Ok, so todays blog title is a little mixed up, but I like impact! Well, I mean, I don't mean impact, you know hit and run......Oh blast! Let me start again!
So today I ran and then did a HIIT session. So the title is slight skew-wiff, but that's fine. This morning I met the other Thursday PWRs in the rec. We got into our groups and then headed off. My group we had 7! We haven't had that many runners in my group for a while, so it was a nice surprise. But the three extra ladies that were with me, K, Tracy and PinkladyJo normally they run in the faster groups! That's fine, we can do this.
I was taking the group on a loop around the woods, the longer route, not the 'half the Woods' route today, I felt we could get around in good time this morning. So we went through Dog Poo ally and then turned right to go up the path towards the road. The 3 faster ladies, ZippySherry being one of them just got right up to the top and waited. I was just a little bit behind them and the 3 other ladies behind me. I thought I best that ZippySherry led a 'breakaway' group so that they were not hanging about too long for us. Running through the woods is all kind of up and down, and doing loop backs could prove to be quite challenging. So once we were all together and a little breather we all started running again, but then the 'breakaways' got further and further away.
We continued our run all the way along the right flank of the woods with me just in front of the ladies. I could hear them chatting as they were running along. I just kept my speed a little bit faster hoping they would try and stay with me! But they have their pace and they are getting there! I shall have to get my nagging voice out again soon!
We were just coming up to the middle path and I thought I would just wait for them to catch up, K and PinkLadyJo were first in view with Tracy just behind them. Tracy was dabbing at her arm.....and no, it's not that kind of Dab! She was using her new PWR new season Buff which she had on her wrist to dab away blood on her arm! She was attacked by the brambles! "Another new way to use my buff" she said to me "To wipe away blood, sweat and tears" I tell you Tracy is really trying hard to get back into to her running! She knows exactly what it takes, and it takes all three, blood, sweat and tears. It also takes time, commitment, determination! It's hard work but so much fun....eventually it's fun, after we have done all our running and work outs!
We were running up the steep little path that takes us to the back of the school and ZippySherry and the two others came up from behind us! I couldn't quite figure out how they got there, but ZS said that they had gone the long way round the woods! It was good to all join back together, just until we got to Botany Bay Lane though, because then the faster three went along to Goss hill while us four ran down lane all the way to the river and then back up to the rail lines!
It was a great run and by the time we came out of the woods then the 'breakaways' rejoined us for the last little bit back to the rec! Not a badly paced run for group 3 and breakaway group 3+ (which is what I think our group is called on a Thursday) We all did our stretches together and then as we were leaving the rec the others were coming back from their run!
Geeky stats.
Adeles HIIT
It was Adeles turn to take the session this week. Adele is a personal trainer, and she also does a couple of classes too. We are very fortunate in our running club, we are spoilt with personal trainers and it's great that on occasions they come and take a session in the rec for us! This is Adele here,
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Adele third on the right! Just click on her name and check out her page! |
Me and Tracy were just a little bit late, and we managed to join in the first of the warm up laps, me with my water in hand and jacket on! As I was running around my socks started to disappear under my feet, you know when they get all crunched up in your shoe, but I decided to keep on going and then get it sorted out when I got to the bench. By the time I finally sorted out my socks, taken my jacket off the rest of the group were half way through the second lap, I decided to just wait until they got back.
There was not hanging about though, Adele said get a quick drink and then get on the grass! We were doing her HIIT session. Oh my goodness! What a work out it was too. I really can't remember exactly how many reps we did in the end but it consisted of ice skaters, bicycles, squat jumps, mountain climbers and a couple of others which I can't even remember now! But it was 30 seconds of each, with 20 second rest! When I say rest, it was from standing up, getting on the floor then back up to standing and then back on the floor! There was no rest for me as I took at least 20 seconds to get up and down each time! And the noises coming from everyone, the heavy breathing and groaning......I think I was doing an awful lot of groaning! DiscoRich said to Adele "Can you believe this lot come running, it sounds like they never do any exercises!" or words to the effect! But was it fun? Of course it was, it took me a couple of reps to get into it, but I really tried to put more effort into each discipline after a while!
About 20 minutes we did that for! It felt like we did it for the whole hour, but we had a cool down stretch, a drink and then we were lined up and given numbers! It was our relay running, I really didn't know if my legs would work after that HIIT. We were put in about 8 groups of 3, the no.1's were handed the baton, the no.2's were sent to the other side of the green, and the no.3's where just a little behind us waiting for the return of the baton.
I was no.1, I had the baton first. When DiscoRich said go we all took off. My legs refused to go fast, I mean my legs were on a 'go slow'! I was the last one to get to the crowd of no.2' and I handed my baton to Charley's mum, (I have forgotten her name!) and then just flopped over to regain my composure! It took a couple of those little runs to get my legs to work properly again. I think I am really going to feel the HIIT tomorrow! It's quite addictive! I may just turn up one Monday morning!
A great session, love coming to any PWR! No geeky stats as I forgot to switch on! I bet my heartrate was sky rocketing!
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