Thursday, 14 June 2018

Running, Butt-Kicking, Stealing? And That's After a Morning Run

Hello blog readers

Thursday Morning

This morning wasn't a bright as I hoped it was going to be, in fact I am sure I could feel a slight precipitation in the air.  I picked up Tracy en route to the rec, parked up and then walked to the park.  There were quite a few runners today, three groups worth.  In my group we had 6 runners, me, Tracey, Carole, Auriol, Wendimoo and Paula!  It took a bit of time for me to get warmed up, just as well I took it easy.  It felt like I was running with lead legs till we got to the top of the woods at least!  

I took them on the left path, by the rail lines and then up Botany Bay Lane. 
All the way Botany Bay Lane, we were heading for Scadbury Park.  I wanted to see how the lovely little cottage, the game keepers lodge was doing.  It's such a lovely little place!  So that was our route this morning, and we really did start of slowly.  I so needed it.  We did get a bit of a pace on afterwards, but running up the blimmin hills seem to knacker me!

We were running all the way up to the main road so that we could cross over to go into Scadbury Park.  I was dying to see if it was all finished.  Guess what?  It was finished.  It was beautiful too, here, I took a picture.  

But then one of the ladies noticed something else, something that wasn't quite beautiful, something that was really kind of......weird!  This, 

What is it! Why is it hanging there, is it to scare of all us runners!  I may have to do some digging around on the Internet to find out why.

So, we were nearly back to the rec, we finished off our run through the woods, crossed back over the main roads and we were back in our woods, Petts Wood, where we ran down to Dog Poo Ally and then  back to the rec.  Lovely run, lovely ladies, love my club!  We had a coffee afterwards, down at the local Cow and Bean just before I went back to get ready to go see our Kirsty!

Thursday Evening

What was going on at the rec this evening.  There was some tyrant boss training a gang of thieves!  Can you believe it, the rec turned into a Fagins lair!  Gangs of thieves steeling from each other, then they were running for the law before becoming the law's informants, and then before you knew it, they were all totally organised as they ran around with their loot, passing from one to another to try and keep the law off their tails. It's true, all of it, honest m'lud!

Well, ok, so I could make a fab story about todays outing on the rec this evening for our core training, but I won't.  I will tell you exactly what happened though!  I was the leader this evening, only because J.J. spoke last week about this fab speedy game that we did last year, so DiscoRich suggested that I lead this week so that we could play it.  As it happened, J.J. wasn't even here this evening, she had made plans!  Tracy wasn't with us either, or Wendimoo!  But Carole and Michael were there, and Charley and Debs, and Charley's mum, and, and, and. loads of others too!  In fact there were 20 people at this weeks core session! 

I started them off running around the green to get a warm up and then there were the drills off course, skipping, caraokas, butt-kicks etc.  So that takes care of two of the words in todays title!  The third word, 'Stealing', well that is to do with our fist speed game!  We had three teams of 6 people, who were more or less the same distance from a big pile of cones in the middle of the triangle of 'gangs' (teams). The aim of the game was to to 'become magpies' and run to the big nest of goodies, and collect 1 item and bring it back to their own nest.  Sounds good right?  Well, ones things were underway, the gangs then sent out their best runners to go and steal from the other gangs to put back into the big nest of goodies.  At the end of a times session, the with the most cones won!  But among the the cones was the golden bar, that particular item was worth 5 cones! I think there was a bit of strategy going on, also there was a bit of trying to hide cones going on too!  But I think everyone had fun for the first game! 

After a quick drink we then had the core training.  There were lunges, push-ups, star jumps, ab curls and the dreaded burpees!  (you can blame Simon for that particular discipline! he mentioned it)  I am sure I should have added a couple more exercises in there, but I was totally strict on them, making sure that we all looked like a working machine, all in time, all bending and lunging at the same time, counting, each lunge, star jump, and ab twisty thing.  I should have tried to count the burpees, but that particular exercise is so hard, we all do it a different speeds! 

After the core training (I should have done some more, I know I should have!) we had another game, this time British Bull Dog!  A fab game,  you have one runner in the middle of a marked out pitch and the rest of the runners are on one side of the pitch.  They then have to run to the other side without getting tagged!  If they do, they then join forces with the first runner catching people on the next wave as they run back!  We managed two games of that one, and after a quick drink we had our last speed running of our favourite relays.  Running in teams of 3 with a baton for about 10 minutes.  We finished with some well needed stretches! I did do a bit of running in this, one of the runners got a twinge in her foot, so I stepped in to take her place!

Well, I enjoyed this evenings sessions, bossing everyone around!  Well, leading really, leading this session, in a strong manner!

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