Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Club Night!

Hello blog lovers.

I love saying Club Night, it seems as if I am out 'clubbing' on a 'school night'. But that is exactly what it is really.  Clubbing with my buddies! Having a blast, a laugh a chat, some even drink!......water! But occasional do finish the evening off with a pint!  Love Love Love club nights.

The enforced rest that I had all last week seems to have done me the power of good, although if you look at my geeky stats for my Sunday LSR then you probably wouldn't think that!  My Zero to Hero group was very small today, just two lovely ladies, Chloe and Stacey, ready to do battle.  I have found this new web site to plot routes easily and to share direct on to Facebook, even though todays route didn't actually get on to the Facebook page that I needed it to be on!! I don't know, old people and technology!!

I plotted out a nice route, taking in some of 'Cardiac Hill' but going in the right direction for the Hero group.....down.  It's all about confidence building, healing and nurturing!  Just running at their pace felt really good for me today.  A great confidence booster for me as well as them!  Doing the new new route as well it just felt good.  Not knowing what to expect from yourself at certain points, if there is a slight incline, or some superb down hills, it's all psychologically good for all of us.

Stacey and Chloe both had a great run.....me I had a great run!  Just love it.  I told them about our 'move up' week in March, where the leaders of the groups will run strictly at the lower pace of advertised pace and the shorter distance.  Groups 1 and 2 usually have an extra stop, for catch up time.  I am sure they could both do it!

Geeky stats for Hero group

Group 1

Illustrious Leader was taking the lead today.  She had a route planned that I do, in a masochistic sort of way enjoy!  It's Cardiac Hill.  It's like the thing with the spin classes, I glare at Bims when we are doing them, but at the end of it I am already looking forward to going back next week!  

I was feeling pretty good actually, pretty strong and well rested!  I hadn't done a spin class yesterday, I chose instead to go and see my mate Charley!  And why not?!  With the 11 miles hardly noticeable in my legs, a great Hero run I was so looking forward to this one!

I chose to be sweeper again, of course, along with Janet, and I was feeling pretty good that there won't be much of a gap between the front runners and us today.  Paula has even feeling ok today, last time I ran with her she was suffering with pains in her legs, her shins!

The route that I.L. had planned takes in this one road, a road that goes up!  I always have walked on some part of this, whether it's in the middle, towards the top, but some where.  I was determined not to today.  The group normally has a little break at the top, the faster runners who don't want to stop running can do a loop of the cul de sac while waiting for the back runners to get there, usually me.

Today however .......no.... I didn't do the loop.....but I did get to the ones who decided to take a breather and I waited for those doing the loop!  Usually I get there, have a couple of seconds breather and then we off again!  

With some of the undulations of Lynward to do before we attempted Cardiac Hill, I was still surprised at how energised I was!  But that bloomin hill beat me.  I ran up some it but I did do some walking.  I am not going to beat myself up though, as usually I walk most of it!  Willet way was next and along this road was some little close's.  I.L. had suggested that all the faster runners could run down each of this, a bit like playing 'In and out the Dusty Bluebells', a song I used to sing when I was child!  

But, I decided to again, not do this part! I just did the straight run!  Lazy mare!  but it was such a brilliant run. I totally enjoyed in and I really did feel so good......and dare I say....fit!

Geeky stats

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