Well, I was going to say what a difference a day makes! But but this day had two seasons within a fews hours of each other. After the glorious, yet chilly, morning, riding in the sunshine with the Breeze ladies to be faced with biblical stormy dark sky, thunder and lightening followed by torrential hail storm, I was surprised that I actually dragged my butt out of my nice warm house!
Here look at my garden, it's almost covered in huge hail stones the size of marafat peas!
My garden covered in hail stones |
But I had to go, I had to be at the rec because of my busy schedule today I hadn't sent out emails to to the group, so I just had to be there. Here at PWR we are training up hard core runners! This bit of stormy weather won't put off any of our runners, (it's just me that is a total woose!) Just before I left to go to the rec the heaven opened again, huge hail stones coming down, those marafat peas were bouncy a foot off the ground when they hit!I was right though, because when I got to the rec there were two of the ladies and J.J. She was coming along to do group 0 and then to run group 1 after.
We started off as soon as I had found satellites and headed for Dog Poo Ally. It's Tanya's first group 0 run, although she has now done two 5k Parkruns, scoring a PB for her second, although it won't show that as she didn't register her first Parkrun! Trail running is slightly different than road running. I guess it's like that on the bikes. Strange that I love riding my bike on the roads, yet not keen on the whole riding over logs and rivers, yet when it comes to running I can't wait to switch from road to trail!
I chose a 2 mile route, up the right side of the woods by the rail way, and then run along the woods towards Chislehurst. I was expecting there to be a little more mud, but then again, this side is usually not too bad!
Just nice and stead as we made our way to the top and then we had a break to get our breathing right again. J.J. gave some brill advice while we were taking a break "So, not you've started don't stop" It's easy to stay in but so much harder to come back" And she's right! How many times have you tried something, quit and then think "nah, can't be bothered now" It's that easy to quit. But your fit body is not an easy thing to get, or to maintain! It takes hard work, "You think it gets easier when you run, but it doesn't" said JJ. "You just find that you can do it quicker" It still hurts, but the benefits are worth it. Pain is just short lived, pride continues forever!
The top of the woods was getting very sticky indeed. The puddles which had dried up not so long ago had appeared again, ready to soak our feet, make us sleep, give us a wet arse if we fall! But that is not going to happen, we are too sure of what we want. We picked our through the muddy bits, brushing up against holly bushes and nettle! We are hard core. Just then a clap of thunder was over head, another warning that there is going to be another down pour imminent.
The rain started pit pit pitting through the leaves, we are going to get wet! It wasn't too long before we got to the middle path "Just take note of this path" I said to Tanya, "This is one that we run up sometimes" but today it was a bit muddy! A nice muddy down hill all the way to the ally way.
It was a good run, and by the time we got back to the rec the rain started to come down heavier. I was just waiting for the pebble dashing shower of hail stones to hit us! Thankfully it didn't though, We stretched our legs as we should do, and then said our goodbyes.
I had decided not to do group 1 though, I just cooled down quite a bit with my rain soaked clothes, and standing around for the next 20 minutes I was just going to get even colder. Run like that and you are deffo going to pull muscles or something! After a bit of to and froing JJ decided that she was going to do group 1. Well done JJ. Told you we train up hard core! Just wish I could be as hard core, but at least I did do a bike ride this morning as well though!
Geeky stats.
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