Hello blog lovers.
I am determined to keep up with my blogging for every time I run......or cycle...So here with blog no.3 in 2 days!
It's Tuesday and it's club night. The weather is really quite mild, it's going to be a good run I think. J.J. and Wendimoo are not with me today, but I do have LittleJ and Auriol. IllustriousLeader also joined me, along with Carole, Steve and Liz! Liz, if you remember, came on a club night a couple of weeks back, thinking it was a 'homework for beginners' session. But this evening she was here under no illusions, she chose to come along here to join in a group 1 session.
I hadn't quite got a route in mind, I thought we would just run one of our usual ones. And really, that was quite good 'non-planning'. The route that I chose was more or less the same route that we did with Liz when she came for that first time. This time she seemed to get up that hill with no problem, she was just a few seconds behind us as we waited for her at the top! Right there, you can see the improvement! Steve is also coming back from a long absense of running. He has the right plan in mind, it's just getting implemented. Making the time and the effort to get out there. That is the hardest bit, actually getting out of the door. Even then, if you haven't got buddies to meet up with you can quite easily talk yourself back into the house!
But once the running bug has been unleashed, it's hard to ignore. My sister-in-law decided to come along to our beginners group this Autumn, but sometimes it's a little difficult for her to get to us on a Saturday. But she has been doing her homework, and she enjoys it each time. So much so that she has joined her nearest running club to her So Lets Go Running, run by Brian Page and Dawn Ammet. The running bug really has taken hold of her! If if you don't go running, even if you have put it aside for a week, two weeks, or more, the thought of 'When can I get back to it' or if it's lazyitus that is keeping you from running the thought would be 'I should be out there running!' So there is no getting away from it once you start!
Most of this evenings route was fairly flat after Kingsway, and we could really concentrate on doing some quality running, taking it steady and slow, building up stamina, concentrating on breathing. We was only just saying today, people come back from injuries after a few weeks and then want to jump straight back into the same group they were in before the injury! Now while some folk can do that, really it's always best to come back slowly. We have so many groups now, catering for all paces and distances. You can come back to running in a couple of groups down from your usual group and build up again! It works well!
Anyway, I digress, as usual. We ran along Crescent Drive. There was no stopping Liz, somehow while we were chatting and taking a walking break Liz had actually gone ahead of us......running.......and looked as if she had no intention of stopping! So we all ran on after her encouraging Steve to keep on going too. We ran/walked all the way to the stop at the end of Shepperton Road. From there I decided to change the route slightly so that Liz can carry on enjoying the run. I think we were to go along the undulations of Great Thrift etc, then I could become a struggle. So the more 'gentle' incline of Beaumont would be more favourable.
From here though I could see that both Steve and Liz needed a little more focus, so the lampposts came into play. Run to one lamppost then walk to the next. But they were doing run two lampposts then walk one! Both of them did really well. We soon got back to Crossways. I sent the others ahead to run up to the rec while I ran along with Liz, encouraging her to run lamppost to lamppost all the way inside the rec. Steve had left us before Crossways and walked on up to the station. A brilliant run with the group 1'ers. Loved it!
Geeky stats.
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