Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Keep Adding To My Distance.

Good Evening Bloggees.

What a wonderful evening. Its warm out, the sun is shining, and I'm looking forward to my jog.

When I left the house to go, I had in my mind that I am jogging the whole way round the route I have in my mind. No matter what! When I started jogging and got to the path that leads to the park, I was thinking, "Mmmmmm I should have bought some water" Naggy told me exactly what its like to go into total body meltdown if you get too de-hydrated, mind you, I'm not planning to run 10 miles!

So with that in mind, of course I was thinking, "I doubt you going to run all the way" I think that is my problem, I am too negative by myself. I felt like I was running faster as well, only the clock can tell me when I get home. I haven't got a gizmo thingy, I shall have to ask 'Father Christmas' this year for something like that.

Through the park and my breathing is a little laboured, so I slow down the pace a bit, after all I have those hills to climb fairly soon. And I want to run up every single one, even if I have to walk for a few paces before hand.

There that's done it, now that thought was in my mind. I pushed myself harder to at least run for the first mile non stop. Why do I think negatively all the time. Up and up the hills, passed the first mile past the church..........now walk. But only for a few seconds. Just get the breath back. Then onwards and upwards. Keep my eyes on the lights up ahead, because just before those is where I turn to run up my nemesis! How I hate that hill! I hate that one more than the steeper one towards the end of my run! Its in my head!

Its here now, mocking me. I have no music with me, I didn't have head phones for my mobile to listen to the radio, my IPOD is out of battery, there is just me, the sound of the traffic and that hill!

I attack it as naggy tells me all too often, shoulders back, arms raised propelling you almost, head up, attack attack attack! I was doing all of this, then I started to think about something! I can't even remember what it was I was thinking about, but it threw me, I suddenly noticed that I was walking! Well I am so glad my Pastor is not driving past me right now! Not after what I called myself, out loud as well Of course I started to jog again, after a stern telling off.

I made sure that I didn't stop till I got to the end of this road. Running all the way to Southborough lane, then maybe a quick breather, but only a quick breather! On and on now, running past the school, running past both Oxhawths, now running up, probably, the steepest hill on the route. It is a killer, and of course me being weak willed, did stop again, but just before I got to my friends house I started running again, up and up, passed the church, turn right, then on and on. I am going past Crescent road today and going down to the next right turn. It doesn't add a lot to the route, but it does give me the whole of Hollingworth to run down! Oh that is so good. Flipity flopity scarecrow, nice and relaxed as I run down. Let the hill do all the work. Oh it feels good.

Of course I'm nearly home now, and I am not allowing myself anymore walking spots, No Way!! running all the way home. I remember looking at the clock on the way out and it read 17:57. When I run up the path, finishing in style, I look at the clock and it says, 18:43. Now in my worn out, confused sweaty state, I am trying to work out how fast I had run that route today. And in my confused state, and added to the fact that I am useless with numbers, I came up with 40 minutes! for some reason I kept saying to my self, "To make things easier Old girl, say it was 18:00 which means it would be 43 minutes running, take away the 3 minutes that you added and it comes to 40 minutes" Well it seemed fine to me, and I was walking out the miles from my legs totally astounded that I did that in that time, so therefore I am obviously wrong!

Of course I was. Had to take my neighbours (I was helping to bring in their shopping)to tell me how fast I was, even though I gave them wrong time started anyway!!

But a good run, and cheered on and told to keep on running (after I had stopped) by a couple of drivers going down Southborough Lane! Maybe naggy or Nagging Sister had told them to keep me running!!!

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