Thursday, 27 October 2016

Track Night!

Hello blog lovers.

Track night, and what a lovely evening it is too!  I can't believe that the temp on the car said 15 degrees today!  Seems very mild for October. I don't mind though,, it's perfect running weather!  Mind you, I a totally not feeling it today, or so it seemed on track!

Of course I was keen to get out running today, I didn't go out this morning for a run. I gave NaggyNeighbour a text too, see if she wanted to come along.  She was keen to come out too.  So we made our way to the track, and got there on time!

It was a big group with mixed abilities, PhysioMike split us up into too groups!  Those running parkrun 28 min and faster in one group and those running slower in the other group.  He set the faster group running  tempo run and then par luffs, and then had them doing what we would be doing.  We were going to do the drills first and then do the session, 5 x 800 meters!  I don't think I managed to do 5 of them!

Sometimes your body just doesn't want to do things, no matter how much you think you can.  I wanted to go running today, and I had to wait till this evening,  but the running wasn't as good as last week!......No, I shall rephrase that, it wasn't as fast or as complete as it was last week!  The fact that I was out running is good enough anyway!  And always out on the track there is the encouragement from all the others out there, as they lap me by, "Go on Old Girl, keep going" "You're doing great".  That's what I love about our club, friendships, encouragement all the time!  Love it!

At least there is one thing.  I am enjoying my running, I am evening looking forward to a solo run at some point too.  I am sure I will love that!  A couple of races booked in and my focus is started to come back!  The first one is the Brighton 10k in November!  Brrrrr, it was blimmin windy last year, but that fish and chips at the end was so worth it!  Half marathon for March, and me and Naggy talking about another one before that!  I know, we are both getting back running mojos!

Geeky stats.

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