Hi blog lovers.
New, new, new! This is the first official full day with the new baby, so no jogging in the mornings or afternoons any more.
I have to make sure I am totally organised and ready to go out more or less as soon as baby has been picked up. Didn't quite happen like that this time, but had a fairly busy day today, so as soon as as I was free, I slung together some ingredients into a pot for a chilli for the family and called Happy Neighbour to see if she was coming along too.
About 6:30 pm we were ready to run. We are doing the shorter run today, and I am thinking about mixing it up a bit, still doing interval running, just slightly different, shake things up a bit.
We ran for 5 minutes and then we walked for 1 minute, then we ran for 4 and walked for 1, and then from then onwards it was running for 3 and walking for 1. I had already decided that we are going to do the shorter run today, just the time factor, both me and happy neighbour had our dinner busy on a slow burner, but we both just need to get out there and do something.
When we reached Greenway, it was walking for the beginning of it, then when the running section came I ran for 2 minutes and the slowed to the walking for 1 minute. "Was that 3 minutes," said a puffed surprised Happy neighbour, "No, that was only 2 minutes" I said, puffed out myself. But, I knew it was only 2 minutues, and I knew that we were still only going to walk for 1 minute, because now, after that then we would have reached my nemesis. THAT HILL. The very hill that Happy Neighbour says "I probably will walk up the Hill" So after I told her that I kinda cut short the running section so that we could have a go at running up it, I'm not sure if she was trying very hard to keep that smile on her face or whether it was a pained look she was trying to hide. "Oh" is all she said.
The walking section finished perfectly at the beginning of the hill. "Now, shoulders back, head up, use your arms to propel yourself forward, attack the hill, attack the hill!"
I blooming done it!! Got to the top of the hill, IN YOUR FACE hill. I turned around to check on Happy Neighbour and she was still jogging on up it, "Come on Happy, nearly there" Oh, it felt so good to have finally conquered it, and still be able to turn around and encourage Happy Neighbour up it.
I could have gone on through and do the usual route today, but I thought I would stick to my game plan and just have fun running, and not try and beat any PB, although that is always on your mind. As we got to the park we both decided to forgo the 1 walking and just see how far we can run on this last section home. From the moment we entered the park we had the notion for running non stop now till we get home. No waiting for each other, and if we need to walk then do it, for 1 minute only, and then run again and don't stop till the door.
I was in front of Happy Neighbour but I could hear her footsteps behind me, the park is safe, just go for it now, all the way home. I managed to get through the park, something I couldn't ever do a few weeks ago, I manged to go through the exit, up the short road and then......... walk. I was pleased with that, because I know that no matter what route I took in the beginning, whether it was 1.75 miles or 2.75 miles, I have never been able to run from the entrance of the park to the exit without stopping.
Now, 1 minute up, Happy Neighbour had already overtaken and I was ready to run again, this time not stopping till I reached the the door. With this in mind I just picked up my pace, the pace that Naggy Neighbour has me running at, and just ran. I passed Happy Neighbour, encouraging her as I did, and ran and ran. I was feeling good, almost guilty that I didn't run the usual route, but that is not what this run is about today. This is to just do something slightly different.
I reached the door, check on the stopwatch and took note of my time, 34 mins 30 seconds, looking behind me for Happy Neighbour. "come on Happy, nearly there" she rolled in at 34.45 Not bad for someone who who seems only to run once a month!
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