Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Club Run - Taking It Easy!

Hello blog lovers.

I was wondering if I was going to make a club run this evening after feeling really shite yesterday.  But when I woke up this morning my headache at least had gone, and I was just left with slight sneezes and sore throat.  I think I am quite resilient when it comes to fighting colds, they rarely come to anything when I get them!  So no one running after me making me tea and toast to get better!

I decided that I would take Group 0 on one of our easy routes anyway, especially as last week was a particularly nasty little surprise for them.  Besides my ham string was still reminding me that I tried to break records from a cold standing start on Saturday!  Our club is getting bigger each week.  We now have 11 groups.  My group being 0 running, at 12-12;30 pace, and each group after that getting progressively faster and longer distances!  We have every pace covered I should think!

In my group there were about 8 of us and we were the last out of the park.  I took them right then right again, up the hill. which is virtually the only 'noticible' hill and then we went to the memorial hall.  I like this route, it's fairly flatish and a great route if you are not 'feeling it', as if makes you feel like you have done a lot of running!  Running is all what is happening in your head as well as whats happening to your body.  Being part of a running club also is a great motivator, and being a leader is even more of a motivator!  Because sometimes when you're not 'feeling it' but you know that once you are with your mates, you are going to be glad you got out there!

We all got up that first little hill with no problem, Jenny said that she felt good getting up there, no stopping!  Brilliant.  It just shows that we are all improving so well!  With a short walking section to the hall and then running, nice a light, just like Scooby Doo!  Running over the bridge while we practise this 'Scooby Doo'  style running is an excellent opportunity.

It seems to me that once we run around Crest View, we seem to be 'running home'.  Even though we are actually running in the opposite direction.  What I mean is, that to me, we seem to be half way through our run, yet it seems that we only just started!  Maybe it's because this route really is such an easy route to do.

We were all running well together, with not too much of a gap.  Everyone was running and chatting well, I think they were all pleased it wasn't like it was last week!  Well, you can have hard runs without having the fun runs as well, can you.

All too soon the run was coming to an end, but I did remember to run down Little Thrift today, just to make sure that we have a full 3 miles for a club run!  I did enjoy todays run, especially as I didn't think, yesterday, that I would be able to run today!

So geeky stats for you

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