Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Now Its Beginning To Tell!

Hi watchers of the blog.

What can I say. It was a good run today. The Old boy used to say to me, 'You don't actually feel any fitter, you just notice that you can do more each time" In my case quicker.

For now I am sticking at running for 3.34 miles, I need to push myself I know, but while I am by myself I need to learn to run the whole way before I move up another notch.

Today, I didn't do it, again, and no doubt I shall get another public slating from Naggy Neighbour via facebook! But the thing that gets me, and in fact, makes me a little happier, is that I again beat my P.B!

I knew I was running well, I could just tell, but I still argue with myself about "walking now?" and just "slow down a bit", etc. And those first 2 minutes of the run, when its not too late to just go home and run another day, still runs around my head untill I get beyond the roundabout.

I love running, or should I say, I love it after its all done. I love the fact that I tell people I go running! I, me, the ex Mrs Couch Potatoe, goes running! That last bit coming down the long road to my road is such a smile maker, I must looked like a demented strawberry by the time I get to that bit!

Anyway, there were a couple of other places that I was going to stop at on todays run, but vanity kept me running. The second pub on this route, well, there were all these people enjoying the sun, supping on long cool pints of lager, mmmmmmmm lager (ooops, had a Homer Simpson moment then) Well, I could see them all looking at me, of course there was no way I was going to stop running and walk in front of that lot. It means running on until I turned the corner! When the corner came there was an oldie ahead. I have invented this game with myself as I am running along, just to keep me focused and running all the time. The game is, if I see an oldie ahead then I have to keep on running till I pass them. And not just in front of them, but far enough so as not to scare the living daylights out of them. So I just had to run on and on.

As far as Greenway I ran this time, because there were walking trackies i.e. people in jog pants or sports gear who were walking. (more 'game pieces' for me to stay focused) I don't remember when I came up with this game, or even why! but I really noticed myself playing this stilly game as a ran past these people today. All the way up Greenway.

Well, almost all the way. I had to stop just for a 20 second walk, just before I got to the hill. I remembered how on Sunday this hill seemed as flat as a pancake. I wanted to get back into that zone, and see the hill as a pancake again, so that I can run up it. I was doing pretty darn good! right up to the top again and then that darn walking stopy thingy that I just can't get out of doing, when I'm by myself, happened again!

I decided from then on that I was going to be pretty hard on myself. I have done this run, I run all the way through, Naggy Neighbour can vouch for that! It was not a dream, I did it. I just can't get over the fact that I am not as hard on myself as Naggy is! There must be quite a bit of stubborn Mrs Couch Potato left inside of me, that feels brave enough to come out when I'm by myself!

So from the last mileI pushed and nagged and shouted and encouraged myself to run all the way! Arrgggggghhhh!! One last walking section, just before the top of the last hill. "Right, Old Girl! You're running all the home from here" And I did! There was no way I was going to walk on this last section. Its a very slight hill going down, its on the way home, its my neighbourhood among friends they will see me! So I had to run, didn't I.

Just before I reached my road I saw my son with his girlfriend and one of the neighbours sproglets, they waved to me, well sons girlfriend and the sproglet did, I'm sure young son wants me to ignore him!

Right, now, on to my road, lets see what is left in the old girl. I pick up the speed, hmmm, not that much left, but I still sped up my path. I'm not sure it was because there were the kids on the green today that put me off running fast, or if I really didn't have anything left, but I didn't run as fast as I normally do on that bit.

I check my IPOD and the time is 40.03 seconds. 7 seconds off my personal best! Very happy with that, but still annoyed at myself for not running the whole round.

Sunday, 29 August 2010


Hi blogees

Well its not raining! That makes a change. I managed to get my ass out of the bed this morning and pull over my jog pants before I even though about having a cuppa, so that was good. I must have been dreaming about going for a run this morning! Well.....think about it, who else would look for jog pants before a cuppa, eh?!

A quick stretch, a few bend overs, and 'try to put leg up' on the work top and out the door.

What the heck was I thinking, all I knew is that I was running! Why?.... You're guess is as good as mine. Give me a Saturday night out with the girls anytime! but here I was, 8:44 in the morning, jogging,

Already I'm thinking, "Ok, just do a short run then, no one ever reads this, its only you, and only you know how your feel" That is what is going through my mind. I really wasn't in the mood for jogging, even though I literally just got out of my pit and nothing else was on my mind at that particular minute. Still I got into the zone. Those first two minutes, get my breathing right and then, start to question which route I will take.

Did that help? All the questioning? Oh yes! I was still in mind to dart down the first turning and do a quick 500m run! But even my psyche wouldn't let that happen. "Just go, Old Girl, don't force yourself, just go with the flow" That was my 'get fit quick' attitude today.

I had sync-ed (is that a word?) my IPOD with the old mans play list and thought that would just keep me occupied today, well my in mind.......ok my one brain cell I have left, anything out of the ordinary going on to keep me on track to gert this over and done with is good. When does the happy, feel good thingy kick in before each run start? I am so looking forward to it.

So first two minutes done I have the whole breathing thing fairly in check and yet......I'm still feeling as if I want to do a short run. The weather is nice and cool, its not raining in fact its probably the ideal running conditions, yet........still........such a blooming struggle. I am running by myself, no doubt Naggy neighbour is doing some super douper 10 miler somewhere, so I have to be particular hard on myself.

I thought I did pretty well, I got well beyond the first mile, probably 1.5 miles before I was even arguing with myself to maybe slow down to walking pace. I was well impressed with my self for ignoring me! But unfortunately not for too long. I did stop jogging and walked for about 20 seconds before I gave myself a kick up the backside and startde running again! After all, I am not planning on beating my latest time for this route (although..........!!!!)

On to Greenway now, and ........arghhh.......couch spud features took over again! I walked! I was so angry and annoyed, but I just started jogging again after about 20 seconds.

I was determined to run up that darn hill though. Nothing and nobody was going to stop me. I turned the corner, and..........my mind just switched off.........I no longer saw a hill, I really didn't! Even when I looked up, it was just a pavement, a very nice pavement! I just ran up it, I ran and ran and I didn't really notice it! Have I turned a corner, do I need to find bigger challenges, maybe even run up Starts Hill?........Yeah!!! One day! But this hill today, seemed like nothing. I ran up it, Ok by the time I got to the crest I really felt it and walked (again) for 20 seconds, but hey........ I flipping ran it.

From there on end I think I stopped another 2 times to walk for 20 seconds each time, even up the very last hill, just before the long road down to my road. I was smiling by the time I got there, I was pleased I haven't looked at the stopwatch yet, I don't want to, it doesn't matter (I think!) I have done a good run for this route, by myself, I am pleased with it, stuff the time,..........let it play on my mind........I'm not bothered by it!!! .........Its no good. As much as I tried to convince my self that the time don't matter, the more I bothered me. I looked at the stopwatch. 38 minutes and something! Blimey! If I put a speed on here, I could beat my personal best! So that's what I did!

The speed when on, I picked up the pace, about 500 meters from my house, a very do-able 'beating the PB' time. "Run, Old Girl, Run like the wind" I could do it, my legs hurting, my face smiling, the seconds ticking away in my mind, I could do this, I turn down my road, speed a little bit more, that's it, now, on my path, run, run, run, run! Can I run any faster? I want to do it, I want to beat my time, I want to know that I can do it!

40:41 minutes! Sh................... Blast! Not quite my personal best! But faster that I thought I would do when I first set out this morning!

Friday, 27 August 2010

Where Did My Cycle Ride Days Go?

Hello Blog lovers.

My two bike riding days have been eaten up with family stuff. I did go running yesterday, and beat my PB but I did miss my riding. It would have been good to go riding today as well, because its not raining! Still, I have Sunday week to look forward to, a whole day in the saddle. (I hope it don't put me off the whole L2B thing) I am sure it wont.

I am only writing a brief one today, because that is all the exercise I did today, a brief ride up to the local supermarket! All two miles round trip of it. At least it slightly satisfied my need to work my muscles today, but really missed doing more. I am not going to going running today either, my knees are hurting slightly, so thought a rest would do them good.

So that's it for today! feels pretty weird not rambling on! I suppose I could, but just going to the local supermarket on my bike just seems like walking to the corner shop now days. It must be because I am getting fitter and fitter, right?

Until next time blog lovers.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

It Just Goes To Show!

Hi Blog lovers,

I don't know how I am going to explain my run today to Naggy Neighbour, or Nagging Sister for that matter, but thank goodness Nagging sister has stopped looking at my blogs until next years race for life!

But still, its going to be hard getting the telling off from Naggy neighbour. I jogged my usual route today, after having an inactive day yesterday, apart from running around after my offspring that is. I know it should be my cycle day, but its raining again, and I'm not confident about riding in the rain just yet, and besides which, I am still running around after my little darlings!

Anyway, I know I am delaying the inevitable. Actually writing down about my jog today. What can I say! I was by myself! I am my own worst enemy! In fact its just as well Vic.2 wasn't here today, because me and her together, we would have probably stopped off at the pub!

Right, now here it is. I know I can run the whole route, I did it on Monday, in the same time that I usually do when I am walking and jogging (which really annoyed me actually) so today I thought I would pick up the pace a bit, see if I can run a little faster all the way round.

Well I think I picked it up a little too much because I couldn't quite make it all the way round. In fact I stopped several times on the way round. Ok, so I didn't walk for 2 minutes each time, it was more like 30 or 40 seconds, but I was walking none the less. I was so angry with myself, but the more I tried to push my self round, the harder I found it.

I did look at my stopwatch when I got to Greenway, and to my amazement I was quicker, but that was no consolation to me, I haven't done it non stop! Maybe I should have a cameraman run after me to show you all how I tell myself off, then Naggy Neighbour wont' be too hard on me! I was telling myself I was lazy and to get on and jog!

I did jog up Magpiehill Lane, only after I did a compromis with myself! I said "Ok, the next car that comes past me I will jog after it" and just as I said that a car came and I had to jog. It was hard work, I had only just got on the hill too.

I kept on going though, choosing a lamppost to reach, or driveway to head for, just as Naggy had said, but I still stopped a couple of times on the return on Southborough Lane. Then the slight hill leading to the the last long road to my road was almost breaking point for me. I am afraid it brought tears prickling my eyes again, as negative thoughts crept in, "I can't do it, its too much, burnt out" And this may sound really really weird, but I did slap my self. If any body had been looking at my at that point they probably would have thought I was listening to some side slapping country song, Yeeeee Haaaaa!!

All the way home now, non stop, I had to do it, I have done it, I did it Monday, why why why can't I do it today?!! Turning my corner, is there anything left for a little bit extra, go on see, pick the pace up. Well I did slightly, then came my path, RIGHT, NOW LEG IT OLD GIRL YOU LAZY LAZY MARE I picked up my pace, and just ran, that familiar tingling through my legs making me want to run faster and faster. Now, Stop the clock!

40.48 minutes! I believe that is my Personal best for this route! Ok, I didn't run it completely, but I knocked loads off my time. It just goes to show, that I can get my fat ass round this route quicker, 42 minutes is not my pace, I can go faster.

So all I need to do now, is to do both things together! Run faster and run non stop!

Monday, 23 August 2010

I Beat You Magpiehall Lane!

Hi bloggers,

I expect you all wondering why I missed my Sunday run again. Well, first off, Naggy Neighbours '0' birthday celebrations, and you know how those '0' celebrations go, so no way was I fit enough to get up and run first thing in the morning. (Although, Naggy Neighbour found some energy to run 9 miles!) And then other stuff got in the way of me being out there running, my brother came for Sunday dinner, and I still had him here till 9 this evening!

But today, I went out, fresh legs, a complete lazy day spent with my brother and the new baby, so I decided to run my usual route non stop!

I set off after I cooked dinner for every one, and just as I was about to go up the road I noticed Naggy Neighbour was just pulling up in her car. Of course I went over to her to see if she wanted to come and do the route with me, "With 9 miles still in my legs" she said "I'm sure I could manage a slow run with you" I know, I was gobsmacked as well.

So after she got changed we set off, with the idea of just getting round the course, which you all know by now has hills in it, no seeing the average minutes per mile, just a get round the whole way non stop.

Naggy Neighbour was talking to me from the off, about this and that, like we were just sitting having a cuppa, I was concentrating on my breathing waiting for it to get into a rhythm, but I was conversing quite well I thought.

I was getting warm, the sun was shining, unlike for the rest of the day, rain rain and more rain! I was just visualising myself at each spot where I used to walk for two minutes, and running on through those sections.

At the furthest point from home we bump into my next door neighbour, (he happens to be the DJ at the nightclub that we went to on Saturday!) but that's by the by, he was walking in the opposite direction, "Maybe we can beat him home" says barely out of breath naggy neighbour, "yeah, only if I catch the bus back now" I was thinking.

I am feeling that I am doing better though, my time for the whole route will be quicker than I have ever done. All I got to face now is my Achilles hill Magpiehall Lane hill. Greenway went by like a flash, I can't even remember much about it! All the time that hill was on my mind.

Turn the corner, I couldn't even bear to look up at it, I know I supposed to be running with head up, shoulders back, use my arms to propel myself up the hill, but I needed to look at the pavement. I know If I looked up I would just give up.

Half way up the hill, with naggy neighbours constant nagging, I saw to women walking past, "I hate her" I said with all the energy I could spare. Maybe I was hoping for some sympathy from Naggy, or even from the two ladies. But none was coming my way. "No you don't, you love me, we are having fun!" is what Naggy said. At the crest of the hill, I let out a huge groan, and stopped running. Naggy Neighbour turned around and said "I don't think so!" and she came back and physically pushed me to start running again.

On and on, the nagging and the encouragement kept coming, kept me running, there was no way she was going to let up, ease off. All I got was "You can slow down, but there is no stopping"

One last hill now. It seemed to grow higher in front of me, I can do this hill, I always do this hill, this is fun!!.............Done it, now just down hill to my road, my path, my home!

I was beginning to smile now, knowing that I am going to do this, I don't care about the time, its just the fact that I am there doing it, non stop, 3.24 miles. My very first non stop running for 5k EVER

At the bottom of this road now, and my mantra came into my head, "Finish in style" I started to speed up slightly, and I heard a surprised "Oooo" from the naggy one. The I picked up the speed even more, and then even more, and before I realised I was racing the naggy one to the door. Of course she beat me! well she is 40 and I am a few years older!

42 minutes! 42 bloomin minutes, I was expecting great things,but naggy neighbour said that that was a good time for a first full run of this route! 42 minutes!! tut

Still, at least I know that I can and will beat that!

Oh yes, Naggy neighbour said that she saw DJ Neighbour turn down our road, so didn't quite beat him home, but still, not bad!

Friday, 20 August 2010

Back In The Saddle.

Hi blogees,

I finally get to ride my bike today! I love riding my bike, I just hate these up hill routes I have chosen!

I had a lazy morning, just festering in my bed, no one knocking on my door with their offspring, no having to run out and do shopping, or meeting up with anyone, just a day for me. So I had a little trouble getting myself motivated to get my cycling head together.

After lasts weeks cycle ride in the rain, I decided to forgo the vanity and put on my jog pants just in case the rain came. I did put a pretty top over that just to make it look a little less sporty.

I kept finding things I had to do before I eventually got my bike out and headed for Downe Village. Just as I was about to go up the road I noticed my daughter and grandson were visiting my mother in low, so I went in that direction just to say hi, and get a sloppy snog from the stubborn one.

As I was in this direction anyway I decided that I would continue this way and go up the A21, so I won't be going up Starts Hill. Its a long, long road, and you guessed it, its all up hill, just one long up hill run. But before I could really start complaining to myself I had got to the turning through the first village. And I am smiling, because just a little further down the road is my first down hill. Hopefully its not full of traffic like last time, I am looking forward to free wheeling down here. And there it was, empty, no cars parked, just a clear ride down.

I am sure I feel spots of rain, and I'm praying that it just stays up there in the clouds, I really don't want to look like a drowned rat like last time. And my prayers were answered.

Now, if I could only pray that the up hills from now will all turn to down hills then I would be laughing. I decided to go a slightly different route to last week, as suggested by the landlord and lady of the pub that I'm going to. They said that its not as hilly as the way I went last time. So the first turn of to the left I ignored and went on down the next one.

Now, if you are like me, then you would be puzzling too, if going one way, to a place, is up hill from the point where your are standing, then how, by going another way are you supposed to avoid going up hill to get to the exact same place? Anyone would think that, right. Well, of course its impossible, unless you do miles and miles of serpenting to 'flatten' the hill, which I am not going to do, for one thing I would get very lost! So of course it is up hill, but by going this way it's longer, and the hill is never ending, there are no flat bits so you can't catch your breath, change gear on your bike or anything, its just one long long winding hill.

I came to a point on the route where I just couldn't do anymore riding and I got off and pushed my bike up. I got to a road, with houses and I suddenly realised how far away from the pub that I was, this gave me the inspiration to get back on it and cycle like mad and make a dash for my lunch and a nice cooling drink.

Made it! I checked the time on my phone. It took me 47 minutes to cycle from my home to here. I was quite impressed with that actually, it always seems longer to me. the landlady of the pub was outside in the garden when I pulled up with my bike "Hello, old girl" she said with a smile "You're not riding on past then?" I think I said something like "No, landlady, I shall be requiring a nice glass of diet coke please"
I'm sure I must have looked a sight again as I pulled my helmet off my head, my hair stuck to my forehead by sweat, my red puffy face glowing, and me in my Max Wall trousers. But I am pleased, I am happy, I did it again, with only just a few minutes of walking involved this time. My drink was very much appreciated.

On the way home I made a note of the time I left the pub and vowed to cycle all the way home, not getting off my bike at the church in Farnborough, nor getting off my bike to go up the first bit of Starts Hill lane as I did last week. Cycle all the way home.

Well I did it, I did it in 38 minutes from when I left the pub, so that means add those two together it comes to 1 hour 25 minutes to cycle to Downe village and back, quicker that last week, as I was out for only 2 hours and 5 minutes today.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Tired, Achy, But Still Happy.

Hi blog stoppers,

Just a quick run today to feed my mates cats. This is supposed to be my cycling day, but my second born needed me to mind the stubborn one, my complete workout dude. He has me running, jumping, carrying, picking up, feeding and making 'tea please' the whole time. Occasionally, just to get him to sit for five minutes, we have a burst of 'TimmyTime' Its the only way I get to drink a cup of tea! So today, instead of cycling, the dude has helped me with washing, and sweeping. Its a dangerous job letting a 17 month old loose with a floor sweep!

I was hoping to go for a cycle before I did my shopping but my plans quite didn't work out like that today, so I thought instead I would see how fast it took me to run to my mates house, do a bit of speed work. Well, yes, I did run, just, hmm, not as fast as I wanted to, my thoughts as I was heading up the road was,........... "OH THE PAIN, THE PAIN" My legs were hurting really bad. They felt like they had been filled with lead. The just wouldn't run as fast as I wanted them to.

I was timing this run with my mobile phone stopwatch, and as I got to the post box to post my letter (See, multi tasking me! It can be done!) I decided to look at the text message that came on my phone as I was running. Silly, Silly mistake. Why? Because when I did that it stopped the stopwatch function! Tut. Oh well, just run along and just enjoy it.

I was at my mates house and I noticed a cyclist going up the hill, quite fast, standing up, (something that I just can't do) and I remembered that I should have been out today on my bike. Oh well tomorrow, I shall be out on my bike tomorrow, having lunch at my favourite pub in Downe village.

Oh well, feed the cats and then time the run back. Ok, so its down hill slightly, so it will be faster, so I shall just times the whole thing by two and add on a minute, I think that's fair, don't you.

I started running back with my calves hurting like crazy, trying to get these lumps of lead that are my legs, to move like they are as light as feathers. I kept telling myself not to look at any texts if they came, and just go as fast as my legs could go.

8.31 minutes! to get from mates house to my door! so times by two is 17.02 add 1 minute, makes about 18.02 mins to run 1.49 miles. Wow, school wasn't a total waste of time, (and Now I expect some people will say I have that sum wrong!)

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Three Times Around The Park?!

Hi Blog lovers.

A lovely evening, not too hot, slight breeze, just right for sitting on your patio enjoying a glass of wine or chilled beer. But Naggy Neighbour texts me while I was still working saying that she was just getting changed! So much for any sympathy from her, Are you ok Old girl, are you up for a run, do you think you will at least be able to run just once around the park? Oh no, I get "I'm nearly changed!"

So as soon as I had finished work, I rushed up stairs to get my joggers on, cook a bit of rice for my dinner for when I get back, and if I had time, try and do a bit of stretching in between!

I was nearly ready when there was a knock at the door, you guessed it, Naggy Neighbour with all her gizmos, "Three times around the park, no excuse, I know you can do it" I didn't have the heart to tell that I didn't feel as if I could do twice around the park, let along three.

We set off, Naggy Neighbour telling me not to rush things, just take it nice and easy, its not about time, its about jogging non stop for the whole three rounds of the park. At first I am talking to her, my breathing is not so bad after the abuse I gave it over the weekend, and my muscles are not even complaining at the moment. But when we get to the park I just start to feel it, it could be psychological knowing that I have to run around three times, or it could be that I just had a blinding weekend and yucky cold to cope with.

The sun is shining right in my eyes, I have forgotten my peak cap, so my head instinctively drops to look at the ground, Naggy Neighbour starts with the encouragement, "Head up, shoulders back, take deep lung fulls of air" My face is going to be wrinkled now, as I squint ahead of me!

We get the first lap over and done with, a car full of young adults cheering, whistling and encouraging us as we go past, at least that is what I hope they are doing! The second lap well and truly on the way, naggy neighbour is telling me that I'm doing really well, and just to keep the pace going, no stopping, slow down if necessary! Oh yes, I expect I will slow down, but now I am determined not to stop. I'm still not quite sure that I can make the whole three laps of the park, but I am going to have a darn good try.

Before I could even think about it we are going past the car full of young adults again, "Don't worry about them" says Naggy Neighbour "They are sitting in a car just watching you run" I am still hoping that they are cheering me on as I go past, I think I deserve it. Yeah look at this old girl running. The thrird lap begins.

And here it is. I have to switch of thinking about anything, just get this underway. Lap number three, the very thing that I thought I wouldn't be doing today and yet here I am. Ok, I may be looking across the field thinking that maybe we should just cut half this lap and going maybe from 'A' to 'C' cutting off 'B', but nagging neighbour was encouraging all the way 'You're doing really well, keep it going' How can I let her down! How can I let myself down. I just got to do it, 'Every step you take now is a step closer to home, to a nice choccy bar!" says Naggy Neighbour. "Its all in your mind now, just keep it going, You're having fun after all"

Well if I wasn't concentrating on keeping my lungs on the inside of my body then I would probably have come up with some smart assed reply instead of "Oh yes, this is fun!" Apparently though, I was doing a good job on the whole breathing thing, so concentrating on that must be paying off!

The last time going past the youths, "I gotta look good going past them" I said to naggy neighbour "Take no notice of them, they couldn't run once around the park, you are here doing it, they can't even think about doing it" I was just glad this is the last time I'm running past them, this is the last time of running past the gate that leads home.

Through the kissing gate, the last stretch home, all the time, Naggy Neighbour is encouraging me, I am just going to have to tape her for when I have to run this far by myself. I need a running buddy, or I shall just have to ring her up and she can talk to me all the way!

On to the first road now, and I am sure Naggy said something about saving a bit for a sprint Well, we shall see, I am not sure if I have a bit left in me. Turning right now on to our road "Ok, you ready, sprint" Oh my word! Oh my word, it's like I have been hypnotised or something, because here I am, sprinting off up our road, "That's it, go on, you can do it, choccy bar just up there" says naggy neighbour. Turn to run up our path keep going, keep going!! Yes, Flippin Nora!! I did it. We did it! Naggy Neighbour successfully got the old girl to jog 2.7 miles non stop!! 31.10 minutes! Not Olympic record breaking time but for me, jogging 2.7 miles non stop its my personal best.

Next time it has to be my route, 3.24 run it non stop!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

A Long Weekend!

Hi blog lovers.

Yes it was a long weekend and I was suffering from it and a cold. I know, dont all look at me like that, its my struggle, my blog, my excuses, my reason, and no doubt my tellings from all of you.(and I know I keep making you all read it because I post it all over face book!)

But it was true, I wasn't up for a run at all yesterday, my muscles ached from my head to toes, I'm not sure if it was effects from the weekends very lovely family barbecue or it the cold was on its way out of my body! But even Naggy Neighbour said not to run if I wasn't up to it, so I didn't. I even walked to my friends house to feed cats, rather than run or cycled.

Today I am feeling a lot lot better, my muscles still ache slightly, it feels like I have done a huge run and my muscles are just complaining, so I thought I would test the water today and run to feed the cats.

As soon as I was out the door and running my muscles tensed up and started complaining like mad, but I just ran through it, thinking that's its not even a mile I have to run before I stop and feed the cats, and maybe water the plants if they look thirsty. So a good few minutes rest.

So on I ran. Just focusing on getting to the house, not looking at times on clocks or how fast I was pacing myself, this is just a get back out there and start again run, before lazyitus starts to kick in.

I am so glad I did. It hurt like anything getting there, and on the way back, after doing my bit for the cats, it still hurt, and cramp even threatened to make me walk!

I got back feeling happy that I ran today, stopping lazyitus spread, clearing out booze toxins from my system, well until next weekend!

Friday, 13 August 2010

Up to Downe!

Hello blog watchers.

Sometimes I think I must be down right crazy. All of my 47 years on this planet and I choose now to do something which I should have been doing for 47 years! If there are any young us reading this, take heed, do something to keep fit now now, and don't ever stop. Its a lot lot harder, if not fool hardy when you get past 40 odd!

My adventures today are on my bike. I love being on my bike. Each time I go out I am more confident, still no faster, but I'm sure I will be getting there sometime. I decided to go to a lovely village called Downe, and have a bit of lunch at this lovely pub and say hi to the landlord and lady there.

When I set off it was lovely sunshine, there had been a tiny bit of rain earlier. So while the sun was out I thought it a great time to start out on my first ride to Downe Village. Soon as I get to Starts Hill though the 'heavy' mist started. I am hoping that like yesterday it will just pass on by, and not get any worse.

Hoping, and hoping, riding up Starts Hill, still hoping the heavy mist will go away. And today's silly ditty that is going through my head to help me focus on getting up the hill is........ wait for it.......... There's A Worm At The Bottom Of the Garden!! Yup, a silly nursery song, who would name their worm wiggly woo, eh, who would have a worm to call wiggly woo! But yet there was that song, #and his name is wiggly woo# I wanted my mantra in my head, because I knew I would need it if this rain didn't stop.

All the way to the top of the hill. Made it. Because of the rain I was seriously thinking about just going to Farnborough Village, but then my mantra popped into my head, "I am not a quitter" So I ride on pass the pub and on into the village.

The turnings that I needed to take seem to be a lot nearer that I thought, and I thought that this ride wasn't going to be as bad as I thought, but as I rode into the first right hand turn there was a road block. Cars just stopped in the middle of the road, picking up people from the church who have just attended a funeral there. There must have been about 30 or 40 cars parked along the road, and some had already tried to drive off, but were just sitting waiting. I had to get off my bike and weave in and around the cars, and at one point even had to lift my bike up so to didn't damage the mans wing mirrors. After that it was down hill. This is just a great ride.

But that was soon to change, because when I started to head for the golf course, this road was all up hill. One long, huge, long, steep in parts, long hill! Now my mantra really kicked in, "I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter" On and on, the road just seemed to stretch up into the heaves itself and tear open the clouds. So not only do I have this hill to contend with but the rain has started to come down heavier, I can hear it has it hits my cycle helmet!

I don't like cycling in the rain, I have decided. My hands were getting cold, and I had stupid jeans on (vanity prevented me from putting on my jog pants as I was going to the pub that I usually go to on Friday nights with the old boy) these were getting soaked and not moving with me, I was feeling miserable and yet this road seemed to go on and on forever.

Arrggghh!!! I couldn't quite make it up one particular steep bit and walked for about 2 minutes and then back on to the bike. On wards and up wards, always upwards, and the rain coming down. I was thinking that I am probably nearer to the village then I am to Shire lane now, so no point in turning and going home. I was really thinking that! Then I had to get off one more time to push the bike up for yet another minute or so.

I was so pleased to start to see civilisation! a park, some houses, road markings! I knew then that the pub was just a few minutes more. I must look an absolute site but I don't care. I have deserved my drink and my sandwich today, just for keeping on in the rain!

It was lovely to be back the dry, and had a lovely warm welcome from the land lord! I ordered my lunch and drink and the sat down and text the old boy that I had done it! I had made it, in the rain.

Obviously the ride home has just great, I didn't peddle for at least a mile and a half, just free wheeled all the way down. There were a few up hills on the way back, the one by the church of course, which I just could manage to get up, and then the beginning of Starts Hill, just the first bit, I had to walk up, but after that, non stop all the way home. 12.25 miles, in 2 and a half hours, including a stop for lunch. Not bad, for an oldie!

Mind you the landlord told me that if I had taken a different route to get there then there wouldn't have been so much hills to climb!!

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Gonna Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride, Ride!

Hi bloggers

Its Thursday, a day with no children, so what did I do? I slept to at least 10 this morning! I'm blaming the slight cold that I have, I must have needed the sleep.

Anyway, it made me a bit late for my cycle route planning, so I decided to do the pub route again. And treat myself to a spot of lunch as I had missed breakfast!

By the time I eventually got out of the house, after doing the things that needed to be doing in the first, I headed up the road, thinking about my lunch, and also thinking about Starts Hill. "Why are you going up that way?" my brain was saying, "Take a right at the roundabout instead of left and go through the tunnel" For some reason I was thinking to myself that I wouldn't have to go up any hills at all.

So I turned right and headed towards the tunnel. Through there and to the end of the road, that will be the first roundabout on the A21. But before I got to the there the rain started.

Now I don't like riding in the rain, so I looked for a suitable place to shelter till it subsided. A bus stop was just coming up so I stopped there. As I was sitting there a bus came and dropped off a passenger, it was a lady with her baby in a buggy. She pushed the buggy under the shelter and rummaged around for the raincovers for the buggy and then headed off. I sat there for a half a minute more when I noticed that the lady had left her handbag on the seat! I tried shouting at the lady but she didn't hear me, her mobile phone was glued to her ear!, probably why she forgot her handbag. Only one thing for it, I have to go out in the rain and take it to her. I pushed my bike up to the lady just as she turned the corner, she was very grateful.

By this time the rain had stopped, I was just thinking to myself, If He didn't send that sprinkle of rain down then I wouldn't have been under that shelter waiting to take the lady her handbag!! He does look after us all.

Anyway, I digress again, this route was way harder than Starts Hill! It seemed a longer hilly bit of the route, and it was like a roller coaster, only with out down bits just flat bits, and not nice long flat bits either! Every time another hill came up I was thinking, "Starts Hill don't seem that bad now. Eventually I got to the roundabout and from then onwards it was a very pleasant journey to the pub.

It is not the quickest of service at this pub for this time of day, everybody and his Mrs seemed to here today, and a rather noisy child, I was thinking If only they would answer her, she wouldn't say the same thing over and over and over again!!

Lunch over and not on my way home. It is a fairly easy ride home as you can probably guess, I went up hills to get here so there it makes sense that there are only downward hills to get. Any reasonable person would think that, any logical person would think that, if you go uphills to get to a place then you go down hills to get back.

Of course it doesn't happen like that on my way home. Most of the ride home is uneventful, and easy going, all the way through to Orpington High Street. And then that hill! The hill that I couldn't get up last time, Perry Hall Lane! Its a monster of a hill, so head down, first gears and spin like made............. ooops far too early, I was thinking so much about the hill I changed gear while still on the flatish bit my foot slipped off the peddle, thought I was going to fall off.

All to soon enough it was looming up like a great mountain in front of me. I went for it, trying not to think about the pain in my legs now, keep spinning, keep spinning. Darn it! couldn't do it. But I did get further up the hill than last time. I think I should take pictures of each "get of my bike" stop and use that to see how fitter I am getting.

The rest of the journey home was very pleasant indeed. After attempting the climb up mount Everest I was warmed up again and had to remove my shrunken hoody! So that's toady's cycle ride, lets see how well I do next time.

I forgot to do the timings today, but that doesn't matter, I was out there doing it, I shall even jog again this evening to feed my friends cats, this fitness bug has me in its grip now.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Extra Workout!

Hi blog watchers.

Just a quickie with these extras.

A quick run up to my mates house to feed her cats. Well, no point in taking the car is there? the alternator on the car wouldn't have put back the energy it took from the battery starting the car and I would be parking up by then.

Feeling good, might as well get out there and do something. It was only a 10 minute jog to her house, feed the cats, look for the other one, it never shows itself to me that one, and then 10 minute run back, job done!

1.49 miles extra for the next 10 days.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Running Test - Passed!

Hi blogees,

Naggy Neighbour said to me yesterday that I have to try and run around the 2 mile route, without her pulling, pushing, encouraging, nagging me the whole way by myself. Well, I didn't exactly go by myself today, I called for our other neighbour, you remember her, Happy Neighbour. When I called her on the telephone it seemed she was still finishing her dinner!, but she was keen to go, so we waited for half an hour or so, let her dinner go down. A dinner, mind, that would suit a runner, pasta!

I informed Happy Neighbour of my 'orders' from Naggy Neighbour about running non stop for two miles, even if I go slower that yesterday, as long as I don't stop. This is a test for me to do something on my own, so to speak, I know that Happy Neighbour is with me, but I know that she is not going to nag me, not yet at least!

Happy Neighbour is of course happy with this, she even said, "You carry on running even if I don't" "OK," I said, "but stop anytime, and if you feel you can't run the second one, don't worry about it"

On our way now, her boys giving her lots of encouragement as we head off up the path, I have my IPOD with me, but no earphones in, as I want to be able to listen and encourage Happy Neighbour just as I get encouraged to get on and do it. I just need it for the timer. We are soon to the first part of the park, in less then 2 minutes if you are jogging, and it's quite pleasant to jog in the cooler evening air. In fact I thought it might have been a bit cooler and put a jacket on! Just as we reached the first half mile I encouraged Happy Neighbour by telling her this. She made noise that same as I did in my head yesterday!! Only I was to scared to let out anything then, I didn't want a telling from Naggy Neighbour!

So I think knowing that we were only a quarter of the way round is just a little daunting! By this time tho my jacket came off just as we passed this half mile, and was duly tied around my waist. I should have left it really and picked it up the next lap! But thinking about anything else other that getting round a route seems too difficult for me.

Happy neighbour found the mile marker a more encouraging comment, I could feel she was smiling! Where as me I was really feeling it, fresh legs yesterday, helped me get round a 2 mile non stop route, as well as Naggy Neighbour constantly looking at her gizmos and saying that I'm doing well. Today, however, I am in front, I can hear Happy Neighbour behind me, all I have is my IPOD telling me that time is running out! And my legs feel like lead! So from the beginning of the second mile it was sheer will power getting me around.

My mantra going around my head "I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter, I AM NOT A QUITTER!" I needed to do this non stop, for me, to show ME that I CAN DO IT It seems harder doing laps, rather than a route, I'm not sure why, but I have only done 2 laps and I am not liking turning my back to the way home, and rest, and dinner. I hold my hat up the CRAZY MMR RUNNER for running 24 hours around a track in Belfast just a few days ago, and he was running through the night in the rain!

Coming down the last half mile is just so wonderful, knowing it's not long now, but also knowing that there is no way I can possibly do any walking because I a nearly home. A quick check on Happy neighbour, and can you believe it, she is still with me! She is still jogging, although now shes says 'feeling it!" Yes I would feel it if I just go jogging once a week!.

On to road now, so close, both of us are not going to quit now, we are so close, just keep on jogging, we can hear the boys playing footie on the green, keep going, "Happy Neighbour, lets finish in style" and with that I put a sprint on, turn the corner and the boys clapping as we run up the path!

Stop the timer on the IPOD! 23 minutes 17 seconds, FASTER THAN YESTERDAY BY 5 SECONDS! Well pleased with myself, and so impressed with Happy Neighbour for staying with me!

Monday, 9 August 2010

I Beat The Block!

Hi Blog lovers.

I am so flipping pleased with myself today!! Very Pleased. I said to naggy neighbour that I wanted to do a short run today of two miles only. I can feel you all looking at this blog feeling disappointed with me, but don't be. I wanted to do the two miles without stopping! Its a sticking point in my head. I know I can do this, I know I can!

Yup that's right NO STOPPING!. I am presuming that you are all guessing why I am pleased with myself now! And those apologies please.....for the disappointed eye raises.....thank you.

I told the old boy today what I am planning to do, and he said, "Yeah, you can do that", with out a hint of doubt in is mind. So I just agreed, but there was just a slight doubt in my mind, only a very tiny bit, just in case I didn't do it, then I wouldn't be so hard on myself.

I knocked on naggy neighbours door, all ready and psyched up, 2 miles, none stop, around the park. Psychological it seems just around the corner, the park is just two mins walk from us, so with that in mind, it seems just running around it twice it wont feel like it, because our houses were just on the other side of the houses that we are running next too!

Naggy neighbour was very encouraging and very insistent that we are jogging this whole two miles non stop "Even if you slow your pace down, you are not stopping" she says.

We start out from her house, just opposite mine! and the pace is good. Not too fast, not too slow, and naggy neighbour says that its a good pace and to keep this up all the way. "Yeah, right" were the words going though my mind, but I am trying not to be negative, its only 2 miles, around a park, 2 mins from my house!

Coming up to the first half mile, and a "Quarter of the way" from naggy neighbour. I'm wasn't sure then, whether to feel good, because already done a quarter, or bad because there is still 3 quarters to go!

But I'm keeping up the pace, I am trying to run in sinc with naggy neighbour, so that we sound like a well disciplined troop, I should start singing the song "We can run 2 miles non stop" and the response should be "And I will run until I drop!. Sound Off," etc etc. But I couldn't keep the pace going, I didn't want to not keep up with naggy so I just opened up my pace a bit and sort of did less steps. Why I haven't tried that before I don't know. It seems I was kind of running less steps that her, but still keeping up! Its amazing how 'Couch Potato' head comes in useful occasionally.

First lap completed! "You're doing well" says naggy neighbour, looking at her gizmos on her arms, she has these fantastic gizmos, they are so going on my Christmas list, its a watch that tells you how fast you are running, with stop watch, and the other thing on her arm is really cool, it uses the satellites in space to track your movements, it tells you how far you have run, averages out your minutes per mile.

Any was I digress, its because by now, 1.5 miles into today's run I was running on pure "Get your ass running girl" will power! I really wanted to stop, and I kept saying to myself "Why, whats hurting?" Because by this stage my legs are not going to hurt any more than what they are right now, at least I'm fairly sure of that by now, and my breathing is not going to worsen, I can even talk to naggy neighbour at this stage! So this is where the psyche comes in. Ignore any reasonable request from my mind to stop jogging and just keep by backside moving!

I'm listening to naggy neighbour saying "come on, your doing well and I'm thinking of all the quotes that I been reading, like pain doesn't last for ever, and limitations are set by man, so don't set any! and my mantra that I borrowed from a MMR member "I am not a quitter"

We go through the "Kissing gates" as naggy neighbour called them, and she said something about we got 400 metres to run and 3 minutes to do it in, or something like that, "It's do-able" she says encouragingly, "pick up the pace a bit........ and so she does" says naggy neighbour as I start to edge slightly in front of her. And then amazingly she tells me to slow down slightly, or I could "burn out" which I don't want to do.

I have noticed, in this 2 mile stretch, that I haven't once said "UUGGHH" or "OOOOMPH" I have kept it together so far. I feel I want to smile but I don't want to lose concentration, "300 metres, your doing so well, we're nearly home" Don't smile yet old girl, still got to get up this path, keep it together, keep the pace going, nearly there.

We are on our road now, the road that nagging sister used to make me sprint to my door. I'm not doing that now!! No way! but just as we were nearing the path to her house, she said "Race you to the door" and my last mantra came in mind "Finish in style"

So............I raced her! I sprinted all the way up the path to her door, "Wow you still got energy, that's great" she say, I just wanted to finish it in style.

So the time on her super dooper gizmo watch is 23.22 mins with the average pace of 11.22 seconds per mile! Blinding!!

Of course now naggy neighbour says that the interval running is totally out of the question!, and next Monday we are running 3 times around the park!!!!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!

Hi blog lovers.

Bet you didn't expect this today!

Well, I didn't go out running yesterday, I'm still getting used to the new routine of the baby being here, so I made sure I went out today. Its evening time, I had finished work with the little girl, and the old boy is cooking dinner today, so I have time to run.

I am only planning on doing a short run today, because of the rain, and because I am getting myself psyched up to run in the rain, and all sorts of weather.

The rain came down in bucket loads, and I was still sat on the sofa telling my self that "I am going to jog today, I have to, I need to! I WANT TO!,..... just in a minute".

The old boy was busy out side in his shed with his new toy, a beat up old motor bike that he had just managed to kick start into life again, (well, using the ignition key, but same thing) something it hasn't done in 15 years! He was well pleased. I was busy watching him run to his bike, which is getting soaked, and all the electrics were exposed as he was working on it, and he is desperately trying to get his it back into the shed.

I know, I know,I was stalling. Ok this is it. Ran upstairs got changed, I told the old boy that I was going out for a jog, as there seems to be a break in the rain, and he informs its still raining! "That's fine, its ok, its only raining a little," The old boy says "Ok, go on then, lets see how dedicated you are to your new sport" And with that I openws the door and he virtually kicked me out.

I ran up the path and I could hear the old boy saying some encouraging words about how well I'm running and something about wet tee shirts! Wow ok, praises indeed. The rain was coming down, but not as heavy as it was earlier, which I was some what relieved about.

Turning the corner I was thinking, "I am going to enjoy this, I can feel it" I'm not sure if it was the fact that I didn't put pressure on myself to do the regular route, or whether it is because I was mixing things up slightly again, or I had no music playing (I had forgotten to charge up my IPOD), probably a good thing it would only get wrecked in the rain, but I felt this is going to be a good run. Its about 2.68 miles long nothing too spectacular, just something to stretch my legs.

By the time I got about half a mile on the route the rain stopped. I was just thinking, again, that Him upstairs was looking out for me. Yes it was raining when I left, it was just a test to see if I was dedicated or not, and now I passed that test I am almost a runner.

All the way round I am thoroughly enjoying this evenings short run. The mixing it up bit is working well again, I am just running for a long as I want (no pressure to push myself) and then I chose trees to walk to and then run again. I found that I only had two walking sections before I got to the 1 mile mark just by the pub. So, there not bad. I even had a sneaky look at my phone to check how long that took and it was about 12 minutes.

Now its seems strange, and a complete turn around, but I had another voice telling me to just do the usual route, as I was enjoying myself so much. Now this was a new experience for me, and it was a voice I chose to ignore. I put it down to a double bluff by the old couch potato me.

Think about it. Old couch potato me wants to rule the roost again. Obviously, the new wanna be fit me is not going to allow that to happen. So old couchspud encourages me to go further, mess with my head that I am actually doing worse than usual, maybe even injure myself because I was only really psyched up for short run, and then I'm laid up for weeks. Couchspud face rules the roost again!!!

Well, I didn't let that happen. I had the route planned in my mind, run as much, walk just till breath has settled more or less and then run again.

It worked a treat, I was even smiling on one part of the route, heading towards home. I had already decided that I was going to run straight up hill to the next Oxhawth Crescent, just to add a bit of hill work, before I left home and that's exactly what I did.

Home again, in the cool damp evening air, and I'm sure I can smell my dinner cooking as I ran up the road to the path.

I made a grab for my phone to check on the time, I had left my house when my clock said 18.29 and I was ringing on the door bell at 19.03, 34 mins for 2.64 miles. I don't know if that is a personal best or if its way below but I don't care about that today, today was a good run. And, my facebook running mate, I ran in the rain!!

Monday, 2 August 2010

A New Week, A New Month, A New Job!

Hi blog lovers.

New, new, new! This is the first official full day with the new baby, so no jogging in the mornings or afternoons any more.

I have to make sure I am totally organised and ready to go out more or less as soon as baby has been picked up. Didn't quite happen like that this time, but had a fairly busy day today, so as soon as as I was free, I slung together some ingredients into a pot for a chilli for the family and called Happy Neighbour to see if she was coming along too.

About 6:30 pm we were ready to run. We are doing the shorter run today, and I am thinking about mixing it up a bit, still doing interval running, just slightly different, shake things up a bit.

We ran for 5 minutes and then we walked for 1 minute, then we ran for 4 and walked for 1, and then from then onwards it was running for 3 and walking for 1. I had already decided that we are going to do the shorter run today, just the time factor, both me and happy neighbour had our dinner busy on a slow burner, but we both just need to get out there and do something.

When we reached Greenway, it was walking for the beginning of it, then when the running section came I ran for 2 minutes and the slowed to the walking for 1 minute. "Was that 3 minutes," said a puffed surprised Happy neighbour, "No, that was only 2 minutes" I said, puffed out myself. But, I knew it was only 2 minutues, and I knew that we were still only going to walk for 1 minute, because now, after that then we would have reached my nemesis. THAT HILL. The very hill that Happy Neighbour says "I probably will walk up the Hill" So after I told her that I kinda cut short the running section so that we could have a go at running up it, I'm not sure if she was trying very hard to keep that smile on her face or whether it was a pained look she was trying to hide. "Oh" is all she said.

The walking section finished perfectly at the beginning of the hill. "Now, shoulders back, head up, use your arms to propel yourself forward, attack the hill, attack the hill!"

I blooming done it!! Got to the top of the hill, IN YOUR FACE hill. I turned around to check on Happy Neighbour and she was still jogging on up it, "Come on Happy, nearly there" Oh, it felt so good to have finally conquered it, and still be able to turn around and encourage Happy Neighbour up it.

I could have gone on through and do the usual route today, but I thought I would stick to my game plan and just have fun running, and not try and beat any PB, although that is always on your mind. As we got to the park we both decided to forgo the 1 walking and just see how far we can run on this last section home. From the moment we entered the park we had the notion for running non stop now till we get home. No waiting for each other, and if we need to walk then do it, for 1 minute only, and then run again and don't stop till the door.

I was in front of Happy Neighbour but I could hear her footsteps behind me, the park is safe, just go for it now, all the way home. I managed to get through the park, something I couldn't ever do a few weeks ago, I manged to go through the exit, up the short road and then......... walk. I was pleased with that, because I know that no matter what route I took in the beginning, whether it was 1.75 miles or 2.75 miles, I have never been able to run from the entrance of the park to the exit without stopping.

Now, 1 minute up, Happy Neighbour had already overtaken and I was ready to run again, this time not stopping till I reached the the door. With this in mind I just picked up my pace, the pace that Naggy Neighbour has me running at, and just ran. I passed Happy Neighbour, encouraging her as I did, and ran and ran. I was feeling good, almost guilty that I didn't run the usual route, but that is not what this run is about today. This is to just do something slightly different.

I reached the door, check on the stopwatch and took note of my time, 34 mins 30 seconds, looking behind me for Happy Neighbour. "come on Happy, nearly there" she rolled in at 34.45 Not bad for someone who who seems only to run once a month!