Hi bloggers
Its Thursday, a day with no children, so what did I do? I slept to at least 10 this morning! I'm blaming the slight cold that I have, I must have needed the sleep.
Anyway, it made me a bit late for my cycle route planning, so I decided to do the pub route again. And treat myself to a spot of lunch as I had missed breakfast!
By the time I eventually got out of the house, after doing the things that needed to be doing in the first, I headed up the road, thinking about my lunch, and also thinking about Starts Hill. "Why are you going up that way?" my brain was saying, "Take a right at the roundabout instead of left and go through the tunnel" For some reason I was thinking to myself that I wouldn't have to go up any hills at all.
So I turned right and headed towards the tunnel. Through there and to the end of the road, that will be the first roundabout on the A21. But before I got to the there the rain started.
Now I don't like riding in the rain, so I looked for a suitable place to shelter till it subsided. A bus stop was just coming up so I stopped there. As I was sitting there a bus came and dropped off a passenger, it was a lady with her baby in a buggy. She pushed the buggy under the shelter and rummaged around for the raincovers for the buggy and then headed off. I sat there for a half a minute more when I noticed that the lady had left her handbag on the seat! I tried shouting at the lady but she didn't hear me, her mobile phone was glued to her ear!, probably why she forgot her handbag. Only one thing for it, I have to go out in the rain and take it to her. I pushed my bike up to the lady just as she turned the corner, she was very grateful.
By this time the rain had stopped, I was just thinking to myself, If He didn't send that sprinkle of rain down then I wouldn't have been under that shelter waiting to take the lady her handbag!! He does look after us all.
Anyway, I digress again, this route was way harder than Starts Hill! It seemed a longer hilly bit of the route, and it was like a roller coaster, only with out down bits just flat bits, and not nice long flat bits either! Every time another hill came up I was thinking, "Starts Hill don't seem that bad now. Eventually I got to the roundabout and from then onwards it was a very pleasant journey to the pub.
It is not the quickest of service at this pub for this time of day, everybody and his Mrs seemed to here today, and a rather noisy child, I was thinking If only they would answer her, she wouldn't say the same thing over and over and over again!!
Lunch over and not on my way home. It is a fairly easy ride home as you can probably guess, I went up hills to get here so there it makes sense that there are only downward hills to get. Any reasonable person would think that, any logical person would think that, if you go uphills to get to a place then you go down hills to get back.
Of course it doesn't happen like that on my way home. Most of the ride home is uneventful, and easy going, all the way through to Orpington High Street. And then that hill! The hill that I couldn't get up last time, Perry Hall Lane! Its a monster of a hill, so head down, first gears and spin like made............. ooops far too early, I was thinking so much about the hill I changed gear while still on the flatish bit my foot slipped off the peddle, thought I was going to fall off.
All to soon enough it was looming up like a great mountain in front of me. I went for it, trying not to think about the pain in my legs now, keep spinning, keep spinning. Darn it! couldn't do it. But I did get further up the hill than last time. I think I should take pictures of each "get of my bike" stop and use that to see how fitter I am getting.
The rest of the journey home was very pleasant indeed. After attempting the climb up mount Everest I was warmed up again and had to remove my shrunken hoody! So that's toady's cycle ride, lets see how well I do next time.
I forgot to do the timings today, but that doesn't matter, I was out there doing it, I shall even jog again this evening to feed my friends cats, this fitness bug has me in its grip now.
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