Hi blog lovers,
I just couldn't wait any more to get out and run. I was going to wait until tomorrow but after the old boy said that he was going to do some 'fettling' (?) on his bike, it left me at a loose end. The old boy even suggested I go out for a run, so thats what I did.
Now considering that I have put my name down for the Local 10k race in October, and there is a couple of nasty looking hills, I mapped out a new run to include hills to run today. So after I had left my bacon and egg sandwich go down (made by the old boy) I got ready to go out.
Because this is a first hilly route, just to get used to things I am just running for runnings sake No timer, no pressure, and not even an IPOD, I might be tempted to put on the stopwatch.
I do need music though and decided to take a little phone with me with the radio going. As I put the headphones in I noticed the time on the phone. 12:05pm. I am not going to let that pray on my mind, I shall pretend that I didn't see it.
As I was jogging along the darn ear piece kept coming out of my ear! Its so annoying! I saw big sons girl friend just coming up the road as I was struggling with the earpiece, she is on her way to wish him a happy birthday! 16! A big boy now! sigh.
By the time I got to the round about just up the road the earpiece came out, so I gave up on that and put it in my bumbag, (I bought water with me today, it jsut feels muggy out there) and then instead of going straight across the roundabout I turned right, heading for the hill!
Now this hill is quite a steep one, I am getting fitter all the time, I can manage to get up it when I'm riding my bike, and at the top I am usually blowing a bit to say the least. I have never attempted to run up it, but remembering all that naggy neighbour had said to me, I attacked the hill.
It was hard hard going, I was puffing like an old steam engine but determined to get to the top of my first real hill. There were people cleaning their cars out and doing bits in their gardens, I could feel them looking at me as I puffed and 'urgggh' my way up the hill, but I wouldn't let my self think what they might be thinking of some crazy old girl pounding hilly pavements.
I honestly shouted "Yes" when I reached the top, if I was a tad braver I would have held my hands in the air and jumped about a bit, like in the rocky film, but I thought better of it, and continued on my way.
I was going to head down Sherperton Road and then turn left and head for the railway bridge and go through there. Head on through the square, pass the pub and the back over the railway lines. There are a couple of slightly hilly bits among that little lot, but nothing like my first hill.
Over the rail bridge now and head on for home. Oh, I suppose I should say right now, this was not done non stop! Sorry naggy, maybe I rested up a little too much, and lazyitus getting to me, in my defense, it is very muggy out here! As I was heady down to the turning that takes me home I saw a running heading up! He looked totally in the zone, and I really wanted to say "Well I have just run up a hill too!" I really need to have music with me when I run, so I can get in the zone too, or have a naggy neighbour keeping pace with me!
My legs were feeling quite heavy, I should have gone down to the next Oxhawth and the back up the hill to get to the road leading home, but I didn't, I chickened out of that and said to my self "Tomorrow, I will do that bit tomorrow" Another swig of water, and head on down the road.
as I was approaching my turning I picked the speed up again as always, and nagged my self silly to go faster and faster. I got to my gate and remembered that I had recieved a text while I was out and grabbed for my phone to read it, of course I noted the time, it was 12:41, so that means I did that in 36 minutes! it seemed impossible to me, ok it is slightly shorter than my usual route, but still, pretty impressive though I'm thinking.
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