Hello blog lovers.
So I am late writing this up a tad late! But that's ok, it can be bed time reading or commute reading in the morning!
So beginners week 7 unofficially, as we repeated week 6 on Saturday. It seems incredible that we are already looking towards the last two sessions. All those that though running for 1 minute was tough are now running......and enjoying......running for 8 minutes. I was leading on Saturday and I finally found me whistle! Instead of looking all common like whistling with my fingers.....I don't know, you can take the girl out of Lambeth.......!
We were still in the park, next week they all go on the roads, but I won't be there, in fact I won't be there for the next couple of weeks as my mate SmartyPants is coming down for the weekend!! I am really looking forward to seeing her, and the following weekend I have a course to do! And I am looking forward to that too! So next time I do a write up about the beginners it will be about graduation day! Fantastic.
I was trying to make sure that I spoke to as many of them as I can, and to chat to the faster ones I have to run around in the opposite direction to and then just try and keep up with them for a short while! It's good training for me.....let me tell you! But truly, the best bit of helping, leading, being with the beginners group is seeing the smile on their faces when they have completed the session! It really is totally infectious! You feel totally elated for them and then carry that on through the week! Brilliant!
So, next time you see 'Beginners' in the title line it will be on Graduation Day!
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Track Night!
Hello blog lovers.
Track night, and what a lovely evening it is too! I can't believe that the temp on the car said 15 degrees today! Seems very mild for October. I don't mind though,, it's perfect running weather! Mind you, I a totally not feeling it today, or so it seemed on track!
Of course I was keen to get out running today, I didn't go out this morning for a run. I gave NaggyNeighbour a text too, see if she wanted to come along. She was keen to come out too. So we made our way to the track, and got there on time!
It was a big group with mixed abilities, PhysioMike split us up into too groups! Those running parkrun 28 min and faster in one group and those running slower in the other group. He set the faster group running tempo run and then par luffs, and then had them doing what we would be doing. We were going to do the drills first and then do the session, 5 x 800 meters! I don't think I managed to do 5 of them!
Sometimes your body just doesn't want to do things, no matter how much you think you can. I wanted to go running today, and I had to wait till this evening, but the running wasn't as good as last week!......No, I shall rephrase that, it wasn't as fast or as complete as it was last week! The fact that I was out running is good enough anyway! And always out on the track there is the encouragement from all the others out there, as they lap me by, "Go on Old Girl, keep going" "You're doing great". That's what I love about our club, friendships, encouragement all the time! Love it!
At least there is one thing. I am enjoying my running, I am evening looking forward to a solo run at some point too. I am sure I will love that! A couple of races booked in and my focus is started to come back! The first one is the Brighton 10k in November! Brrrrr, it was blimmin windy last year, but that fish and chips at the end was so worth it! Half marathon for March, and me and Naggy talking about another one before that! I know, we are both getting back running mojos!
Geeky stats.
Track night, and what a lovely evening it is too! I can't believe that the temp on the car said 15 degrees today! Seems very mild for October. I don't mind though,, it's perfect running weather! Mind you, I a totally not feeling it today, or so it seemed on track!
Of course I was keen to get out running today, I didn't go out this morning for a run. I gave NaggyNeighbour a text too, see if she wanted to come along. She was keen to come out too. So we made our way to the track, and got there on time!
It was a big group with mixed abilities, PhysioMike split us up into too groups! Those running parkrun 28 min and faster in one group and those running slower in the other group. He set the faster group running tempo run and then par luffs, and then had them doing what we would be doing. We were going to do the drills first and then do the session, 5 x 800 meters! I don't think I managed to do 5 of them!
Sometimes your body just doesn't want to do things, no matter how much you think you can. I wanted to go running today, and I had to wait till this evening, but the running wasn't as good as last week!......No, I shall rephrase that, it wasn't as fast or as complete as it was last week! The fact that I was out running is good enough anyway! And always out on the track there is the encouragement from all the others out there, as they lap me by, "Go on Old Girl, keep going" "You're doing great". That's what I love about our club, friendships, encouragement all the time! Love it!
At least there is one thing. I am enjoying my running, I am evening looking forward to a solo run at some point too. I am sure I will love that! A couple of races booked in and my focus is started to come back! The first one is the Brighton 10k in November! Brrrrr, it was blimmin windy last year, but that fish and chips at the end was so worth it! Half marathon for March, and me and Naggy talking about another one before that! I know, we are both getting back running mojos!
Geeky stats.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Again, With A Nice Round 7!
Hello blog lovers.
I am determined to keep up with my blogging for every time I run......or cycle...So here with blog no.3 in 2 days!
It's Tuesday and it's club night. The weather is really quite mild, it's going to be a good run I think. J.J. and Wendimoo are not with me today, but I do have LittleJ and Auriol. IllustriousLeader also joined me, along with Carole, Steve and Liz! Liz, if you remember, came on a club night a couple of weeks back, thinking it was a 'homework for beginners' session. But this evening she was here under no illusions, she chose to come along here to join in a group 1 session.
I hadn't quite got a route in mind, I thought we would just run one of our usual ones. And really, that was quite good 'non-planning'. The route that I chose was more or less the same route that we did with Liz when she came for that first time. This time she seemed to get up that hill with no problem, she was just a few seconds behind us as we waited for her at the top! Right there, you can see the improvement! Steve is also coming back from a long absense of running. He has the right plan in mind, it's just getting implemented. Making the time and the effort to get out there. That is the hardest bit, actually getting out of the door. Even then, if you haven't got buddies to meet up with you can quite easily talk yourself back into the house!
But once the running bug has been unleashed, it's hard to ignore. My sister-in-law decided to come along to our beginners group this Autumn, but sometimes it's a little difficult for her to get to us on a Saturday. But she has been doing her homework, and she enjoys it each time. So much so that she has joined her nearest running club to her So Lets Go Running, run by Brian Page and Dawn Ammet. The running bug really has taken hold of her! If if you don't go running, even if you have put it aside for a week, two weeks, or more, the thought of 'When can I get back to it' or if it's lazyitus that is keeping you from running the thought would be 'I should be out there running!' So there is no getting away from it once you start!
Most of this evenings route was fairly flat after Kingsway, and we could really concentrate on doing some quality running, taking it steady and slow, building up stamina, concentrating on breathing. We was only just saying today, people come back from injuries after a few weeks and then want to jump straight back into the same group they were in before the injury! Now while some folk can do that, really it's always best to come back slowly. We have so many groups now, catering for all paces and distances. You can come back to running in a couple of groups down from your usual group and build up again! It works well!
Anyway, I digress, as usual. We ran along Crescent Drive. There was no stopping Liz, somehow while we were chatting and taking a walking break Liz had actually gone ahead of us......running.......and looked as if she had no intention of stopping! So we all ran on after her encouraging Steve to keep on going too. We ran/walked all the way to the stop at the end of Shepperton Road. From there I decided to change the route slightly so that Liz can carry on enjoying the run. I think we were to go along the undulations of Great Thrift etc, then I could become a struggle. So the more 'gentle' incline of Beaumont would be more favourable.
From here though I could see that both Steve and Liz needed a little more focus, so the lampposts came into play. Run to one lamppost then walk to the next. But they were doing run two lampposts then walk one! Both of them did really well. We soon got back to Crossways. I sent the others ahead to run up to the rec while I ran along with Liz, encouraging her to run lamppost to lamppost all the way inside the rec. Steve had left us before Crossways and walked on up to the station. A brilliant run with the group 1'ers. Loved it!
Geeky stats.
I am determined to keep up with my blogging for every time I run......or cycle...So here with blog no.3 in 2 days!
It's Tuesday and it's club night. The weather is really quite mild, it's going to be a good run I think. J.J. and Wendimoo are not with me today, but I do have LittleJ and Auriol. IllustriousLeader also joined me, along with Carole, Steve and Liz! Liz, if you remember, came on a club night a couple of weeks back, thinking it was a 'homework for beginners' session. But this evening she was here under no illusions, she chose to come along here to join in a group 1 session.
I hadn't quite got a route in mind, I thought we would just run one of our usual ones. And really, that was quite good 'non-planning'. The route that I chose was more or less the same route that we did with Liz when she came for that first time. This time she seemed to get up that hill with no problem, she was just a few seconds behind us as we waited for her at the top! Right there, you can see the improvement! Steve is also coming back from a long absense of running. He has the right plan in mind, it's just getting implemented. Making the time and the effort to get out there. That is the hardest bit, actually getting out of the door. Even then, if you haven't got buddies to meet up with you can quite easily talk yourself back into the house!
But once the running bug has been unleashed, it's hard to ignore. My sister-in-law decided to come along to our beginners group this Autumn, but sometimes it's a little difficult for her to get to us on a Saturday. But she has been doing her homework, and she enjoys it each time. So much so that she has joined her nearest running club to her So Lets Go Running, run by Brian Page and Dawn Ammet. The running bug really has taken hold of her! If if you don't go running, even if you have put it aside for a week, two weeks, or more, the thought of 'When can I get back to it' or if it's lazyitus that is keeping you from running the thought would be 'I should be out there running!' So there is no getting away from it once you start!
Most of this evenings route was fairly flat after Kingsway, and we could really concentrate on doing some quality running, taking it steady and slow, building up stamina, concentrating on breathing. We was only just saying today, people come back from injuries after a few weeks and then want to jump straight back into the same group they were in before the injury! Now while some folk can do that, really it's always best to come back slowly. We have so many groups now, catering for all paces and distances. You can come back to running in a couple of groups down from your usual group and build up again! It works well!
Anyway, I digress, as usual. We ran along Crescent Drive. There was no stopping Liz, somehow while we were chatting and taking a walking break Liz had actually gone ahead of us......running.......and looked as if she had no intention of stopping! So we all ran on after her encouraging Steve to keep on going too. We ran/walked all the way to the stop at the end of Shepperton Road. From there I decided to change the route slightly so that Liz can carry on enjoying the run. I think we were to go along the undulations of Great Thrift etc, then I could become a struggle. So the more 'gentle' incline of Beaumont would be more favourable.
From here though I could see that both Steve and Liz needed a little more focus, so the lampposts came into play. Run to one lamppost then walk to the next. But they were doing run two lampposts then walk one! Both of them did really well. We soon got back to Crossways. I sent the others ahead to run up to the rec while I ran along with Liz, encouraging her to run lamppost to lamppost all the way inside the rec. Steve had left us before Crossways and walked on up to the station. A brilliant run with the group 1'ers. Loved it!
Geeky stats.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Homework - With the Beginners!
Hello blog lovers.
"Not another one?" Well, yes, but now I am all blogged out, because this one is all about todays run. I had noticed that on the PWR Beginners page on facebook that a few of the beginners were meeting up at 8 this evening. I offered to come along with them and support them. Martina and Ann-Marie were the two ladies that were meeting up.
NaggyNeighbour also saw that I had offered to go along this evening and she said that she would come along too. That would be blimmin perfect! Because then, I could deffo suggest going out on the streets! See if they would like to 'preview' the route that we will be taking in a couple of weeks time when we take the group out on the road for the first time! They looked as if they might like that. "Its just a loop, but on the roads" I said. "So, do we turn left or right" asked Martina.........Well, neither really, ".....um it's actually more or less straight up" I said.
The hill...incline wasn't a surprise for Martina, she had walked down here in the first place! As it was 8 in the evening, and a bit chilly, although fairly mild still, our warm up was going to be a slow jog up the incline! We started our run, that hill is a bit of a shocker when you first see it! It's a cheeky, steep little hill, that flattens out before an everso small incline till we get to the top of Kingsway. You just get into the zone and the run.
The first time we ran up the hill, I was there, right by them, Naggy was there with Chocolate, she loves a run, and we were encouraging them all the way, giving little bits of advice. The down hill was welcomed....including by me. The first 8 mins took us as far as the beginning of the down hill section. Normally I would run every down hill, but, this is on the timer, the homework we set for the beginners, and so we stopped running and started walking.
The next 8 mins started half way along the down hill section, that's better, let the hill......incline do all the work, relax the arms and shoulders, shake it out and just lift up your legs! It's that easy on the down hills! But then of course, the 8 mins took us back to the up hill again. This time it was me that was struggling! Way too much socialising and stuffing my face over the weekend! It certainly shows. But then, also, having left over curry for lunch probably not a good idea either! I know, excuses! I was just glad that Naggy was with me, she kept right on behind Martina and Ann-Marie talking them through the hill! I just kept a few paces behind them! I will have to play catch up when we get to the flattish bit!
It's surprising what you can do when you think that you can't do it, and probably wouldn't do it if you were on your own, for that hill, that second time round, I would most certainly have walked before the 8 minutes had finished! But, I did exactly what I tell the beginners, "Slow your pace, smaller steps, use those arms to hoick you up the hill" because the second time round it was a blimmin hill! And if we have to do it again then I no double I will upgrade it to a mountain!
As it it happened, the third 8 minutes........took us up the hill! I almost suggested going straight into the rec, but I thought the gate would be closed and I didn't want to stop the running so that I could open the gate! The third 8 minutes took us only half way up Wood Ride! But I kept up with them, and probably would have kept up with them to the top of the hill.....that's my story and that's what I'm sticking to! I guess that maybe they could have been running a bit easier on the third one.....!
We walked down to the rec, and finished off the homework with the cool down stretches! I can see these two young ladies joining PWR group 1 very soon, and then moving on through the ranks! A great run today, thank you ladies and thank you Naggy for coming along too!
Geeky stats.
"Not another one?" Well, yes, but now I am all blogged out, because this one is all about todays run. I had noticed that on the PWR Beginners page on facebook that a few of the beginners were meeting up at 8 this evening. I offered to come along with them and support them. Martina and Ann-Marie were the two ladies that were meeting up.
NaggyNeighbour also saw that I had offered to go along this evening and she said that she would come along too. That would be blimmin perfect! Because then, I could deffo suggest going out on the streets! See if they would like to 'preview' the route that we will be taking in a couple of weeks time when we take the group out on the road for the first time! They looked as if they might like that. "Its just a loop, but on the roads" I said. "So, do we turn left or right" asked Martina.........Well, neither really, ".....um it's actually more or less straight up" I said.
The hill...incline wasn't a surprise for Martina, she had walked down here in the first place! As it was 8 in the evening, and a bit chilly, although fairly mild still, our warm up was going to be a slow jog up the incline! We started our run, that hill is a bit of a shocker when you first see it! It's a cheeky, steep little hill, that flattens out before an everso small incline till we get to the top of Kingsway. You just get into the zone and the run.
The first time we ran up the hill, I was there, right by them, Naggy was there with Chocolate, she loves a run, and we were encouraging them all the way, giving little bits of advice. The down hill was welcomed....including by me. The first 8 mins took us as far as the beginning of the down hill section. Normally I would run every down hill, but, this is on the timer, the homework we set for the beginners, and so we stopped running and started walking.
The next 8 mins started half way along the down hill section, that's better, let the hill......incline do all the work, relax the arms and shoulders, shake it out and just lift up your legs! It's that easy on the down hills! But then of course, the 8 mins took us back to the up hill again. This time it was me that was struggling! Way too much socialising and stuffing my face over the weekend! It certainly shows. But then, also, having left over curry for lunch probably not a good idea either! I know, excuses! I was just glad that Naggy was with me, she kept right on behind Martina and Ann-Marie talking them through the hill! I just kept a few paces behind them! I will have to play catch up when we get to the flattish bit!
It's surprising what you can do when you think that you can't do it, and probably wouldn't do it if you were on your own, for that hill, that second time round, I would most certainly have walked before the 8 minutes had finished! But, I did exactly what I tell the beginners, "Slow your pace, smaller steps, use those arms to hoick you up the hill" because the second time round it was a blimmin hill! And if we have to do it again then I no double I will upgrade it to a mountain!
As it it happened, the third 8 minutes........took us up the hill! I almost suggested going straight into the rec, but I thought the gate would be closed and I didn't want to stop the running so that I could open the gate! The third 8 minutes took us only half way up Wood Ride! But I kept up with them, and probably would have kept up with them to the top of the hill.....that's my story and that's what I'm sticking to! I guess that maybe they could have been running a bit easier on the third one.....!
We walked down to the rec, and finished off the homework with the cool down stretches! I can see these two young ladies joining PWR group 1 very soon, and then moving on through the ranks! A great run today, thank you ladies and thank you Naggy for coming along too!
Geeky stats.
4 for 1 - Bargin
Hello blog lovers.
Yup, I have been running just didn't blog it! Tut Tut! So I shall squeeze them all in this one, keeping it as short as poss, I promise.......!
Yup, I have been running just didn't blog it! Tut Tut! So I shall squeeze them all in this one, keeping it as short as poss, I promise.......!
Wednesday Wander!
I picked up Tracy for our training run/homework run around Normans Park. It's the 6 minutes running and 2 minutes recovery! We chatted on the way to the park, having a laugh and a joke, like we do and then it was time. It was not too bad, weather wise, at least it wasn't raining. We made our way to our start line walking briskly as our warm up. And then we started. Nice and steady, Tracy was setting the pace. I was just letting her do her thing, like last week and letting her run as fast as she wanted. She was doing pretty well, going out faster than usual. She will need motivating a bit later on, on that final 6 min run!
We chatted all the way on that first rep, putting the world to rights, like you do. Then before she knew it the first one was done! We were at the other end of the park too, which means by the time we have done all four reps we should be by the car! Perfect, of course, that is only if we keep this pace going! I know, if I set off too fast, I flag somewhere in the middle and then start taking more walking steps. But we can't do that now, this is a training run. 6 minutes of running, no more (unless I forget to look at my watch) and deffo no less!
As far as I remember, (as now it's Monday evening and I'm still not finished this!) we did brilliantly. Tracy kept up, flagging only on the last rep, but I don't think I felt any daggers in my back this time round!
As far as I remember, (as now it's Monday evening and I'm still not finished this!) we did brilliantly. Tracy kept up, flagging only on the last rep, but I don't think I felt any daggers in my back this time round!
Thursday Morning.
Thursday morning was a fairly mild morning, I met up with my running buddies at the rec. I didn't know for sure who would be running with me. As it turned out it was just me and Auriol. I needed to be with Kirsty at least by 10;45 so I planned on a short run to make sure that I wasn't late. Just a loop, which included running through the housing estate with the huge house.
We ran up through the middle of the woods, a path I haven't actually run up for a while, I'm usually running past at the top and the bottom! It was a toughy, but we just did our own thing. In fact the whole of the run was done at our pace, we walked and talked and ran and talked. We looked at the houses on the estate. And we shared, we shared our time together, our thoughts and feelings. It was just what we needed. Running through His beautiful creation we just chatted away, it really was what was needed. We soon had ran/walked for 3 miles and were back at the rec. There was only one thing left that I felt was needed, a word with Him upstairs, in the middle of the carpark, where else!
Thursday Evening
What can I say about this! But.....Yeah baby....I did it! It was tough, but I did it, I ran in the running bits, and I walked in the walking bits. The session on Thursday evening was 15 minute tempo run, then rest. Then run hard for 2 mins with 90 sec rest, run hard for 2 minutes 1 minute rest, run hard for 2 minutes 30 sec rest and then run hard......then rest for 3 whole minutes! Then repeat the running hard section! If you look at my stats you can see that I did actually runn just a bit harder than the tempo run! I was blimmin, blimmin pleased with that! I so wanted to not run hard, but I did it! Everybody did it, PhysioMike just encourages everyone as they come running past him. Mr. S. was there too, but he wasn't running with me....he told me to run with him!! Well if you know Mr. S. he has this unique run style, in his monkey feet, but boy does he go fast! Needless to say I couldn't keep up with him.
When it was finished I I was walking back to the start and I actually did the whole fist pump in the air thing! Huge smile on my face and feeling blimmin marvellous! Bring it on!.......ok so I was lapped by every single body on the track.......but I ran further and faster than all those on the couch!!
Saturday Morning Beginners.
Well, I made it there, picked up Tracy too, who managed to get up! You see, Tracy had organised a surprise 50th birthday for partner! A surprise 50th at that! We had to keep it all quiet! Well, lets just say it was a great success, the party was rocking! Beer was flowing! And I had my fair share, Tracy was busy making sure that everyone was happy and then had them back to her house after the party, so she had a late night! But we were both there, Naggy Neighbour was driving, thankfully, I don't think I could have! Running, that's a different matter! Who hasn't ran with a hangover before eh!?
ZippySherry was also leading on Saturday, the lurgy has left her, she had managed to sidestep any work and so was taking the lead! It's just amazing to see how many people were standing in front of us! Still have 50 odd people, when I say odd I don't me odd per se, I mean there are around 50 or more! Mind you, us runners have been known to do crazy things once we get hooked on running! Half marathons, full marthons, in the case of Naggy Neighbour, she's thinking about running around the Isle of Wight! And of course there's our lovely PWR crew to run along with them too.
Eight minutes of running, eight minutes. That first week seemed like a long time ago now when they were saying, "I couldn't wait for the whistle to blow" and that was just on the one minute rep. And now, running for eight! You could see that they were a bit nervous and a bit doubtful of what they could do, others were looking at it as if to say "Bring it on!" But I know, once they have reached this point then it's all in the bag! These people here, doing the walk warm laps, doing the drills and silly walks and skips, these people will be the ones that are going to be at Norman Park for their graduation parkrun!
There is one thing they were pleased about, we are only doing 3 reps! Once we all started running I suddenly remembered my heavy night out! I was fine when I was running at the back, chatting with the slower runners, I was just fine! But when I tried to run along with some of the faster runners.....oh.....my.......goodness! I almost had an 'August parkrun' moment!! So I decided that I would just run in the opposite direction and chat to as many as I could.
Eight minutes times three.....done! Smiles all round! Done.......ish. But I was sure that there would be smiles once they realised exactly what they had just done! It really is so rewarding to be able to lead beginners out on a new venture, watching as they reach new goals and smash them! It's just brill! What a privilege it is!
Geeky stats are all up on my Garmin site, for what ever run you would like to see. just click on this one, which is the Track stats, just because I am totally proud of this one! You can scroll through if you want to, to any of the others!
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Club Run- Lucky Seven!
Hello blog lovers.
I do love club run and I do love leading! Why, because it gets me out! If it wasn't for my club I really would have had a whole day of no exercise. And if someone else was leading group 1 then I could quite easily make an excuse not to go out. The dark nights are here, the chilly wind, and the mojo is fighting to hibernate! I had a bit of a lazyitus day today, I should have gone out for a bike ride or extra run or something, but I enjoyed snuggle under my duvet for an extra hour or so, but my run today was just what I needed and wanted! I really do enjoy running with my mates, and I know I must get out with my cycling pals soon as well, I love riding with my pals, it needs to be done, before cycling mojo decides to hibernate.
I went to knock for my pals J.J. and LittleJ and we walked to the rec. I never know how many people will be joining us for group 1 but this evening there were seven of us, including SingstarJo! It's so nice to run with her again. She has been running in groups 3 or 4, been doing relay marathon but she has also been injured. But today she wanted to come and run with us in group 1.
The route I had in mind was going to take us along the undulations........the more challenging way! So that out of the rec turn left and then left again. We ran all the way along Hazlemere, Great Thrift and Woodland Way, with just one walking section before we got to the top by the memorial hall! We were all there more or less at the same time. Tonight's group 1 is a ver tight group one. We ran.....quietly.......over the 'Troll' bridge, and boy was we quiet! I think PhysioMike would have been so impressed with that! Mind you once we were over the bridge....
I didn't go around Crest View this time, I was thinking of doing the other roads once we ran along Crescent Drive and Shepperton. It was already just over 2 miles when we got to the top of Shepperton, I wasn't quite sure how far this way is, but they way that we are running, it's not going to be any problem. I am thinking it's just a tad over the mile so a perfect distance for group 1. At least going this way it's all flat now, no more undulations or inclines!
This evening's run seemed to finish all too quickly, we were coming out of St. Johns road turning right and running along Tudor way towards Crossways. We were all still pretty tight together, it has been a fabulous run, and now, after crossing over the road, it's time to just give it a little bit more to the rec. SingstarJo was just ahead of me, the other five were behind, I started running, I was trying to catch up to SingstarJo! She looked as if she was just breezing along, she looked so relaxed as she stayed just ahead of me. I just couldn't catch her, I decided to just try and stay not far behind her!
That was a good bit. I enjoyed that. I enjoy all my runs once I get out there doing it! Why is it so hard to do when I am by myself! Tut. I need a telling that's for sure!
So geeky stats and if you dig and delve you will notice that my shoes have done over 500 miles now, I have counted up my cash that I have been putting in my little piggy bank and I have the grand total of £135.00 A new pair of shoes! What a brilliant idea I saw on a Facebook page about putting a pound in the pot every time I ran or cycled! Although my stats says that I have 174 activities done in them, I didn't actually start putting money away until the January! Which is what is going to happen again for next year!
I do love club run and I do love leading! Why, because it gets me out! If it wasn't for my club I really would have had a whole day of no exercise. And if someone else was leading group 1 then I could quite easily make an excuse not to go out. The dark nights are here, the chilly wind, and the mojo is fighting to hibernate! I had a bit of a lazyitus day today, I should have gone out for a bike ride or extra run or something, but I enjoyed snuggle under my duvet for an extra hour or so, but my run today was just what I needed and wanted! I really do enjoy running with my mates, and I know I must get out with my cycling pals soon as well, I love riding with my pals, it needs to be done, before cycling mojo decides to hibernate.
I went to knock for my pals J.J. and LittleJ and we walked to the rec. I never know how many people will be joining us for group 1 but this evening there were seven of us, including SingstarJo! It's so nice to run with her again. She has been running in groups 3 or 4, been doing relay marathon but she has also been injured. But today she wanted to come and run with us in group 1.
The route I had in mind was going to take us along the undulations........the more challenging way! So that out of the rec turn left and then left again. We ran all the way along Hazlemere, Great Thrift and Woodland Way, with just one walking section before we got to the top by the memorial hall! We were all there more or less at the same time. Tonight's group 1 is a ver tight group one. We ran.....quietly.......over the 'Troll' bridge, and boy was we quiet! I think PhysioMike would have been so impressed with that! Mind you once we were over the bridge....
I didn't go around Crest View this time, I was thinking of doing the other roads once we ran along Crescent Drive and Shepperton. It was already just over 2 miles when we got to the top of Shepperton, I wasn't quite sure how far this way is, but they way that we are running, it's not going to be any problem. I am thinking it's just a tad over the mile so a perfect distance for group 1. At least going this way it's all flat now, no more undulations or inclines!
This evening's run seemed to finish all too quickly, we were coming out of St. Johns road turning right and running along Tudor way towards Crossways. We were all still pretty tight together, it has been a fabulous run, and now, after crossing over the road, it's time to just give it a little bit more to the rec. SingstarJo was just ahead of me, the other five were behind, I started running, I was trying to catch up to SingstarJo! She looked as if she was just breezing along, she looked so relaxed as she stayed just ahead of me. I just couldn't catch her, I decided to just try and stay not far behind her!
That was a good bit. I enjoyed that. I enjoy all my runs once I get out there doing it! Why is it so hard to do when I am by myself! Tut. I need a telling that's for sure!
So geeky stats and if you dig and delve you will notice that my shoes have done over 500 miles now, I have counted up my cash that I have been putting in my little piggy bank and I have the grand total of £135.00 A new pair of shoes! What a brilliant idea I saw on a Facebook page about putting a pound in the pot every time I ran or cycled! Although my stats says that I have 174 activities done in them, I didn't actually start putting money away until the January! Which is what is going to happen again for next year!
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Beginners Course Week 5
Hello blog lovers
Today was the beginners group. We are already in week 5! Can you believe that! This week they will be running for 6 minutes with the 2 minutes rest! Of course they all asked about the run for 5 minutes! Nah!!! We don't want to do that! We are on an even keel now! Nothing odd! No way! We don't do 5!.........unless we are running 5k!
Sherry was poorly today, so I am afraid the group had me leading! All 55 of them! Thankfully there are 15 PWR's to help too! I still feel totally out of place up there in the front.....totally a fraud.......totally over whelmed that all these people will be listening to me! Today it did show a tad......with just a few mistakes going on! I think I got away with......well I think I put them right via the email and facebook posts!
Anyway, enough about me.....let me tell you about all these fabulous runners. They have been running, and practising, and running, and walking, and drilling, stretching and running for 5 weeks now. When they first came along for that first week, they were all so pleased to be able to run for 1 minute and now here they are, jumping up from 4 minutes to 6 minutes! There was a little bit of a shock, but I kept them busy, walking the rec, and doing the drills!
It was time now to start the running, the PWR's were all spread through the beginners ready to answer questions, encourage, or just run along next to them. It's what we love to do, and we are hoping that everyone here will love it too. It is a big deal, it is hard running if you have never done it. If you come and watch these beginners counting down the minutes and seconds they are running, waiting for the whistle then you can see it! Even for some of the beginners who are surprised that there is only 30 seconds left of a running rep. "Phew" they say as they begin the walking rep.
Some are smiling all the way, some or just concentrating so hard just to get to the end of the 6 minutes. Some are chatting to their fellow runners helping the to take their minds off the running! It really does work. But one thing they all share at the end of the session, a huge big smile on their faces! It's amazing to see, to watch them all achieve their potential, watching the start of their love of running! Brilliant!
Can't wait to introduce them to running through the woods in the summer, when they all join PWR of course! That is a great run, through His beautiful woods, through fields and by rivers! Extremely special!
So, just to remind myself more than anything, the itinerary for the next few weeks.
Week 6 22 October 8 minutes run/2 mins walk x 3
Week 6 29 October 8 minutes run/2 mins walk x 3(repeat of last week)
Week 7 05 November 10 minutes run/2 mins walk x 3
Week 8 12 November 14 minutes run/3 mins walk x 2
Yup, that looks about right! ZippySherry will be back with us soon, she has had the lurgy, but hopefully by next week she will be as right as rain!
Today was the beginners group. We are already in week 5! Can you believe that! This week they will be running for 6 minutes with the 2 minutes rest! Of course they all asked about the run for 5 minutes! Nah!!! We don't want to do that! We are on an even keel now! Nothing odd! No way! We don't do 5!.........unless we are running 5k!
Sherry was poorly today, so I am afraid the group had me leading! All 55 of them! Thankfully there are 15 PWR's to help too! I still feel totally out of place up there in the front.....totally a fraud.......totally over whelmed that all these people will be listening to me! Today it did show a tad......with just a few mistakes going on! I think I got away with......well I think I put them right via the email and facebook posts!
Anyway, enough about me.....let me tell you about all these fabulous runners. They have been running, and practising, and running, and walking, and drilling, stretching and running for 5 weeks now. When they first came along for that first week, they were all so pleased to be able to run for 1 minute and now here they are, jumping up from 4 minutes to 6 minutes! There was a little bit of a shock, but I kept them busy, walking the rec, and doing the drills!
It was time now to start the running, the PWR's were all spread through the beginners ready to answer questions, encourage, or just run along next to them. It's what we love to do, and we are hoping that everyone here will love it too. It is a big deal, it is hard running if you have never done it. If you come and watch these beginners counting down the minutes and seconds they are running, waiting for the whistle then you can see it! Even for some of the beginners who are surprised that there is only 30 seconds left of a running rep. "Phew" they say as they begin the walking rep.
Some are smiling all the way, some or just concentrating so hard just to get to the end of the 6 minutes. Some are chatting to their fellow runners helping the to take their minds off the running! It really does work. But one thing they all share at the end of the session, a huge big smile on their faces! It's amazing to see, to watch them all achieve their potential, watching the start of their love of running! Brilliant!
Can't wait to introduce them to running through the woods in the summer, when they all join PWR of course! That is a great run, through His beautiful woods, through fields and by rivers! Extremely special!
So, just to remind myself more than anything, the itinerary for the next few weeks.
Week 6 22 October 8 minutes run/2 mins walk x 3
Week 6 29 October 8 minutes run/2 mins walk x 3(repeat of last week)
Week 7 05 November 10 minutes run/2 mins walk x 3
Week 8 12 November 14 minutes run/3 mins walk x 2
Yup, that looks about right! ZippySherry will be back with us soon, she has had the lurgy, but hopefully by next week she will be as right as rain!
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Dirt 'N' Track!
Hello blog lovers.
It's another double for me today! Thursday morning through the woods and the track! People think I am crazy! But I know that if I stop my weight would just pile on and I would end up looking like a blimp in no time!
It's another double for me today! Thursday morning through the woods and the track! People think I am crazy! But I know that if I stop my weight would just pile on and I would end up looking like a blimp in no time!
Woody Morning
I went to the rec this morning as I knew Auriol was going to be there, so no tagging on with the middle group for me today! Also Becky was joining us as well! So that's a nice little group of us to run through the woods. It has been raining, yesterday, and I am not sure if it had been raining early hours this morning, but it was a bit damp in the woods. No more kicking up the dust from the paths anymore this year, I expect now it will always be just slightly damp in the woods. The colours are changing on the trees, even the smell of the woods is changing. Autumn has taken control now.
All though I know quite a few of the paths through the woods I always do the same loop around, it's because I know the mileage around. As I have only a certain amount of time to run before I need to be somewhere, this seems be perfect. I think I should work on another couple of routes that is the same distance, just for a change.
But no matter which way we go through the woods we will be faced with a hill. whether it is right at the beginning or somewhere en route. hills! They are just in there! I guess it does us good, gives a little mini challenges on our run. 'Let's see if we can run the whole of this hill' if it happens to be one of the shorter ones or 'I stopped running half way last time, let's get further this time'. See little mini challenges. It has to be done.
As it happens, this time we are running on the right hand side path as we come through Dog Poo Ally, which means that we get the hill first, with the other smaller hills a bit later. Running up Birchwood I can do. It's on tarmac and there are no roots to negotiate, or puddles, or slippery bits of mud and so it's a lot easier. But Thursday mornings, if we can we will run over those roots, through the puddles and tread carefully over the slippery bits! None stop up there, running all the way! I managed it. The other two close by me running all the way! First hill done!
Of course then I am blimmin knackered! Again! As usual! I got to pull myself together. I need to push hard. But then, I am going to track tonight! I talked myself out of really pushing hard and kept the run to a nice social! Tut, tut. I am sure the girls would say something if we needed to run faster, or less walking bits.! Because, after we ran up the hill we had a slight rest and then just walked for a bit. After that the walking bits happened. My legs just stopped running! I know it was 'Brain' saying "you can't do this" but my body listened to it! I have to try and figure a way of switching brain off!
We carried on along the flat bit, all the way chatting. I thought I had turned down the left path too early but I decided to just keep on going anyway, see where it lead. As it happened it led to exactly when I needed to be......we were on the right path. We ran past the sundial (now what did Mr. S. say was the name of the needle thing on a sundial......a gnome....nope gnu.......gnomon! that was it....did you know this?) I digress anyway, we ran past the sundial to the middle path and then carried on straight at the top of the woods. Some more hills now. First the down hill, which is always nice and then back up! I wanted to run up to the top, I really wanted this. I took off running, the other ladies behind me, either they will overtake me or I will wait for them at the top! Which will it be! Well they were behind me as I ran up and up, I couldn't believe that I was actually doing it......I really wanted to stop but I kept going! It just started to flatten off, there was just a bit more........but I stopped running! Oh well, next time. And....I am running in the evening!
We ran along to Botany Bay Lane and the started down hill before taking the right hand path towards Goss Hill. Auriol said she really likes the cow field that we will be running past. Well, who can blame her, just look at this. We could be in the most rural areas, with just that house that you can see as the only house around for miles! But the fact that just about half a mile away is a housing estate, train stations, schools! We have this in our back yard! Perfect.
The run along the river was good, if slow but we were really just enjoying being out, running.....chatting..... it's what we love doing! It made the time go quickly and before we realised it we were nearly at Dog Poo Ally, "Come on, lets run this last bit of the woods" I said, as we had slowed down to a walk again. Back out on the road, just about 100 meters, if that, to go to get back into the rec. As we were running along Crossways, the other group were running in the opposite direction! Perfect timing!
Geeky stats.
Track Time
So, track! It's been a couple of weeks at least since I've been here. Can't remember why now, apart from last week, I was working to pretty late in the evening! This evening I really felt as if lazyitus would stop me from going out. I was so cosy under my blanket! I could just sit here watching the box, NCIS, CSI or some other crime fighting programme that I love. But, I said I was going out and so I went. Out into the cold, my water with me, my extra layer because I know I will be working hard tonight and will need extra layer for when I have stopped working hard!
I arrived at the track to be greeted by quite a few of our PWR's, including Mr.S. who was wearing his PWR 10k tee-shirt, just like I was! We looked like a couple of book ends! The session today sound easy. Just 3 lots of running with 3 minutes rest......yes that's right, 3 minutes of resting! I can do that, it sounds like something I can do. But the running sections are run for a mile! Or at least run 4 times around the track, rest for 3 mins then do that two more times! But......there is always a but......for those running a parkrun time of 28 or slower then we only have to do 3 laps of the track X 3!
After our warm up drills, which really does warm you up completely (and this after I did a lap, voluntarily!) we were ready for the evenings session. PhysioMike had set his timing thingy app and we were ready to start! "Go" shouted PhysioMike and we all started running, Mr. S. was still have a chat with PhysioMike though! Hmmm? Anyway I did the first lap and the Mr. S said to me "I am going to run with you Old Girl, I want to run a nice steady slow one" I kind of took a gulp........now this is way I say to Tracy when I want to push her a little bit! It's what I need really. And after all, track sessions, for me, is to push myself that little bit harder. There are no tree roots to jump over, it's completely flat, it's a nice spongy surface........a fast surface....... I am going for it!.
Mr. S. was chatting to me the whole way around! Now that really helps. It takes my mind off of things and I can just concentrate on what Mr. S. is talking about! The thing is though, he is always just that little bit ahead of me, an I have to run just a little bit faster to make sure I don't miss anything! It's a good tactic that he has!
The first run section went ok, I think I did well, I am sure I ran faster than I have been doing! That 3 minutes rest section was so needed though! "Come on Old Girl, 11:20 is when we are off" he said to me. And then we were off. I was definitely slow on this rep, Mr. S. noticed it too. "Come on, don't slow down, you can do this" But I stayed with him, albeit the gap was a bit bigger. Most of the other runners were well on their third rep, if not finished by the time I came up to finish my second. "Is that you done?" PhysioMike enquired. I was all set to say yes "No, she still got one more rep to do" I decided that maybe I would just run around once more of the track, not three times, but just once more as people were finishing.
I said to Mr. S. my plan and I don't think he any intention of letting me get away with that! "Yes, yes, come on lets get running" So we started to run, I really had every intention of just doing the one lap. After we had finished that first lap he said "Come on, we can get one more done, you might as well" he said. So again I started to run the second lap of the third rep! Well, at least at this one it will be all done!
So many times I just wanted to walk, I let out a gasp and slowed down my pace "No, no, keep on running" and he was talking about running steady, just same pace, no fast bits no slow bits just constant pace! I know all this, I do, its what I tell the beginners, but at the time, in my brain, that bit of information just wasn't coming! It had be deleted, put in the recycle bin, erased, lost! Whatever, it just wasn't in there, I need to hear it and Mr. S. was telling me. "Just to the two hundred yard line" he said to me "Where is that" I said "Um, it's just this line, or that one there". We eventually got to the 200 meters mark and then Mr. S. said "you might as well run to the finish line" And so I did. I thought that was it, no more, I didn't have it in me. So I stood tall, head up (which did keep flopping down) and the ran "If you sprint then we are going for another 400" he said to me. I didn't have a sprint in my legs! This was as fast as I could run! But at least it was finished..........
I got to the finish line "Come on, one more, just finish the rep, you might as well......or we can just walk it, come on we'll walk it" he said as he tried to get me going! "Na, I can't I'm done" I said. Then another voice started in "Come on, I'll walk around with you too" "nah, it's not there" But with two of them now, Mr. S. and Alex both encouraging me to just walk around the last lap I thought I could do it.
"That's good" Said Alex, "We'll just walk.....before we start jogging" Geeesh.....I just hope Tracy sees this, I get a telling too! But I did it, I jogged that last lap! I finished the session and still had time to do the cool down stretches! Thank you so much.....I really wouldn't have done it with out you! Mr. S. your chatting just kept me going! I can't remember what we spoke about now apart from what the projecting piece on a sundial is, so......have to do it all again next week.......if you need another slow one! And Alex, thanks for 'walking' that last lap.....not sure I had that jog left in my legs but I managed to find it!
So my geeky stats.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Training Day - Wednesday!
Hello blog lovers.
We are back at it! Me and Tracy.....and the dog! Yes, I have the little pooch again. probably just as well we are not doing a long run today then! I am running with Tracy today so that she can do her homework, 4 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking. Last week, after she had said that she had found it easy, I thought I would give her some interval training. This week, I will just run with her, just so that she can see for herself how well she is doing. I know she can run in Group 1, we just got to get back the stamina!
So we set off, I was just chatting away with her about this and that, taking her mind off things. We were running a quite a nice pace. I didn't say anything, just left it all to her. Besides I had the dog to keep an eye on too! She was doing a good pace without me nagging her. The sun was shining, after this mornings rain I was quite pleased about that, but there were some darker clouds looming! We carried on with our 4 minutes of running and two minutes of walking. During one of the walking sections Tracy kept me talking and I missed the start of one of the running sections! That's fine, I shall pick it up somewhere!
The time did seem to fly by, I couldn't quite believe it when she said that we were already on our fourth run section "Are you sure?" I asked her, "Yes I am quite sure" she replied, giving me one of those dagger looks! By now the dog was back on his lead, he had decided earlier that he wanted to go and see the horses, actually go in and see them! I couldn't have that, so there he was, back on his lead again.
We finished our run along the right hand long straight (as you are coming in from Hook farm that it is) perfect timing......ish. I said I would nick that bit of running time back that we missed earlier! But we finished on a high, that's for sure. Tracy is really running quite well, she was speeding up in some sections, but the idea is to keep a nice steady pace! We know it's in there, the speed that is! We will bring it out, once we get the distance sorted!
Geeky stats.
We are back at it! Me and Tracy.....and the dog! Yes, I have the little pooch again. probably just as well we are not doing a long run today then! I am running with Tracy today so that she can do her homework, 4 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking. Last week, after she had said that she had found it easy, I thought I would give her some interval training. This week, I will just run with her, just so that she can see for herself how well she is doing. I know she can run in Group 1, we just got to get back the stamina!
So we set off, I was just chatting away with her about this and that, taking her mind off things. We were running a quite a nice pace. I didn't say anything, just left it all to her. Besides I had the dog to keep an eye on too! She was doing a good pace without me nagging her. The sun was shining, after this mornings rain I was quite pleased about that, but there were some darker clouds looming! We carried on with our 4 minutes of running and two minutes of walking. During one of the walking sections Tracy kept me talking and I missed the start of one of the running sections! That's fine, I shall pick it up somewhere!
The time did seem to fly by, I couldn't quite believe it when she said that we were already on our fourth run section "Are you sure?" I asked her, "Yes I am quite sure" she replied, giving me one of those dagger looks! By now the dog was back on his lead, he had decided earlier that he wanted to go and see the horses, actually go in and see them! I couldn't have that, so there he was, back on his lead again.
We finished our run along the right hand long straight (as you are coming in from Hook farm that it is) perfect timing......ish. I said I would nick that bit of running time back that we missed earlier! But we finished on a high, that's for sure. Tracy is really running quite well, she was speeding up in some sections, but the idea is to keep a nice steady pace! We know it's in there, the speed that is! We will bring it out, once we get the distance sorted!
Geeky stats.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
A Double, On A Tuesday?
Hello blog lovers.
Well after the euphoria of the Petts Wood 10k on Sunday, I had my running feet ready. I had a free hour, dog free too! Which is always a bonus, but it does mean that I can do longer than 5k, the dog only likes to do 5k, I guess he has little legs. So I dropped him off for his play date and set off. I had an errand to do as well, pop into the doctors for a 'script. So I thought a run around Normans park would be good. I ran all the up to the doctors surgery, stopping for a walk maybe once or twice. I don't count these days. I feel good just getting out, so what if I walk, pishhh! And I won't tell myself off!
When I got to the doctors surgery I had to turn off my Garmin, as I have it set for no auto pause. Geesh don't you just hate doctors surgeries! I really do hate them. I hate the smell, the set up, no matter how new and modern they are. Maybe it's just me! But the worst bit is the queueing! Cripes I hate queueing! I stood in line, and I was sweating. I mean, not just a 'little hot flush', but like 'I have just ran for 2 miles and walked into a warm building, and stopped running' type of sweating. I was making a puddle on the floor. I think if it wasn't for the running gear on I could pass as someone who has an extremely high fever, and needed to see a doctor!
Eventually I got to the end of the queue only to find out the said 'script wasn't even ready! I continued my run towards Normans park and then did just one lap, but not the ordinary one lap, it's one parkrun lap. an extra half mile maybe? It is so much nicer than just running round and round! On the way around the park there are dog walkers, people with the babies in the buggies, but this fella (of girl?) was carrying a stick, but he so amused me, I made a remark to the dogs owner "I know!" she said, "Why have a stick if you can have a tree!" she said. I just chuckled, I couldn't help but get a sneaky picture!
I then ran out of the park and heading back to pick up the little pooch from his play date! It seemed he had a lovely time actually. He was a bit bullied by his playmate, Belle, but he was in her house! But I think it will be the start of a lovely friendship!
So geeky stats for my solo run.
Well after the euphoria of the Petts Wood 10k on Sunday, I had my running feet ready. I had a free hour, dog free too! Which is always a bonus, but it does mean that I can do longer than 5k, the dog only likes to do 5k, I guess he has little legs. So I dropped him off for his play date and set off. I had an errand to do as well, pop into the doctors for a 'script. So I thought a run around Normans park would be good. I ran all the up to the doctors surgery, stopping for a walk maybe once or twice. I don't count these days. I feel good just getting out, so what if I walk, pishhh! And I won't tell myself off!
When I got to the doctors surgery I had to turn off my Garmin, as I have it set for no auto pause. Geesh don't you just hate doctors surgeries! I really do hate them. I hate the smell, the set up, no matter how new and modern they are. Maybe it's just me! But the worst bit is the queueing! Cripes I hate queueing! I stood in line, and I was sweating. I mean, not just a 'little hot flush', but like 'I have just ran for 2 miles and walked into a warm building, and stopped running' type of sweating. I was making a puddle on the floor. I think if it wasn't for the running gear on I could pass as someone who has an extremely high fever, and needed to see a doctor!
Eventually I got to the end of the queue only to find out the said 'script wasn't even ready! I continued my run towards Normans park and then did just one lap, but not the ordinary one lap, it's one parkrun lap. an extra half mile maybe? It is so much nicer than just running round and round! On the way around the park there are dog walkers, people with the babies in the buggies, but this fella (of girl?) was carrying a stick, but he so amused me, I made a remark to the dogs owner "I know!" she said, "Why have a stick if you can have a tree!" she said. I just chuckled, I couldn't help but get a sneaky picture!
I then ran out of the park and heading back to pick up the little pooch from his play date! It seemed he had a lovely time actually. He was a bit bullied by his playmate, Belle, but he was in her house! But I think it will be the start of a lovely friendship!
So geeky stats for my solo run.
Club Run - Group 1
At group 1 today I thought we 'derserve' a bit more or a challenging run. So some undulations were called for. It's good for us.....not sure it's good for me though, not after this morning! But what the heck, people do it all the time! I have done it many a time! So I met up with the other ladies, J.J. and Little.J. and we made our way to the rec. They were wearing their new club buffs! I should have had mine with me, I felt left out. But I didn't think it was that cold actually, but maybe next week! I stood out the front and gave them my route. Hmmm, I don't think they were impressed with that idea! But I know they will so love it and themselves once they have done it.
We had a newbie in our midst too, Laura, running for the first time for a while. She looks as if she has been running for years though, I think she will be running in group 2 fairly soon. This run, is her 'just coming back' run! So the first hill.......incline, is Birchwood! It's a killer for a first off bit of running. But we will have a break at the top. I think I will need the break more than these guys! When we got to the top of Birchwood I looked behind me and saw that we were all together, all 10 of us, there were no little sub groups! Wow, perfect pacing up the hill! So I had a little walk just to get passed the first of the trees with all the gnarly roots that is bringing up pavement. For some reason, the council have decided that these new LED lights are much better, because they are cheaper to run, saving cash and therefore perfect. But, to me, all they seem to light up is the immediate area, and it doesn't seem to 'penetrate' the darkness to the sides of the lampposts, there are huge dark spaces between each light!
We we managed to get through that bit with out any tripping up, always a bonus, and then continued towards Tillingbourne. I am not sure if group 1 were paying attention to me at the rec, when I told them that we would actually be running around Tillingbourne Green! Probably best not to really say those bits loud any, it's always best to have some lovely surprises! As we were running towards the green, a cat darted across the road, dodged a couple of the runners on the road, dodged another runner on the pavement and then bashed into anothers legs! She didn't half scream!! She screamed so loud I am surprised that the neighbours hadn't ran out to check up! Everyone calmed down after, including the cat who probably thought it ad got away scott free from the first few runners.
We ran towards the green. We all started out heading up and up and up......untill it flattened out. We were at the top of the undulation. We were all pretty creamed cracker, but the long downhill section was such a welcome relief! We continued with our loop of the green and started on the other side, running up again to where we had started on the gree.
The loop around was pretty good, if a tad challenging. I let them off in front of me once we started on the next one, going back to the start, so they don't can run at their own pace up the h.......inclines, "Do the incline at your own pace" I said as they all started up the little incline back to where were had started. I got there just a couple of seconds of the leaders, "Don't stop yet" I called to them, "Keep going to the top" and yes, it was the little hill that I get them to do their hill training on! I think that is where I felt the knives come out of their eyes flying towards my back! But I know they will all just cruise up there.....which they all did by the way. As me I was leading from behind!
After a little rest we ran down the road to the roundabout and and then crossed over the road. I was waiting for the others to catch up at the back, although they were not too far behind. Once they had crossed over to other we walked just a little bit and started running again as we got to the lamppost. I for one will be using the lamppost system from now! It's what I always used to get Group 0 to do, don't stop running until you get to a lamppost then walk to the next then start running again, You can start walking only once you got to a lamppost! It just gives you something to focus on!
I wasn't planning on taking them the whole long way round to Crossways via Great Thrift etc, no, I am not that cruel.......am I Michael! Once we had got to the top of Petts Wood Road we ran left and stayed on this road untill the second turning on the right! By this time Michael and Tanya.....in fact everyone was in front of me! I was feeling just a tad tired! So I just followed them all back till we got to the rec.......well I manage to have a little sprint......mainly to try catch up to the group!
Group 2 had just got back to the rec too, so we joined in IllustriousLeaders cool down stretches.
So, geeky stats......I didn't get a pic of the cat though!
Monday, 10 October 2016
10 years Anniversary for PETTS WOOD RUNNERS!
Hello blog lovers!
Well what a day it was on Sunday 9th October! Just an amazing day! I get so excited about my club's Petts Wood Runners 10k event even though I am not running in it! Just being part of a fantastic organisation is just brilliant! I was due at the rec for 8:30 and my lovely hubby the Old Boy dropped me off. There was already so much happening, gazebos put up, tents put up, the start/finish arch in position! Everything going like clockwork!
The team leaders with their team around them briefing them before they go out to their positions on the course. Here is a picture of us listening to Hels, our Rec Team Leader

The 'put up' team were still busy putting things up, Sarah and Barry from OINT (One Inn The Wood) were busy setting up the Beer Tent, a most welcomed attraction, here for a third year! There was the St. Christophers tent, Higgs tent, for all those bacon and sausage rolls! Everything was coming together just perfectly. We even had a PWR information tent too!
I don't think we have missed out anything this year.......oh and of course the local band were also playing The Dirty Perks.
We have our mascots busy dancing and playing with the people that were milling about, Woody, Woodina and introducing Woodetta, the latest member of the Woody the gorillas family! So after the briefing we all went on our way to our posts. Some were car park and port-a-loo marshals others were 'keep the path clear' marshals while others were on ladies loo duties! Me and ZippySherry were on rubbish duties, tea duties making sure our marshals are well supplied for tea and to fill in where its needed! Love this job! I am on the rec watching the start, witnessing the finish, and joining in all the fun during the race! Are you supposed to have so much fun volunteering? Here is a picture of Emma Doyle doing her warm up, with the Gorilla family helping out!
After making sure there are bins strategically placed all around the green, getting teas and coffees for the baggage ladies, or as Wendimoo likes to call themselves the bag-ladies!. I checked in to the female changing, just to make sure things were going 'down' smoothly! And there I found another job, bucket duty! What is it about races, that as soon as you get your number you need to pee......and then continue to want to pee until the end of the race! I know that is how it is with me! But sometimes the 'cisterns' can't quite keep up with demand! So bucket lady I became for a few minutes! Then I was back on duty with the rubbish.
I looked at my watch and it was 10:15, I then met up with J.J. and Kirsty, ready to do one more thing. At our club we like to have local heroes to be the official starters of our race. We had the The Running Man in 2013, the wettest 10k we ever had! I believe last year we had June, the local Lollipop lady, who has been safely seeing children over the road for years! And this year, well its Kirsty and me! Kirsty Bygraves (yes, she is related to the Max) is a lovely young lady. She is 22 years old, and back in her younger days at school she used to like playing football! I know......she's a girl.....playing football......I still struggle with the whole offside rule........and no, I don't think I want another explanation! Anyway, she has had to give up her football, her lungs won't allow her to doing anything like that anymore. Kirsty has Cystic Fibrosis, an incurable life shortening disease. So, she does what she can to raise awareness for this disease and to raise funds for St. Christophers Hospice, who are now part of her care team, and of course Petts Wood 10k raises money for St Christophers, and so far, not including yesterday, we have raise over £43,000 pounds since we started 10 years ago! I also had the honour to be able to stand next to Kirsty, to say the countdown with her. I had that honour because of what my running club had done earlier this year, they had voted me for the Members award. What an honour, felt so humbled and proud at that moment!
Three, two, one.......Kirsty pushed the klaxon and the first wave of runners went through! we had several 'pens' and to ease congestion going though the gate we sent them off in waves, and it went totally smoothly! Kirsty and me cheering from the little stage, watching as all 837 runners ran past us! There just seemed so many of them, they just kept on coming! This is one of the best 10ks around, it keeps getting voted in the runners world, with 100% of the runners saying they would do it again!
Once all the runners had gone it was time for the next race, the childrens race! There seemed to be so many kids! The Gorillas, Woody, Woodina and Woodetter were at the start lines to cheer.....or chase after them in their races. I was on hand to hand out the chocolate medals to all who passed over the line! Let me tell you, there are some extremely fast little runners, I reckon there could be some future Olympians among them!
After that it was all change! The tapes came down, tables were laid near the finish funnel and bananas water and tee-shirts were laid out ready for when the runners come back. Oh, and of course, a speciality of PWR, Samosas from the local Raj Doot! We didn't have long to wait, because the first of the runners, Alistair Locke, was back 36.01 minutes after he left! That's an incredible speed! the first lady back was Jessica Keene in 38:49 minutes! Simply amazing! Then there was a steady flow of runners coming in after that.
The last runner was simply amazing, it brought tears to many an eye as over the loud speaker came "Lets give a huge cheer for Louise ably guided by Jerry" Yes, Louise is PWR 10k's first blind runner and our very own Mr.S was guiding her around the course!
Simply amazing! I was just totally speechless! What a feat, negotiating the woods, with roots, holes, stones.....hills......and with Mr.S no doubt cracking his jokes! Oh I do miss Mr.S in our group. I shall have to get him to come and say hi to us all in group 1.
After all the awards and prizes were given, the people slowly disappeared, the beer kegs were slowly emptied, the bacon all gone, cakes from the St Christophers tent were eaten, it was times for the take down. Again this worked like clock work! The take down team came along ready to do their bit. Folding, unscrewing, packing, washing, sweeping, rubbish thrown into the rubbish van. Once it was all done you wouldn't have thought there were well over a thousand people had been through that rec! All was clean, calm and spookily quiet! And then......everyone went down to the pub, O.I.T.W. to have a celebratory drink!
Fabulous event, I would recommend this race to anyone! If you have time go look at the reviews on Runners World. Oh, just one other thing! Us marshals and volunteers were all give these fantastic buffs! How cool is that! Here's to next year! Cheers all!
Second and last four photos curtesy of Kevin
And this brilliant video taken by our own PhysioMike
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Me and Woody! |
Well what a day it was on Sunday 9th October! Just an amazing day! I get so excited about my club's Petts Wood Runners 10k event even though I am not running in it! Just being part of a fantastic organisation is just brilliant! I was due at the rec for 8:30 and my lovely hubby the Old Boy dropped me off. There was already so much happening, gazebos put up, tents put up, the start/finish arch in position! Everything going like clockwork!
The team leaders with their team around them briefing them before they go out to their positions on the course. Here is a picture of us listening to Hels, our Rec Team Leader

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Marques for information, the pub, St. Christopers and the Higgs BBQ |
I don't think we have missed out anything this year.......oh and of course the local band were also playing The Dirty Perks.
We have our mascots busy dancing and playing with the people that were milling about, Woody, Woodina and introducing Woodetta, the latest member of the Woody the gorillas family! So after the briefing we all went on our way to our posts. Some were car park and port-a-loo marshals others were 'keep the path clear' marshals while others were on ladies loo duties! Me and ZippySherry were on rubbish duties, tea duties making sure our marshals are well supplied for tea and to fill in where its needed! Love this job! I am on the rec watching the start, witnessing the finish, and joining in all the fun during the race! Are you supposed to have so much fun volunteering? Here is a picture of Emma Doyle doing her warm up, with the Gorilla family helping out!
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Emma and the Gorilla Family! |
After making sure there are bins strategically placed all around the green, getting teas and coffees for the baggage ladies, or as Wendimoo likes to call themselves the bag-ladies!. I checked in to the female changing, just to make sure things were going 'down' smoothly! And there I found another job, bucket duty! What is it about races, that as soon as you get your number you need to pee......and then continue to want to pee until the end of the race! I know that is how it is with me! But sometimes the 'cisterns' can't quite keep up with demand! So bucket lady I became for a few minutes! Then I was back on duty with the rubbish.
I looked at my watch and it was 10:15, I then met up with J.J. and Kirsty, ready to do one more thing. At our club we like to have local heroes to be the official starters of our race. We had the The Running Man in 2013, the wettest 10k we ever had! I believe last year we had June, the local Lollipop lady, who has been safely seeing children over the road for years! And this year, well its Kirsty and me! Kirsty Bygraves (yes, she is related to the Max) is a lovely young lady. She is 22 years old, and back in her younger days at school she used to like playing football! I know......she's a girl.....playing football......I still struggle with the whole offside rule........and no, I don't think I want another explanation! Anyway, she has had to give up her football, her lungs won't allow her to doing anything like that anymore. Kirsty has Cystic Fibrosis, an incurable life shortening disease. So, she does what she can to raise awareness for this disease and to raise funds for St. Christophers Hospice, who are now part of her care team, and of course Petts Wood 10k raises money for St Christophers, and so far, not including yesterday, we have raise over £43,000 pounds since we started 10 years ago! I also had the honour to be able to stand next to Kirsty, to say the countdown with her. I had that honour because of what my running club had done earlier this year, they had voted me for the Members award. What an honour, felt so humbled and proud at that moment!
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Me and Kirsty! |
Three, two, one.......Kirsty pushed the klaxon and the first wave of runners went through! we had several 'pens' and to ease congestion going though the gate we sent them off in waves, and it went totally smoothly! Kirsty and me cheering from the little stage, watching as all 837 runners ran past us! There just seemed so many of them, they just kept on coming! This is one of the best 10ks around, it keeps getting voted in the runners world, with 100% of the runners saying they would do it again!
Once all the runners had gone it was time for the next race, the childrens race! There seemed to be so many kids! The Gorillas, Woody, Woodina and Woodetter were at the start lines to cheer.....or chase after them in their races. I was on hand to hand out the chocolate medals to all who passed over the line! Let me tell you, there are some extremely fast little runners, I reckon there could be some future Olympians among them!
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Future Olympian! |
After that it was all change! The tapes came down, tables were laid near the finish funnel and bananas water and tee-shirts were laid out ready for when the runners come back. Oh, and of course, a speciality of PWR, Samosas from the local Raj Doot! We didn't have long to wait, because the first of the runners, Alistair Locke, was back 36.01 minutes after he left! That's an incredible speed! the first lady back was Jessica Keene in 38:49 minutes! Simply amazing! Then there was a steady flow of runners coming in after that.
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The finishers tables |
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And for this year only The finishers 10th anniversary tee-shirt! |
The last runner was simply amazing, it brought tears to many an eye as over the loud speaker came "Lets give a huge cheer for Louise ably guided by Jerry" Yes, Louise is PWR 10k's first blind runner and our very own Mr.S was guiding her around the course!
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Louse and Mr. S. |
Simply amazing! I was just totally speechless! What a feat, negotiating the woods, with roots, holes, stones.....hills......and with Mr.S no doubt cracking his jokes! Oh I do miss Mr.S in our group. I shall have to get him to come and say hi to us all in group 1.
After all the awards and prizes were given, the people slowly disappeared, the beer kegs were slowly emptied, the bacon all gone, cakes from the St Christophers tent were eaten, it was times for the take down. Again this worked like clock work! The take down team came along ready to do their bit. Folding, unscrewing, packing, washing, sweeping, rubbish thrown into the rubbish van. Once it was all done you wouldn't have thought there were well over a thousand people had been through that rec! All was clean, calm and spookily quiet! And then......everyone went down to the pub, O.I.T.W. to have a celebratory drink!
Fabulous event, I would recommend this race to anyone! If you have time go look at the reviews on Runners World. Oh, just one other thing! Us marshals and volunteers were all give these fantastic buffs! How cool is that! Here's to next year! Cheers all!
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Buffs! |
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Cheers! |
Second and last four photos curtesy of Kevin
And this brilliant video taken by our own PhysioMike
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Solo Run.
Hello blog lovers.
I have written my blogs arse about face today. , This one is all about my run on Thursday morning! I needed to be in Petts Wood so I thought I would do my run from there. I wasn't sure if I would be running with anyone else but I really wanted to run in the woods anyway! There were a few runners there already but they were all the faster runners. There was no one who runs at my pace. "Come with us" said Michelle!" Now she runs in the middle group, David was taking that one out on Thursday. Nicola was taking out the faster group, doing the PWR 10k route, or at least most of it!
I decided to try and give it a go. If you don't push yourself then you just don't get any faster! So I tagged along behind the middle group. We all ran out of the gate but by the time we were up Crossways and turned left to go through the woods I was already puffing! This was going to be hard, and I just knew that I would be holding them back! "Listen guys," I said to them "You go on and do your route, I shall turn here and go through the woods doing my route" I finished. "Oh no that's ok" David said, "We can do my route but in the opposite direction!" And with that we all went through the ally
Geesh! I don't know how long I would be able to keep up with them, but I would give it a go, but they knew now, that if I wasn't behind them then not to worry! I would do my own thing! So we all went on into the woods through Dog Poo ally and then turned left to run along to by the rail tracks to the bridges. They were well in front of me, I was running and pushing myself to keep up. This was going to be a tough run!
All along the path to the first bridge, we didn't go over it, we continued along by the rail track to the path that goes down by the river. The down hill was good I managed to catch them up slightly. I was thinking to myself that I was going to be knackered for my evening run in Normans Park! That is when I usually push myself to run as fast as I can! Could I really do two hard runs in one day? Well, we shall see soon!
Running along by the river and the group really started to pull away from. There is no-way I can run at their pace....not yet.....I think I will really start to push myself on track now! By the time I got to the end of the path, just by the beginning of Goss hill, they were gone! I didn't know which way they went, but at least I could continue the rest of the run, which would have been the route I was going to do anyway, at my own pace! Well, maybe try and run a bit faster in places!
And one other thing about following the middle group, they have gone in the opposite direction I would have taken had I been by myself, now I have to run UP Goss hill! For the rest of the run, once I got to the top of Goss hill, I just took it a little easier, after all, I was going to go to track that night! Track, that is when I should push hard!
I finished the run probably a bit slower than I thought. I really expected it to be faster, but I think if you start out too fast, you can and do burn up too much energy. Pacing, that's what it's all about! But I was feeling good, just beause I was running through the woods!
Oh just a little footnote, I didn't go out running in the evening........I was working too late!
Geeky stats.
I have written my blogs arse about face today. , This one is all about my run on Thursday morning! I needed to be in Petts Wood so I thought I would do my run from there. I wasn't sure if I would be running with anyone else but I really wanted to run in the woods anyway! There were a few runners there already but they were all the faster runners. There was no one who runs at my pace. "Come with us" said Michelle!" Now she runs in the middle group, David was taking that one out on Thursday. Nicola was taking out the faster group, doing the PWR 10k route, or at least most of it!
I decided to try and give it a go. If you don't push yourself then you just don't get any faster! So I tagged along behind the middle group. We all ran out of the gate but by the time we were up Crossways and turned left to go through the woods I was already puffing! This was going to be hard, and I just knew that I would be holding them back! "Listen guys," I said to them "You go on and do your route, I shall turn here and go through the woods doing my route" I finished. "Oh no that's ok" David said, "We can do my route but in the opposite direction!" And with that we all went through the ally
Geesh! I don't know how long I would be able to keep up with them, but I would give it a go, but they knew now, that if I wasn't behind them then not to worry! I would do my own thing! So we all went on into the woods through Dog Poo ally and then turned left to run along to by the rail tracks to the bridges. They were well in front of me, I was running and pushing myself to keep up. This was going to be a tough run!
All along the path to the first bridge, we didn't go over it, we continued along by the rail track to the path that goes down by the river. The down hill was good I managed to catch them up slightly. I was thinking to myself that I was going to be knackered for my evening run in Normans Park! That is when I usually push myself to run as fast as I can! Could I really do two hard runs in one day? Well, we shall see soon!
Running along by the river and the group really started to pull away from. There is no-way I can run at their pace....not yet.....I think I will really start to push myself on track now! By the time I got to the end of the path, just by the beginning of Goss hill, they were gone! I didn't know which way they went, but at least I could continue the rest of the run, which would have been the route I was going to do anyway, at my own pace! Well, maybe try and run a bit faster in places!
And one other thing about following the middle group, they have gone in the opposite direction I would have taken had I been by myself, now I have to run UP Goss hill! For the rest of the run, once I got to the top of Goss hill, I just took it a little easier, after all, I was going to go to track that night! Track, that is when I should push hard!
I finished the run probably a bit slower than I thought. I really expected it to be faster, but I think if you start out too fast, you can and do burn up too much energy. Pacing, that's what it's all about! But I was feeling good, just beause I was running through the woods!
Oh just a little footnote, I didn't go out running in the evening........I was working too late!
Geeky stats.
Beginners of Course!
Hello blog lovers.
I am just loving these sessions with the beginners! They are just all so inspirational! I was there at 09:50 this morning with Naggy Neighbour and Tracy. There were just a handful of beginners there and quite a few PWR's. I was wondering if they will all show today! But while I was talking, and finding out a few things (like who received emails last week!) then they all started to appear! By the time we started on our fist warm up walking lap of the rec there were about 60 or so people there, including the PWR's.
So here we are, half way through our course and also for the first time, running longer than we are walking! Their faces were saying "I don't know if I can do this" but I know they will all do so well! After the second walking lap of the green we went into our drills to really warm up those muscles so that the running for 4 minutes will seem like a breeze!
And then it was time. Time to run for 4 minutes non stop, with just 2 minutes recovery! There was still a buzz going through the group "Oh I don't know if I can do it" But let me tell you, nearly every single one did! There were a couple of exceptions, one was that she decided to come along for the first time today! She saw us last week and really wanted to get in on the action, get some of this free getting fit action that is happening. And who cam blame her! We also had someone who was a bit sick.
Now let me tell you this, a warning, maybe we should actually write it on our website. "If you start on the beginners course please be aware that you may think you become invincible! You may experience feelings of 'I can do anything even if I have a rotten cold/flu or a slight broken bone somewhere in my body" Yes, us runners do think this, I myself thought and still do, think this exact same thing! In fact in 2012, while I was watching the marathon on the telly I really believed I could do it.......and so I entered.......and I got a place for the 2013 Virgin London Marathon! So be warned! But seriously, if you really are feeling under the weather it is best to rest up! That is something that I take heed of now!
The reps seemed to go really fast again, we were soon on the fifth rep of the 4 minute running! It's just amazing to see how they all have coped with it. Ok, it's not easy, it takes a lot of hard work but the reward after doing all that hard work is the feeling you get! It feels like you can take on anything! It lifts your mood, it gives you this huge sense of achievement, it burns of calories! You can do it anyway anytime and get the same feelings over and over again! And........and.......the best bit, its free! Do you know anything else that can do that, because I don't.
Of course it does give you ideas. Ideas of other ways to keep fit......and now here I am with a cupboard full of old running trainers, drawers full of running tech gear, and a wardrobe slowly growing with....cycling gear, and the proud owner of two bikes! Maybe that should also be added to our website, "Any purchases bought for keep fit is no fault of the club, unless its the club kit"
So there you are, fourth week completed with still a huge number of determined and enthusiastic beginners with us! Can't wait for next week! Oh, and this week I took a few pictures, including one our Club Coach DiscoRich......it's his birthday today!!
I am just loving these sessions with the beginners! They are just all so inspirational! I was there at 09:50 this morning with Naggy Neighbour and Tracy. There were just a handful of beginners there and quite a few PWR's. I was wondering if they will all show today! But while I was talking, and finding out a few things (like who received emails last week!) then they all started to appear! By the time we started on our fist warm up walking lap of the rec there were about 60 or so people there, including the PWR's.
So here we are, half way through our course and also for the first time, running longer than we are walking! Their faces were saying "I don't know if I can do this" but I know they will all do so well! After the second walking lap of the green we went into our drills to really warm up those muscles so that the running for 4 minutes will seem like a breeze!
And then it was time. Time to run for 4 minutes non stop, with just 2 minutes recovery! There was still a buzz going through the group "Oh I don't know if I can do it" But let me tell you, nearly every single one did! There were a couple of exceptions, one was that she decided to come along for the first time today! She saw us last week and really wanted to get in on the action, get some of this free getting fit action that is happening. And who cam blame her! We also had someone who was a bit sick.
Now let me tell you this, a warning, maybe we should actually write it on our website. "If you start on the beginners course please be aware that you may think you become invincible! You may experience feelings of 'I can do anything even if I have a rotten cold/flu or a slight broken bone somewhere in my body" Yes, us runners do think this, I myself thought and still do, think this exact same thing! In fact in 2012, while I was watching the marathon on the telly I really believed I could do it.......and so I entered.......and I got a place for the 2013 Virgin London Marathon! So be warned! But seriously, if you really are feeling under the weather it is best to rest up! That is something that I take heed of now!
The reps seemed to go really fast again, we were soon on the fifth rep of the 4 minute running! It's just amazing to see how they all have coped with it. Ok, it's not easy, it takes a lot of hard work but the reward after doing all that hard work is the feeling you get! It feels like you can take on anything! It lifts your mood, it gives you this huge sense of achievement, it burns of calories! You can do it anyway anytime and get the same feelings over and over again! And........and.......the best bit, its free! Do you know anything else that can do that, because I don't.
Of course it does give you ideas. Ideas of other ways to keep fit......and now here I am with a cupboard full of old running trainers, drawers full of running tech gear, and a wardrobe slowly growing with....cycling gear, and the proud owner of two bikes! Maybe that should also be added to our website, "Any purchases bought for keep fit is no fault of the club, unless its the club kit"
So there you are, fourth week completed with still a huge number of determined and enthusiastic beginners with us! Can't wait for next week! Oh, and this week I took a few pictures, including one our Club Coach DiscoRich......it's his birthday today!!
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Running! |
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Four minutes! |
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Birthday Boy DiscoRich |
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Oh look, there's me..! |
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The look of concentration! |
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They really are smiling! It's all done! |
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Helping With The Homework!
Hello blog lovers.
Helping with the homework, that's what I call it. Not sure what Tracy would call it! But I am here to help. I heard on Saturday, that she felt right back into the swing of things and that she really found it easy and she could have gone running for longer! Hmmm. That is telling me that she wants a challenge. She wants to get back to the fitness that she had before the summer holidays. In actual fact, the fitness level doest just disappear over night like that, but you do still need to get out at least once a week. Muscle memory, I think that was a phrase I heard or read somewhere recently! And I think that is what she has right there!
All that was needed is to give her muscles a gentle reminder! So I collected her and we on to Normans park. We are going to be doing 3 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking. Exactly what we were doing on Saturday? Well yes of course, this is the homework that we set! But I added a little extra kick just to get not only her muscles to remember, but the whole of her body remember, what fun and fitness she felt just before those summer holidays! So for the last 30 seconds of the first run section we will just push it a little bit harder, run faster than we have been, just for that last 30 seconds. "Come on Tracy, you can do this" I said to her. I could feel her eyes burning on my back! But that's ok, the daggers will come out on the next rep! I tell you, Naggy Neighbour will be proud of me!
Of course we didn't start running until we had a bit of a warm up walk. Just a brisk walk, a few high knees and butt kicks to the place where we shall start our running! I could have done the whole drills thing first with her, just me and her in the middle of the park doing the ministry of silly walks, but I spared her that, the looks and the daggers I will get from her will soon come, thick and fast! She's my mate, I can get away with it! The first walking section came and a deep breath came from her! She did well on that first speedy bit. But it doesn't stop there. The last 30 seconds of our walking will be done at a power walk speed!
The next running section it was the last 45 seconds of our 3 mins of running that was to be done a a slightly faster pace. Now I could fee the daggers coming out. "That's it Tracy, you're doing it" I encouraged her! I don't think she thought it was encouragement, but nagging! The next run of course I forgot how many we had done already, and I asked her if it was the third of fourth and she gave me the wrong one, and we ended up doing 45 seconds again! Ooo such a wicked woman I am, because that meant we were only going to do the one 30 second speedy bit! All the others are now 45! On this fourth rep of running, when we got to the 45 second speedy bit Tracy really went for it! Picked it up a gear, put the foot on the gas and went for it! Still, not 100%, but it doesn't need to be. Just up one gear is all that is needed to give a good workout! Interval running! It works!
The last run section was a good un. I am sure Tracy will agree! Because for the last 1 minute of it we will be doing interval running, we will be running just a tad faster than we were doing! Of course Tracy, by now came up with a plan, to run really slow to begin with! Oh my, those daggers in my back are coming fast and furious now! I now know exactly what Naggy feels when she runs with me! But the best bit of all is when it's all done! "Done it" says Tracy and then that big smile spreads across her face! "Thanks mate" she says to me!
A good work out can do so much more than just make your body fit, it can affect your mood and your spirit! Sometimes we just need others to kick our ass to get out there and do it......and time.......no work........good weather......well, maybe not too fussed about the weather!
Homework done, now she has to do one more before Saturday! Easy, right!?
Geeky stats.
Helping with the homework, that's what I call it. Not sure what Tracy would call it! But I am here to help. I heard on Saturday, that she felt right back into the swing of things and that she really found it easy and she could have gone running for longer! Hmmm. That is telling me that she wants a challenge. She wants to get back to the fitness that she had before the summer holidays. In actual fact, the fitness level doest just disappear over night like that, but you do still need to get out at least once a week. Muscle memory, I think that was a phrase I heard or read somewhere recently! And I think that is what she has right there!
All that was needed is to give her muscles a gentle reminder! So I collected her and we on to Normans park. We are going to be doing 3 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking. Exactly what we were doing on Saturday? Well yes of course, this is the homework that we set! But I added a little extra kick just to get not only her muscles to remember, but the whole of her body remember, what fun and fitness she felt just before those summer holidays! So for the last 30 seconds of the first run section we will just push it a little bit harder, run faster than we have been, just for that last 30 seconds. "Come on Tracy, you can do this" I said to her. I could feel her eyes burning on my back! But that's ok, the daggers will come out on the next rep! I tell you, Naggy Neighbour will be proud of me!
Of course we didn't start running until we had a bit of a warm up walk. Just a brisk walk, a few high knees and butt kicks to the place where we shall start our running! I could have done the whole drills thing first with her, just me and her in the middle of the park doing the ministry of silly walks, but I spared her that, the looks and the daggers I will get from her will soon come, thick and fast! She's my mate, I can get away with it! The first walking section came and a deep breath came from her! She did well on that first speedy bit. But it doesn't stop there. The last 30 seconds of our walking will be done at a power walk speed!
The next running section it was the last 45 seconds of our 3 mins of running that was to be done a a slightly faster pace. Now I could fee the daggers coming out. "That's it Tracy, you're doing it" I encouraged her! I don't think she thought it was encouragement, but nagging! The next run of course I forgot how many we had done already, and I asked her if it was the third of fourth and she gave me the wrong one, and we ended up doing 45 seconds again! Ooo such a wicked woman I am, because that meant we were only going to do the one 30 second speedy bit! All the others are now 45! On this fourth rep of running, when we got to the 45 second speedy bit Tracy really went for it! Picked it up a gear, put the foot on the gas and went for it! Still, not 100%, but it doesn't need to be. Just up one gear is all that is needed to give a good workout! Interval running! It works!
The last run section was a good un. I am sure Tracy will agree! Because for the last 1 minute of it we will be doing interval running, we will be running just a tad faster than we were doing! Of course Tracy, by now came up with a plan, to run really slow to begin with! Oh my, those daggers in my back are coming fast and furious now! I now know exactly what Naggy feels when she runs with me! But the best bit of all is when it's all done! "Done it" says Tracy and then that big smile spreads across her face! "Thanks mate" she says to me!
A good work out can do so much more than just make your body fit, it can affect your mood and your spirit! Sometimes we just need others to kick our ass to get out there and do it......and time.......no work........good weather......well, maybe not too fussed about the weather!
Homework done, now she has to do one more before Saturday! Easy, right!?
Geeky stats.
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Club Run - Long Sleeves!
Hello blog lovers.
It's club night tonight, and its the first time my long sleeve jumper has come out! I hate being cold. Running while you are cold is not good either, the run up the hill on Kingsway will warm us up. It will blow the cobwebs away! It's also move up week, and as it happens one of our beginners decided that she would 'move up' too. Although I think it was a case of mis-communications, she was expected the 'homework' running and not the usual club night running. But give her her due she didn't back off and decided not to go home with out trying and she came along to see if she could do it.
I chose a fairly flatish route apart from the hil.......ooops undulation up Kingsway. I shall have a break at the top for catch up. Our route from there is along to Petts Wood Memorial and over the walking bridge. We were splitting into two little groups so the front group with me did loop backs. Janet, J.J. and Auriol were wonderful sweepers and were taking turns in being at the back so that everyone had a good run. It worked really well. All nine of us were keeping fairly tight together, the loop backs work really well. And also, if I need to cut short the route the loop backs will make up the distance!
We ran like that all the way to Shepperton, I decided that I would change the route and turn left down Ryecroft instead of going the whole length of Shepperton, it's a slight incline going all the way along there. With the loop backs I know we shall make our 3 miles. Once we were on the other side of the road, ready to run down Tudor way I asked everyone if they wanted to do a short run or longer run. In the end we did actually split in to two little groups. I had to put my leaders head on and decide. It's blimmin hard being a leader as I do try and please everyone. But a leader is what I am so I was grateful that J.J. and Janet ran with our beginner back to the rec taking a shorter route while I took the others along the undulations of Woodside, Great Thrift and Hazelmere.
And boy did they run. Tanya seem to be well into the zone as she kept the pace going leading the way. It was virtually non stop from here till we got to the rec. Tanya later told me that she was thirsty and just wanted to get back so she could get a drink! But it was a great run. At least our beginner knows the pace that she has to aim for and the distance. It's parkrun distance, exactly what we are training all our beginners to get to.
Here is our geeky stats.
It's club night tonight, and its the first time my long sleeve jumper has come out! I hate being cold. Running while you are cold is not good either, the run up the hill on Kingsway will warm us up. It will blow the cobwebs away! It's also move up week, and as it happens one of our beginners decided that she would 'move up' too. Although I think it was a case of mis-communications, she was expected the 'homework' running and not the usual club night running. But give her her due she didn't back off and decided not to go home with out trying and she came along to see if she could do it.
I chose a fairly flatish route apart from the hil.......ooops undulation up Kingsway. I shall have a break at the top for catch up. Our route from there is along to Petts Wood Memorial and over the walking bridge. We were splitting into two little groups so the front group with me did loop backs. Janet, J.J. and Auriol were wonderful sweepers and were taking turns in being at the back so that everyone had a good run. It worked really well. All nine of us were keeping fairly tight together, the loop backs work really well. And also, if I need to cut short the route the loop backs will make up the distance!
We ran like that all the way to Shepperton, I decided that I would change the route and turn left down Ryecroft instead of going the whole length of Shepperton, it's a slight incline going all the way along there. With the loop backs I know we shall make our 3 miles. Once we were on the other side of the road, ready to run down Tudor way I asked everyone if they wanted to do a short run or longer run. In the end we did actually split in to two little groups. I had to put my leaders head on and decide. It's blimmin hard being a leader as I do try and please everyone. But a leader is what I am so I was grateful that J.J. and Janet ran with our beginner back to the rec taking a shorter route while I took the others along the undulations of Woodside, Great Thrift and Hazelmere.
And boy did they run. Tanya seem to be well into the zone as she kept the pace going leading the way. It was virtually non stop from here till we got to the rec. Tanya later told me that she was thirsty and just wanted to get back so she could get a drink! But it was a great run. At least our beginner knows the pace that she has to aim for and the distance. It's parkrun distance, exactly what we are training all our beginners to get to.
Here is our geeky stats.
Saturday, 1 October 2016
A Blog Of Blogs!
Hello bloggers.
Ok, I'm thinking that you are thinking "Where have you been?" Or actually you are probably feeling glad of not being 'spammed' by my blogs of late! I have been running, I've not just been sat on my backside, but my blogging has taken a back seat! The reason is because of my short break in Chicago! I didn't have time to write up my blog for last Thursday and for the Thursday before that, I was just a bit tired to even think properly!
Anyway, I am totally over the jet lag thing now and I am totally focused on my running again. I have even entered the Brooks Brighton 10k and mulling over the idea of the Paddock Wood Half! See, focused! More bling to be had!
So I could go all out and describe every run I have done so far.......or maybe not.......if you prefer! But, ok, let me just touch on them, just a short sentence or two, just so that I know how I was feeling on each run. So the first one I missed writing about was on Thursday 22nd September, the day I had to head for Heathrow airport after work. It was the usual Thursday morning run, meeting other PWR's at the rec. Tanya came along with her dog Max and B was there too. I bought along Dexter, my daughters pooch! I like to take him to new places, see if he will continue to run with me, when I take him around Normans he won't do the 3 laps around the park, he gets bored! But he does like to do the parkrun route, just twice around! He was well behaved really! He came back when I called him and didn't get lost at all! Max just runs right next to Tanya all the time! Dexter lovers being the leader! We all had a great run that day, especially Dexter, he found the little stream! Oh just watching him splash in there and then trying to catch the water as it comes up was very amusing! He totally loves the water! The weather was good that day I believer and the woods were dry, which was a bonus, I didn't want the pooch to get his muddy paws over my seats, but then, he had been in the streams!
The next run that I had done was a whole week after! So, I have been to Chicago, eaten loads and huge portions and drank loads, no exercises, feeling totally bloated and sluggish and I didn't take my running gear either! Just setting the scene so you know how I was feeling! You can imagine what I was like! I put a message up the the Thursday morning chat box to see if there would be any group 1 runners to meet up with, and I was just a tad relieved when I found out there wasn't any, as it meant I could just relax a bit more and then go for an even shorter run than I had planned if there were runners to run with! I had the pooch with me again, and as it had been raining it made sense to just run around my local park with him. So thats what we did. And boy did I feel like Mrs Blobby from Blobby town, and I was trying to run after the dog?! But I felt it was a good start! I was still so tired from the jet lag, I was expecting it to be over and done with on the first night but I just couldn't keep my eyes opened! Still, there is always the next day! Less than 3 miles, but still, a run is a run!
The next days outing? Well that is todays! (Friday was spent mostly making sure I was totally over the jet lag!) and it's with the beginners! I was leading and I just hoped that I had my leaders head on correctly, no mistakes this time around, and totally keeping an eye on my Garmin. We are already up to 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking! I am sure they will all do so well! Naggy Neighbour came with me today to help out with the encouragement! She is training for some crazy run around the Isle of White! Can you imagine anything like it? Well, actually yes, we have some pretty amazing runners in our club who go and do crazy distances in some most exotic places!
There must be about 60 people here as well as our PWR helpers today. The buzz is "I don't think I can do it" "3 minutes? Really!" But I tried to assure them in my own way, "You've been doing 2 minutes already, so you know you can do it, the next minute will be just a tad slower is all" Now I know what I mean in my head, but whether it comes across to the group is another matter! They didn't look too convinced! Best to just get the show on the road!.......er I mean grass!
The usual two laps of the green, (avoiding the big pile of dog doings! Thank you Karin, aka Naggy neighbough, for clearing that up) a nice power walk around the green! Then straight into the drills! Once that was done I blew on my whistle........ok, I didn't have a whistle.......but I do know how to make a very loud whistle noise.......to get them all started for the first run! That first 3 minutes just flew by, well that was the buzz now coming from the group! The second, third and forth rep of the 3 min walk/run seem to fly by. I chatted to some of the group on the fith rep, "How's it all going" I asked "Well, when I first started it seemed like a dream to be able to do 5 k after 8 weeks, but now I am thinking it's a possible" said one of them. "Have we really done 5 runs?" said another and "Wow, I can't believe there is only 20 seconds left of this last run left" said yet another! See, what did I tell you! Just mind over matter, eh Naggy? (it's what she always tells me when I ask her to pace me!) When the 3 mins run was up we just all walked back to the Pavillion to do some stretches.
I can't believe that we have already completed the third week of the beginners course, but there it is! Wow, fantastic going. I am so enjoying doing this! But that wasn't the end of mine and Naggy's running. We had decided that we would run through the woods, after all Naggy is in training! I can't believe that she has never been running through the woods before, but I guess if you don't know your way around it can get a little scary navigating your way through, even with Chocolate, her boxer cross dog!
I must admit, I am enjoying my running again, really loving it! Even that little solo run I did on Thursday, it was less than two miles, but hey, a run is a run. And running through the woods is just so nice. The rain was coming down, or as I say to the beginners, it's free hydration. When we first felt the rain while we were in the car park back at the rec, there was a teaser posed "We could always go for breakfast!" But fortunately neither I or Naggy had any cash on us! The woods it was! Naggy enjoyed the run through the woods, and I tried to point out as many landmarks as possible so that if she felt a little confident then she could run through there again, just her and Chocolate!
The trails don't seem to slow naggy down any, I should add! I was still trailing behind her, trying to catch up to point out said land marks! But it was a good run! I am glad we decided to run and not eat!
So there, all caught up with my blogging! Some feel good runs, that lonley solo run after my holdiays, and the 'doggies run' with Tanya and B. Now, let me go book another race!
Geeky stats for the woods run today. I am sure if you are interested in the other distances you can just click 'back' from the Garmin site.
Ok, I'm thinking that you are thinking "Where have you been?" Or actually you are probably feeling glad of not being 'spammed' by my blogs of late! I have been running, I've not just been sat on my backside, but my blogging has taken a back seat! The reason is because of my short break in Chicago! I didn't have time to write up my blog for last Thursday and for the Thursday before that, I was just a bit tired to even think properly!
Anyway, I am totally over the jet lag thing now and I am totally focused on my running again. I have even entered the Brooks Brighton 10k and mulling over the idea of the Paddock Wood Half! See, focused! More bling to be had!
So I could go all out and describe every run I have done so far.......or maybe not.......if you prefer! But, ok, let me just touch on them, just a short sentence or two, just so that I know how I was feeling on each run. So the first one I missed writing about was on Thursday 22nd September, the day I had to head for Heathrow airport after work. It was the usual Thursday morning run, meeting other PWR's at the rec. Tanya came along with her dog Max and B was there too. I bought along Dexter, my daughters pooch! I like to take him to new places, see if he will continue to run with me, when I take him around Normans he won't do the 3 laps around the park, he gets bored! But he does like to do the parkrun route, just twice around! He was well behaved really! He came back when I called him and didn't get lost at all! Max just runs right next to Tanya all the time! Dexter lovers being the leader! We all had a great run that day, especially Dexter, he found the little stream! Oh just watching him splash in there and then trying to catch the water as it comes up was very amusing! He totally loves the water! The weather was good that day I believer and the woods were dry, which was a bonus, I didn't want the pooch to get his muddy paws over my seats, but then, he had been in the streams!
The next run that I had done was a whole week after! So, I have been to Chicago, eaten loads and huge portions and drank loads, no exercises, feeling totally bloated and sluggish and I didn't take my running gear either! Just setting the scene so you know how I was feeling! You can imagine what I was like! I put a message up the the Thursday morning chat box to see if there would be any group 1 runners to meet up with, and I was just a tad relieved when I found out there wasn't any, as it meant I could just relax a bit more and then go for an even shorter run than I had planned if there were runners to run with! I had the pooch with me again, and as it had been raining it made sense to just run around my local park with him. So thats what we did. And boy did I feel like Mrs Blobby from Blobby town, and I was trying to run after the dog?! But I felt it was a good start! I was still so tired from the jet lag, I was expecting it to be over and done with on the first night but I just couldn't keep my eyes opened! Still, there is always the next day! Less than 3 miles, but still, a run is a run!
The next days outing? Well that is todays! (Friday was spent mostly making sure I was totally over the jet lag!) and it's with the beginners! I was leading and I just hoped that I had my leaders head on correctly, no mistakes this time around, and totally keeping an eye on my Garmin. We are already up to 3 minutes running and 3 minutes walking! I am sure they will all do so well! Naggy Neighbour came with me today to help out with the encouragement! She is training for some crazy run around the Isle of White! Can you imagine anything like it? Well, actually yes, we have some pretty amazing runners in our club who go and do crazy distances in some most exotic places!
There must be about 60 people here as well as our PWR helpers today. The buzz is "I don't think I can do it" "3 minutes? Really!" But I tried to assure them in my own way, "You've been doing 2 minutes already, so you know you can do it, the next minute will be just a tad slower is all" Now I know what I mean in my head, but whether it comes across to the group is another matter! They didn't look too convinced! Best to just get the show on the road!.......er I mean grass!
The usual two laps of the green, (avoiding the big pile of dog doings! Thank you Karin, aka Naggy neighbough, for clearing that up) a nice power walk around the green! Then straight into the drills! Once that was done I blew on my whistle........ok, I didn't have a whistle.......but I do know how to make a very loud whistle noise.......to get them all started for the first run! That first 3 minutes just flew by, well that was the buzz now coming from the group! The second, third and forth rep of the 3 min walk/run seem to fly by. I chatted to some of the group on the fith rep, "How's it all going" I asked "Well, when I first started it seemed like a dream to be able to do 5 k after 8 weeks, but now I am thinking it's a possible" said one of them. "Have we really done 5 runs?" said another and "Wow, I can't believe there is only 20 seconds left of this last run left" said yet another! See, what did I tell you! Just mind over matter, eh Naggy? (it's what she always tells me when I ask her to pace me!) When the 3 mins run was up we just all walked back to the Pavillion to do some stretches.
I can't believe that we have already completed the third week of the beginners course, but there it is! Wow, fantastic going. I am so enjoying doing this! But that wasn't the end of mine and Naggy's running. We had decided that we would run through the woods, after all Naggy is in training! I can't believe that she has never been running through the woods before, but I guess if you don't know your way around it can get a little scary navigating your way through, even with Chocolate, her boxer cross dog!
I must admit, I am enjoying my running again, really loving it! Even that little solo run I did on Thursday, it was less than two miles, but hey, a run is a run. And running through the woods is just so nice. The rain was coming down, or as I say to the beginners, it's free hydration. When we first felt the rain while we were in the car park back at the rec, there was a teaser posed "We could always go for breakfast!" But fortunately neither I or Naggy had any cash on us! The woods it was! Naggy enjoyed the run through the woods, and I tried to point out as many landmarks as possible so that if she felt a little confident then she could run through there again, just her and Chocolate!
The trails don't seem to slow naggy down any, I should add! I was still trailing behind her, trying to catch up to point out said land marks! But it was a good run! I am glad we decided to run and not eat!
So there, all caught up with my blogging! Some feel good runs, that lonley solo run after my holdiays, and the 'doggies run' with Tanya and B. Now, let me go book another race!
Geeky stats for the woods run today. I am sure if you are interested in the other distances you can just click 'back' from the Garmin site.
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