Monday, 23 August 2010

I Beat You Magpiehall Lane!

Hi bloggers,

I expect you all wondering why I missed my Sunday run again. Well, first off, Naggy Neighbours '0' birthday celebrations, and you know how those '0' celebrations go, so no way was I fit enough to get up and run first thing in the morning. (Although, Naggy Neighbour found some energy to run 9 miles!) And then other stuff got in the way of me being out there running, my brother came for Sunday dinner, and I still had him here till 9 this evening!

But today, I went out, fresh legs, a complete lazy day spent with my brother and the new baby, so I decided to run my usual route non stop!

I set off after I cooked dinner for every one, and just as I was about to go up the road I noticed Naggy Neighbour was just pulling up in her car. Of course I went over to her to see if she wanted to come and do the route with me, "With 9 miles still in my legs" she said "I'm sure I could manage a slow run with you" I know, I was gobsmacked as well.

So after she got changed we set off, with the idea of just getting round the course, which you all know by now has hills in it, no seeing the average minutes per mile, just a get round the whole way non stop.

Naggy Neighbour was talking to me from the off, about this and that, like we were just sitting having a cuppa, I was concentrating on my breathing waiting for it to get into a rhythm, but I was conversing quite well I thought.

I was getting warm, the sun was shining, unlike for the rest of the day, rain rain and more rain! I was just visualising myself at each spot where I used to walk for two minutes, and running on through those sections.

At the furthest point from home we bump into my next door neighbour, (he happens to be the DJ at the nightclub that we went to on Saturday!) but that's by the by, he was walking in the opposite direction, "Maybe we can beat him home" says barely out of breath naggy neighbour, "yeah, only if I catch the bus back now" I was thinking.

I am feeling that I am doing better though, my time for the whole route will be quicker than I have ever done. All I got to face now is my Achilles hill Magpiehall Lane hill. Greenway went by like a flash, I can't even remember much about it! All the time that hill was on my mind.

Turn the corner, I couldn't even bear to look up at it, I know I supposed to be running with head up, shoulders back, use my arms to propel myself up the hill, but I needed to look at the pavement. I know If I looked up I would just give up.

Half way up the hill, with naggy neighbours constant nagging, I saw to women walking past, "I hate her" I said with all the energy I could spare. Maybe I was hoping for some sympathy from Naggy, or even from the two ladies. But none was coming my way. "No you don't, you love me, we are having fun!" is what Naggy said. At the crest of the hill, I let out a huge groan, and stopped running. Naggy Neighbour turned around and said "I don't think so!" and she came back and physically pushed me to start running again.

On and on, the nagging and the encouragement kept coming, kept me running, there was no way she was going to let up, ease off. All I got was "You can slow down, but there is no stopping"

One last hill now. It seemed to grow higher in front of me, I can do this hill, I always do this hill, this is fun!!.............Done it, now just down hill to my road, my path, my home!

I was beginning to smile now, knowing that I am going to do this, I don't care about the time, its just the fact that I am there doing it, non stop, 3.24 miles. My very first non stop running for 5k EVER

At the bottom of this road now, and my mantra came into my head, "Finish in style" I started to speed up slightly, and I heard a surprised "Oooo" from the naggy one. The I picked up the speed even more, and then even more, and before I realised I was racing the naggy one to the door. Of course she beat me! well she is 40 and I am a few years older!

42 minutes! 42 bloomin minutes, I was expecting great things,but naggy neighbour said that that was a good time for a first full run of this route! 42 minutes!! tut

Still, at least I know that I can and will beat that!

Oh yes, Naggy neighbour said that she saw DJ Neighbour turn down our road, so didn't quite beat him home, but still, not bad!

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