Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Group 0 And AGM

Hello blog lovers.

Its that time of year again, our AGM time, and as I was running group 0 at 7, I couldn't be running group 1 as well. But that was fine, after reading an article that our PhysioMike shared with us on facebook I discovered I was probably during way to much after the marathon anyway!

Conscious clear!  With just three of us to take on a route around the woods I was still wondering which way to go as we were running to the entrance to the woods.  The route changes each time from what I thought of at my house till I get to the rec.  Depending on who I have with me, what ability of running they are, etc etc.  And how many, of course, that will be running.

Yesterday though (yes, I am a day late in writing up!) there was only the three of us.  Me, Wendimoo and Kim!  Wendimoo has a slight injury to her foot so she is joining the hero group this evening.  Kim though, I know she has a determination, she really wants 'it'!  She wants that feel good factor after every run, she wants that, "I flipping done it" and she also wants "actually I love running" which for me, took ages!!

The route that I eventually decided on was straight up the middle path, I was planning on two ways, depending on time, and how everyone was coping, as to which way I was going to go after!  I did mention as we were running up, that I may take Botany Bay Lane down to the river and then up to the railway!  But when we got to the top, Kim looked quite strong, she did the hill really well, and I am sure she got further than last time!

As we were running along the top of the woods, I changed my mind about running down Botany Bay, I though we may run along a bit further and run down Goss hill instead. I felt that maybe Kim could handle just a little bit further to run. "Oh you're cruel" says Kim, but I knew she was joking!  We ran along heading Botany Bay and I checked my Garmin time and distance.  And again, I changed my mind.  "Nope, we are going down Botany Bay" I said.

If we carried on to Goss hill it would make it more like 3 miles, sometimes that is possible, but today, to keep things fun and not a chore, then we need to keep this run between 2 and 2 and half miles only! There is absolutely no good in trying to push out further and making a run miserable and hard, not when you can keep it doable and fun, with just a soup con of exertion with the hill at the beginning!

Botany Bay Lane done! We headed back now towards Dog Poo Ally, but I made sure that Kim was in the front of me and Wendi.  as up till now, she was either by our side or just behind us.  Group 0 is about what the last person can put into their run.  Without feeling pressurised keep up with those in front, without fear not being able to complete the run.  When you run in a group, its the group that keeps you going!  But sometimes, when you coming back from injury, or feel not quite ready for group 1, you can become intimidated by this.

Now our running club has never ever made me feel like that, nor has it ever made anyone feel like that. The only only people that make you feel like that is YOU!  I had noticed over the couple of beginners group that I had helped out with, that there was a few people who really loved the running with the group, but just wasn't confident enough to come along and join our club after!

I though this was a real shame, and so I said that I would come along at 7, before normal club runs to carry on with them until they were happier about joining group 1. And so group Zero to Hero was born! Anyway, Kim ran her run, at her pace all the way back to Dog Poo Ally with me and Wendimoo chatting all the way!

It was a great run, we we got back just as all the other groups were heading off out, just a half hour earlier because of the AGM.  Here is our geeky stats.

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There was a bit of shuffling of the pack in our committee this year, with some leaving posts, taking up posts and swapping posts!  But it's always good to see just how well our club is growing! 

After our meeting of course it's always good to chill with our buddies after at the local, One Inn The Wood which does seem to have become our unofficial club house!  But it was while here that I asked some of the ladies why they ran?!  The answers came back, to keep fit, to lose weight, to stay fit! Because I can!  Because I can, because its fun, because it's me time!  That's where were need to be with our running, well, especially people who like me started out running really late in life, coming from a non existent exercise regime to just running 5k's regularly, that is where we need to be!  

I will never be a contender in a race, not unless its a good for age category and I become the only 100 year lady running a club Grand Prix event! I run because I can, because I like I love it!  No matter what I am feeling at the time, it could be a totally shit run, but doing it still makes me feels so darn good than if I didn't do it!  But I also know, that if I don't go out, then what! I won't beat myself up, because I know I will go out again next time!  That you can bet on!

Anyway, enough gushing!  That is what I was feeling yesterday.  And I am pleased that I went out with group 0!  It was just the right distance and pace for how I was feeling, even though I didn't realise it at the time!

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