Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Club Run

Hello blog readers.

Yesterday was club run, I was leading.  I was still feeling fat and bloated so the hills were calling!  It's still nice and light to be able to go through the woods, and we all love going through the woods!  We can't do that many evening runs through the woods so while it's light out, we will venture into the woods!  The rain for during last week and the little bit of rain we had just a few days ago had managed to reach the floor of the woods, but that didn't put me off, I was hoping that there was just a couple of little paths around where the big muddy puddles would be, that way I could keep my group running!

Joining us for the first time in group 1 was our newly appointed liaison officer, Spencer!  He was joining us to to introduce himself to our band of merry runners!  We are a friendly bunch, us here in PWR, and when there is a new committee member, or swap around they like to come and introduce them selves.  We in group 1 are particularly friendly, or am I just being biased!  It is a great group!  there were a couple of members away, on holiday, but we still had 12 runners!  Not bad sized group!

I decided to take them on the left hand side of the woods first, it's usually the wettest part of the woods for some reason, and if the rain had got down to the bottom of the woods then we can get the muddy bit all done with first!  As it happened, it wasn't that bad!  Soft and spongy, but no real wet mud! It's going to be perfect!

I lead them to the little river, we had some faster runners and some slower runners but when we got to the river we had plenty of time to go up my favourite hill (NOT) and that's Goss Hill!  It's good to throw in hills and besides it's very difficult trying to not find a hill when we run though the woods anyway!  So, my 'food baby' that seem to be growing in belly was going to get exercised away! 

After we got to the top of Goss Hill I thought it was a perfect time for a picture with our group 1'ers.  At the top of the hill was a young couple and I asked them to take the picture, not only that but also tell them all about our running club!  A great bit of PR!  This is us, just a few minutes after running (walking some of it) Goss hill!

We ran along the little path, I really do hate this path, only because of the barbed wire that runs along separating the sheep from the humans!  It's a thin path, undulating, like a little rollercoaster ride, so you have to keep your eyes on the floor!  We were running along here when one of the other groups came from other end of the path!  Well, at least we ran up Goss hill, they were having the easy way of running down it!  At the other end of this path, just as we were about to run at the top of the woods another group came down from the top of Botany Bay Lane!  Another high fiving moment for us all as they continued to run down, we were taking the top of the woods, along the back of the school.  It was just as we were running along here that I decided to take another path down and towards the rail lines.  We had to get back Dog Poo ally, it was either this path or the middle path!  We hadn't been down that path for a long while!  It does mean that we have to run along the same bit of path we ran along earlier! But still, it feels different when you run it in the opposite direction!

Back to Dog Poo ally and back out of the woods.  The light was still with us, although it was just a little gloomy in the woods, it was still just perfect!

Our Geeky stats for the evenings run!

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