Thursday, 2 September 2010

Roast Dinner Or Run?

Hi blog lovers,

I had a day off today, free from squashy people and little tiny bundles of love. The old boy was home today too, and after he took the skeleton of his motor bike to some place to be pressured washed, massaged by some sort of beads and then powder coated and baked! we were ready for lunch.

We didn't decide on a nice light lunch of a salad, or even a tasteless burger and chips, no, we decided to have a full roast dinner, topped off with ice cream with chocolate flake.

I knew I should have gone out first thing this morning, but it just felt too good to lay in my pit and wallow for a while.

I thought by the time we finished lunch, which was about 2 ish, then by 6:30 ish I should be ready to go for a run.

How wrong was I! I thought by this time, dinner should be well below navel level, and therefore possibly ok to go running. I pulled on my old 'Athletic joggers today, my posh, proper joggers were on the line, still wet! (must get myself another pair) and went out the door...........well obviously with top and shoes and everything else! I was still feeling very bloated, but I tried not to think about it.

The first two minutes turned into the first 3 or 4 minutes. My dinner was really reminding me it was there (and I really would like it to stay there!) So, with that in mind I decided that PB can take a back step today, this is just a run off that ice cream, that you shouldn't have had run. I have the old boys play list on my IPOD and trying to think about that rather than dinner churning away in the bloatiness of my belly!

I make it as far as 1 mile before I slowed to walking pace, I ran all the way to the first pub, non stop, no body saw me, but I did it, I ran it. I get to the first pub and slowed down walking pace,to force dinner back down below waistband hight, when I hear a toot behind me. I looked over, of all the people that I could meet down that bit of road, in a car, it just had to be NAGGY NEIGHBOUR! I crossed over the road, and she slowed down to lean out of her window to say "You were walking!!" I soon picked up the pace again and began to run again as I waved her as she drove off. I passed a police officer doing his rounds and nodded politely. I ran and ran as far as the turning that takes me on the homeward bound, Turpington Lane! And that stupid game kept me going!

I did walk a little bit more up Greenway, but I was determined that the hill will not beat me today. As soon as I turned the corner I attacked the hill, my dinner reminding me its still there, and maybe I would like to see it again! But I kept going. To the top of the hill I made it, and gasped out loud. I walked again for ten seconds and then started to run again. I passed the same police officer I saw earlier and this time he smiled at me, maybe he was surprised to see an old girl get this far in the same time that it took him via the short cut!

On and on, running with a couple more ten second walking sessions, well, there is no danger of Naggy seeing me on the way home is there?! Up ahead, just by the turning I take to go home I saw my DJ Neighbour. He was on his daily constitutionals! I could see he was taking the second Oxhawth, I need to get in front of him! I want to get in front of him. So I started running down the first Oxhawth. I can imagine half way down this the DJ will be heading on down the other one, with some luck I could just get in front of him, but I do have that uphill bit. I was running and concentrating on this bit I get to almost the top and then allow myself to look to see if he was there.

He was just approaching the road as I heading on the last long road home. "Yes, yes beat him"........But then.......OH. Now DJ Neighbour is behind me. There is no way I could possible walk now knowing that he will be able to see if I walk! So from that point on I ran and ran. I was thinking as the road bent slightly this way then I would be out of his view for a short while, but I just didn't want to turn around to check! I just seemed to look at me, I'm in front of you, ner ner ner ner ner type of thing to do.

All the way home running, thinking about how far DJ was behind me. Yes, I made it. I checked my IPOD stopwatch. Well, just as I expected, No PB's broken here today. 41.08. Still pretty good compared to what I was doing this route in.

Oh and dinner stayed in place. Came back to find that the old boy and cooked up a couple of chipolata sausages, hmmmm, I could just eat a couple of those now!

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