Sunday, 11 July 2010

Its Sunday!

Hi blogees.

As you all know by now, blog means jog. But I must say, it was hard getting out of my pit today. The Old Boy, was back from his extreme fishing tour of Norway, piles of smelly clothes to wash, not even mentioning young sons smelly clothes, but jogging I went.

I wasn't really in the mood, it was nice cosying on up to the old boy, and that washing isn't going to get done by it self. Still, on wards and outwards. Out into the nice cooler morning air.

The muscles were complaining as usual. As I was jogging, I was thinking that I should have warmed up a bit more before going out. As I'm jogging along, I wonder how I managed to jog to the first mile in one go! Again, I am looking at the clock waiting for the first two minutes to go before I can start the walking bit of todays jog. And now, in my mind, is the thought that from tomorrow those walking portions of the route will be cut by 30 seconds!.

My energy levels seem to be in my boots again today, and now I am saying to my self "Its because you're a girl" Which is a ridiculous thing to say, because I am a girl! I should be able to do more now, but my legs are refusing to go any faster, and the energy seems to be staying in my trainers only today.

When I got to Greenway today, I had almost convinced myself to go through the park "Just go past Astly today, Old Girl, who's to know?" AS I was coming up the last bit of Greenway just a few more seconds of walking then the running starts again. "ARRGGGHHH, NO! Its the hill!" I say out loud. "I have to run at the hill!"

I thought the best way to tackle this is to ignore what naggy neighbour says, head down, hunched forward, arms going like a runaway steam engine, and get it over and done with.

"RUN you lazy mare, RUN" Up the hill, I am pretending that I cant feel my legs, I am ignoring the fact that energy levels have all but depleted, the battery is virtually flat. I get to the first road to cross, running all the way, cross over slowly, looking towards the park. "Go on, Old Girl, through the park, you know you want to" Then as I was thinking that I managed passed it. The "other" voice takes over now, "Well done you, move your bloomin ass" I didn't quite make the whole of the running bit this time, that hill had taken what little energy I had left. After walking 20 seconds into my "running" bit the good voice came back, "Come on stop being stupid, and run" So I did. On to Holbrook, no walking here, getting closer to another park entrance again.

Oh it would be so easy to go through there, nice flat paths, no cars, be home in a few minutes.

I was so proud of my self as I looked towards the park entrance and I ran the other way. I got this far, whats the point of going that way now. I would have been really annoyed with myself, and probably punished my self with something really hideous!

I knew the time wasn't going to be spectacular, I knew that in my heart. I knew that because of the two minute timing thing, I have come to know where I should be at certain times by now.

But with the last bit of energy that's left, you know the bit, when you switch on a touch and theres a tiny dim light, or you switch your mobile phone on and there's just enough to say, "Battery low!", with that tiny bit of energy left I pelt up the path to my gate. Finish in style has become my mantra, along with the others of course.

43.23 seconds. Better than I thought it was going to be, which surprised me. But must try harder!

Now, I have been toying with this idea, and have had the pictures on my phone for a few days now. Two pictures of yours truly, one is after I have jogged on my regular route, and the other of when I came back from cycling to the village and back. Guess which is which (and No I dont need a doctor) two very differenty pictures. This is only because, I used to put some corkers of the other girls, looking........gorgeous of course, that I put these up.

Obviously, I know which one I prefer!

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