Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Soggy Summer Club Run!

Hello blog lovers

Oh my goodness!  It was a tad wet!  It's a very British thing to understate everything, so be assured, I am totally understating that it was a tad wet!  I noticed in the weekly email that DiscoRich said that the wet stuff would fall from the sky this evening! It started this afternoon, just a light drizzle, but it just didn't stop!  It kept coming down, and down.  And as the time for our evening run drew nearer the rain got heavier!  Why did it have to be today!  I had this lovely surprise for everyone in group 1 today, and there was also a surprise for me too!

So let me tell you all about it.  I am sure I have told you all before that group 1 is where it all begins, literally.  The people from the beginners come along after they have done their course, some of course just go straight into group 2, 3 or even higher!  And it's also for people coming back from injury, just to ease them selves back into shape after being out of the running, for a while.  Now, during introduction times, when all the people who are leaders explain where they are going etc, well, when we hear about the group 9's, 10's and 11's speed and distance, I used to hear 'wow!' from us in group 1 and I am sure they look upon them as the 'Elites's' the 'untouchable's' the 'Scary people'  just as I used to.  But let me tell you.  The leaders, the people, in all those faster running groups are none of the above!  I chat with people from our group 1's and 2's and 3's.  At social gatherings I chat with people from groups 4, 5 and 6.  And, all the other groups too, I am sure I chat with at least 1 person from each group at the social gatherings.  I even ran our members 10k with Stephen Pond, from group 11.  Did you noticed there, the word 'people' or 'person'? Because that is exactly what they are.  They all go for a run, they too sometimes hate the hills, they all too struggle to keep up with their group leader, and I feel sure they also think on the odd occasion "Does this not get any easier?" or that could just be me!

But one more thing about these group of people is that they are the most friendliest, encouraging, supportive bunch of people that I know!  So, during our AGM I suggested that if any of the faster runners want to come along for a chat, then come along and join us!  I have heard people say they are just running solo until they are back to speed to join in their usual group!  I say, "Why wait? Come along and chat to people in the slower groups on a Tuesday at a slower pace!"  We are the most all ability running club that I know and one of the friendliest!  So now that I have set that up......flippin Nora, I don't 'arf go on at times......Our first guest runners from group 11 and 10 respectively was Stephen Pond and Jenny Laing. By the way, Jenny was the surprise that I didn't know about, I know, right!  Again, me, running with the speedsters!  But after running with Stephen before I knew that there was nothing to be 'scared' of!

So, now for the run!  I must learn to maybe bullet point stuff, or what ever it is that people do scale down their points with a few words!  There we were, in the pouring rain, I mean it was coming down hard, hitting the floor and then bouncing up again!  (no British understating there!) I tried to find just a little bit of shelter next to the pavilion but it wasn't working at all.

I gave out my route and pace when called on by CoachHels and then completely forgot to introduce my surprise guests, but after WendyLC did her bit for group 2 I grabbed the opportunity to do it then!  We all met at stake no.1.....all three leaders and two group members, me, Stephen, Jenny (leaders) Tracy and Selina!  In group 2, there were about 7 of them, the rain scared them away because I know they didn't know about our speedsters joining us!  We decided to combine our groups!  That way group 2 can see just how unscary Stephen and Jenny are too!

I chose a nice route (or so I thought at the time) of going along the Cinder path, that way we can enjoy the woods but stay on a path.  It does mean running along Tudor way to get there, but I felt it was a lot safer than going through the Petts Wood, with the roots to contend with.  We watched all the other groups leave the rec and then we followed on, all 12 of us.  Although it really was absolutely pissing down with rain it was not cold!  I was really looking forward to running in the rain, strangely.  I mean usually as soon as there is a chance of participation then I run for the nearest cover, I didn't buy my GHD's for an ornament you know! But this evening I really was embracing the rain!

We were running down Crossways and Tudor way, there were a couple of puddles to negotiate (again, that's the British couple of puddles) and in the end I decided to embrace those too!  It was far to much hard work to avoid them anyway.  I think the ladies behind me got the full splash back, but I don't think I could get them any soggier than they were already!

By the time we got to main road I think everybody started to feel a little more relaxed about the puddles!  And it was just as well!  I led them to the path that goes behind Crofton School, the Cinder path.  I noticed that there was an awful lot of water running from it! "This should be interesting" I thought, Shit or bust, came to mind as I ran up the path.  I knew there were a couple of 'escape hatches' along here, where we could get to the road if it was too yucky.  We paddled along the path running, chatting, laughing at the rain, the little river that we seemed to be running in.  It was a bit dark along the path, and I know there are some people with us that wear glasses, just like me!  My cap usually keeps the rain off my glasses, but not this time!  I was steaming up, so I just knew they others would be too!  I offered to take them to the road, if just one person said that is what they want to do then that is what we will do.  Best be safe!

Well we did take the first exit, after splashing along in ankle deep water.  Mind you, I quite enjoyed splashing through the puddles, not worrying about getting wet feet, feeling like a kid again.  That bit was the most funnest bit of this evenings run.  Have I just invented a new word!?  I do like just be totally carefree when I'm out running.  It's one of the reasons why I go through the centre of muddy puddles in the woods, just because I can!

Back on nice safe, pavements, with lampposts to see, I am sure this would be just fine now.  We ran out of the path and we was greeted by a shout out from one of the neighbours, I couldn't quite hear what was said, but I do know that it was a shout of encouragement! I later found out that it was Ruth, one of our own PWR's! You would think being on pavements that the puddles had finished! But no, there was little rivers running along Crofton Lane, we had get over it when we cross the road. I, of course just went straight through it, I am sure most of the others did too.  I was so wet my underwear was getting soaked!  I know that trying to get out of my Lycra later is going to be fun!  That will test the glutes!

St Johns road was my destination now, a route change but still giving us a good run. At least it feels like we are getting closer to the rec anyway.  Running is fun, but if you are having a really horrible time then it's just not inspiring.  I wanted our runners to enjoy running in the rain, coming up with ideas for us spectacle wearers to help with rain was a topic of conversation.  Peak caps was one suggestion, and it usually is enough, but with this downpour, well that was useless!  So contact lenses was the best option, if you have them of course.

While we were running up St Johns I sent the faster runners up for a little stretch of the legs, I was going to bring up the rear, but Chris summer was doing a wonderful job of keeping the back runners company so I just plodded along till I got to the rest of the group who were 'sheltering' under a tree!  I think it was just to make themselves feel like they were sheltering because they were still getting rained on!

We finished St Johns road and it was just the last two roads to do.  I split the group up, WendyLC was going to take the faster runners to the rec, and then just let everyone go straight home to do their stretches, and I was going to bring up the rear with Tracy, it made sense to me as I was taking her home anyway!  We all started on the last bit together, the faster runners started to pull away, I was just about to go back and suggest that Stephen stretch his legs. "No, you go ahead, I shall run in with Tracy and Selina" he said!  So that was it, I started running towards the now 'further down the road' pack.  Chris and Claudia were the back runners for that group, and I tried to get up to them.  I eventually did by the time we got to Crossways I think!  I ran into the rec and checked on my Garmin. 2.88 miles!  Well I can't leave it like that, so I started to run to make it up to 3 miles!

A great run, I think it could be one of our wettest Tuesday runs for a very long time!  Loved it, and by the smiles on the others I think they secretly enjoyed it too!  And the guest runners in our group turned out just fun!  People chatting to people, who knew some people that they knew!  An overwhelming success I call it!  Well, it would have been good to have all our group 1 people, but I am sure there will be other 'guest runners' that want to have a bit of fun! Oh and welcome back Chris Summers, keep on running!

I did promise you fun Stephen, didn't I!?

Geeky stats.

<iframe src='https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/embed/1822817476' title='Petts Wood and Knoll Ward Running' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>

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