Hi blog lovers,
What A pathetic site I am at times! I like running, I like the fact that I am getting fitter. I like the feeling of when I stop and look at the clock and see how fast I ran my usual route. I like the not thinking of anything else but the next section on the route. And I like knowing that I am nearly at the end of the run. The best bit is knowing that I have beaten yet another PR.
But today, way before I get to the end of my run I have a mental blockade! Nothing was getting my backside running when I should be. "Why am I doing this" is the question going on in my head, "I'm 47 years old! A Granny! A chunky granny at that" I know its pathetic but a couple of tears blurred my vision as I was saying to myself, "I can't do it"
I felt pretty good when I left the house this morning, had a bit of a lie in and I was feeling relaxed. There is no way old Mrs Couchpotatoe head is going to even get a word in this morning, were my thoughts. In fact I'm feel sure that I have left that side of me well and truly sleeping.
The 2 minutes running and 1.30 minutes walking is working really well this morning, past Greenway and still felt pretty good. But on the way up the road that leads to the pub is when fatigue starts to kick in. I think old spud face was just playing a mean game, because from that point onwards it became a struggle. Even working out the sums on the IPOD were confusing me now "Do I have to run to 30.30 or to 31.00" A simple sum seems to be taking up thoughts on the walking sections so that I don't 'over do' the walking sections.
Heading towards the school gates now, and this is where I turn into a pathetic wimp! Crying, just a couple of tears, I wished it was raining because then I could really bawl and let them flood out!. I walked for two minutes and I ran for one minute, all the time saying "that's pathetic, get a move on" So as soon as I go to the top of the road to turn and head towards home, I tried to really focus. "Make a note of the time, say it out load, now run, for TWO MINUTES"
Thank goodness it was down hill, I picked up a little speed, not a lot, but hopefully enough to get me home before it reached 44 minutes. Last minute and half walking, and now, a good sprint home. You just might make it old girl. I dare not look at the stopwatch just in case it disappointed me, sprinting, finish in style old girl, that's it, all the way to the lamppost. Stop the clock. 43.36 minutes!
I have done better! Tut! Slacking! Lets see what naggy neighbour can get out of the old girl on Friday!!
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