Hi blogees,
"What a nice day to go for a ride on me bike" were the words that were going around my head this morning. And it is a nice day for a ride, no doubting that. The alarm went off, I snoozed it, it went off, I snoozed it. And still those words, going through my head, "A nice day for a bike ride"
So after the 6th or 7th snooze, I managed to at least pull the duvet off me. And then just lay there, with the fan gently wafting a cooling breeze over me, I wont go into to much more detail, because some of you might be reading this while your having your tea!
Again the snooze button went, and this time I pushed it off completely. "Ok get up and shower you lazy mare" I demanded. Off to the shower, and back again. Then I decide to do some housework. What? It needed to be done! The pile of washing has been sitting there for 2 days waiting for me to put it away, apparently I am the only person in this household who has been trained and qualified to do this particular job! and still, those words, going round and around.
Ok, enough is enough. Upstairs is fairly tidy now, the washing dutifully put away, now for a cup of splosh and on me bike! Into the kitchen. Yet another obstacle to overcome, we done the lazyitus, we done the shower, we done the cleanup upstairs. But this is another thing. Last nights dinner plates! Why didn't I do that before I went to bed? It has to be done, I cant face this when I come back.
It seems my practical self is stopping the 'wanna be fit person' from going out, must be in cahoots with Mrs Couche Potatoehead. Yes of course I can do it later, or maybe even young son............... no scratch that thought, ridiculous thought. Right tidy, clean, put away, even ask young son if he wants to come, and then out the door before anything else stops me. Oh and no, young son didn't want to come.
Now the old boy had said to me that if I turn left after scaling Starts Hill, then I could be in Green Street Green and having lunch at a very lovely pub there. So this is my plan today. Its further that Farnborough Village, and its fairly straight forward, infact its just a straight road, even I couldn't get lost. I forgot to check what time I left, but I'm sure it was just after 12:30, so should be having lunch in about 40 or 50 minutes from then.
I seem to be getting used to the roads and roundabouts, but still some cars come so close it does scare me a little, and even the bus today just couldn't wait till I passed the crossing before squeezing past me. And the we have the hill Starts Hill. I decided why they call it Starts hill, because it starts climbing and just don't seem to stop! It lulls you into a false sense of achievement when you think you're at the top, and then whacks on a bit more climbing. But today, with a quote in mind, something on the lines of 'pain don't last for ever' and a new ditty going through my head 'I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter!' I attacked the hills, low gear, as low as it would go, and my legs spinning like a top, traveling at about 1 mile an hour, I beat the hill. I managed to get up this non stop to the traffic lights. "YEAH, eat my tyres humpy hill"
The Way Left, wow what a lovely ride this is. Apart from the very fast moving traffic, but the roads are lovely, hardly a bump or crack in it. The big roundabouts, which I was a little wary of, were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. And all the time is this lovely thought, "my lunch is just up ahead".
I arrived at the pub, after about an hour, fairly non puffed out as the road is mainly down hill, and so was able to order my brie and bacon melt, with salad, and diet cola, with out the barmen asking if I would like an oxygen mask.
I chilled for a while with my sarnie, sent out texts to brag of my achievement and even added it as my status on facebook! Well, I was was pleased with myself! and besides which, what else do you do when you are by yourself in a pub! And then planned the route home.
I am not taking the same route, I am going to do a huge loop, head on into the high street and out of it, and then hopefully I will know where I am at the end! The memorial came up, and the sign for tescos car park. Yes I know where I am, and I know that I don't want to ride with all the traffic, so I ride into the Orpington high street and then turn left! Knoll Rise! Knoll flaming Rise! Why have I picked all the hills! Why can't I live in flat lands, when they build new roads, why don't the just flatten them out!
I am going to admit, I didn't manage to ride up this entire hill, but as soon as I got to the top, then it was plain sailing.......or riding from then on.
All in all I guess I have been riding for about 2 hours. 9.75 miles round trip. Not sure if that's good or bad, but I don't care, I did it, well, not Knoll Rise!
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