Group Hero To Zero
Just the one hero today, others were trapped by work! It's so annoying when that happens. Today Kat made it to the rec. But she is running with an injury. The running bug that is inside her just 'ordered' her out to start running.
We only did a very short loop, walk/run all the way, just to see how far and how much she can do. She is thinking about joining in with the new beginners group which is starting this Saturday, at Willet Rec, 9:00 am, for any one reading this who wants to come along and get to run a 5k distance in a matter of a few weeks (8 to be precise) then come along and join the Petts Wood Runners!
Plug done! I took her up Birchwood. A gentle slope up, but I think its good for encouraging a slower run, especially if you have an injury or coming back from injury. I did notice that Kat was one for speeding along and then losing energy and have to walk some! So I decided to try the walk/run with her, not like it's going to be on Saturday, we chose lamppost to 'get' to. Run to a lamppost then walk to the next. But if there is a little extra bit then maybe push to the run bit to the next lamppost.
We covered just under 2 miles by the time we got back to the rec. A great effort for Kats first time back for ages. And also a little loosener for what she needs to do for the beginners class!
Geeky stats.
Group 1
Illustrious leader was leading this evenings run, as she stood out in front explaining the route, the groans that came from group 1 members was most audible! Hills! One in particular, the one that 'hugs' the green at Tillingbourne! We love I.L. to pieces, but us lot in group 1 are social animals, social runners, we love chatting as we run along. We sometimes forget that we are a running club, I think we think we are a chat club with a running problem! So it's good that occasionally our I.L. throws in a hill or two. Obviously I had forgotten about the hill last week! But then, she does have us marathon runners interest at heart! I expect now the rest of the group 1 members will be glaring at us for making them 'do the hills'
Hills are good for us, hills are our friends, we love hills! See I am getting better at saying stuff like that! We had to run up Birchwood to get to Tillingbourne Green in the first place, a hill that I had already taken this evening in group 0. I just really hope that all this is doing me good!
I have yet to be able to run from point A of the green all the way round it and back to point A again. All the times that I.L. has taken me here, (I tend to avoid taking my self here!) I have yet to run all the way round. It starts of as a gently little slope up just for a few short strides, and then its down hill for half way round, a little flat bit before it starts to make a climb.
As we were running down the down section some local lads, only young, about 14 year olds, started to run along with us, they zipped through us at the back and joined the front runners. They kept with them until the road started to rise, but the didn't break stride, they kept going. I kept going too! I kept running, I wasn't stopping, I was at the back, being sweeper of course, but as this is a circle I just ran passed Auriol. I ran up to the the other runners, I wasn't stopping. We got to the young lads, they had stopped just at the top of the hill, but not at our stopping place. We still had to go a little bit more to do, it flatten off just slightly and then a little flip up again. The legs screaming at me to stop.
They felt like jelly when I got to the corner, point A, and joined the others that was already there. We waited for Auriol to join us, let her have a breather before we continued with the rest of the route. Which, was up the hill! And then a right turn. I.L. was going to lead us to Willet way so that we could do the 'in and out the dusty bluebells' of the cul de sac roads that is down there. I did one, or was it two! I shall have to look at the geeky stats!
All in all, I was extremely pleased with myself that I managed to do the 'Green Hill' today. Maybe the training is finally paying off, I may not be particularly fast, but I get there, plodding along like I do.
Geeky stats. It was 2 cul-de-sac's I did!
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