Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Post Epic Bike Ride!

Hi blog watchers,

I thought today would be a good day to go jogging. I am still aching from the Sky ride I did on Sunday, just not as bad as I was yesterday, at least I can sit down now without dreading it! That is definitely not a comfort fit saddle on my bike.

So after a rest day yesterday, a nice relaxing day today looking after new little one, I was expecting great (ish) things from me.

I cooked at nice meal for us all before I set off, hoping that would inspire me to get around quickly. Knowing I had a lovely roast dinner waiting for me at home is always a good motivational 'tool'

Jog pants on, top, shoes, IPOD and pink cap. I really do look like a runner, Oh I must add this bit, the jog pants I put on today are my old ones, you know, the ones with 'Athletic' written across the backside, and I noticed that the legs on these pair now have plenty of room! So things must be improving, or it could be, as the old boy said, that they have lost all the elasticity! Tut!

Out of the door, I was looking forward to today's run. I have been reading up on some MMR's escapades and been feeling like I need to get out there and run. Its a lovely cool evening, its 19:10, there is no rain, and I'm raring to go. Running down the road I am smiling and, so far, enjoying it.

I have a determination that I will run the whole way, I want to, I have to, just to satisfy myself that I can do it. I can feel the aches and pains from the sky ride starting to complain at bit more now, as I am heading towards the first mile mark, the pub and all those steaks cooking on the grill, mmmmmmmmmm steaksssss (Homer moment) I urge myself to keep going. Knowing this is the place that I generally stop and walk for 10 seconds when I'm by myself.

That's that sticking point done, now, lets hope there are customers outside the next pub so that I can show off my running skills. And there were, drinking their beer, having their ciggies, so now I have to keep on going. I can't remember if it was here or maybe just before this point I saw my next door neighbour, the DJ, on his daily walk. Obviously I wont be racing him home tonight!

But I carried on running to the round about and that's where I stopped running at walked. But only for 10 seconds, I could 'feel' naggy urging me on. There are plenty of runners out today, all focused, I can't help myself, its like a club I have to smile or maybe even wave, if I have the energy to do so, at them. I don't always get a smile back, but I just think that maybe they are so in the zone that they see nothing and no-one. That will be me one day!

I carried on running all the way to Turp today, but I stopped again! I only walk for about 10-15 seconds each time but I am so darn annoyed at myself. On to greenway now, and that hill. I want to run up it, as a punishment for walking. All the way to the top, no stopping.

I walked again just before the hill, prepared myself as best as I could, and then ran, I turned the corner and ran, arms raised and propelling me up the hill. I am going to do this, no stop to the end. There were a couple of young lads walking up the hill, in what looks like sports gear, and with the name of the school on the back of their sweatshirts I felt quite pleased that I was jogging past them! Me, an old girl, jogging up hill, (sweating like a pig, and no doubt grunting like one too)
jogging past these two young guys!

The rest of the jog was the same as usual. I get back to the first pub and look at the time. I know If I do the same time from here as when I run here, then there is a slight possibility that I can beat my PB. This thought is going through my mind, but also the other thoughts too, like 'You always run slower on the last mile, so take a chill pill old girl' and that thought is always, always right.

Try as I might I just can't get that pace the same as on the way here. My legs are hurting, my hips are hurting, my right ankle is hurting, and I know I am running slower.

Up the last hill now, I am determined to run up it, I even promised myself at quick 10 second walk when I reached the top! True to my word, I gave myself a breather. I managed to jog up that last hill. 10 second walk then run, the rest of the way home.

I do like this last bit of the run. Its down hill, its almost home, and I have a lovely roast chicken dinner to stuff down my neck as soon as I get in,

My fave mantra came into my mind 'Finish in style' That's when I know that the run is almost over, I pick up the speed, I feel a 'fizzing' in my feet already, run, run, you can do it, ignore the aches and pains, enjoy the feeling of 'you've done it again' come on old girl, move, run.

I stopped the clock at 41m30s. I know its not my PB, maybe it was a fluke last time. Something to aim for. But I feel its still a good time, especially after my epic ride on Sunday! With all the aches an pains that came with that, and the bruises from falling off my bike!

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