Thursday, 18 February 2016

Love Thursdays!

Hello blog lovers

Thursday Morning

Thursdays morning saw a couple of extra bods out for a muddy run through the woods.  It was a cool morning but not the promised snow that was forecasted!  Which was good, but I was expecting the woods to be a bit muddy to say the least, but I wasn't worried as I had my old shoes with me!  I had told the others that we would be going through the woods so they were prepared too!

There were six of us in my group, a few more in DiscoRich's group.  Diane was with us with her daughter Hollie, here only because of school holidays!  One of the benefits of being a teacher! She aquired her nick name today, Tigger!  She was bouncing around, even when we were having a catch up stop, such boundless energy! Mind you, in DiscoRich's group they also had a 'school worker' but a pupil! I'm not sure of what her age is but I think she is either year six or seven, so young!  But she was going with her mum in the faster, longer distance group!

I started out first with my group, but we soon moved to the side to let the other group run pass by us.  In through 'Dog Poo Ally' both groups went, with DiscoRich taking his to the right heading for Scadbury, our destination after running through Petts Wood.  We were running up the middle path, I was thinking that that would probably be the 'easiest' way, but it really was a case of 'lets just wait and see'  Janet said that it was raining last night, I think I must have missed that, being all nice and cosy in my blanket!

To be fair, it wasn't that bad going through the woods, of course there are the big puddles, but having my old shoes on I just ploughed on through them, or I ran on the little gravel path that the water has created as runs through the woods.  It got paticularly bad when got to the top of the middle path and ran to the left.  It's a bridle path so it's a little churned up.  Trish noticed the difference between my running last week and they way I ran this morning!  'You can tell you got your old shoes on' she said as I merrily splashed through yet another deep muddy hole!

I think the best bit was walking along the path that has been separated by a wire fence, one side for horses they other side for walkers.  I usually just stay on the horses side, but today we went on the walkers, just to see if it would be any better. Well wasn't. and he is a couple picture to show you just what I took my group through today,

Did you notice the little pink people in the background, well, let me enlarge for you.

When I saw this photo it made me laugh out loud indeed.  I've yet to get Hollie....oops Tigger to embrace the mud!  From here we turned right and faced a lorry taking up the whole road.  There were busy fixing the big holes that were there, filling them up with gravel, so maybe next time we run up here they will be all sorted.

A bit of road work to do now, while those on last weeks run try and remember the history lesson that David gave us last week.  I think we remembered quite well and should easily smash the test that David said he will give us later in the year!  I wasn't going to take them through the housing estate today, we were going to touch on Scadbury Park now, well, the faster group were running through it we can as well!  It didn't take long to get through there, our run seemed to be going pass so quickly now.  I don't think we were particularly fast it's just so lovely being out here!  The sun had even come out to shine for the last bit of our run.

We got back to the rec feeling pretty good with muddy shoes and legs!  Apart from Tigger!  She seemed to have hovered over the puddles, but looking at the picture up above, I can see how she avoided the puddles!

Geeky stats

Track Thursday

So now it's time to push myself hard!  I hadn't looked at what PhysioMike and CoachHels had planned for this evenings session, it will be a nice surprise!  I got to the track along with about 20 or so others all ready and looking forward to what was in store, strange I know, as it's going to hurt!

The sessions was a 15 minute run at 10k pace then a rest, and then 4 sets of 3 minutres running with a rest in between each 3 mins, and then the 15 minutre tempo run again!  This really is a very tough session.  I am really going to have to work hard.  I am determined to get fitter, I know it's not going to happen in an instant, but it don't stop me wishing that it would happen like that!  A magic pill!  Take it and then the next morning voila....healthy, fitter, lighter! Why does it taste so good getting fat, and why is laying in on a Saturday morning feel like the best morning ever spent!  I don't know.  For an old ex-couch potato I really have to dig deep to see the love of working hard!  But I know it's all doing me good.  

At the end of the session I always feel like I could have done better!  I beat myself for a few minutes, only a few minutes, before reminding myself of what I have actually achieved with the new active lifestyle I started on back in 2008.  Not bad really, not bad!  So next time Old blimmin harder!!

Geeky stats for the track session.

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