Thursday, 1 June 2017

Fun And Games In The Park!

Hello blog lovers.

I was at the second session of  'Party in the Park' this evening!  Ok, so there was no booze, but still great fun! Well, there wasn't any food, food is overrated at parties anyway. But boy I just didn't want it to stop! Music? Music....? no. No, there was no music, ok, so it wasn't a party but it was still bloody good fun! It was PWR's summer speed and core strength sessions.  I missed the first one because I was away for a short break, so I was really looking forward to this weeks session.  Illustrious leader was leading today, with the 'Iron fist in a velvet glove' leadership skills!

Our first activity was of course a two lap warm up of the rec. I was running behind everyone, well, Illustrious leader did say do the warm up laps at our own pace.  Half way around the first lap I suddenly remembered (after seeing a little flying thing) that I hadn't put on m Jungle Formula anti-bug spray!  I have already been bitten once this week, when we went through the woods, so I am taking no chances.  The little biters can bug-ger off!  So for my second lap I ran back to my car which I parked out side to go and get my bug spray and then ran back in the opposite direction to everyone so that I could catch up and continue running.

Then it was the drills, the skipping, the butt kicks and karaokas, you know the usual stuff.  then it was for some speed session.  Illustrious leader put us into two groups, a fast group and and less fast group, and we were to 'race against each other'  I know, it's crazy, who do you thinking will win!?  The faster group were handicapped though, and no, I was not their handicap!  Illustrious leader made a circuit about 10 feet wider than the cricket pitch, which the faster runners were going to run around, while us in the not so fast group would be running tight against the ropes that protected the sacred green on the pitch.  So we will be running less, but can we still beat them!  We had to do two laps, they could quite easily do it, if we let them.  I took the first lap, I had to run around, pass one corner post, pass the second corner post, by the time I got to the third corner I raised my hand for a second runner to begin.  All this time DiscoRich was chasing me down.  Of course he had the longer lap to do, it was pretty close!  It's the first time I have ever been close to beating any of the faster runners!  I do like this speed game.  We won by the way, us slower runners, we sat on the grass in a line while we waited for the other team to finish.  I think they tried telling us that there was thirteen of them and only 12 of us, or something like that!

We walked back over to our water and then it was straight into the core training exercises.  Squats, star jumps, lunges, push ups and cycling!  That was fun, it just shows me how unfit and how much my core strength has disappeared, if I ever had a core that is!  I think I am going to have to work out a little plan to do first thing in the mornings before I go off out!  I sure I can make myself get up just 15 minutes earlier to work on my core fitness!

After that it was relays.  A four way split relay, we all got into groups of 4.  The rec is used by everyone, we don't have sole use of the rec, so I.L. told us to run in a diagonal route to the other side of the rec to where our no.2 team was, we were to hand the baton the them and then they run to no. 3 and then they run to no 4. You all know how a relay works.  Before I realised the whole session was done and we were in a circle doing the cool down stretches!  Blimey, time flies when you are having fun!  The best darn party that you can have really, because you leave it on the most fantastic high, you've been with your mates and family (if they are in to running too!) and the best bit, no hang over in the morning! A great sessions led by Illustrious Leader this evening!

I put my garmin on, have to, it's exercise, even tho it's only in the green and doing core training!

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