Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Club Run- Lucky Seven!

Hello blog lovers.

I do love club run and I do love leading!  Why, because it gets me out! If it wasn't for my club I really would have had a whole day of no exercise.  And if someone else was leading group 1 then I could quite easily make an excuse not to go out.  The dark nights are here, the chilly wind, and the mojo is fighting to hibernate!   I had a bit of a lazyitus day today, I should have gone out for a bike ride or extra run or something, but I enjoyed snuggle under my duvet for an extra hour or so, but my run today was just what I needed and wanted!  I really do enjoy running with my mates, and I know I must get out with my cycling pals soon as well, I love riding with my pals, it needs to be done, before cycling mojo decides to hibernate.

I went to knock for my pals J.J. and LittleJ and we walked to the rec.  I never know how many people will be joining us for group 1 but this evening there were seven of us, including SingstarJo!  It's so nice to run with her again.  She has been running in groups 3 or 4, been doing relay marathon but she has also been injured.  But today she wanted to come and run with us in group 1.

The route I had in mind was going to take us along the undulations........the more challenging way!  So that out of the rec turn left and then left again.  We ran all the way along Hazlemere, Great Thrift and Woodland Way, with just one walking section before we got to the top by the memorial hall!  We were all there more or less at the same time.  Tonight's group 1 is a ver tight group one.  We ran.....quietly.......over the 'Troll' bridge, and boy was we quiet! I think PhysioMike would have been so impressed with that!  Mind you once we were over the bridge....

I didn't go around Crest View this time, I was thinking of doing the other roads once we ran along Crescent Drive and Shepperton.  It was already just over 2 miles when we got to the top of Shepperton, I wasn't quite sure how far this way is, but they way that we are running, it's not going to be any problem.  I am thinking it's just a tad over the mile so a perfect distance for group 1.  At least going this way it's all flat now, no more undulations or inclines!

This evening's run seemed to finish all too quickly, we were coming out of St. Johns road turning right and running along Tudor way towards Crossways.  We were all still pretty tight together, it has been a fabulous run, and now, after crossing over the road, it's time to just give it a little bit more to the rec.  SingstarJo was just ahead of me, the other five were behind, I started running, I was trying to catch up to SingstarJo!  She looked as if she was just breezing along, she looked so relaxed as she stayed just ahead of me.  I just couldn't catch her, I decided to just try and stay not far behind her!

That was a good bit.  I enjoyed that.  I enjoy all my runs once I get out there doing it!  Why is it so hard to do when I am by myself! Tut.  I need a telling that's for sure!

So geeky stats and if you dig and delve you will notice that my shoes have done over 500 miles now, I have counted up my cash that I have been putting in my little piggy bank and I have the grand total of £135.00  A new pair of shoes!  What a brilliant idea I saw on a Facebook page about putting a pound in the pot every time I ran or cycled!  Although my stats says that I have 174 activities done in them, I didn't actually start putting money away until the January!  Which is what is going to happen again for next year!

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