a lovely ride down, down, down. Just up ahead though, the road was going up, up into Petts Wood. Now the Old Boy keeps telling me that I should use the momentum of the downhill to get myself up the next, at least halfway up. So I decided to go for it. Usually I am on my brakes! Not that keen on the whole speed thing anyway, some light clothing is not going to save me from getting 'pavement rash' if I come off at speed! But as I was heading on down looking at the road going up, I could see a small lorry coming in front of me. The lorry is wanting to turn left, making me having to brake so that I don't run into the side of it. I could hear the Old Boy grunting and cursing behind me, maybe he was feeling the effects of the up hill!!
Nearly home though, at least I thought we were, until he decides to 'tack on' another couple of miles for a 'shake out of the legs' he says. A bit of night riding through the park!
As you all know, I'm not keen on the whole dark riding thingy, and going through the park, which has no street lights was not my idea of 'shaking out legs' but what made it even worse was the fact that my light was pointing up and not at the ground, I couldn't see the cycle path, and I know there is a little stream on the left of me, and I am not keen on ending up in there! "Just follow my light, stay in line with my light" the Old boy said "and we will sort out your light in a minute"
So for about a hundred yards or so I just followed his blinking red light, its not wonder I wasn't hypnotised by it! We soon got to a clearing and pointed the light at the floor so I could see where to ride my bike!
We rode through the park, and then on to the the main roads, and straight across. We were going to go through the park near us!
As we headed on down towards Southborough lane, I put my hand out to indicate that I was going to turn right, after checking that it was clear to do so, and I pulled into place, just as I was advised to do, but then some jack ass decides to come up real close and then cut in front of me to turn right as well, I could hear the Old Boy tinkle his bell at the inconsiderate driver.
The rest of the ride was quite relaxing, just the little hill up sunray avenue, but that don't seem like anything now, although it did take the Old Boy nagging me to get my backside up there at speed.
A quick sprint through the park and up the last long road, then home, and dinner, and get my backside in a nice comfy chair!! But before I could srint anyway, I got a puncture, I could feel every crack on the road, I was trying to avoid potholes, but thats not good in the dark, and with a flat! Sigh My first puncture!
Geek stats then
distance 12:12 miles
time 1 hour 27 mins
Heart Rate avg 118 bpm Max 143 bpm
Max elevation 403 ft elevation gain 453 ft!!
I can't wait for the spring and summer to get here. I am not liking these dark nights out riding.
But me and the Old Boy have decided that we are going to do as much cycling as we can! As he works during the day and I have work during the day as well, the only time that we can get out cycling is after I have finished work. So come 6:30 this evening after getting all our stuff ready, bikes, gloves, comfortable attire! And brightly coloured outer wear, me with my SkyRide tabard and the Old Man with something out of his van, complete with go faster reflective stripes! We were ready.
"Where shall we go" says the Old Boy. Well, I hadn't really thought about that! Just as we set off to who knows where I started the Garmin up, its always good to see how fast I am going, in preparation for the London to Brighton bike ride, (hopefully) which will be in June! so not that far off really. "Ok we shall head up the path, then go on to Keston" says the Old Boy. "Ok, I shall just follow on" I says.
We set off up the path, its nice and bright the lights are on and I can see where I am going, very important to be able to see where you are going! We were soon out of the path, passed turnaround lamppost and headed up the quiet road before turning right towards the bus garage. When we go to the top of this road the Old boy said that we should do my route that I do when I am on my own cycling. So that's turning left up towards Greenstreet Green along the A21. This is a lovely route, but of course there is that hill. A long long hill, and then there is the other hill towards the end of the ride.
"You can do this" says the Old boy, and he takes off like he is cycling from the British cycling team! I just plod along, trying to get up the hill, slowly but surely, peddling all the way. No stopping on this bit of the route, no way. Not after all the bragging I have done when I talk about my cycle rides to the Old boy. Keep going. The rain had started to fall, just gently, but being a spectacle wearer, this can be quite hazard's!
When we were at the last roundabout before we head on back home I had to 'tinkle' my bell, to let the Old Boy that I had to stop and clear my glasses. He asked me if I had kept going all the way up the hill "Yes, of course I did, I always do when I come this way" I said to him indigently. "I have done this ride before, you know" I said to him. "Ok" then he said. Then I told him that cycling on the road, rather than the cycle route/pedestrian path was so much better. It may be safer from cars, but the path itself was just awful. There were lumps and bumps from the tree routes, and of course it wasn't was well lit as the road, so I couldn't see the pot holes and huge mud puddles that we were cycling through.
We were soon on track again though and headed on to Orpington, where thoughts of that dreaded hill was already turning my legs into jelly! But I got to at least try and try to get up as much as possible.
We were soon at the war memorial at the beginning of the high street. Now because I have been down here before on my bike, and during the day, I knew that the road and the pavement does this kind of merge thingy, where you can't tell where the pavement ends and the road starts! I had managed to stay on the road, but the Old Boy ended up as a pedestrian! "I lost the road" he said laughingly, as I watched him come up on the left hand side of me, along the pavement!
"Get on to the road by the lights here" I said to him as we approached the pedestrian crossing. He came across and joined the road again and followed on behind me. Just up a little bit further, on the one way system the Old Boy decides that we are going to go a little further, and not attempt the huge Perry Hall road, we are going up another one. I'm not sure if that is slightly less steeper or not, but its still going to be a hill, non the less!
So on and on we go, and soon enough that hill was in front of me!! Looming up, taunting me! "No stopping on this hill" The Old Boy said in his best drill sergeants voice, "No stopping at all" Yeah right! Don't he know who I am!! I am Kents bestest 'Ex Couch Potatoes' It takes a lot for me to pull on my jog pants and get out there and do stuff, no matter how much fun it is, its just the whole, achy, hurty, sweaty, muscle toning, did I say sweaty bit that I have a problem with. Put it this way, if there was a pill that I could take that would make me instantly fit and slim, would I take it? Too Right I would! But the bike thing is fun. The bike thing is what me and the Old Boy can do together, chat and decide on routes, and plan Saturday rides out, with a lovely stop off for lunch somewhere. Sigh, so, for now, on and on, up and up!
Of course I stopped, I tinkled my bell again and made the Old Boy stop as well. He informed me when I got to him that he could have made it in one go. I said he should have gone on, leave me in his dust, well rain spray at least. But he was doing the chivalrous thing and waiting.
I think I got to the top of the hill without any more stops, I can't be sure, it was all to traumatic for me, but the lovely flatlands, oh fabulous, and then not only that, there was a lovely ride down, down, down. Just up ahead though, the road was going up, up into Petts Wood. Now the Old Boy keeps telling me that I should use the momentum of the downhill to get myself up the next, at least halfway up. So I decided to go for it. Usually I am on my brakes! Not that keen on the whole speed thing anyway, some light clothing is not going to save me from getting 'pavement rash' if I come off at speed! But as I was heading on down looking at the road going up, I could see a small lorry coming in front of me. The lorry is wanting to turn left, making me having to brake so that I don't run into the side of it. I could hear the Old Boy grunting and cursing behind me, maybe he was feeling the effects of the up hill!!
Nearly home though, at least I thought we were, until he decides to 'tack on' another couple of miles for a 'shake out of the legs' he says. A bit of night riding through the park!
As you all know, I'm not keen on the whole dark riding thingy, and going through the park, which has no street lights was not my idea of 'shaking out legs' but what made it even worse was the fact that my light was pointing up and not at the ground, I couldn't see the cycle path, and I know there is a little stream on the left of me, and I am not keen on ending up in there! "Just follow my light, stay in line with my light" the Old boy said "and we will sort out your light in a minute"
So for about a hundred yards or so I just followed his blinking red light, its not wonder I wasn't hypnotised by it! We soon got to a clearing and pointed the light at the floor so I could see where to ride my bike!
We rode through the park, and then on to the the main roads, and straight across. We were going to go through the park near us!
As we headed on down towards Southborough lane, I put my hand out to indicate that I was going to turn right, after checking that it was clear to do so, and I pulled into place, just as I was advised to do, but then some jack ass decides to come up real close and then cut in front of me to turn right as well, I could hear the Old Boy tinkle his bell at the inconsiderate driver.
The rest of the ride was quite relaxing, just the little hill up sunray avenue, but that don't seem like anything now, although it did take the Old Boy nagging me to get my backside up there at speed.
A quick sprint through the park and up the last long road, then home, and dinner, and get my backside in a nice comfy chair!! But before I could srint anyway, I got a puncture, I could feel every crack on the road, I was trying to avoid potholes, but thats not good in the dark, and with a flat! Sigh My first puncture!
Geek stats then
distance 12:12 miles
time 1 hour 27 mins
Heart Rate avg 118 bpm Max 143 bpm
Max elevation 403 ft elevation gain 453 ft!!
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Hitchhiker Jogger.
Hi blog watchers.
After a very relaxing weekend I was well rested up for today's jog! I got back from church, shoved a wash in the machine and then got ready for my jog.
All set, the weather is a bit overcast, not as bright as it was while I was in church, Garmin locating the satellites and HM detected. Ready.
I am feeling pretty good, I am confident that I can push myself a little bit harder, hopefully get all the way up the hill at least! Coming up to my church is where I meet up with my Hitchhiker! She had text me earlier and asked if I was going out jogging today and when I said yes, she said she will meet me on route! As I am going up the hill I can see my new running partner (I have so many running partners, I should have one for everyday of the week!) she is stretching out, and looking like she has been running for ages! Oh my, have I done it again, have I got a running partner that is going to run rings around me!
There's no stopping, not on the hill, she just starts jogging along with me, and then says that she may not be able to chat as she jogs along. I am quite pleased about that! She says that she hasn't been jogging for a while, which of course means that she has done some sort of exercise before. Am I the only one who has never ever really done any sort of exercise before!
The jog up hill was tough going, my breathing was all over the place, I think I was trying to impress new running partner with my chatting and running skills, and I did stop a bit on the hill. But after twenty of so paces we were back at it. Obviously new running partner wasn't even out of breath as she only just started running.
It was a pleasant run, and I was really concentrating on trying not to stop on any more of the route, but I just listen to that silly voice in my head and stop! But I feel like its a quicker pace. Maybe I am getting stronger and a little faster!?
On to the main road now, and new hitchhiker partner says that she has a psychological block when she is running by herself, she has run around her little block and then says to herself that she cant run any more. I tell her that the route from my house around and back again is about 3 miles long, or 5k (well she is younger and likes all the new fandagled measurements) she has it in her mind that she wants to run a 10k. I think she will have no trouble with that distance.
On pass the pub now, the last time me and new running partner was here we were inside sinking 'woo woo' Cocktails and lager! And look at us now! We have to keep running, can't be seen walking pass the pub! On and On till we get to the turning left to cross over the walking bridge over the railway lines. A short walk (Yes I know, another one) but I don't hear new running partner complaining!, and then we were back on our toes going down the main road. As were were heading on down another jogging came up behind us and turned left as we were continuing on the down hill, "I'm so glad we were still jogging" I tell new running partner "Can't be seen walking in front of other joggers" I puffed out to her.
As we were approaching the first Oxhawth I asked if she wanted to go down there and head on home as I still got to do my full three miles. Well, she is game! She said that she will carry on and if she has to stop jogging then so be it. We made pretty good time down this bit I think. And then she remembers the hill at the top of Oxhawth! "No problem, its not that bad!" Yeah right!
we eventually get there to the top of Oxhawth, and then I notice that she has a slight pinkness to her cheeks! She has done really really well! She is fitter than she thought she was. I can see another running partner doing 10 min miles in no time! "Are you going to go straight up to your road" I ask her "Or you coming down here to the roundabout"
Its the first time I've seen her looking slightly tired. She kind of looked up the hill, then down the hill, and looked as if she was going to go straight up, but she said "Oh, come on lets get to the round about, and then I can go up the hill, and walk when you can't see me any more" So there were both were. Heading on down Farringdon, I was feeling good, which means I should have pushed myself harder, but I did have a new running partner and I was going easy for her sake (Well, that's my excuse anyway) and just as we neared the roundabout, that is when new running partner chose to walk!! Yes, she is human! So we said our goodbyes and I went off up the road while new running partner ran over to the other side, whether she ran all the way I shall have to ask her next time we meet. I noticed the time on my super douper gizmo Garmin. "If I push harder I can get under 40 minutes here" I said to myself and I clicked up another gear and ran, a quick look at my watch as I was getting nearer and nearer to my house, have to put a sprint on now, keep going keep going. Up the path. Done it. A quick look at my watch, and yes its under 40 minutes!!
So geeky info
time 39:16
Distance 2.98 miles
HR avg 140 bpm max 153 bpm
After a very relaxing weekend I was well rested up for today's jog! I got back from church, shoved a wash in the machine and then got ready for my jog.
All set, the weather is a bit overcast, not as bright as it was while I was in church, Garmin locating the satellites and HM detected. Ready.
I am feeling pretty good, I am confident that I can push myself a little bit harder, hopefully get all the way up the hill at least! Coming up to my church is where I meet up with my Hitchhiker! She had text me earlier and asked if I was going out jogging today and when I said yes, she said she will meet me on route! As I am going up the hill I can see my new running partner (I have so many running partners, I should have one for everyday of the week!) she is stretching out, and looking like she has been running for ages! Oh my, have I done it again, have I got a running partner that is going to run rings around me!
There's no stopping, not on the hill, she just starts jogging along with me, and then says that she may not be able to chat as she jogs along. I am quite pleased about that! She says that she hasn't been jogging for a while, which of course means that she has done some sort of exercise before. Am I the only one who has never ever really done any sort of exercise before!
The jog up hill was tough going, my breathing was all over the place, I think I was trying to impress new running partner with my chatting and running skills, and I did stop a bit on the hill. But after twenty of so paces we were back at it. Obviously new running partner wasn't even out of breath as she only just started running.
It was a pleasant run, and I was really concentrating on trying not to stop on any more of the route, but I just listen to that silly voice in my head and stop! But I feel like its a quicker pace. Maybe I am getting stronger and a little faster!?
On to the main road now, and new hitchhiker partner says that she has a psychological block when she is running by herself, she has run around her little block and then says to herself that she cant run any more. I tell her that the route from my house around and back again is about 3 miles long, or 5k (well she is younger and likes all the new fandagled measurements) she has it in her mind that she wants to run a 10k. I think she will have no trouble with that distance.
On pass the pub now, the last time me and new running partner was here we were inside sinking 'woo woo' Cocktails and lager! And look at us now! We have to keep running, can't be seen walking pass the pub! On and On till we get to the turning left to cross over the walking bridge over the railway lines. A short walk (Yes I know, another one) but I don't hear new running partner complaining!, and then we were back on our toes going down the main road. As were were heading on down another jogging came up behind us and turned left as we were continuing on the down hill, "I'm so glad we were still jogging" I tell new running partner "Can't be seen walking in front of other joggers" I puffed out to her.
As we were approaching the first Oxhawth I asked if she wanted to go down there and head on home as I still got to do my full three miles. Well, she is game! She said that she will carry on and if she has to stop jogging then so be it. We made pretty good time down this bit I think. And then she remembers the hill at the top of Oxhawth! "No problem, its not that bad!" Yeah right!
we eventually get there to the top of Oxhawth, and then I notice that she has a slight pinkness to her cheeks! She has done really really well! She is fitter than she thought she was. I can see another running partner doing 10 min miles in no time! "Are you going to go straight up to your road" I ask her "Or you coming down here to the roundabout"
Its the first time I've seen her looking slightly tired. She kind of looked up the hill, then down the hill, and looked as if she was going to go straight up, but she said "Oh, come on lets get to the round about, and then I can go up the hill, and walk when you can't see me any more" So there were both were. Heading on down Farringdon, I was feeling good, which means I should have pushed myself harder, but I did have a new running partner and I was going easy for her sake (Well, that's my excuse anyway) and just as we neared the roundabout, that is when new running partner chose to walk!! Yes, she is human! So we said our goodbyes and I went off up the road while new running partner ran over to the other side, whether she ran all the way I shall have to ask her next time we meet. I noticed the time on my super douper gizmo Garmin. "If I push harder I can get under 40 minutes here" I said to myself and I clicked up another gear and ran, a quick look at my watch as I was getting nearer and nearer to my house, have to put a sprint on now, keep going keep going. Up the path. Done it. A quick look at my watch, and yes its under 40 minutes!!
So geeky info
time 39:16
Distance 2.98 miles
HR avg 140 bpm max 153 bpm
Thursday, 13 January 2011
Just Me And My Garmin
Hello blogees.
I was feeling tired, I don't know why, because I had a huge, huge lay in, (and no, I won't reveal the time I got up) But I wanted to go for a run, even though my head didn't. Its Thursday, its not raining, and there is no excuses that can keep me in the house.
So I got my gear on, strap on the HRM and connected to the satellites. I am going to do the hill run. That is my new usual route for now on, I need to build up stamina, then I need to extend this route maybe next week.
The weather is quite mild out, and I know I am going to warm up pretty quickly. I set off, still not quite in the mood for running, but I know I always feel good after I have done it, if not during.
The hill up by my church is horrible. Its steep, well it is when you have to run it.....or push a buggy up it! and I managed to get half way up this before I stopped, but only for a few short paces then was back to running again.
Once at the top its nice and flat for a while, I can get my breathing back on track, get the heart rate down and concentrate on running as far as I can from here. I saw a friend of mine walking back from the nursery, she gave a wave but the little girl with her just looked, well I wasn't exactly an oil painting! Hair all sweaty, big pink face just about able to say hi! Actually quite scary to a 3 year old! But on and on, the next bit is down hill, the music is playing but can't remember what it was, but the beat was keeping me going till the next turning. Another quick walk and push myself on.
I feel as if I am quicker, but my legs are so so tired! They feel like I have lumps of lead in my boots! "Not far now Old Girl" I say to myself, "All the next bit is kind of heading on home!" So I continue to push myself, but my body is really complaining now. Nothing is really hurting, its just complaining. Its like when you have a real bad cold and your arms ache, and your legs ache, and the energy is way down in the soles of your feet. So I try and push past this, "If it don't hurt then there is no reason to stop" I tell myself.
Soon I was on the road with the pub. I have it in my mind that stopping or walking next to pubs is a big NO NO I have to set an example to all those smokers sat outside, smoking and drinking beer, soaked up by their pub grub. There is nothing wrong with a pint of beer and the occasional pub lunch, but I found the smoking is definitely a big fat NO NO I was thinking back to the time I smoked and when I cam in from having a quickie ciggie, my sister used to pull that face, you know the one, nose screwed up, corners of mouth turned down, and the hand waving in front of her as if you had just let off the most disgusting bottom vent ever! Well, now I know how she feels, because I too can smell that on people, all though I don't do the whole face thingy, just a gently reminder that they stink!
Anyway off me soap box, and back to my run. on the homeward bound now, over the railway bridge, which I walked, well, there there people in front of me and people on the other side walking, so I thought I use it as a breather. Up the main road now, and I see another friend outside his house, a quick stop to say hi, and a sweaty cheek offered and back on to running.
Nearly home, I almost went down the first Oxhawth, which is not my usual route, and had to really tell myself off. I was feeling really fatigued now, and looking forward to getting home, a nice cuppa and a hot shower. I am thinking that I am going to have a rest day tomorrow, especially as me and the Old Boy are planning a longer bike ride on Saturday!
Coming up to the road I dare not walk on. Really feeling tired now, looking forward to that feeling of "Yes Done It" when I get to the last lamppost outside my house. That always makes me smile.
Up my road, have I got anything let to give a sprint finish, even if its just up my path? That's it, I'm going for it, ease off the brakes and going into full sprint mode, I step in a bit of mud which made my shoes a bit slippery, but I ignored that, I am going for it, sprinting right up to the lamppost. I DID IT! Another jog jogged.
Geeky stats
Time 40.09
Distance 2.98 miles (why its different again, who knows, but it is the same route)
Heart rate avg 141 bpm max 169 bpm
Slower than the first run of this route, but I'm sure I ran more of it.
I was feeling tired, I don't know why, because I had a huge, huge lay in, (and no, I won't reveal the time I got up) But I wanted to go for a run, even though my head didn't. Its Thursday, its not raining, and there is no excuses that can keep me in the house.
So I got my gear on, strap on the HRM and connected to the satellites. I am going to do the hill run. That is my new usual route for now on, I need to build up stamina, then I need to extend this route maybe next week.
The weather is quite mild out, and I know I am going to warm up pretty quickly. I set off, still not quite in the mood for running, but I know I always feel good after I have done it, if not during.
The hill up by my church is horrible. Its steep, well it is when you have to run it.....or push a buggy up it! and I managed to get half way up this before I stopped, but only for a few short paces then was back to running again.
Once at the top its nice and flat for a while, I can get my breathing back on track, get the heart rate down and concentrate on running as far as I can from here. I saw a friend of mine walking back from the nursery, she gave a wave but the little girl with her just looked, well I wasn't exactly an oil painting! Hair all sweaty, big pink face just about able to say hi! Actually quite scary to a 3 year old! But on and on, the next bit is down hill, the music is playing but can't remember what it was, but the beat was keeping me going till the next turning. Another quick walk and push myself on.
I feel as if I am quicker, but my legs are so so tired! They feel like I have lumps of lead in my boots! "Not far now Old Girl" I say to myself, "All the next bit is kind of heading on home!" So I continue to push myself, but my body is really complaining now. Nothing is really hurting, its just complaining. Its like when you have a real bad cold and your arms ache, and your legs ache, and the energy is way down in the soles of your feet. So I try and push past this, "If it don't hurt then there is no reason to stop" I tell myself.
Soon I was on the road with the pub. I have it in my mind that stopping or walking next to pubs is a big NO NO I have to set an example to all those smokers sat outside, smoking and drinking beer, soaked up by their pub grub. There is nothing wrong with a pint of beer and the occasional pub lunch, but I found the smoking is definitely a big fat NO NO I was thinking back to the time I smoked and when I cam in from having a quickie ciggie, my sister used to pull that face, you know the one, nose screwed up, corners of mouth turned down, and the hand waving in front of her as if you had just let off the most disgusting bottom vent ever! Well, now I know how she feels, because I too can smell that on people, all though I don't do the whole face thingy, just a gently reminder that they stink!
Anyway off me soap box, and back to my run. on the homeward bound now, over the railway bridge, which I walked, well, there there people in front of me and people on the other side walking, so I thought I use it as a breather. Up the main road now, and I see another friend outside his house, a quick stop to say hi, and a sweaty cheek offered and back on to running.
Nearly home, I almost went down the first Oxhawth, which is not my usual route, and had to really tell myself off. I was feeling really fatigued now, and looking forward to getting home, a nice cuppa and a hot shower. I am thinking that I am going to have a rest day tomorrow, especially as me and the Old Boy are planning a longer bike ride on Saturday!
Coming up to the road I dare not walk on. Really feeling tired now, looking forward to that feeling of "Yes Done It" when I get to the last lamppost outside my house. That always makes me smile.
Up my road, have I got anything let to give a sprint finish, even if its just up my path? That's it, I'm going for it, ease off the brakes and going into full sprint mode, I step in a bit of mud which made my shoes a bit slippery, but I ignored that, I am going for it, sprinting right up to the lamppost. I DID IT! Another jog jogged.
Geeky stats
Time 40.09
Distance 2.98 miles (why its different again, who knows, but it is the same route)
Heart rate avg 141 bpm max 169 bpm
Slower than the first run of this route, but I'm sure I ran more of it.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Lets Go On A 5 Mile Ride!
Hello blogees.
Well, me and the old boy had a rest day yesterday, we are old you know!. But today the old boy felt good, apart from aching knees, but he felt like he could go on a gentle bike ride.
I hadn't done any running today, so was quite happy to join him, he said he will only go on a gentle 5 mile, to Bromley and back.
So after finding batteries for my lights, and a bit of sticky tape (so the Old boy can use Big Sons lights from his old bike) we were all set for a night time ride. I have never been out as yet for a dark night time ride. I was a bit apprehensive, but I knew we would be staying on the main roads, and the well lit back roads.
It wasn't cold out at all. I had my all singing all dancing jacket on, and my cycling gloves (which the Old Boy looked at enviously) and I didn't have my cycling helmet either! I was being a bit of a rebel. We went on through the park and out on to the road that leads to Chislehurst.
The Old boy is loving the ride so far and he is following me behind, (maybe he likes the view!) all the way into Bromley he followed me, and encouraged me to get a move on! It seems I am a slow coach compared to him. All he kept saying to me was "You would like one of these bikes Old Girl" Now why would he say that, why is he 'dissing' my bike, she has been good so far. But looking at his super new bike and all those gears,........ sigh. Still, we kept up a good pace.
"So we going to turn left or what?" I said to the Old Boy, "No, we are going to go to Shortlands, stay off the main roads" he said. My navigation skills are well known to my husband (thank goodness for satnavs, probably saved loads of marriages) so I asked him to take the lead.
I tried to keep up with him, I wasn't that far behind him, and kept up a good steady pace. The hill down was super, but a bit scary, it being wet and dark and very, very steep and all! I did have the brakes applied, I expect half of Shortlands could hear my squeaking brakes, but its best to be safe than sorry, I always say. All too soon though, that hill was over and done with. Now, I know we didn't come up a hill like that, maybe just a small incline, which of course means that somewhere on the ride home from here we are going to have to climb up! Thoughts of Saturdays ride came back to me, well we are in the same sort of area, and that long long hill going to the pub! Mmm, yup, that's round here some where.
But before we got there, we were going down on roads that I recognised, and I knew would take us home, I just couldn't remember what the hills were like. "Turn here" said the Old Boy, "We'll go past the big school" I knew where that was, and I knew that was where the hill would be, but I'm prepared. But then I got more instructions from the old boy, to do more turns, and I was peddling my little fat legs up hills and not having a clue where I was, for one thing I can't remember passing the school. "Where are we?" I said and the Old boy said from behind me (because somehow I had become 'leader' again, and he said "Old Hayes, you know, Ribs" Then just up a little further I spotted the rib restaurant, oh, lovely, "I wonder how much money I have on me" I said to my self. "We're not stopping, keep going Old Girl" he says. Did he just read my thoughts, or did I say that out loud!
Of course, the hill was still to come, even though we were riding up a slight incline for seemed like ages now. And there it was, THE HILL It was the hill that we rode up on Saturday. My legs were hurting, I'm not sure what my heart rate was (I had forgotten to put on the HRM) "Keep going, go on, Don't stop, I'm right at your back wheel" Which is quite a scary thought! If I did suddenly lose power in my legs, then he is going to crash into me, and there is quite a bit of traffic on this road.
A turning left, "Is this the one" I said as I puffed and puffed up the darn hill, "No, not that one, the next one." And so I peddled and peddle, the Old Boy encouraging me to keep on going. Thank goodness the turn left!
"You can go straight on on do this left" Said the Old Boy. Well I chose the left. I knew the straight on road, and it was straight on up, up and up towards Thre Greyhound pub! I don't think I could have made it all the way.
But after just a quarter of the way down this road I began to think that maybe I should have gone straight up. It was dark, there were no street lights at all, and it was a narrow road! Very scary, the Old Boy telling me to get right to the left as cars were coming up behind us. I couldn't see what was on the left, whether it was a big ditch or pavement or puddles or sticky mud! And when cars came from the other side their headlights were quite blinding as they got up close, and I lost sight of the road!
Thank goodness we got through that bit ok! I know where I am now, and I know the road is a pleasant down hill jaunt from here. A lovely smooth ride! In fact both me and the Old Boy decided to go to the end, then turn left and go right down to the round about and up Southborough Lane, to Turpington and then turn down Greenway! My usual jog!
We went home through the park, where the Old Boy still didn't let me cruise through, oh no, he wanted me to peddle like mad to the fence!
Out of the park, down the road and onto our road. The Old boy did say something about the last one home cooks dinner, but I said it has to be the best cyclist that has that honour, and that was him!
Geeky stats
time 1:11:55 (HMS)
distance 10.65 miles so much for it being a gentle 5 miler!!
If you want to see the route then just click on the Garmin thing on facebook!
Well, me and the old boy had a rest day yesterday, we are old you know!. But today the old boy felt good, apart from aching knees, but he felt like he could go on a gentle bike ride.
I hadn't done any running today, so was quite happy to join him, he said he will only go on a gentle 5 mile, to Bromley and back.
So after finding batteries for my lights, and a bit of sticky tape (so the Old boy can use Big Sons lights from his old bike) we were all set for a night time ride. I have never been out as yet for a dark night time ride. I was a bit apprehensive, but I knew we would be staying on the main roads, and the well lit back roads.
It wasn't cold out at all. I had my all singing all dancing jacket on, and my cycling gloves (which the Old Boy looked at enviously) and I didn't have my cycling helmet either! I was being a bit of a rebel. We went on through the park and out on to the road that leads to Chislehurst.
The Old boy is loving the ride so far and he is following me behind, (maybe he likes the view!) all the way into Bromley he followed me, and encouraged me to get a move on! It seems I am a slow coach compared to him. All he kept saying to me was "You would like one of these bikes Old Girl" Now why would he say that, why is he 'dissing' my bike, she has been good so far. But looking at his super new bike and all those gears,........ sigh. Still, we kept up a good pace.
"So we going to turn left or what?" I said to the Old Boy, "No, we are going to go to Shortlands, stay off the main roads" he said. My navigation skills are well known to my husband (thank goodness for satnavs, probably saved loads of marriages) so I asked him to take the lead.
I tried to keep up with him, I wasn't that far behind him, and kept up a good steady pace. The hill down was super, but a bit scary, it being wet and dark and very, very steep and all! I did have the brakes applied, I expect half of Shortlands could hear my squeaking brakes, but its best to be safe than sorry, I always say. All too soon though, that hill was over and done with. Now, I know we didn't come up a hill like that, maybe just a small incline, which of course means that somewhere on the ride home from here we are going to have to climb up! Thoughts of Saturdays ride came back to me, well we are in the same sort of area, and that long long hill going to the pub! Mmm, yup, that's round here some where.
But before we got there, we were going down on roads that I recognised, and I knew would take us home, I just couldn't remember what the hills were like. "Turn here" said the Old Boy, "We'll go past the big school" I knew where that was, and I knew that was where the hill would be, but I'm prepared. But then I got more instructions from the old boy, to do more turns, and I was peddling my little fat legs up hills and not having a clue where I was, for one thing I can't remember passing the school. "Where are we?" I said and the Old boy said from behind me (because somehow I had become 'leader' again, and he said "Old Hayes, you know, Ribs" Then just up a little further I spotted the rib restaurant, oh, lovely, "I wonder how much money I have on me" I said to my self. "We're not stopping, keep going Old Girl" he says. Did he just read my thoughts, or did I say that out loud!
Of course, the hill was still to come, even though we were riding up a slight incline for seemed like ages now. And there it was, THE HILL It was the hill that we rode up on Saturday. My legs were hurting, I'm not sure what my heart rate was (I had forgotten to put on the HRM) "Keep going, go on, Don't stop, I'm right at your back wheel" Which is quite a scary thought! If I did suddenly lose power in my legs, then he is going to crash into me, and there is quite a bit of traffic on this road.
A turning left, "Is this the one" I said as I puffed and puffed up the darn hill, "No, not that one, the next one." And so I peddled and peddle, the Old Boy encouraging me to keep on going. Thank goodness the turn left!
"You can go straight on on do this left" Said the Old Boy. Well I chose the left. I knew the straight on road, and it was straight on up, up and up towards Thre Greyhound pub! I don't think I could have made it all the way.
But after just a quarter of the way down this road I began to think that maybe I should have gone straight up. It was dark, there were no street lights at all, and it was a narrow road! Very scary, the Old Boy telling me to get right to the left as cars were coming up behind us. I couldn't see what was on the left, whether it was a big ditch or pavement or puddles or sticky mud! And when cars came from the other side their headlights were quite blinding as they got up close, and I lost sight of the road!
Thank goodness we got through that bit ok! I know where I am now, and I know the road is a pleasant down hill jaunt from here. A lovely smooth ride! In fact both me and the Old Boy decided to go to the end, then turn left and go right down to the round about and up Southborough Lane, to Turpington and then turn down Greenway! My usual jog!
We went home through the park, where the Old Boy still didn't let me cruise through, oh no, he wanted me to peddle like mad to the fence!
Out of the park, down the road and onto our road. The Old boy did say something about the last one home cooks dinner, but I said it has to be the best cyclist that has that honour, and that was him!
Geeky stats
time 1:11:55 (HMS)
distance 10.65 miles so much for it being a gentle 5 miler!!
If you want to see the route then just click on the Garmin thing on facebook!
Monday, 10 January 2011
Solo Run? Not Today!
Hi blogees!
Well, guess what? Go on, guess. Guess who was my running partner today? Not Naggy Neighbour or Nagging sister, and not Smarty pants (she still has about 6 weeks to go before baby is here) and not Happy Neighbour either, Have you guessed? Well it was the Old Boy!
Yesterday we did say that we would take the bikes out for a gentle 5 flat mile spin, but today I was working a tad later than usual, so the Old boy said "How about a short jog then Old Girl?" Well, why not, its only two miles, I know I should have a rest day from the whole impact thing, but I see it as a long jog just spread over two days. "Yeah, you're on" I tell him.
As the evening draws on, I am getting more and more cosy in my chair, one of the little darlings I look after went home fairly early, it was the older one that was staying a bit later, of course she doesn't need running after! So my armchair was becoming more and more snug.
Eventually her mum arrived, after chatting for a bit while the child got her things together, I said goodbye and looked at the Old Boy and he was still keen to go. "Are you coming then?" he said to me. I was quite tired by now, and looking forward to my dinner. "No, you go, I shall cook" The old Boy went upstairs to get changed, and I thought to myself, "Get up them you lazy old mare and go jogging, ITS ONLY 2 MILES!So of course I did!.
"Go gentle on me" said the Old boy, but I know that he is a lot fitter than what he thinks he is. I think he just needs to pace himself while things take shape with the old body, and I know that I run at a very gentle pace! Probably a very good pace for an old boy who hasn't 'run' since his twenties!
As it turned out though, I was the one who was slowing the Old Boy down! Our route took us to my favourtie lamppost of all time, turn around lamppost, but because it is turn around lamppost, it has a hold on me, sico...phsycho.......or where is the spell checker? It has a psychological hold on me, it wants me to stop, hold on to it, rest a while. But the Old Boy wasn't having that. "To the church and then stop" he says. Who is training who here?! So from there the Old Boy took the lead.
He did let me stop at the church and walk awhile, and then he gave me another focus point to get to before he let me stop again. All the way to the training centre. We both decided it was going to be a short run so we were cutting through the park. "Ok Old Girl" he says to me "You call it, where you want to run too?" I could quite easily have said to the next lamppost but that is not the idea really, "Ok, to the fence at the end of the park" And so we headed on home.
The Old boy was on form, I was struggling behind and even had a sneaky walk, but I picked up the pace again, "its not that far now, just keep running you lazy mare," were the thoughts going through my mind. I was quite pleased the fence came quite quickly as I picked up the pace a bit to get it all over and done with, and the caught up with the Old Boy. We walked for a few more seconds, till the end of the short road, and then the next stop was home, with the sprint finish up our road.
Running up the road now, the Old Boy on the pavement, me on the road, saving precious energy by not going up and down on those darn driveways. I can see that the Old Boy is looking good, and I should out to him "The first one in cooks dinner and makes tea" I knew that wouldn't slow him down, and I get out of cooking, again, at least this way the food will be edible! On and on now, turning left, and now sprint, I can see the Old Boy like a bloomin rocket, a shadow in the darkness going up our path. I am struggling with the whole sprinting, and I stop just before our path "NO, NO, NO Old Girl!" I said to my self, "Get your ass back to running" and I ran up the path to where the Old boy was just cooling down, Stopped my Garmin and joined him in the walk around the green for a warm down.
So the stats for the short jog are
Time 29.05
Distance 2.24 miles
Avg pace, 13 min miles
After we got in, the Old boy said "Thanks babe, that is just the right pace for me at the moment" And there was me thinking I was running faster than usual!
Well, guess what? Go on, guess. Guess who was my running partner today? Not Naggy Neighbour or Nagging sister, and not Smarty pants (she still has about 6 weeks to go before baby is here) and not Happy Neighbour either, Have you guessed? Well it was the Old Boy!
Yesterday we did say that we would take the bikes out for a gentle 5 flat mile spin, but today I was working a tad later than usual, so the Old boy said "How about a short jog then Old Girl?" Well, why not, its only two miles, I know I should have a rest day from the whole impact thing, but I see it as a long jog just spread over two days. "Yeah, you're on" I tell him.
As the evening draws on, I am getting more and more cosy in my chair, one of the little darlings I look after went home fairly early, it was the older one that was staying a bit later, of course she doesn't need running after! So my armchair was becoming more and more snug.
Eventually her mum arrived, after chatting for a bit while the child got her things together, I said goodbye and looked at the Old Boy and he was still keen to go. "Are you coming then?" he said to me. I was quite tired by now, and looking forward to my dinner. "No, you go, I shall cook" The old Boy went upstairs to get changed, and I thought to myself, "Get up them you lazy old mare and go jogging, ITS ONLY 2 MILES!So of course I did!.
"Go gentle on me" said the Old boy, but I know that he is a lot fitter than what he thinks he is. I think he just needs to pace himself while things take shape with the old body, and I know that I run at a very gentle pace! Probably a very good pace for an old boy who hasn't 'run' since his twenties!
As it turned out though, I was the one who was slowing the Old Boy down! Our route took us to my favourtie lamppost of all time, turn around lamppost, but because it is turn around lamppost, it has a hold on me, sico...phsycho.......or where is the spell checker? It has a psychological hold on me, it wants me to stop, hold on to it, rest a while. But the Old Boy wasn't having that. "To the church and then stop" he says. Who is training who here?! So from there the Old Boy took the lead.
He did let me stop at the church and walk awhile, and then he gave me another focus point to get to before he let me stop again. All the way to the training centre. We both decided it was going to be a short run so we were cutting through the park. "Ok Old Girl" he says to me "You call it, where you want to run too?" I could quite easily have said to the next lamppost but that is not the idea really, "Ok, to the fence at the end of the park" And so we headed on home.
The Old boy was on form, I was struggling behind and even had a sneaky walk, but I picked up the pace again, "its not that far now, just keep running you lazy mare," were the thoughts going through my mind. I was quite pleased the fence came quite quickly as I picked up the pace a bit to get it all over and done with, and the caught up with the Old Boy. We walked for a few more seconds, till the end of the short road, and then the next stop was home, with the sprint finish up our road.
Running up the road now, the Old Boy on the pavement, me on the road, saving precious energy by not going up and down on those darn driveways. I can see that the Old Boy is looking good, and I should out to him "The first one in cooks dinner and makes tea" I knew that wouldn't slow him down, and I get out of cooking, again, at least this way the food will be edible! On and on now, turning left, and now sprint, I can see the Old Boy like a bloomin rocket, a shadow in the darkness going up our path. I am struggling with the whole sprinting, and I stop just before our path "NO, NO, NO Old Girl!" I said to my self, "Get your ass back to running" and I ran up the path to where the Old boy was just cooling down, Stopped my Garmin and joined him in the walk around the green for a warm down.
So the stats for the short jog are
Time 29.05
Distance 2.24 miles
Avg pace, 13 min miles
After we got in, the Old boy said "Thanks babe, that is just the right pace for me at the moment" And there was me thinking I was running faster than usual!
Sunday, 9 January 2011
First Run Of The Year With Naggy!
Hello blogess.
What a gorgeous day it is today, the sun is shining, its not exactly freezing, and I'm up for my run after church.
I called on naggy to see if she wanted to come with me, as she is at a loose end. "Sure" she says "But can we make it a little later" "Of course that's no problem" I said, I just thought I can just get on with the housework instead!
Naggy knocked on my door. I wasn't ready, even though I suggested to her that I would be ready by 3. Its surprising how housework takes over! But there stood naggy, looking like a troublesome hoody, she wasn't in her usual running gear. "I am using this run as a warm down, to keep the muscles loose" she tells me. Naggy had already been out for her jog this morning! 5 miles already, plus 5 miles yesterday! So between the pair of us this is really going to be a slow, 'keep the muscles from seizing up' run, because I had 13 miles in my legs from my cycle ride yesterday.
We took it really slowly, the sun almost blinding us, and we were chatting away as you do, when girls get together, and the first 3 quarters of a mile went by really quickly and easily, but then my muscles started complaining, and reminding me that they have been well worked over this weekend, I had my first walk stop before the mile marker! But naggy was quite generous, no nagging, just a gentle reminder to get back to running, (I think the ten miles in her legs are reminding her that she has done her bit this weekend). But she did say to me "No more stopping now until Turpington lane." I kind of just agreed.
Well, I didn't quite make it to Turp, but again Naggy was quite generous and not too much nagging! She must be getting soft! Down Greenway is when Naggy said that I could have an 'official' stop. Of course a 'Stop' is just a stop from jogging, not stopping altogether, unlike what the Old Boy wanted me to do yesterday on Old Hill while cycling!
We chatted all the way, I think we put the worlds to right, abolished some governments, moaned about the buses and wet damp people on them and generally just took this run very very easy.
We got home, and I really didn't even put my usual sprint on and stopped my watch. 46:03 seconds. Very slow indeed. But it was good to get another one in before the new week begins.
So the rest of the vital stats
Time 46:03 (I know I just told you)
Distance 3.32 Miles
HR avg 138 bpm Max 164 bpm
P.S. The Old Boy has really got the bug now, and took himself for a jog after we got back and had tea, he did 2.24 miles in 26 mins!
What a gorgeous day it is today, the sun is shining, its not exactly freezing, and I'm up for my run after church.
I called on naggy to see if she wanted to come with me, as she is at a loose end. "Sure" she says "But can we make it a little later" "Of course that's no problem" I said, I just thought I can just get on with the housework instead!
Naggy knocked on my door. I wasn't ready, even though I suggested to her that I would be ready by 3. Its surprising how housework takes over! But there stood naggy, looking like a troublesome hoody, she wasn't in her usual running gear. "I am using this run as a warm down, to keep the muscles loose" she tells me. Naggy had already been out for her jog this morning! 5 miles already, plus 5 miles yesterday! So between the pair of us this is really going to be a slow, 'keep the muscles from seizing up' run, because I had 13 miles in my legs from my cycle ride yesterday.
We took it really slowly, the sun almost blinding us, and we were chatting away as you do, when girls get together, and the first 3 quarters of a mile went by really quickly and easily, but then my muscles started complaining, and reminding me that they have been well worked over this weekend, I had my first walk stop before the mile marker! But naggy was quite generous, no nagging, just a gentle reminder to get back to running, (I think the ten miles in her legs are reminding her that she has done her bit this weekend). But she did say to me "No more stopping now until Turpington lane." I kind of just agreed.
Well, I didn't quite make it to Turp, but again Naggy was quite generous and not too much nagging! She must be getting soft! Down Greenway is when Naggy said that I could have an 'official' stop. Of course a 'Stop' is just a stop from jogging, not stopping altogether, unlike what the Old Boy wanted me to do yesterday on Old Hill while cycling!
We chatted all the way, I think we put the worlds to right, abolished some governments, moaned about the buses and wet damp people on them and generally just took this run very very easy.
We got home, and I really didn't even put my usual sprint on and stopped my watch. 46:03 seconds. Very slow indeed. But it was good to get another one in before the new week begins.
So the rest of the vital stats
Time 46:03 (I know I just told you)
Distance 3.32 Miles
HR avg 138 bpm Max 164 bpm
P.S. The Old Boy has really got the bug now, and took himself for a jog after we got back and had tea, he did 2.24 miles in 26 mins!
Saturday, 8 January 2011
New Bike For Old Boy!
Hello blogers,
Today was quite an exciting day in the 'Olds' household. We picked up the Old boys new bike today. Its a very nice bike and the man sorted out the right height for the saddle for him, we paid up the rest of the deposit and we were off!
The old boy seemed very keen to give it a right good first test run, and said that we were going up hill from where we bought the bike. Yup, that's right up hill. But with all of my training so far, this shouldn't be no problem. I will no doubt have to wait for the Old Boy, (I think he has bitten off more than he can chew!) and then probably just have a gentle ride around on the flats somewhere!
Did this happen?! Oh no! The Old boy looked bloomin marvelous on his super douper 24 speed, lock out suspension hybrid bike! I was struggling to keep up with him. In fact I did say that we hadn't had breakfast (we got up pretty late!) so how about we stop for a cuppa, a bit of toast somewhere and then think of a route to test the bike as we head on home. Thankfully he agreed and we stopped off at Chislehurst Caves for tea and toast!
My Garmin said that we had rode for 1.70 miles from the shop to there, I remembered to stop the timer (eventually) as we went into the shop. It felt good to have a bit of toast, even though it was actually lunch time. The Old boy was very enthusiastic with his ride so far and said that he wants to do ten miles today. So over our cuppa he told us where we were going! Up hill towards Chislehurst!
I I could show you the elevation of the hill that he wants to ride up I would. Its a killer hill! "Just keep in low gear babe" he says as if its me that has just bought a new bike. Well of course that is going to happen! The Old Boy said that he would follow me, I was thinking maybe he didn't want me to see him struggling going up this mountain!
There was no way my little legs could get my fat backside,complete with heavier bike attached to it (I thought I would mention that my bike is heavier than his) up there in one go............... or two goes.......... in fact I did have to get off and walk. But the Old boy said "Just stop, don't walk, catch your breath and then go again) Is the man completely out of his mind. If I stopped that would mean that I am not progressing up the hill!! Nope, that is not what is going to happen, I got off and pushed my bike up! All the while though the Old Boy stayed in his saddle and kept on going.
I did ride up some of the hill, my data from my Garmin will show that!, I was so glad when we had reached the top though. Once this hill was behind us, it was a pleasant ride, though some of the places I did my 10k back in October last year. When we were heading towards home and only had about a mile to go, the Old boy asked how far we had come so far. "7 miles and a bit" I informed him, "Well that's no good he says, we need to get in 10 miles before we go home" So he quickly conjured up a new route, going through the park, up more roads, heading towards Norman park (where nagging sister use to push me round my mile jogs) and then head up towards Keston! Yeah! That sounds like a plan.
So that's where we went. It was a fairly easy ride from there to Norman Park,and the Old boy was having a great time, (the only bit that he in fact suffered on was Old Hill, where he did actually stop for a tiny bit), and because he was having such a good time, he suggest that we actually make our way to Downe Village for a quick refreshing liquidation!
Blimey, there is no stopping him now! But what he didn't tell me was that there was an incline, all the way, from here to Keston! I needed the loo, so the Old Boy suggests that we stop off at the Greyhound to use their facilities.
It was bloomin hard work! The incline was never ending, unlike Old Hill where you could have a breather at the top, this looked as it its going on and on. Of course, I have ridden to Downe Village, and I know Downe is up! Up the top of hills. So I knew there were going to be more hills after this.
Eventually, after encouraging chants from the Old Boy behind me, I kept going and going. "How far now, before the pub" I asked him, "Not far, its that white building just up ahead" So with my gaze fixed on that I just cycled and cycled, I didn't want to stop peddling, not even for the huge lorry that was coming in the opposite direction! Keep going keep going.
We made it to the pub, I quickly went for the ladies and when I came out the Old Boy had got a round of drinks in, he had just realised what the time was and we needed to get home and do some shopping!
I was so very relieved! I'm not sure if it showed in my expression though! I stopped the Garmin again and we drank our drinks. Then set off on our way home. I know from here its all down hill. Phew! But the Old Boy had different ideas. "There's a route that goes through some woods" he says as he tries to remember which way it is we need to turn to get there. Oh well, bang goes my free wheeling all the way home! All too soon we got to the little path that will take us right, towards Locksbottom. Now, what with the weather, all the snow, and the rain, the path was a tad muddy. Further down this path was a huge 'swimming pool' that we have to go through. The Old Boy has decided that I should ride up front, I'm sure that its because he wants to see me fall off in the pool! Just to check out how deep it is!
It was quite eventful going through here, there were more huge puddles very sticky, wet deep mud holes and trees going across the path that we had to 'duck' under as we rode on!
We came to a lovely road on the left, which thankfully we took. This took us out just by the junctions at Farnborough. We walked our bikes over to the A21 and road DOWN, DOWN DOWN, BEAUTIFUL DOWN the A21 towards our home. It felt good to ride home from here, free wheeling all the way down, turn left on Lower Gravel Road and up Jackson road to 'Turn around Lamppost!'
It was a good fun ride. Hard, very hard. and the Old Boy kept on at me to keep going. Had he not been there, beside the fact that I would NEVER choOse that route anyway, but I would have got off my bike and walked so much more!
So for the new found geekiness in me, here are the stats
Time (moving, i.e. time in saddle, not in pub or cafe) 1:47:57
Distance 12.98 miles
avg speed 7.2 mph max speed 23.5 mph
Max elevation 407 ft
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, I had forgotten to push the start button again on my Garmin, I remembered when we were on the muddy path! So about a mile needs to be added on really :-)
Today was quite an exciting day in the 'Olds' household. We picked up the Old boys new bike today. Its a very nice bike and the man sorted out the right height for the saddle for him, we paid up the rest of the deposit and we were off!
The old boy seemed very keen to give it a right good first test run, and said that we were going up hill from where we bought the bike. Yup, that's right up hill. But with all of my training so far, this shouldn't be no problem. I will no doubt have to wait for the Old Boy, (I think he has bitten off more than he can chew!) and then probably just have a gentle ride around on the flats somewhere!
Did this happen?! Oh no! The Old boy looked bloomin marvelous on his super douper 24 speed, lock out suspension hybrid bike! I was struggling to keep up with him. In fact I did say that we hadn't had breakfast (we got up pretty late!) so how about we stop for a cuppa, a bit of toast somewhere and then think of a route to test the bike as we head on home. Thankfully he agreed and we stopped off at Chislehurst Caves for tea and toast!
My Garmin said that we had rode for 1.70 miles from the shop to there, I remembered to stop the timer (eventually) as we went into the shop. It felt good to have a bit of toast, even though it was actually lunch time. The Old boy was very enthusiastic with his ride so far and said that he wants to do ten miles today. So over our cuppa he told us where we were going! Up hill towards Chislehurst!
I I could show you the elevation of the hill that he wants to ride up I would. Its a killer hill! "Just keep in low gear babe" he says as if its me that has just bought a new bike. Well of course that is going to happen! The Old Boy said that he would follow me, I was thinking maybe he didn't want me to see him struggling going up this mountain!
There was no way my little legs could get my fat backside,complete with heavier bike attached to it (I thought I would mention that my bike is heavier than his) up there in one go............... or two goes.......... in fact I did have to get off and walk. But the Old boy said "Just stop, don't walk, catch your breath and then go again) Is the man completely out of his mind. If I stopped that would mean that I am not progressing up the hill!! Nope, that is not what is going to happen, I got off and pushed my bike up! All the while though the Old Boy stayed in his saddle and kept on going.
I did ride up some of the hill, my data from my Garmin will show that!, I was so glad when we had reached the top though. Once this hill was behind us, it was a pleasant ride, though some of the places I did my 10k back in October last year. When we were heading towards home and only had about a mile to go, the Old boy asked how far we had come so far. "7 miles and a bit" I informed him, "Well that's no good he says, we need to get in 10 miles before we go home" So he quickly conjured up a new route, going through the park, up more roads, heading towards Norman park (where nagging sister use to push me round my mile jogs) and then head up towards Keston! Yeah! That sounds like a plan.
So that's where we went. It was a fairly easy ride from there to Norman Park,and the Old boy was having a great time, (the only bit that he in fact suffered on was Old Hill, where he did actually stop for a tiny bit), and because he was having such a good time, he suggest that we actually make our way to Downe Village for a quick refreshing liquidation!
Blimey, there is no stopping him now! But what he didn't tell me was that there was an incline, all the way, from here to Keston! I needed the loo, so the Old Boy suggests that we stop off at the Greyhound to use their facilities.
It was bloomin hard work! The incline was never ending, unlike Old Hill where you could have a breather at the top, this looked as it its going on and on. Of course, I have ridden to Downe Village, and I know Downe is up! Up the top of hills. So I knew there were going to be more hills after this.
Eventually, after encouraging chants from the Old Boy behind me, I kept going and going. "How far now, before the pub" I asked him, "Not far, its that white building just up ahead" So with my gaze fixed on that I just cycled and cycled, I didn't want to stop peddling, not even for the huge lorry that was coming in the opposite direction! Keep going keep going.
We made it to the pub, I quickly went for the ladies and when I came out the Old Boy had got a round of drinks in, he had just realised what the time was and we needed to get home and do some shopping!
I was so very relieved! I'm not sure if it showed in my expression though! I stopped the Garmin again and we drank our drinks. Then set off on our way home. I know from here its all down hill. Phew! But the Old Boy had different ideas. "There's a route that goes through some woods" he says as he tries to remember which way it is we need to turn to get there. Oh well, bang goes my free wheeling all the way home! All too soon we got to the little path that will take us right, towards Locksbottom. Now, what with the weather, all the snow, and the rain, the path was a tad muddy. Further down this path was a huge 'swimming pool' that we have to go through. The Old Boy has decided that I should ride up front, I'm sure that its because he wants to see me fall off in the pool! Just to check out how deep it is!
It was quite eventful going through here, there were more huge puddles very sticky, wet deep mud holes and trees going across the path that we had to 'duck' under as we rode on!
We came to a lovely road on the left, which thankfully we took. This took us out just by the junctions at Farnborough. We walked our bikes over to the A21 and road DOWN, DOWN DOWN, BEAUTIFUL DOWN the A21 towards our home. It felt good to ride home from here, free wheeling all the way down, turn left on Lower Gravel Road and up Jackson road to 'Turn around Lamppost!'
It was a good fun ride. Hard, very hard. and the Old Boy kept on at me to keep going. Had he not been there, beside the fact that I would NEVER choOse that route anyway, but I would have got off my bike and walked so much more!
So for the new found geekiness in me, here are the stats
Time (moving, i.e. time in saddle, not in pub or cafe) 1:47:57
Distance 12.98 miles
avg speed 7.2 mph max speed 23.5 mph
Max elevation 407 ft
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, I had forgotten to push the start button again on my Garmin, I remembered when we were on the muddy path! So about a mile needs to be added on really :-)
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Another Dark Run!
Hello blogees.
What a day it was today! I woke up and it was dark and raining! I got up, it was dark and raining. But I thought I would get dressed in my running gear in anticipation of the rain stopping. I had a cup of tea, and breakfast, and still it was dark and raining. I did some housework, changed beds put a wash on, danced around, made phone calls, paid off bills, sorted out Internet, and still it was dark and raining!
Would the rain ever stop! I was getting restless feet, my daughter called me, and I had to take my car to her house to pick up my travel cot, and her car seat as her car was sick and need the skills of a mechanic. When I opened the door I was like a greyhound out of the trap and ran for my car!
But I'm guessing you all know that I did do a run today, which is why you all reading the ramblings of this mad woman.
The rain stopped and I managed to get out for my run about quarter to five! I am not keen on running in the dark, but needs must. If I am going to get up to speed to be able to run with the PWR's again then I need to run at least 3 times a week and keep building up my stamina!
The roads were wet and puddles were everywhere, I was hurdling them to save my feet from getting too wet, I suppose its better than hurdling lazy dog owners 'dogs doings' although in this light it will be had to spot those! I have my HRM strapped on and my garmin on my wrist, I am looking forward to 'analyzing' the data as this will be the first time I have done the same run twice using the Garmin. I really wanted to beat Tuesdays time, but as I have noticed in the past, certain days, certain times in the days, have different effects on my running, and of course what I have eaten during the day. But still it will be interesting reading, if you are a geek like I am becoming!
So far so good, I was approaching the main road now, and from here on its the homeward journey. I am pleased with that, (I have had more walking stops today than I did on Tuesday!) but I know that even that sometimes does not indicate a slower time.
Heading towards the pub now, and I am doing the thing that I have been telling my kids not to do for the past 26 years, and that's 'cuffing it' Wiping my nose on my sleeves! I had forgotten to bring some hankies! In the cold weather along with the running, liquid pours out of every orifice!
The little hill leading to the walking bridge over the railway, drew a little cry of exasperation from me, but the thought that was going through my head, after I told myself of for whimpering, is "Well, Old Girl, do you remember you couldn't even run up your stairs without requiring the oxygen mask half way up" So I eased up on myself. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day!, it has taken 40 odd years of neglect and abuse to get to that stage, and I am having to repair things slowly, slowly slowly, ........ a bit like my desktop computer really!
The road home, oh! was fabulous. Its down hill, By now its pretty dark, but I'm on the bus route, the main road, and there are people I am having to 'weave' through as they make their way home from work. I am looking forward to running up my road. My feet are wet now as I was having trouble seeing puddles, and was just splashing though them, but its not far off now. Soon be home.
I was keeping an eye on my Garmin, I'm so enjoying this new gizmo, I am interested in how hard my heart is working. I know I can push harder, but my legs are refusing to do what I know my heart can do! There is obviously a lack of communication between the heart and the legs, I will just have to work on that.
Coming down the road that I dare not stop on was a joy! My dinner will be cooked, and a cuppa waiting for me. I put the spurt on as I reached my path, (I really must start this further up the road now) and as soon as I reached my house I stopped my Garmin and checked the time! Darn it! Its slower than Tuesday! Well, I knew it would be.
So today's stats
Miles 3.03 (Don't ask me its different, but I did the same route)
Time 40:20 mins
Heart rate Avg 143 max 152 bpm
Now I could give so much more info but I don't want to be too geeky!
What a day it was today! I woke up and it was dark and raining! I got up, it was dark and raining. But I thought I would get dressed in my running gear in anticipation of the rain stopping. I had a cup of tea, and breakfast, and still it was dark and raining. I did some housework, changed beds put a wash on, danced around, made phone calls, paid off bills, sorted out Internet, and still it was dark and raining!
Would the rain ever stop! I was getting restless feet, my daughter called me, and I had to take my car to her house to pick up my travel cot, and her car seat as her car was sick and need the skills of a mechanic. When I opened the door I was like a greyhound out of the trap and ran for my car!
But I'm guessing you all know that I did do a run today, which is why you all reading the ramblings of this mad woman.
The rain stopped and I managed to get out for my run about quarter to five! I am not keen on running in the dark, but needs must. If I am going to get up to speed to be able to run with the PWR's again then I need to run at least 3 times a week and keep building up my stamina!
The roads were wet and puddles were everywhere, I was hurdling them to save my feet from getting too wet, I suppose its better than hurdling lazy dog owners 'dogs doings' although in this light it will be had to spot those! I have my HRM strapped on and my garmin on my wrist, I am looking forward to 'analyzing' the data as this will be the first time I have done the same run twice using the Garmin. I really wanted to beat Tuesdays time, but as I have noticed in the past, certain days, certain times in the days, have different effects on my running, and of course what I have eaten during the day. But still it will be interesting reading, if you are a geek like I am becoming!
So far so good, I was approaching the main road now, and from here on its the homeward journey. I am pleased with that, (I have had more walking stops today than I did on Tuesday!) but I know that even that sometimes does not indicate a slower time.
Heading towards the pub now, and I am doing the thing that I have been telling my kids not to do for the past 26 years, and that's 'cuffing it' Wiping my nose on my sleeves! I had forgotten to bring some hankies! In the cold weather along with the running, liquid pours out of every orifice!
The little hill leading to the walking bridge over the railway, drew a little cry of exasperation from me, but the thought that was going through my head, after I told myself of for whimpering, is "Well, Old Girl, do you remember you couldn't even run up your stairs without requiring the oxygen mask half way up" So I eased up on myself. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day!, it has taken 40 odd years of neglect and abuse to get to that stage, and I am having to repair things slowly, slowly slowly, ........ a bit like my desktop computer really!
The road home, oh! was fabulous. Its down hill, By now its pretty dark, but I'm on the bus route, the main road, and there are people I am having to 'weave' through as they make their way home from work. I am looking forward to running up my road. My feet are wet now as I was having trouble seeing puddles, and was just splashing though them, but its not far off now. Soon be home.
I was keeping an eye on my Garmin, I'm so enjoying this new gizmo, I am interested in how hard my heart is working. I know I can push harder, but my legs are refusing to do what I know my heart can do! There is obviously a lack of communication between the heart and the legs, I will just have to work on that.
Coming down the road that I dare not stop on was a joy! My dinner will be cooked, and a cuppa waiting for me. I put the spurt on as I reached my path, (I really must start this further up the road now) and as soon as I reached my house I stopped my Garmin and checked the time! Darn it! Its slower than Tuesday! Well, I knew it would be.
So today's stats
Miles 3.03 (Don't ask me its different, but I did the same route)
Time 40:20 mins
Heart rate Avg 143 max 152 bpm
Now I could give so much more info but I don't want to be too geeky!
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