Monday, 2 February 2015

Cross Training = Cross Old Girl!

Hello blog lovers.

It's Monday, and it's a day that me and Bims will use for cross training, only, of course, if I haven't done a long run on Sundays!  So today, due to the fact that we only booked up this morning, we did exactly the same as last week!  Spin and Body Balance!

As we gently jogged down to the gym we both questioned 'Why?, Why did we agree to do the spin's bloomin hard!" I think it's our subconscious making us do these things, our subconscious knows what we need, it knows we need hard, hard work!

The cold air was refreshing, it certainly made sure we were well awake for our 9:30 start! It also really affects my bladder! "I need to wee" I said to Bims "You always need a wee" she said as we both just carried on jogging towards the gym.  Fortunately it's only half a mile a way!

Once there, and once I've been to the loo, we adjusted our static bikes ready for the 45 minute session.  It was a pretty packed studio, with maybe just one or two bikes free.  And then the instructor begun "Ok, here we go 13 to 15 my regulars, 10 to 13 beginners......" I am deffo still a beginner! I think I will always be a beginner! My legs are going to hate me!  I can just imagine what the convo would be if my legs could speak

Legs:     So, you really want to do this?
Brain:   Yes, I think it will be good for you.
Legs:     So, baaaaiiinnn, what will you be doing while I'm pushing pedals?
Brain:   Well, I will be telling you when to stand up and what not.
Legs:    While you sitting up there, all nice and comfy, with not a muscle to move?
Brain:   Well....yes...someone has to be the sensible one.
Legs:    Sensible.....sensible?  You do remember I covered 10 miles yesterday?
Brain:   Ah, well yes, but you do realise its the sensible thing to do, you know, build up the mileage and not just go 'gun-ho'
Legs:    YOU TRY IT BRAAAIIINNN, see how you feel
Brain:  Oh.....Now what is it that Emma says......Shut up Legs!

I did try, I tried my hardest, I am not sure if I worked as hard as I did last week, but I do know that I needed my towel and my water!  Jelly legs, sweat and thoughts of......"Well, I think I could come back to another class" after it was all done!  I think I have finally flipped!  I was a tad 'cross' with myself, I kept thinking that maybe I should have just pushed that little bit harder, but, maybe next time!

After that it was the lovely 'bendy' and balancing class.  I do not bend, and my balance certainly needs working on! One leg is definitely more stable than the other!  We did everything that we had done the week before.  I was disappointed that I was not more flexible!  How long does it take to get really bendy.  In this day and age, everything should be instant, zip zap done, bish bash bosh!  Why does it, in fact, seem I am more inflexible that I was last week?

But still, it was a great class, and just what is needed after a long run, the day before and a spin class just before!

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