Thursday, 14 May 2015

Where Has The Sun Gone!

Hello blog lovers.

Its Thursday and that means a nice run through the woods for me and some other group 1 members!  But what a difference in the weather!  Yesterday it was all sunshine, picture blue skies all over England, smiley faces and bare chested roofers, (I've been stuck in doors for 4 days! So I looked!)

I am having my roof done, and I was able to sit outside in the sunshine, all the debris and tiles and dust and noise (yes, bare chested workers may have been an incentive to get out, but I'm old now!), but today I was determined to get out out no matter what.  They will just have to wait for an hour, for their radio, and I am sure the cutting of the tiles could wait an hour too! (I think) But this is Britain, we get a lot of rain, and today it was raining. Just as it was forecast!

That's good, for me, not my roof, because the roofers can't work when it's raining.  So I don't feel too bad about depriving them from their music!  I turned up at the Rec and it was bloomin cold!  DiscoRich was there all set to take his bevy of lovelies out, and I was taking out my lovely ladies too, Sarah and Vanessa!

I told the we were going through the woods and it could be a bit sticky with a tiny hill  to run up  which will be fine!  It's my nemesis!  It's the hill that I just can't bloody conquer!  But I will, and in the mean time, while I am battling with my nemesis all the other runners with me get some descent workout as well!

We went in through Dog Poo ally and turned left. This bit of the woods has normally been very sticky and with the rain today I was expecting it to be the same, but actually it was ok.  I am not sure when the rain started so maybe it hadn't quite got to the floor yet!  I did notice, however, how green everything is looking!  Even on a grey wet day like this, the green of the leaves looks so vibrant.  The bluebells are coming up in little clusters all over and the fresh smell of clean air was just giddying!

This was going to be a very pleasurable run! Even with that little tiny hill to contend with!  I took the ladies past the bridge this time, we were not going to be running over any bridges today, or going out on the roads, it's all going to be woods today.  We started running down Botany Bay Lane towards the river "Oh this hill" they said! "No, not this one, we are going to run beside the river" I explained to the.

When we got to the end of that path there was no hiding that tiny little ever so slight incline! It's fine we can do this, after all we're athletes!  I let the other two ladies go first, I think I said something about them being fitter than me, which they gave me a look, "Ok, so you're younger than me" I said, "now go on, off you go! Just so that I can keep an eye on you" That was my excuse anyway!  And besides, I was going to try and run for as long as they were, if they stopped then I stopped!  Well, they did bloody brilliantly! None of us ran the whole way up, but we got pretty darn close to it, and of course we ran that last final bit from the last corner!

From here we ran along the top of the woods back to Botany Bay Lane and then UP to the bridle path.  "There are just a couple of more undulations" I said to them, but I don't think they were too bothered.  The woods are just so perfect to be in, so fresh!  And just listening to the birds in the trees, who needs music, not us!

The undulations got to us, we all walked up some of the last ones to do, but it didn't matter.  I was listening to what was being said, about running, for these ladies, is still a chore, and they are wondering when the love of running kicks in.  Well, I can remember that.  I still wonder when it gets easier! Of course that won't ever happen, because as it does get easier you push yourself harder anyway!

It's the love of running that surprised me most, "When did I actually love running?" Was it really at the very beginning, but because I couldn't run very well I thought I hated it!  Could it be then? I don't know, but what I did realise is that I was looking forward to going out running, I was looking forward to see if I can love running, I hated missing any days that I had planned to run!  My club buddies were becoming my firm friends!  It's only when you have an enforced day or week off that you realise "I actually love running"  It's like a total realisation of what I had been doing for the past few years (this was a couple of years ago I came to this point) I actually loved running!  Simples!

I hope Sarah and Vanessa and all the others that had started and finished the beginners course, would come to this point.  I think they will!  Then they will be making reasons why they need to go for a run rather than house work, or shopping!

I think the marathon has done something to my brain, because I am going all slushy lately.  But doing such a distance does make you think "Why?" And the people who run even further our Jerry for instance and Wendimoo's daughter Jaz, she does crazy things like two marathons a week apart!  They really have got the running love bug, bad!

I am sure my brain will settle down again, and 'just the facts' will come pouring out with less of the slushy over indulgence!

Geeky stats for today.

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