Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!

Hi blog lovers.

Bet you didn't expect this today!

Well, I didn't go out running yesterday, I'm still getting used to the new routine of the baby being here, so I made sure I went out today. Its evening time, I had finished work with the little girl, and the old boy is cooking dinner today, so I have time to run.

I am only planning on doing a short run today, because of the rain, and because I am getting myself psyched up to run in the rain, and all sorts of weather.

The rain came down in bucket loads, and I was still sat on the sofa telling my self that "I am going to jog today, I have to, I need to! I WANT TO!,..... just in a minute".

The old boy was busy out side in his shed with his new toy, a beat up old motor bike that he had just managed to kick start into life again, (well, using the ignition key, but same thing) something it hasn't done in 15 years! He was well pleased. I was busy watching him run to his bike, which is getting soaked, and all the electrics were exposed as he was working on it, and he is desperately trying to get his it back into the shed.

I know, I know,I was stalling. Ok this is it. Ran upstairs got changed, I told the old boy that I was going out for a jog, as there seems to be a break in the rain, and he informs its still raining! "That's fine, its ok, its only raining a little," The old boy says "Ok, go on then, lets see how dedicated you are to your new sport" And with that I openws the door and he virtually kicked me out.

I ran up the path and I could hear the old boy saying some encouraging words about how well I'm running and something about wet tee shirts! Wow ok, praises indeed. The rain was coming down, but not as heavy as it was earlier, which I was some what relieved about.

Turning the corner I was thinking, "I am going to enjoy this, I can feel it" I'm not sure if it was the fact that I didn't put pressure on myself to do the regular route, or whether it is because I was mixing things up slightly again, or I had no music playing (I had forgotten to charge up my IPOD), probably a good thing it would only get wrecked in the rain, but I felt this is going to be a good run. Its about 2.68 miles long nothing too spectacular, just something to stretch my legs.

By the time I got about half a mile on the route the rain stopped. I was just thinking, again, that Him upstairs was looking out for me. Yes it was raining when I left, it was just a test to see if I was dedicated or not, and now I passed that test I am almost a runner.

All the way round I am thoroughly enjoying this evenings short run. The mixing it up bit is working well again, I am just running for a long as I want (no pressure to push myself) and then I chose trees to walk to and then run again. I found that I only had two walking sections before I got to the 1 mile mark just by the pub. So, there not bad. I even had a sneaky look at my phone to check how long that took and it was about 12 minutes.

Now its seems strange, and a complete turn around, but I had another voice telling me to just do the usual route, as I was enjoying myself so much. Now this was a new experience for me, and it was a voice I chose to ignore. I put it down to a double bluff by the old couch potato me.

Think about it. Old couch potato me wants to rule the roost again. Obviously, the new wanna be fit me is not going to allow that to happen. So old couchspud encourages me to go further, mess with my head that I am actually doing worse than usual, maybe even injure myself because I was only really psyched up for short run, and then I'm laid up for weeks. Couchspud face rules the roost again!!!

Well, I didn't let that happen. I had the route planned in my mind, run as much, walk just till breath has settled more or less and then run again.

It worked a treat, I was even smiling on one part of the route, heading towards home. I had already decided that I was going to run straight up hill to the next Oxhawth Crescent, just to add a bit of hill work, before I left home and that's exactly what I did.

Home again, in the cool damp evening air, and I'm sure I can smell my dinner cooking as I ran up the road to the path.

I made a grab for my phone to check on the time, I had left my house when my clock said 18.29 and I was ringing on the door bell at 19.03, 34 mins for 2.64 miles. I don't know if that is a personal best or if its way below but I don't care about that today, today was a good run. And, my facebook running mate, I ran in the rain!!

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