Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Club Night - New Vests!

Hello blog lovers,

I'm back and feeling pretty good! My back hasn't twinged hardly at all today, and I feel that the week long rest is just what I needed.  Now I am ready to get back on track with my weight loss programme, Healthy eating, lots of exercise and two more months booze free! (Apart from slight hiccup on 27th of this month!)

So I hadn't let the troops know what route I was doing, I was just going to do the nice and easy route, going up Kingsway to Towncourt Road, and then left to Petts Wood, over the bridge, and.....well, you can see on the geeky stats where I took them all.  All leaders of the groups were given new Hi Viz vests to wear, I put mine on hoping it would go over my hips and was pleased that it did!  But the thing kept riding up, so I loosed it (It was a tabard type thing) and let it 'flap' about while I ran!

We had a newbie with us, a 16 year lad.  We do get chaps in group 0, but generally chaps are very competitive and they just progress through the groups as quickly as possible.  So at the moment, he was the only lad here, among about 8 regular Group 0's.  I wondered if he would find us a bit too slow.  My observations about youngsters is they just go full out and try to get to the end as quick as possible.........with no training!  But the thing is, they can usually do it!  But I was chatting with him, and he seemed to be enjoying running along with us.  We were not to slow for him, just right, so maybe he  understand about pacing.  I guess when you do sports you get to know about all these sorts of things, he used to play rugby! The usual members were here, J.J. Wendimoo, Janet and Auriol were there encouraging the runners, and sweeping. Jenny was back after missing last week too due to illness, and well as Charlotte and ...... darn it, I forgotten her name!  But all were there, enjoying the milder weather.  So much better than last week!  I was glad I was laid up!

On some bits of our run we were running at faster than advertised pace, and other parts slower, but altogether it was still a very good run!  We all kept together fairly well, quite a tight run today.  With a couple of sections for them to 'stretch' their legs with a fast paced running.  Everyone I think a a brilliant run!  It feels good to be back to running, it was only a week, but boy did I miss it!

Sometimes it takes an enforced rest to help you get back to loving the exercise.  I am well on my way to falling in love with running again!  Just the matter of a couple of stones between me loving running to bits!

Geeky stats! And I was surprised to see it was a figure of 8, I sure I must have done something different to the usual route!  I have looked at my routes and now I can see where I went wrong!  At least I know the figure 8 route is a nice easy run, just to get people back to running after injury, just like me today!

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