Thursday 23 May 2019

Hitting The Deck In the Rec!

Hello blog readers.

Look at me, running twice this week and blogging about it!  Shhh, don't tell mojo for goodness sake,  we don't that going back into hiding, it's bad enough as it is!  I reckon it was mojo that made me fall down the hole in the first place!

Anyway, it's a spring and summer time sessions in the rec!  Every year for the past 12 years these sessions have been happening.  It's great fun.  Today DiscoRich took to the whistle as he lead the first of our summer session consisting of around 25 - 30 people!  It's a popular sessions!

We do a warm up couple of laps around the cricket field and then we have some drills......minding those holes!!  I was very wary of the ground underfoot, I tried really not to focus on it too much but just enjoy being out!  Then it was down to business with our running activities and what not!

First of DiscoRich had laid out four cones for each team of four, so around about 6-7 columns of four cones each.  We were doing the pyramid  running.  All the group 1's kind of grouped together going along the start line, each group of 4 getting more and more faster!  Well, I don't think this is going to be a race, but we will try our hardest down here in the slower column to finish as quick as we can!  We had to take it in turn to run to the first come and then back, hand our baton to our team member who then runs to the first cone until we all have done that.  Then we do the second cone, the third cone, the fourth cone, the third cone, the second cone until we all do the last cone.  It's all about little sprints.  Great fun, my team was second.......second to last but we didn't give up.......well it wasn't a race, was it?

After it was all about the core work.  #Ihavenocore, is the hash tag that SnappyH has decided to use!  I think I will use that too!  My core is definitely hiding under a nice warm layer of winter wobbles!  I say to myself every year "Core exercises should be a daily thing"  Every year I keep saying to myself that I will do some sort of core work at home during the week, but every year I do about 1 weeks worth!  Lets see if I can keep the core work going this year, after all I have Jabbra to nag me now!

After our core session it was down to some more running.  Our Par luffs are always a big hit and we finish the session with at least a 10-12 minutes of running these relay loops of the green.

Then it's some lovely cool down stretches to make sure we won't be getting cramps and knots and goodness what ever in our legs after such rigorous running!  It was a great session, CarolWithAnE and RefMichael was there, J.J. and LouLou was there, Auriol and Nigel, DiscoRich and IllustriousLeader! And loads of others, too many to name, some names escape me and some I am not sure of!  It was a fabulous first summer Core and Running session today!  I shall look forward to next Thursdays, lead by IllustriousLeader!

Miles on the door for #milesformind is also a bonus too!  Here's my geeky stats!  I started it up doing the warm ups (I know, but it all goes to help!) and kept it going through the core sessions as you can see by the weird route!!

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