Hi bloggees,
Just a quickie, but I really, really want to go into one, really want to say how much of a nag is naggy neighbour, and how much I so wished she would be quiet, stop telling me 30 seconds of walking left, 20 seconds left, 5, 4, 3, 2 and RUN!
But,.............sigh, she is just so darn good at what she does!! She kept me running on the running sections, and tons of encouragement on the walking sections. I must admit, I did come to a sweaty stop on one the running sections, it was that darn hill, I hate that hill, but she kept up her encouragement. I know its a sticking point those hills, and I know had had 10 miles cycling ride hurting my legs, but, she kept on at me for the rest of the route.
42 minutes done!! I'm sure that is my personal best on this route!!!
I think it was the promise of chocolate that kept me going!
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Speedy Gonzalez Eat Your Heart Out!
Hi blog lovers, those of you who are still strangely glued to the antics of a crazy granny.
Today is another bike day. I do love these days. Its still a great exercise, and it still gets those muscles in the saddle bags working hard, just a less impact on the old back.
Although yesterday it was lovely to stop off at a pub and do lunch, if I carry on doing that then I will end up having to take out a mortgage to fund my keep fit regime, but I am going to do the same route, only this time without stopping!Just swing round the pub and then straight up the high street.
Another reason for this non stop bike ride is to see more or less how long it takes me to ride these 10 miles, and then I can gauge how long at the moment, it will take me to get to Brighton!
Its a lovely day, it feels warm and the sun is shining. The traffic is a little heavy in places, but I just to stay vigilante and focused and believe that all drivers are also vigilante.
Up Starts Hill again, singing my new mantra that I have borrowed from some one else "I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter" etc etc. Not many words, and the tunes fairly simple too. I must remember not to smile so much when I get to the top and head for the traffic lights!, it must be disconcerting to drivers I'm sure. And then, the lovely road down to the Royal Oak pub. Obviously, I didn't patronise this establishment, not this early in the day, mind you I hadn't a clue what the time was, but I knew it wasn't lunch time! Oh yes, I almost forgot, while I was on this lovely road, a car tooted behind me then drove on past with an arm waving out of her window, it was my lovely daughter, no doubt with my grandson in the back, and someone else, who I'm not quite sure who it was. That felt good, that my daughter actually acknowledged me and didn't get totally embarrassed by her mother on her bike, with joggers on and silver cycling helmet!
And then on through the high street. All these pubs and cafes passing me by, I was almost tempted to just stopped for a tea, but I really wanted to know how long I am in the saddle for for this particular route, so I just rode on by.
I was soon at the next town. I had decided to go further into the high street this time and take another road heading for home. I am hoping this road has a less steeper hill that Knoll Rise! Riding through the high street is a bit of a chore. The have been doing it up and some of the pavements are road level, I'm not sure if these means they will be making it a pedestrian only zone soon, or at certain times of the day, and I am trying to stay off the 'pavements' so as to not antagonise the shoppers, but car drives insist on getting so close they hear my heart beat!
The high street negotiated and now for the turning home. so far so good, oh this is so much better, why didn't I come this way yesterday! But no soon had that thought popped into my head then I saw the hill! "OH MY GOODNESS!" Yes it was a hill, a long a steep hill. I'm sure its long that that one at Knoll Rise. And there it is sweeping for ever upwards and disappearing from view as it bent to the right.
Fine, I can do this, I have my new mantra, I know that the pain won't last for ever, I know there is an end...........up there somewhere. Now just get on and do it. First gear on the big wheels, first gear on the little wheels and spin like mad, don't think about it, just get on and do it, "I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter, I am not a ................ arrrggghhhh!! I QUIT!" Yes blog lovers, I quit. I couldn't make it up the hill, about a quarter of the way up I came to a stop. I sympathetic look from a car driver from the other side of the road made me feel a bit better. It is a huge hill. No shame in walking! Not after what I have done so far. And besides, as soon as I'm on the crest I shall be straight back on the saddle.
The ride home from there was relatively easy, lovely roads to ride on, and not so much traffic this way home either. I was becoming quite thirsty and thought as I get into Pettswood I would grab a bottle of water from some where. I walked up the fairway to try and tie by bike up, but found no where. As I was virtually home anyway, I decided to just get on home, save a pound for something I got plentiful at home.
So the all important time for this route, which is 10.49 miles, door to door is 1 hour 17 minutes. So I am very impressed with my self, which makes me think that maybe yesterdays ride was quicker, and I just took longer with my lunch than I first thought!
Today is another bike day. I do love these days. Its still a great exercise, and it still gets those muscles in the saddle bags working hard, just a less impact on the old back.
Although yesterday it was lovely to stop off at a pub and do lunch, if I carry on doing that then I will end up having to take out a mortgage to fund my keep fit regime, but I am going to do the same route, only this time without stopping!Just swing round the pub and then straight up the high street.
Another reason for this non stop bike ride is to see more or less how long it takes me to ride these 10 miles, and then I can gauge how long at the moment, it will take me to get to Brighton!
Its a lovely day, it feels warm and the sun is shining. The traffic is a little heavy in places, but I just to stay vigilante and focused and believe that all drivers are also vigilante.
Up Starts Hill again, singing my new mantra that I have borrowed from some one else "I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter" etc etc. Not many words, and the tunes fairly simple too. I must remember not to smile so much when I get to the top and head for the traffic lights!, it must be disconcerting to drivers I'm sure. And then, the lovely road down to the Royal Oak pub. Obviously, I didn't patronise this establishment, not this early in the day, mind you I hadn't a clue what the time was, but I knew it wasn't lunch time! Oh yes, I almost forgot, while I was on this lovely road, a car tooted behind me then drove on past with an arm waving out of her window, it was my lovely daughter, no doubt with my grandson in the back, and someone else, who I'm not quite sure who it was. That felt good, that my daughter actually acknowledged me and didn't get totally embarrassed by her mother on her bike, with joggers on and silver cycling helmet!
And then on through the high street. All these pubs and cafes passing me by, I was almost tempted to just stopped for a tea, but I really wanted to know how long I am in the saddle for for this particular route, so I just rode on by.
I was soon at the next town. I had decided to go further into the high street this time and take another road heading for home. I am hoping this road has a less steeper hill that Knoll Rise! Riding through the high street is a bit of a chore. The have been doing it up and some of the pavements are road level, I'm not sure if these means they will be making it a pedestrian only zone soon, or at certain times of the day, and I am trying to stay off the 'pavements' so as to not antagonise the shoppers, but car drives insist on getting so close they hear my heart beat!
The high street negotiated and now for the turning home. so far so good, oh this is so much better, why didn't I come this way yesterday! But no soon had that thought popped into my head then I saw the hill! "OH MY GOODNESS!" Yes it was a hill, a long a steep hill. I'm sure its long that that one at Knoll Rise. And there it is sweeping for ever upwards and disappearing from view as it bent to the right.
Fine, I can do this, I have my new mantra, I know that the pain won't last for ever, I know there is an end...........up there somewhere. Now just get on and do it. First gear on the big wheels, first gear on the little wheels and spin like mad, don't think about it, just get on and do it, "I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter, I am not a ................ arrrggghhhh!! I QUIT!" Yes blog lovers, I quit. I couldn't make it up the hill, about a quarter of the way up I came to a stop. I sympathetic look from a car driver from the other side of the road made me feel a bit better. It is a huge hill. No shame in walking! Not after what I have done so far. And besides, as soon as I'm on the crest I shall be straight back on the saddle.
The ride home from there was relatively easy, lovely roads to ride on, and not so much traffic this way home either. I was becoming quite thirsty and thought as I get into Pettswood I would grab a bottle of water from some where. I walked up the fairway to try and tie by bike up, but found no where. As I was virtually home anyway, I decided to just get on home, save a pound for something I got plentiful at home.
So the all important time for this route, which is 10.49 miles, door to door is 1 hour 17 minutes. So I am very impressed with my self, which makes me think that maybe yesterdays ride was quicker, and I just took longer with my lunch than I first thought!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
On Yer Bike!
Hi blogees,
"What a nice day to go for a ride on me bike" were the words that were going around my head this morning. And it is a nice day for a ride, no doubting that. The alarm went off, I snoozed it, it went off, I snoozed it. And still those words, going through my head, "A nice day for a bike ride"
So after the 6th or 7th snooze, I managed to at least pull the duvet off me. And then just lay there, with the fan gently wafting a cooling breeze over me, I wont go into to much more detail, because some of you might be reading this while your having your tea!
Again the snooze button went, and this time I pushed it off completely. "Ok get up and shower you lazy mare" I demanded. Off to the shower, and back again. Then I decide to do some housework. What? It needed to be done! The pile of washing has been sitting there for 2 days waiting for me to put it away, apparently I am the only person in this household who has been trained and qualified to do this particular job! and still, those words, going round and around.
Ok, enough is enough. Upstairs is fairly tidy now, the washing dutifully put away, now for a cup of splosh and on me bike! Into the kitchen. Yet another obstacle to overcome, we done the lazyitus, we done the shower, we done the cleanup upstairs. But this is another thing. Last nights dinner plates! Why didn't I do that before I went to bed? It has to be done, I cant face this when I come back.
It seems my practical self is stopping the 'wanna be fit person' from going out, must be in cahoots with Mrs Couche Potatoehead. Yes of course I can do it later, or maybe even young son............... no scratch that thought, ridiculous thought. Right tidy, clean, put away, even ask young son if he wants to come, and then out the door before anything else stops me. Oh and no, young son didn't want to come.
Now the old boy had said to me that if I turn left after scaling Starts Hill, then I could be in Green Street Green and having lunch at a very lovely pub there. So this is my plan today. Its further that Farnborough Village, and its fairly straight forward, infact its just a straight road, even I couldn't get lost. I forgot to check what time I left, but I'm sure it was just after 12:30, so should be having lunch in about 40 or 50 minutes from then.
I seem to be getting used to the roads and roundabouts, but still some cars come so close it does scare me a little, and even the bus today just couldn't wait till I passed the crossing before squeezing past me. And the we have the hill Starts Hill. I decided why they call it Starts hill, because it starts climbing and just don't seem to stop! It lulls you into a false sense of achievement when you think you're at the top, and then whacks on a bit more climbing. But today, with a quote in mind, something on the lines of 'pain don't last for ever' and a new ditty going through my head 'I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter!' I attacked the hills, low gear, as low as it would go, and my legs spinning like a top, traveling at about 1 mile an hour, I beat the hill. I managed to get up this non stop to the traffic lights. "YEAH, eat my tyres humpy hill"
The Way Left, wow what a lovely ride this is. Apart from the very fast moving traffic, but the roads are lovely, hardly a bump or crack in it. The big roundabouts, which I was a little wary of, were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. And all the time is this lovely thought, "my lunch is just up ahead".
I arrived at the pub, after about an hour, fairly non puffed out as the road is mainly down hill, and so was able to order my brie and bacon melt, with salad, and diet cola, with out the barmen asking if I would like an oxygen mask.
I chilled for a while with my sarnie, sent out texts to brag of my achievement and even added it as my status on facebook! Well, I was was pleased with myself! and besides which, what else do you do when you are by yourself in a pub! And then planned the route home.
I am not taking the same route, I am going to do a huge loop, head on into the high street and out of it, and then hopefully I will know where I am at the end! The memorial came up, and the sign for tescos car park. Yes I know where I am, and I know that I don't want to ride with all the traffic, so I ride into the Orpington high street and then turn left! Knoll Rise! Knoll flaming Rise! Why have I picked all the hills! Why can't I live in flat lands, when they build new roads, why don't the just flatten them out!
I am going to admit, I didn't manage to ride up this entire hill, but as soon as I got to the top, then it was plain sailing.......or riding from then on.
All in all I guess I have been riding for about 2 hours. 9.75 miles round trip. Not sure if that's good or bad, but I don't care, I did it, well, not Knoll Rise!
"What a nice day to go for a ride on me bike" were the words that were going around my head this morning. And it is a nice day for a ride, no doubting that. The alarm went off, I snoozed it, it went off, I snoozed it. And still those words, going through my head, "A nice day for a bike ride"
So after the 6th or 7th snooze, I managed to at least pull the duvet off me. And then just lay there, with the fan gently wafting a cooling breeze over me, I wont go into to much more detail, because some of you might be reading this while your having your tea!
Again the snooze button went, and this time I pushed it off completely. "Ok get up and shower you lazy mare" I demanded. Off to the shower, and back again. Then I decide to do some housework. What? It needed to be done! The pile of washing has been sitting there for 2 days waiting for me to put it away, apparently I am the only person in this household who has been trained and qualified to do this particular job! and still, those words, going round and around.
Ok, enough is enough. Upstairs is fairly tidy now, the washing dutifully put away, now for a cup of splosh and on me bike! Into the kitchen. Yet another obstacle to overcome, we done the lazyitus, we done the shower, we done the cleanup upstairs. But this is another thing. Last nights dinner plates! Why didn't I do that before I went to bed? It has to be done, I cant face this when I come back.
It seems my practical self is stopping the 'wanna be fit person' from going out, must be in cahoots with Mrs Couche Potatoehead. Yes of course I can do it later, or maybe even young son............... no scratch that thought, ridiculous thought. Right tidy, clean, put away, even ask young son if he wants to come, and then out the door before anything else stops me. Oh and no, young son didn't want to come.
Now the old boy had said to me that if I turn left after scaling Starts Hill, then I could be in Green Street Green and having lunch at a very lovely pub there. So this is my plan today. Its further that Farnborough Village, and its fairly straight forward, infact its just a straight road, even I couldn't get lost. I forgot to check what time I left, but I'm sure it was just after 12:30, so should be having lunch in about 40 or 50 minutes from then.
I seem to be getting used to the roads and roundabouts, but still some cars come so close it does scare me a little, and even the bus today just couldn't wait till I passed the crossing before squeezing past me. And the we have the hill Starts Hill. I decided why they call it Starts hill, because it starts climbing and just don't seem to stop! It lulls you into a false sense of achievement when you think you're at the top, and then whacks on a bit more climbing. But today, with a quote in mind, something on the lines of 'pain don't last for ever' and a new ditty going through my head 'I am not a quitter, I am not a quitter!' I attacked the hills, low gear, as low as it would go, and my legs spinning like a top, traveling at about 1 mile an hour, I beat the hill. I managed to get up this non stop to the traffic lights. "YEAH, eat my tyres humpy hill"
The Way Left, wow what a lovely ride this is. Apart from the very fast moving traffic, but the roads are lovely, hardly a bump or crack in it. The big roundabouts, which I was a little wary of, were not as bad as I thought they were going to be. And all the time is this lovely thought, "my lunch is just up ahead".
I arrived at the pub, after about an hour, fairly non puffed out as the road is mainly down hill, and so was able to order my brie and bacon melt, with salad, and diet cola, with out the barmen asking if I would like an oxygen mask.
I chilled for a while with my sarnie, sent out texts to brag of my achievement and even added it as my status on facebook! Well, I was was pleased with myself! and besides which, what else do you do when you are by yourself in a pub! And then planned the route home.
I am not taking the same route, I am going to do a huge loop, head on into the high street and out of it, and then hopefully I will know where I am at the end! The memorial came up, and the sign for tescos car park. Yes I know where I am, and I know that I don't want to ride with all the traffic, so I ride into the Orpington high street and then turn left! Knoll Rise! Knoll flaming Rise! Why have I picked all the hills! Why can't I live in flat lands, when they build new roads, why don't the just flatten them out!
I am going to admit, I didn't manage to ride up this entire hill, but as soon as I got to the top, then it was plain sailing.......or riding from then on.
All in all I guess I have been riding for about 2 hours. 9.75 miles round trip. Not sure if that's good or bad, but I don't care, I did it, well, not Knoll Rise!
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Stupid Tuesday!
Hi blog lovers,
What A pathetic site I am at times! I like running, I like the fact that I am getting fitter. I like the feeling of when I stop and look at the clock and see how fast I ran my usual route. I like the not thinking of anything else but the next section on the route. And I like knowing that I am nearly at the end of the run. The best bit is knowing that I have beaten yet another PR.
But today, way before I get to the end of my run I have a mental blockade! Nothing was getting my backside running when I should be. "Why am I doing this" is the question going on in my head, "I'm 47 years old! A Granny! A chunky granny at that" I know its pathetic but a couple of tears blurred my vision as I was saying to myself, "I can't do it"
I felt pretty good when I left the house this morning, had a bit of a lie in and I was feeling relaxed. There is no way old Mrs Couchpotatoe head is going to even get a word in this morning, were my thoughts. In fact I'm feel sure that I have left that side of me well and truly sleeping.
The 2 minutes running and 1.30 minutes walking is working really well this morning, past Greenway and still felt pretty good. But on the way up the road that leads to the pub is when fatigue starts to kick in. I think old spud face was just playing a mean game, because from that point onwards it became a struggle. Even working out the sums on the IPOD were confusing me now "Do I have to run to 30.30 or to 31.00" A simple sum seems to be taking up thoughts on the walking sections so that I don't 'over do' the walking sections.
Heading towards the school gates now, and this is where I turn into a pathetic wimp! Crying, just a couple of tears, I wished it was raining because then I could really bawl and let them flood out!. I walked for two minutes and I ran for one minute, all the time saying "that's pathetic, get a move on" So as soon as I go to the top of the road to turn and head towards home, I tried to really focus. "Make a note of the time, say it out load, now run, for TWO MINUTES"
Thank goodness it was down hill, I picked up a little speed, not a lot, but hopefully enough to get me home before it reached 44 minutes. Last minute and half walking, and now, a good sprint home. You just might make it old girl. I dare not look at the stopwatch just in case it disappointed me, sprinting, finish in style old girl, that's it, all the way to the lamppost. Stop the clock. 43.36 minutes!
I have done better! Tut! Slacking! Lets see what naggy neighbour can get out of the old girl on Friday!!
What A pathetic site I am at times! I like running, I like the fact that I am getting fitter. I like the feeling of when I stop and look at the clock and see how fast I ran my usual route. I like the not thinking of anything else but the next section on the route. And I like knowing that I am nearly at the end of the run. The best bit is knowing that I have beaten yet another PR.
But today, way before I get to the end of my run I have a mental blockade! Nothing was getting my backside running when I should be. "Why am I doing this" is the question going on in my head, "I'm 47 years old! A Granny! A chunky granny at that" I know its pathetic but a couple of tears blurred my vision as I was saying to myself, "I can't do it"
I felt pretty good when I left the house this morning, had a bit of a lie in and I was feeling relaxed. There is no way old Mrs Couchpotatoe head is going to even get a word in this morning, were my thoughts. In fact I'm feel sure that I have left that side of me well and truly sleeping.
The 2 minutes running and 1.30 minutes walking is working really well this morning, past Greenway and still felt pretty good. But on the way up the road that leads to the pub is when fatigue starts to kick in. I think old spud face was just playing a mean game, because from that point onwards it became a struggle. Even working out the sums on the IPOD were confusing me now "Do I have to run to 30.30 or to 31.00" A simple sum seems to be taking up thoughts on the walking sections so that I don't 'over do' the walking sections.
Heading towards the school gates now, and this is where I turn into a pathetic wimp! Crying, just a couple of tears, I wished it was raining because then I could really bawl and let them flood out!. I walked for two minutes and I ran for one minute, all the time saying "that's pathetic, get a move on" So as soon as I go to the top of the road to turn and head towards home, I tried to really focus. "Make a note of the time, say it out load, now run, for TWO MINUTES"
Thank goodness it was down hill, I picked up a little speed, not a lot, but hopefully enough to get me home before it reached 44 minutes. Last minute and half walking, and now, a good sprint home. You just might make it old girl. I dare not look at the stopwatch just in case it disappointed me, sprinting, finish in style old girl, that's it, all the way to the lamppost. Stop the clock. 43.36 minutes!
I have done better! Tut! Slacking! Lets see what naggy neighbour can get out of the old girl on Friday!!
Monday, 26 July 2010
Fresh Legs.
Hi Blog followers.
I had a fairly busy day planned today so I decided to run first thing this morning. Getting out of bed was the half the job done!, and looking out side the window I thought I might have to keep my promise to another runner, a complete basket case of a runner, he runs a 100 miles, and then the following weekend runs a 10k! I would be chillaxing for at least 6 months! Oh the promise is that we both would run in the rain, no matter how heavy it is coming down!!
When I closed the door this morning I felt a few drops of rain in the air, a sprinkle as they say, nothing more, but I ignored that and went for it anyway. By the time I got up to the first turning it all but stopped, Him upstairs must still looking out for me.
I'm still not feeling 100%, (I think I might as well go for the sympathy vote now) I have had a sore throat, head aches and blocked breathing tubes, which is, I found quite necessary to have all of those in tip top condition when running.
So the last time I was out running I think was last Tuesday, although I have been riding my bike, and I'm finding that I am enjoying running, well in the begining anyway. And I do miss not running as much. And therefore have decided to run again tomorrow, no rest day!
My breathing is all over the place again, but I soon got back into the rhythm, jogging and breathing. That pathetic little alto ego of mine (thats the old me) is sounding loud in my head today, "just do the short route as you have not been well these few days Old Girl" But I'm not listening! A few days off excerices, and spudface alto ego comes alive! I'm not doing the route that naggy neighbour took me on either, I am not completely mad! but not far off from that point. The weather is not to bad out, warm but not too warm. No sunshine, but still carrying my water with me. I am ignoring all the shortcuts as I'm going along, all though spudface alto ego tries very hard to persuade me "You not been too well, take it easy, always another day" But hey, I'm out here doing it, might as well do it right!
The only thing is, I am doing 2 minutes running and 1.30 minutes walking, and I am sure I should be walking for only 1 minute from this week, but because of my cold, I am being lenient on myself.
Turning into my road was a great feeling, I was feeling a bit tired but so pleased that I went out today. I pelted up the path to my house and looked at the time. 43.23seconds. Not bad after a case of man flu' Lets see how well I do tomorrow!!
I had a fairly busy day planned today so I decided to run first thing this morning. Getting out of bed was the half the job done!, and looking out side the window I thought I might have to keep my promise to another runner, a complete basket case of a runner, he runs a 100 miles, and then the following weekend runs a 10k! I would be chillaxing for at least 6 months! Oh the promise is that we both would run in the rain, no matter how heavy it is coming down!!
When I closed the door this morning I felt a few drops of rain in the air, a sprinkle as they say, nothing more, but I ignored that and went for it anyway. By the time I got up to the first turning it all but stopped, Him upstairs must still looking out for me.
I'm still not feeling 100%, (I think I might as well go for the sympathy vote now) I have had a sore throat, head aches and blocked breathing tubes, which is, I found quite necessary to have all of those in tip top condition when running.
So the last time I was out running I think was last Tuesday, although I have been riding my bike, and I'm finding that I am enjoying running, well in the begining anyway. And I do miss not running as much. And therefore have decided to run again tomorrow, no rest day!
My breathing is all over the place again, but I soon got back into the rhythm, jogging and breathing. That pathetic little alto ego of mine (thats the old me) is sounding loud in my head today, "just do the short route as you have not been well these few days Old Girl" But I'm not listening! A few days off excerices, and spudface alto ego comes alive! I'm not doing the route that naggy neighbour took me on either, I am not completely mad! but not far off from that point. The weather is not to bad out, warm but not too warm. No sunshine, but still carrying my water with me. I am ignoring all the shortcuts as I'm going along, all though spudface alto ego tries very hard to persuade me "You not been too well, take it easy, always another day" But hey, I'm out here doing it, might as well do it right!
The only thing is, I am doing 2 minutes running and 1.30 minutes walking, and I am sure I should be walking for only 1 minute from this week, but because of my cold, I am being lenient on myself.
Turning into my road was a great feeling, I was feeling a bit tired but so pleased that I went out today. I pelted up the path to my house and looked at the time. 43.23seconds. Not bad after a case of man flu' Lets see how well I do tomorrow!!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Just a Quickie Today
Hi blogees,
I almost forgot to write my blog today! It must have been the very good time I had in the park this afternoon!
Well today, I only went for a short ride on my bike today after having a rest day yesterday. I have decided that Thursdays and Fridays will be cycle days, and the other days will be running days, at different times of the day.
The short ride was to the second local supermarket, so only six miles away. But I was planning on going further! After my shopping was done I was going to turn the other way and add on a few more miles on the tyres, but when I came out I saw the sky's filling up with clouds, and that "feeling" you get that you should get home before you get wet!
It was the usual ride to the shops, with a stop off at a bank to change up some Kroners the Old Boy didn't spend while in Norway, and carried on to the supermarket.
By the time I was nearly home though, that's when the rain started to come, not enough to mar my vision from my glasses, but I was still very glad I was nearly home.
By the time that I put my bike away then the rain fell harder. Him up there must really be looking out form me!!
6 miles in 45 mins or so, I wasn't really paying attention today, but I'm guessing.
But then I cleared just in time for some of the mums and kids to have a picnic in the park to celebrate the start of summer holidays! Oh Joy!!!!
I almost forgot to write my blog today! It must have been the very good time I had in the park this afternoon!
Well today, I only went for a short ride on my bike today after having a rest day yesterday. I have decided that Thursdays and Fridays will be cycle days, and the other days will be running days, at different times of the day.
The short ride was to the second local supermarket, so only six miles away. But I was planning on going further! After my shopping was done I was going to turn the other way and add on a few more miles on the tyres, but when I came out I saw the sky's filling up with clouds, and that "feeling" you get that you should get home before you get wet!
It was the usual ride to the shops, with a stop off at a bank to change up some Kroners the Old Boy didn't spend while in Norway, and carried on to the supermarket.
By the time I was nearly home though, that's when the rain started to come, not enough to mar my vision from my glasses, but I was still very glad I was nearly home.
By the time that I put my bike away then the rain fell harder. Him up there must really be looking out form me!!
6 miles in 45 mins or so, I wasn't really paying attention today, but I'm guessing.
But then I cleared just in time for some of the mums and kids to have a picnic in the park to celebrate the start of summer holidays! Oh Joy!!!!
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Phew Its Close Today!
Hi blog watchers,
What a day, feels muggy and warm, and what do I decide to do. Nope, not run, but take my bike for a spin.
Its still very much in my thoughts and desires to do the L2B bike ride, so need to expand my horizons beyond the supermarkets and add miles to the bike.
After a shower I still feel hot and sweaty, and even think maybe don't go, it looks like rain. Running in the rain is not so bad, but cycling, well its not something that I have done before! Yet that still small voice gets in my head, 'Go on get out there.'
So, armed with my keys, my bike clips, helmet, locks and money I head on out towards the pub!! I need a place to head for ok! So don't you all look at me like that. Besides its lunch time, and it will be nice to pop out for a sarnie.
I decided to tackle the shorter steeper hill on the way, rather that the longer flatter hill that Naggy Neighbour tried to make me run up yesterday. Now, I'm sure there must be a method of riding up hills, as there is running up them, but I'm blowed if know. First gear all the way, head down and singing a stupid ditty as I peddle up the hill. "Huh, two, three four, huh two three four" sung to the tune of Twinkle twinkle little star!
I remember Nagging Sister suggesting to me that I stand and ride up hills, when we were cycling through the woods, but that is just something that I can't do for some reason. Anyway made it to the top of that hill, and its fairly flat for a few more minutes, and then comes the hills again. And that silly stupid tune and the counting, as I climb the hill!
I am getting so much better at roundabouts now, making sure that the driver has at least seen me and so therefore slows down as I gingerly make my way to the 'turning right' position. An then some more flats, even down hills, just let the bike flow as I stretch out my back and neck.
Before to much longer though its the beginning of Starts Hill. Yes that's right, another hill and this one goes on and on and its fairly steep!! Cars are even in first gear........well ok its not that bad, but on a bike it looks daunting.
There it is again, the stupid singing, the counting!!! Arrgghh, people will think I am totally crazy. I will be know as the crazy all singing all riding all running old girl! But just think of the good that I am doing to my body, to my fitness levels and my state of mind! Ok, so the mind is well and truly unsavable now.
Once I'm off this road its just a very short ride up to the village and a very welcome pint of shandy and a sandwich!! 28 minutes or there abouts, non stop cycling.........nearly! Oh, why blog, why do you get me confessing! Ok I stop on Starts hill for 30 seconds, and that was it!
Pint of shandy, cheese sandwich and chatting to a very old boy (93) in the pub and then set off again.
Same route back, only this time a little quicker, 26 minutes, in total, this time non stop all the way. Well it was mainly downhills on the way home!!
I'm pleased with this ride today, but the next ride needs to be further, start to build up the miles, practice for the L2B next year!!
What a day, feels muggy and warm, and what do I decide to do. Nope, not run, but take my bike for a spin.
Its still very much in my thoughts and desires to do the L2B bike ride, so need to expand my horizons beyond the supermarkets and add miles to the bike.
After a shower I still feel hot and sweaty, and even think maybe don't go, it looks like rain. Running in the rain is not so bad, but cycling, well its not something that I have done before! Yet that still small voice gets in my head, 'Go on get out there.'
So, armed with my keys, my bike clips, helmet, locks and money I head on out towards the pub!! I need a place to head for ok! So don't you all look at me like that. Besides its lunch time, and it will be nice to pop out for a sarnie.
I decided to tackle the shorter steeper hill on the way, rather that the longer flatter hill that Naggy Neighbour tried to make me run up yesterday. Now, I'm sure there must be a method of riding up hills, as there is running up them, but I'm blowed if know. First gear all the way, head down and singing a stupid ditty as I peddle up the hill. "Huh, two, three four, huh two three four" sung to the tune of Twinkle twinkle little star!
I remember Nagging Sister suggesting to me that I stand and ride up hills, when we were cycling through the woods, but that is just something that I can't do for some reason. Anyway made it to the top of that hill, and its fairly flat for a few more minutes, and then comes the hills again. And that silly stupid tune and the counting, as I climb the hill!
I am getting so much better at roundabouts now, making sure that the driver has at least seen me and so therefore slows down as I gingerly make my way to the 'turning right' position. An then some more flats, even down hills, just let the bike flow as I stretch out my back and neck.
Before to much longer though its the beginning of Starts Hill. Yes that's right, another hill and this one goes on and on and its fairly steep!! Cars are even in first gear........well ok its not that bad, but on a bike it looks daunting.
There it is again, the stupid singing, the counting!!! Arrgghh, people will think I am totally crazy. I will be know as the crazy all singing all riding all running old girl! But just think of the good that I am doing to my body, to my fitness levels and my state of mind! Ok, so the mind is well and truly unsavable now.
Once I'm off this road its just a very short ride up to the village and a very welcome pint of shandy and a sandwich!! 28 minutes or there abouts, non stop cycling.........nearly! Oh, why blog, why do you get me confessing! Ok I stop on Starts hill for 30 seconds, and that was it!
Pint of shandy, cheese sandwich and chatting to a very old boy (93) in the pub and then set off again.
Same route back, only this time a little quicker, 26 minutes, in total, this time non stop all the way. Well it was mainly downhills on the way home!!
I'm pleased with this ride today, but the next ride needs to be further, start to build up the miles, practice for the L2B next year!!
Monday, 19 July 2010
That Was Some Rest Day!
Hi blog watchers.
I bet you thought "That's it, the old girl has given up." Yet here I still am!
I must admit, I had a huge case of lazyitus on Friday, Saturdays as you know, I don't go out running, and Sunday? There is no easy way of getting out of this, I was nursing a gorgeous hangover!! Yet still managed just, to get to church Sunday morning.
Today, at 6.30 ish, me and Naggy Neighbour are jogging. She is at my door with her watch thingy on. "I have something different for you to do" she says to me "Get you out of your psyche" she says, with a weird smile on her lips.
We set off, still doing the 2.00 running with the 1.30 minute walking, only today, when we get to the top of the first long road, she says we are turning right. Those of you who know my route, if we turn left we would be going down hill, turning right is up hill!
I think Him upstairs must be feeling sorry for me, because by the time we crossed over the road it was the walking bit. I have never felt so grateful. I had a feeling that Naggy Neighbour was planning this, she must have been thinking about it all day, even sending me a text half hour before saying, that she was on her way. I can just imagine the laugh as she pushed the send button.
And it seemed He was smiling on me all the way into PettsWood, every hill we arrived at, it happened that it was the walking for one and half minutes. Naggy Neighbour was getting slightly frustrated with this as she said "I will get you to run up a hill!"
The route we were taking is going to go through a park, its a nice route, and now I know exactly where we are head, and it is a longer route than my usual 3.34 miles.
Now I know why Naggy Neighbour was smiling. As we get through the park, I notice Naggy Neighbour really slowing down as we are walking along, and then I notice the hill! Ok, so its not like the long hills that we just came up, its a little steep hill, and I know its going to hurt!
But this is what Naggy Neighbour has been waiting for, "Now, I will show you how to run up hills" she says, totally loving the look on my face. "Arms up, swinging your self up the hill, attack it" she says, at least that is what I hope she said as I just ran at the hill with all my might. After only about a minute or less we were up the hill (it could have even been shorter than that, to me it seemed like an hour) thats how short the hill was.
By now my muscles had remembered to complain, but Naggy Neighbour kept on encouraging me, "you're doing so well" and then without even taking a breath said "keep going, only 40 seconds before the rest" She has this split personality, one minute good, next minute total nagomaniac!
We get through the park, and start on up the road and then down "At the bottom here" says naggy neighbour "I will tell your average pace. That is exactly 3 miles" she says informatively. All I know that at the bottom of that road, if we go up the road like we do when running my route, we still have a mile to go!
AT the bottom of the road, true to her word she says "You have done brilliantly, 3 miles in 34.45 minutes!" Oh wow! WOW WOWO WOW, that is the fastest that I have ever run 3 miles before. But yet, we are still 1 mile from home!
"We are going straight across and through the park" says Naggy Neighbour. "Oh thank you, thank you, thankyou" is what I should have said, but Im sure all I managed to say was "Ok" Going through the park was only 0.7 miles from home. 0.7 miles, hark at me, I remember when I couldn't even run 100 yards! But this 0.7 miles seems to be a long slog. I am beginning to dislike Naggy neighbours watch thingy as it beep beep beeps to tell us that our walking bit has finished at that we should be running.
I'm thinking about my chicken salad now, waiting for me when I get home, maybe a nice long cool drink, or even a cuppa. Just this last road now, just this last road, Naggy Neighbour going into nag overdrive as she tells me not to slow down, to keep going, turning the corner now, faster, faster, Naggy Neighbour is urging me to stretch my legs, arms up high, "Finish in style" that's my motto, and I think Naggy Neighbour has been reading my blog, as she urges me to 'race her' to the door.
44.07, Wow, that is bloody good timing for me, excuse my french, but wow. 3.7 miles, way over 5k almost 6k yeah, not bad for an old unfit girl!
I bet you thought "That's it, the old girl has given up." Yet here I still am!
I must admit, I had a huge case of lazyitus on Friday, Saturdays as you know, I don't go out running, and Sunday? There is no easy way of getting out of this, I was nursing a gorgeous hangover!! Yet still managed just, to get to church Sunday morning.
Today, at 6.30 ish, me and Naggy Neighbour are jogging. She is at my door with her watch thingy on. "I have something different for you to do" she says to me "Get you out of your psyche" she says, with a weird smile on her lips.
We set off, still doing the 2.00 running with the 1.30 minute walking, only today, when we get to the top of the first long road, she says we are turning right. Those of you who know my route, if we turn left we would be going down hill, turning right is up hill!
I think Him upstairs must be feeling sorry for me, because by the time we crossed over the road it was the walking bit. I have never felt so grateful. I had a feeling that Naggy Neighbour was planning this, she must have been thinking about it all day, even sending me a text half hour before saying, that she was on her way. I can just imagine the laugh as she pushed the send button.
And it seemed He was smiling on me all the way into PettsWood, every hill we arrived at, it happened that it was the walking for one and half minutes. Naggy Neighbour was getting slightly frustrated with this as she said "I will get you to run up a hill!"
The route we were taking is going to go through a park, its a nice route, and now I know exactly where we are head, and it is a longer route than my usual 3.34 miles.
Now I know why Naggy Neighbour was smiling. As we get through the park, I notice Naggy Neighbour really slowing down as we are walking along, and then I notice the hill! Ok, so its not like the long hills that we just came up, its a little steep hill, and I know its going to hurt!
But this is what Naggy Neighbour has been waiting for, "Now, I will show you how to run up hills" she says, totally loving the look on my face. "Arms up, swinging your self up the hill, attack it" she says, at least that is what I hope she said as I just ran at the hill with all my might. After only about a minute or less we were up the hill (it could have even been shorter than that, to me it seemed like an hour) thats how short the hill was.
By now my muscles had remembered to complain, but Naggy Neighbour kept on encouraging me, "you're doing so well" and then without even taking a breath said "keep going, only 40 seconds before the rest" She has this split personality, one minute good, next minute total nagomaniac!
We get through the park, and start on up the road and then down "At the bottom here" says naggy neighbour "I will tell your average pace. That is exactly 3 miles" she says informatively. All I know that at the bottom of that road, if we go up the road like we do when running my route, we still have a mile to go!
AT the bottom of the road, true to her word she says "You have done brilliantly, 3 miles in 34.45 minutes!" Oh wow! WOW WOWO WOW, that is the fastest that I have ever run 3 miles before. But yet, we are still 1 mile from home!
"We are going straight across and through the park" says Naggy Neighbour. "Oh thank you, thank you, thankyou" is what I should have said, but Im sure all I managed to say was "Ok" Going through the park was only 0.7 miles from home. 0.7 miles, hark at me, I remember when I couldn't even run 100 yards! But this 0.7 miles seems to be a long slog. I am beginning to dislike Naggy neighbours watch thingy as it beep beep beeps to tell us that our walking bit has finished at that we should be running.
I'm thinking about my chicken salad now, waiting for me when I get home, maybe a nice long cool drink, or even a cuppa. Just this last road now, just this last road, Naggy Neighbour going into nag overdrive as she tells me not to slow down, to keep going, turning the corner now, faster, faster, Naggy Neighbour is urging me to stretch my legs, arms up high, "Finish in style" that's my motto, and I think Naggy Neighbour has been reading my blog, as she urges me to 'race her' to the door.
44.07, Wow, that is bloody good timing for me, excuse my french, but wow. 3.7 miles, way over 5k almost 6k yeah, not bad for an old unfit girl!
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Wrong Wrong Wrong!
Hi bloggees.
There I was, one womans battle against so so many! They taunted me through my window, as I stretched and reached at worked my muscles. It's not going to work, I'm going out, not matter what! Eventually, warmed up, psyched up, I went out in the throng, the wind, warning me to go back.
Millions and millions kept on at me, over whelming as I struggled towards my eventual goal. They attacked my arms and face, and eyes, they clung to my clothes, desperately trying to make me retreat, I was becoming disheartened as I ran. No music today, nothing to focus on, (battery flat in IPOD) I will just do the short run today, just to show that I can do this.
On wards and upwards, they seem to have grown in number, and size. "Ok, Ok, I quit!" I say to myself "I'm heading on home"
They had won. I'm heading on home, after only running for 1/2 a mile. But, and I feel its a good but, at least I tried.
Now, that all sounds so exciting doesn't it, and I can feel you all wanted to join me in this epic battle. But if I wrote it as it was, you would just think that I am completely loopy loo, cheeseless cracker, lights on but no body ever lived at home. The fact is that they refer to raindrops!
Yes it was raining, and this silly old mare thought she could handle a bit of rain, after all, I'm nearly a runner! But I couldn't do it. just everything was wrong. Starters, no music, second, wrong running gear, maybe if I had my proper running trousers on it may have help in this weather, instead of the seventies style flares that I had on, and of course the rain was wrong. It was that horrible wispy rain that just gets right on your nerves.
I was just getting more miserable as i jogged on, but at least I tried. When I get back home after only running 1 mile today I feel angry with myself. Inside my nice warm kitchen I'm looking out at the lovely sunshine with that wispy rain still falling, taunting me! I should have persevered.
Oh well, 1.15 miles, my first proper rain test, I will give myself maybe a 'C' for that. but time wise, 13.30 I will give a 'D'
There I was, one womans battle against so so many! They taunted me through my window, as I stretched and reached at worked my muscles. It's not going to work, I'm going out, not matter what! Eventually, warmed up, psyched up, I went out in the throng, the wind, warning me to go back.
Millions and millions kept on at me, over whelming as I struggled towards my eventual goal. They attacked my arms and face, and eyes, they clung to my clothes, desperately trying to make me retreat, I was becoming disheartened as I ran. No music today, nothing to focus on, (battery flat in IPOD) I will just do the short run today, just to show that I can do this.
On wards and upwards, they seem to have grown in number, and size. "Ok, Ok, I quit!" I say to myself "I'm heading on home"
They had won. I'm heading on home, after only running for 1/2 a mile. But, and I feel its a good but, at least I tried.
Now, that all sounds so exciting doesn't it, and I can feel you all wanted to join me in this epic battle. But if I wrote it as it was, you would just think that I am completely loopy loo, cheeseless cracker, lights on but no body ever lived at home. The fact is that they refer to raindrops!
Yes it was raining, and this silly old mare thought she could handle a bit of rain, after all, I'm nearly a runner! But I couldn't do it. just everything was wrong. Starters, no music, second, wrong running gear, maybe if I had my proper running trousers on it may have help in this weather, instead of the seventies style flares that I had on, and of course the rain was wrong. It was that horrible wispy rain that just gets right on your nerves.
I was just getting more miserable as i jogged on, but at least I tried. When I get back home after only running 1 mile today I feel angry with myself. Inside my nice warm kitchen I'm looking out at the lovely sunshine with that wispy rain still falling, taunting me! I should have persevered.
Oh well, 1.15 miles, my first proper rain test, I will give myself maybe a 'C' for that. but time wise, 13.30 I will give a 'D'
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
What Is The Cure?
Hi blogg watchers.
I am looking for a cure for this jogging malarky, there must be one, nagging sister seems to have found one, or it could be just work that does it. Maybe that is what has happened to all the others as well, apart from Smarty Pants, her knee cured her jogging for a while.
I was handing new baby back to his mother today, and I mentioned that I need to go jogging as I had a lazyitus rest day yesterday. And she said that I sound as obsessed as her husband is about cycling! An obsesseion! I was just thinking I had the slight guilts about not going out yesterday, but maybe I do have a slight obsession.
In fact, to prove a point that its not a problem, I can quit anytime I want, I almost convinced myself to just go shopping on the bike! But, I couldn't do it. I went upstairs to get changed into my jogging gear. Oh dear!
Its cooler that it has been, and fresh smell of rain, I do love that smell, still muggy though, possibly hair frizzing time too, poodle weather, as one of my neices described herself today. 30 seconds in the rain and she looks like a french poodle.
I remembered what naggy neighbour said about cutting the walking sections to one and a half minutes. I thought I was going to really struggle with this, but the only struggle I had was with the maths, 2 minutes plus 1.30 minutes equals 3.30 minutes time to run again. As the numbers got bigger, the brain training was taking its toll, either that or lack of oxygen, who knows, but it was taking longer and longer to come up with the answers. Maths was never my strong point!
All the way to Greenway, on and on, 2 minutes running, 1.30 minutes walking. It seems this discipline works! Who'd have thought it, eh? Maybe one day I will run all the way round non stop! Or maybe its the rest days inbetween!! Now there is a lazyitus thought!
By the time I get to the school, only half a mile from home, that is when I start flagging again. Walking after only one minute running, but I nagged my self to run after the 1.30 minutes. My brain was getting a total workout, it was busy with all the recalculations, "ok, its 35 minutes now, start jogging after 36.30, not 37.30" My poor old brain was going to give up in a minute I'm sure, maybe that would help actually, just not think about the walking bits at all!!
I came round the last turning heading on up to the path to my house. "Ok, this is it, finish in style" pelt up to the lamppost out side my house, stop the clock...........and it says...........41.27 Oh well, not personal best, but quicker than last time. It needed to be, otherwise I would have kicked my butt!
I am looking for a cure for this jogging malarky, there must be one, nagging sister seems to have found one, or it could be just work that does it. Maybe that is what has happened to all the others as well, apart from Smarty Pants, her knee cured her jogging for a while.
I was handing new baby back to his mother today, and I mentioned that I need to go jogging as I had a lazyitus rest day yesterday. And she said that I sound as obsessed as her husband is about cycling! An obsesseion! I was just thinking I had the slight guilts about not going out yesterday, but maybe I do have a slight obsession.
In fact, to prove a point that its not a problem, I can quit anytime I want, I almost convinced myself to just go shopping on the bike! But, I couldn't do it. I went upstairs to get changed into my jogging gear. Oh dear!
Its cooler that it has been, and fresh smell of rain, I do love that smell, still muggy though, possibly hair frizzing time too, poodle weather, as one of my neices described herself today. 30 seconds in the rain and she looks like a french poodle.
I remembered what naggy neighbour said about cutting the walking sections to one and a half minutes. I thought I was going to really struggle with this, but the only struggle I had was with the maths, 2 minutes plus 1.30 minutes equals 3.30 minutes time to run again. As the numbers got bigger, the brain training was taking its toll, either that or lack of oxygen, who knows, but it was taking longer and longer to come up with the answers. Maths was never my strong point!
All the way to Greenway, on and on, 2 minutes running, 1.30 minutes walking. It seems this discipline works! Who'd have thought it, eh? Maybe one day I will run all the way round non stop! Or maybe its the rest days inbetween!! Now there is a lazyitus thought!
By the time I get to the school, only half a mile from home, that is when I start flagging again. Walking after only one minute running, but I nagged my self to run after the 1.30 minutes. My brain was getting a total workout, it was busy with all the recalculations, "ok, its 35 minutes now, start jogging after 36.30, not 37.30" My poor old brain was going to give up in a minute I'm sure, maybe that would help actually, just not think about the walking bits at all!!
I came round the last turning heading on up to the path to my house. "Ok, this is it, finish in style" pelt up to the lamppost out side my house, stop the clock...........and it says...........41.27 Oh well, not personal best, but quicker than last time. It needed to be, otherwise I would have kicked my butt!
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Its Sunday!
Hi blogees.
As you all know by now, blog means jog. But I must say, it was hard getting out of my pit today. The Old Boy, was back from his extreme fishing tour of Norway, piles of smelly clothes to wash, not even mentioning young sons smelly clothes, but jogging I went.
I wasn't really in the mood, it was nice cosying on up to the old boy, and that washing isn't going to get done by it self. Still, on wards and outwards. Out into the nice cooler morning air.
The muscles were complaining as usual. As I was jogging, I was thinking that I should have warmed up a bit more before going out. As I'm jogging along, I wonder how I managed to jog to the first mile in one go! Again, I am looking at the clock waiting for the first two minutes to go before I can start the walking bit of todays jog. And now, in my mind, is the thought that from tomorrow those walking portions of the route will be cut by 30 seconds!.
My energy levels seem to be in my boots again today, and now I am saying to my self "Its because you're a girl" Which is a ridiculous thing to say, because I am a girl! I should be able to do more now, but my legs are refusing to go any faster, and the energy seems to be staying in my trainers only today.
When I got to Greenway today, I had almost convinced myself to go through the park "Just go past Astly today, Old Girl, who's to know?" AS I was coming up the last bit of Greenway just a few more seconds of walking then the running starts again. "ARRGGGHHH, NO! Its the hill!" I say out loud. "I have to run at the hill!"
I thought the best way to tackle this is to ignore what naggy neighbour says, head down, hunched forward, arms going like a runaway steam engine, and get it over and done with.
"RUN you lazy mare, RUN" Up the hill, I am pretending that I cant feel my legs, I am ignoring the fact that energy levels have all but depleted, the battery is virtually flat. I get to the first road to cross, running all the way, cross over slowly, looking towards the park. "Go on, Old Girl, through the park, you know you want to" Then as I was thinking that I managed passed it. The "other" voice takes over now, "Well done you,..........now move your bloomin ass" I didn't quite make the whole of the running bit this time, that hill had taken what little energy I had left. After walking 20 seconds into my "running" bit the good voice came back, "Come on stop being stupid, and run" So I did. On to Holbrook, no walking here, getting closer to another park entrance again.
Oh it would be so easy to go through there, nice flat paths, no cars, be home in a few minutes.
I was so proud of my self as I looked towards the park entrance and I ran the other way. I got this far, whats the point of going that way now. I would have been really annoyed with myself, and probably punished my self with something really hideous!
I knew the time wasn't going to be spectacular, I knew that in my heart. I knew that because of the two minute timing thing, I have come to know where I should be at certain times by now.
But with the last bit of energy that's left, you know the bit, when you switch on a touch and theres a tiny dim light, or you switch your mobile phone on and there's just enough to say, "Battery low!", with that tiny bit of energy left I pelt up the path to my gate. Finish in style has become my mantra, along with the others of course.
43.23 seconds. Better than I thought it was going to be, which surprised me. But must try harder!
Now, I have been toying with this idea, and have had the pictures on my phone for a few days now. Two pictures of yours truly, one is after I have jogged on my regular route, and the other of when I came back from cycling to the village and back. Guess which is which (and No I dont need a doctor) two very differenty pictures. This is only because, I used to put some corkers of the other girls, looking........gorgeous of course, that I put these up.

Obviously, I know which one I prefer!
As you all know by now, blog means jog. But I must say, it was hard getting out of my pit today. The Old Boy, was back from his extreme fishing tour of Norway, piles of smelly clothes to wash, not even mentioning young sons smelly clothes, but jogging I went.
I wasn't really in the mood, it was nice cosying on up to the old boy, and that washing isn't going to get done by it self. Still, on wards and outwards. Out into the nice cooler morning air.
The muscles were complaining as usual. As I was jogging, I was thinking that I should have warmed up a bit more before going out. As I'm jogging along, I wonder how I managed to jog to the first mile in one go! Again, I am looking at the clock waiting for the first two minutes to go before I can start the walking bit of todays jog. And now, in my mind, is the thought that from tomorrow those walking portions of the route will be cut by 30 seconds!.
My energy levels seem to be in my boots again today, and now I am saying to my self "Its because you're a girl" Which is a ridiculous thing to say, because I am a girl! I should be able to do more now, but my legs are refusing to go any faster, and the energy seems to be staying in my trainers only today.
When I got to Greenway today, I had almost convinced myself to go through the park "Just go past Astly today, Old Girl, who's to know?" AS I was coming up the last bit of Greenway just a few more seconds of walking then the running starts again. "ARRGGGHHH, NO! Its the hill!" I say out loud. "I have to run at the hill!"
I thought the best way to tackle this is to ignore what naggy neighbour says, head down, hunched forward, arms going like a runaway steam engine, and get it over and done with.
"RUN you lazy mare, RUN" Up the hill, I am pretending that I cant feel my legs, I am ignoring the fact that energy levels have all but depleted, the battery is virtually flat. I get to the first road to cross, running all the way, cross over slowly, looking towards the park. "Go on, Old Girl, through the park, you know you want to" Then as I was thinking that I managed passed it. The "other" voice takes over now, "Well done you,..........now move your bloomin ass" I didn't quite make the whole of the running bit this time, that hill had taken what little energy I had left. After walking 20 seconds into my "running" bit the good voice came back, "Come on stop being stupid, and run" So I did. On to Holbrook, no walking here, getting closer to another park entrance again.
Oh it would be so easy to go through there, nice flat paths, no cars, be home in a few minutes.
I was so proud of my self as I looked towards the park entrance and I ran the other way. I got this far, whats the point of going that way now. I would have been really annoyed with myself, and probably punished my self with something really hideous!
I knew the time wasn't going to be spectacular, I knew that in my heart. I knew that because of the two minute timing thing, I have come to know where I should be at certain times by now.
But with the last bit of energy that's left, you know the bit, when you switch on a touch and theres a tiny dim light, or you switch your mobile phone on and there's just enough to say, "Battery low!", with that tiny bit of energy left I pelt up the path to my gate. Finish in style has become my mantra, along with the others of course.
43.23 seconds. Better than I thought it was going to be, which surprised me. But must try harder!
Now, I have been toying with this idea, and have had the pictures on my phone for a few days now. Two pictures of yours truly, one is after I have jogged on my regular route, and the other of when I came back from cycling to the village and back. Guess which is which (and No I dont need a doctor) two very differenty pictures. This is only because, I used to put some corkers of the other girls, looking........gorgeous of course, that I put these up.

Obviously, I know which one I prefer!

Thursday, 8 July 2010
Still A Long Way To Go!
Hi blog watchers.
Its just little old me again today. I think It will probably be like this for some time, with maybe one evening jog session with naggy neighbour once a week, to drag me around my regular run!
Its a lot cooler today, so I'm thinking that maybe I could get around even quicker today. MMM, that is what my mind is saying. That is what the 'wanna be fit old girl' is saying. But this old girls body has a completely different agenda to that.
There are still aches and pains in these legs of mine, but a good stretch out, warm up properly before I go out and that should stop them complaining, or at least not get any worse!
I start off at a reasonable pace, but I can tell that is not going to stay like that all the way round, so I slow down to the pace I usually do it. I don't want to over do the beginning and not be able to finish in style. After about a minute I am already looking to see if the two minutes is up. MMM it can only be lazyitus creeping back. I am glad I talked myself into running today. (Oh didn't I mention that bit, oops sorry)
Ok confessions time. I was thinking about not running today, or maybe just go cycling. Then I had brainwave of doing both. But that didn't last long, because then I had remembered I said I would go for lunch with Smarty Pants this afternoon. As the place is a mile from where we live, I thought that maybe the walk would be enough for today. But as you can see, I talked myself out of that and put on joggers and trainers and literally kicked myself out of the door. (Which I am pleased about)
So, yes, one minute running, looking at stopwatch............oh yes. So this is how it went through todays jog. I have come to realise that I am not quite a runner yet, not when thoughts of just have another days rest, creep into my thoughts, its just the sheer determination now that is going to keep me jogging. I have still got a long way to go before I can say, "Yes I'm fit! I did it"
I refer back to my previous blogs, 'Keeping fit is a struggle' and not just on your body either. You have to keep you mind focused on keeping fit. How did naggy neighbour say it......your psyche has to be right, get yourself psyched up.
Interval running certainly helps with that part too, and now naggy neighbour has decided that from next week the walking bit will be CUT by 30 seconds!!
I got through todays run in 43.16 seconds. Slower than Tuesday, even after a rest day! But I blame lazyitus, or maybe my psyche wasn't on form today!
This is how far my 'psyche' is out, I have just rang Smarty Pants about lunch and she said it was next week not this week! So now, as a form of gentle exercise for my psyche I am going to go for a cycle ride after all, and just see where I end up!
Its just little old me again today. I think It will probably be like this for some time, with maybe one evening jog session with naggy neighbour once a week, to drag me around my regular run!
Its a lot cooler today, so I'm thinking that maybe I could get around even quicker today. MMM, that is what my mind is saying. That is what the 'wanna be fit old girl' is saying. But this old girls body has a completely different agenda to that.
There are still aches and pains in these legs of mine, but a good stretch out, warm up properly before I go out and that should stop them complaining, or at least not get any worse!
I start off at a reasonable pace, but I can tell that is not going to stay like that all the way round, so I slow down to the pace I usually do it. I don't want to over do the beginning and not be able to finish in style. After about a minute I am already looking to see if the two minutes is up. MMM it can only be lazyitus creeping back. I am glad I talked myself into running today. (Oh didn't I mention that bit, oops sorry)
Ok confessions time. I was thinking about not running today, or maybe just go cycling. Then I had brainwave of doing both. But that didn't last long, because then I had remembered I said I would go for lunch with Smarty Pants this afternoon. As the place is a mile from where we live, I thought that maybe the walk would be enough for today. But as you can see, I talked myself out of that and put on joggers and trainers and literally kicked myself out of the door. (Which I am pleased about)
So, yes, one minute running, looking at stopwatch............oh yes. So this is how it went through todays jog. I have come to realise that I am not quite a runner yet, not when thoughts of just have another days rest, creep into my thoughts, its just the sheer determination now that is going to keep me jogging. I have still got a long way to go before I can say, "Yes I'm fit! I did it"
I refer back to my previous blogs, 'Keeping fit is a struggle' and not just on your body either. You have to keep you mind focused on keeping fit. How did naggy neighbour say it......your psyche has to be right, get yourself psyched up.
Interval running certainly helps with that part too, and now naggy neighbour has decided that from next week the walking bit will be CUT by 30 seconds!!
I got through todays run in 43.16 seconds. Slower than Tuesday, even after a rest day! But I blame lazyitus, or maybe my psyche wasn't on form today!
This is how far my 'psyche' is out, I have just rang Smarty Pants about lunch and she said it was next week not this week! So now, as a form of gentle exercise for my psyche I am going to go for a cycle ride after all, and just see where I end up!
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Oh, That Hurt!
Hi blog lovers.
Remember what I said yesterday, how I love keeping fit? Well I should have kept quiet!
Why is there good days and bad days, why not good days and even more good days! I was working this morning, so went running this afternoon. Yes that's right just after midday! And I forgot my water too.
It looked cooler than it has been for a while, so I thought I could cope with it, you never know, being lighter I might get round quicker! But when I started running, the aches and pains started straight away. This time new ones, in my calf's. Not had these pains before. I think my body is having a go at me, because I keep ignoring all the muscle that are just complaining. If it was anything sinister, like that whole knee thing that was happening, then I would probably think about not running today, but just complaining muscles, muscles that have not been worked for years and years, nah, I shall run through that.
Interval running again. I was tempted to just pelt it to the first mile, but the whole thing about the interval running is discipline! Something which I have to learn, something which I hate doing! If any one tells me I can't, I say I can. If any one say no, I say yes! A total rebel really.
By the time I got to Greenway I was glad of not running full steam to the first mile. I really miss my water, and I know if I don't time this bit right, then my running two minutes will include that steeper bit of Magpiehall lane! I was slowing down. I didn't quite make it to the end of Greenway this time, but still enough walking time to get most of the steep bit of hill done.
Today I really was being a bit of a rebel. I walked after only 1 minutes running, at least 3 times before I got to the down hill road leading to my road. Half way down he I picked up speed. 'If you are going to walk on the 'running' times then you will have to replace lost time' I said to myself. My goodness, I have even started to punish myself now......Is this a healthy sign??!! But there I was, pelting down the road, trying not to think to hard about the aching legs, and the lack of oxygen from my lungs. No room for oxygen anyway!......where is all this .......yuck stuff coming from anyway?
I slowed down at bit to cross over the road, glanced at the time and realised that if I did the walking bit now I wouldn't be able to try and get to my PB, so, I ignored the IPOD, and carried on running, around the corner, up the path, look at the time...............OH YES, YES, YES, EAT THAT ACHY MUSCLES, EAT THAT SOGGY LUNGS I beat my PB. Not just the solo PB, but the PB that naggy neighbour dragged me around last week! 42.09
Yes I know its only a second, but you say that to those Olympic athletes that run races!
Remember what I said yesterday, how I love keeping fit? Well I should have kept quiet!
Why is there good days and bad days, why not good days and even more good days! I was working this morning, so went running this afternoon. Yes that's right just after midday! And I forgot my water too.
It looked cooler than it has been for a while, so I thought I could cope with it, you never know, being lighter I might get round quicker! But when I started running, the aches and pains started straight away. This time new ones, in my calf's. Not had these pains before. I think my body is having a go at me, because I keep ignoring all the muscle that are just complaining. If it was anything sinister, like that whole knee thing that was happening, then I would probably think about not running today, but just complaining muscles, muscles that have not been worked for years and years, nah, I shall run through that.
Interval running again. I was tempted to just pelt it to the first mile, but the whole thing about the interval running is discipline! Something which I have to learn, something which I hate doing! If any one tells me I can't, I say I can. If any one say no, I say yes! A total rebel really.
By the time I got to Greenway I was glad of not running full steam to the first mile. I really miss my water, and I know if I don't time this bit right, then my running two minutes will include that steeper bit of Magpiehall lane! I was slowing down. I didn't quite make it to the end of Greenway this time, but still enough walking time to get most of the steep bit of hill done.
Today I really was being a bit of a rebel. I walked after only 1 minutes running, at least 3 times before I got to the down hill road leading to my road. Half way down he I picked up speed. 'If you are going to walk on the 'running' times then you will have to replace lost time' I said to myself. My goodness, I have even started to punish myself now......Is this a healthy sign??!! But there I was, pelting down the road, trying not to think to hard about the aching legs, and the lack of oxygen from my lungs. No room for oxygen anyway!......where is all this .......yuck stuff coming from anyway?
I slowed down at bit to cross over the road, glanced at the time and realised that if I did the walking bit now I wouldn't be able to try and get to my PB, so, I ignored the IPOD, and carried on running, around the corner, up the path, look at the time...............OH YES, YES, YES, EAT THAT ACHY MUSCLES, EAT THAT SOGGY LUNGS I beat my PB. Not just the solo PB, but the PB that naggy neighbour dragged me around last week! 42.09
Yes I know its only a second, but you say that to those Olympic athletes that run races!
Monday, 5 July 2010
I Love Keeping Fit!
Hi bloggers.
Did you see that title? How is that for an eye opener? Wow, I had a couple of days off. I couldn't believe how poor Smarty Pants was hobbling on Friday afternoon. She looked really uncomfortable and in pain. Now the pain she was discribing felt like the slight pain that had started in my knee. I was thinking of just running through it, but now seeing poor Smarty Pants decided best thing to do was have a few days rest.
I did go out on Saturday, not 'out' but 'out out', you know with the girls, and we were dancing till early hours of Sunday. And again the pain was there, so sat a few tunes out.
But today, I feel great. I am over the 4 o'clock start of Friday morning, I'm over the late night Saturday, and the pain in the knee is just not there anymore, and I'm raring to go.
The weather is beautiful, sun shining, but with a slight breeze. I am still doing the interval running, until I ask my friend 'Whats next?' I think I know what's next but its buried somewhere in my memory, it will need a gently reminder to get back in my mind.
I am sure I am running slightly faster today, maybe its those rest days, or maybe because I have missed the running! I am enjoying being out here today, my music playing and just enjoying this wonderful creation.
This interval running I am sure is starting to come together, so far its working all the way to Greenway. I get to the begining of this road just as the 'running' 2 minutes starts. I say to myself 'Run, old girl, to the end, and then the walking 2 minutes will start just as you get to the uphill struggle!' Now this appealed to the remnants of the old couch potato self, and I ran as hard as I could. And just as I said, 2 minutes and I was at the begining of the hill!
I had felt like I had got 'one up' on myself, and was smiling from ear to eat. So on I go, heading up to the last mile home. A van stopped just in front of me, as I was between tunes I heard him ask me for directions. After I had told him, in my puffed out voice which way to go, he promptly started chatting me up!!! Here I was, in my Lycra, pink hat on with the sweat from my head showing through, no doubt with a pink sweaty face too, and he was chatting me up!!
I turned him down of course, but it did put a bit of a spring back into my step and I smiled even more all the way home. I got to the last bit of path and ran at it full pelt, pushed the button on the IPOD and saw that todays time was 42.49 seconds!
I am loving keeping fit!
Did you see that title? How is that for an eye opener? Wow, I had a couple of days off. I couldn't believe how poor Smarty Pants was hobbling on Friday afternoon. She looked really uncomfortable and in pain. Now the pain she was discribing felt like the slight pain that had started in my knee. I was thinking of just running through it, but now seeing poor Smarty Pants decided best thing to do was have a few days rest.
I did go out on Saturday, not 'out' but 'out out', you know with the girls, and we were dancing till early hours of Sunday. And again the pain was there, so sat a few tunes out.
But today, I feel great. I am over the 4 o'clock start of Friday morning, I'm over the late night Saturday, and the pain in the knee is just not there anymore, and I'm raring to go.
The weather is beautiful, sun shining, but with a slight breeze. I am still doing the interval running, until I ask my friend 'Whats next?' I think I know what's next but its buried somewhere in my memory, it will need a gently reminder to get back in my mind.
I am sure I am running slightly faster today, maybe its those rest days, or maybe because I have missed the running! I am enjoying being out here today, my music playing and just enjoying this wonderful creation.
This interval running I am sure is starting to come together, so far its working all the way to Greenway. I get to the begining of this road just as the 'running' 2 minutes starts. I say to myself 'Run, old girl, to the end, and then the walking 2 minutes will start just as you get to the uphill struggle!' Now this appealed to the remnants of the old couch potato self, and I ran as hard as I could. And just as I said, 2 minutes and I was at the begining of the hill!
I had felt like I had got 'one up' on myself, and was smiling from ear to eat. So on I go, heading up to the last mile home. A van stopped just in front of me, as I was between tunes I heard him ask me for directions. After I had told him, in my puffed out voice which way to go, he promptly started chatting me up!!! Here I was, in my Lycra, pink hat on with the sweat from my head showing through, no doubt with a pink sweaty face too, and he was chatting me up!!
I turned him down of course, but it did put a bit of a spring back into my step and I smiled even more all the way home. I got to the last bit of path and ran at it full pelt, pushed the button on the IPOD and saw that todays time was 42.49 seconds!
I am loving keeping fit!
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Can You Believe I'm Still DoingThis!
Hi readers of the blog.
I amaze myself at times, I really do! Here I am, 40 something, (a good something) and I am in my Lycra, out running in the heat. This is the longest I have kept up with this jogging lark. In 2008 I quit after the race for life, 2009 was really a non starter. This year the only way I am getting myself out there is the expense of all the new running gear that I got for myself! I dont want to be wasting all the cash now, do I?
I really wasn't wanting to go this morning, its warm out there, and there is tons to do today. But I still forced myself out. Ok, its a slightly cooler than yesterday, but not by much, my water will need to be in chunky bits again.
I am still doing the interval running as naggy neighbour suggested. And now I know that its not as easy as it sounds, I am not going to do what I did yesterday and run for 2 or three minutes and walk for one minute at the beginning of today's jog. I shall stick to the 2 minutes run and 2 minutes jog, no matter what.
I am a little slower than yesterday, by the time I get to the first mile mark I am about 1.30 minutes behind yesterdays time, but I stick to the game plan and don't try to be clever. By the time I get to Greenway today I am having to really discipline myself and not walk until the running 2 minutes is over. After I turned into MagpieHall Lane, I really wanted to go through the park, do a short run, but then I had remembered what I had told the old boy just before he left this morning. I told him the route I was doing and if he got back before me and wanted to get in the house then he was to drive on my route and find me! (He is off to Norway tomorrow, and was using today to make sure everything was done!) which of course means that I can't possible take any shortcuts, I just have to keep going!
By the time I got to my turning I was wringing wet with sweat, and really looking forward to collapsing in my chair. I run up the road and turn on to the path. There parked outside was the old boy! I could have gone through the park after all! But secretly (weirdly) pleased that I didn't. I let the old boy in and was just about to go in myself when he said, 'go on then, walk around the green, warm down'. Somebody else has been listening to naggy neighbour too! So twice round the green, back into to the house, stretch, tea and .........relax!
I amaze myself at times, I really do! Here I am, 40 something, (a good something) and I am in my Lycra, out running in the heat. This is the longest I have kept up with this jogging lark. In 2008 I quit after the race for life, 2009 was really a non starter. This year the only way I am getting myself out there is the expense of all the new running gear that I got for myself! I dont want to be wasting all the cash now, do I?
I really wasn't wanting to go this morning, its warm out there, and there is tons to do today. But I still forced myself out. Ok, its a slightly cooler than yesterday, but not by much, my water will need to be in chunky bits again.
I am still doing the interval running as naggy neighbour suggested. And now I know that its not as easy as it sounds, I am not going to do what I did yesterday and run for 2 or three minutes and walk for one minute at the beginning of today's jog. I shall stick to the 2 minutes run and 2 minutes jog, no matter what.
I am a little slower than yesterday, by the time I get to the first mile mark I am about 1.30 minutes behind yesterdays time, but I stick to the game plan and don't try to be clever. By the time I get to Greenway today I am having to really discipline myself and not walk until the running 2 minutes is over. After I turned into MagpieHall Lane, I really wanted to go through the park, do a short run, but then I had remembered what I had told the old boy just before he left this morning. I told him the route I was doing and if he got back before me and wanted to get in the house then he was to drive on my route and find me! (He is off to Norway tomorrow, and was using today to make sure everything was done!) which of course means that I can't possible take any shortcuts, I just have to keep going!
By the time I got to my turning I was wringing wet with sweat, and really looking forward to collapsing in my chair. I run up the road and turn on to the path. There parked outside was the old boy! I could have gone through the park after all! But secretly (weirdly) pleased that I didn't. I let the old boy in and was just about to go in myself when he said, 'go on then, walk around the green, warm down'. Somebody else has been listening to naggy neighbour too! So twice round the green, back into to the house, stretch, tea and .........relax!
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