Thursday, 1 July 2010

Can You Believe I'm Still DoingThis!

Hi readers of the blog.

I amaze myself at times, I really do! Here I am, 40 something, (a good something) and I am in my Lycra, out running in the heat. This is the longest I have kept up with this jogging lark. In 2008 I quit after the race for life, 2009 was really a non starter. This year the only way I am getting myself out there is the expense of all the new running gear that I got for myself! I dont want to be wasting all the cash now, do I?

I really wasn't wanting to go this morning, its warm out there, and there is tons to do today. But I still forced myself out. Ok, its a slightly cooler than yesterday, but not by much, my water will need to be in chunky bits again.

I am still doing the interval running as naggy neighbour suggested. And now I know that its not as easy as it sounds, I am not going to do what I did yesterday and run for 2 or three minutes and walk for one minute at the beginning of today's jog. I shall stick to the 2 minutes run and 2 minutes jog, no matter what.

I am a little slower than yesterday, by the time I get to the first mile mark I am about 1.30 minutes behind yesterdays time, but I stick to the game plan and don't try to be clever. By the time I get to Greenway today I am having to really discipline myself and not walk until the running 2 minutes is over. After I turned into MagpieHall Lane, I really wanted to go through the park, do a short run, but then I had remembered what I had told the old boy just before he left this morning. I told him the route I was doing and if he got back before me and wanted to get in the house then he was to drive on my route and find me! (He is off to Norway tomorrow, and was using today to make sure everything was done!) which of course means that I can't possible take any shortcuts, I just have to keep going!

By the time I got to my turning I was wringing wet with sweat, and really looking forward to collapsing in my chair. I run up the road and turn on to the path. There parked outside was the old boy! I could have gone through the park after all! But secretly (weirdly) pleased that I didn't. I let the old boy in and was just about to go in myself when he said, 'go on then, walk around the green, warm down'. Somebody else has been listening to naggy neighbour too! So twice round the green, back into to the house, stretch, tea and .........relax!

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