Thursday, 11 December 2014

Sinners And Saints!

Hello blog lovers.

Thursday morning runs, time to go through the woods, well, I would have done, except today we were all going to socialise afterwards in a lovely juice bar Saints and Sinners.  So our run today was the next best thing the cinder path!

I was expecting a really awful day as it was so windy last night, yes, there was a bit of wind, but at least it's not raining.  It was a bit chilly too, so we didn't wait around too long, those who were going to be running today were there.

In my group today there were MichelleS, Ayako (she told me how to spell her name) Auriol and PinkladyJo.  My group seems to be growing while DiscoRichs group is dwindling! Blooming shame when work robs you of your running time!

I was feeling a bit tired this morning, not sure why. I know Ive been worried about my ma-in-law.  I guess stress can play a part on your energy levels.  We all stayed together pretty well, I didn't want to go to slow or too fast (can you believe I just wrote that!) but I know that on Tuesday at group 0 I did exceed the speed limit!  Because I was leading from the front, I normally lead from the back in group 0!

We were all chatting, as we ran along, so I knew we were all at a nice comfy pace for everyone, but when we got to the end of the Cinder path, I asked them if they wanted to go and do the extra bit around the little estate.  Do you, not one said "I am really looking forward to doing that bit" including me!  So we just ran on back down Crofton Lane.

It felt really windy,  I was saying to Michelle, when we were in the woods "I am glad the wind has stopped" but then as I said that the wind came back again!  And from that moment it hadn't really stopped again!  We kept moving at a steady pace, all the way to Tudor Way.  We walked under the bridge, as it's a single file piece of pavement, and then carried on running after that.  Just the last road to do before we get to Crossways and the rec.  I led from behind, just so that I didn't go too I could go just a bit slower!

When we crossed the road to go onto Crossways, I found just a little bit extra to do my sprinty bit.  I picked up the pace and looked straight ahead and ran.  Ayako started to put a sprint on and we were side by side.  Then she just took off and left me eating dust as she flew the rest of the way into the rec!  Well, she is stick think, at least 30 years younger than me and any other excuses that will fit here will as well!

We went into the track to stretch and wait for DiscoRich because then were were going to go for our festive juice or coffee.  I had a caramel shortbread as well! We were also going to meet up with the Adele's boxersise group.  DiscoRich joins them on Tuesdays, and they are also PWR's.  They walked in and they all looked totally glamorous!!  How do they do that!?

So that was my 'sinners' bit, it was a very lovely piece of shortbread!  Thanks PinkladyJo :-) Anyway geeky stats.

Track Session

And now for the saints bit!  Cos after all, I feel sure I worked off that bit of shortbread after this sessions! After listening to the news and also reading what PhysioMike wrote on the facebook page, I was expecting a freezing cold and wet track session.  Brrrr.  I picked up ChattyWendi, (who thought she would like to try track session) and we made our way there.  I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't that cold out.  In fact after just one warm up lap I was stripping off layers, my gloves came off, my hat and my jacket!  

We were soon doing the warm up drills and then into the session.  3 laps at 5k, 20 mins of paarlaufs, and then back to 3 laps at 5k pace.  It's gonna be hard! Fun, but hard!  I said to WhattyWendi to do it at her pace, if she don't want to do the whole thing, or wants to slow the pace down, its up to her.  

PhysioMike had us setting off in staggered starts as he wanted us all to be ending the 3 laps at the same time.  So me and Wendi set off first as we were the slowest people there.  We managed to do one lap before some of the others had even started!  So you can imagine how fast they were going to go!

But it all worked out more or less.!  Then it was straight into the parrlaufs.  There was me ChattyWendi and Keven Able, (from Opington Road Runners) in a team.  Kev went to the 200 meter mark while me and ChattyWendi was at the start.  PhysioMike blew his whistle and then we were off.  I took off as fast as I dare, to hand my baton over to Kev.  Even before the first hundred meters all of the others had streaked ahead, including some young dude!  He was just like a little whippet!  How do youngsters get to run so fast!

Kev expertly received the baton from me who then ran around to ChattyWendi to hand it to her.  For twenty mins we were going to do this.  I wound how many laps we would do.  But PhysioMike was also having to take part in these relays.  And he wasn't quite prepared to run, he was in a jumper and jeans!  He did have on running shoes though!  That's teach him,  should have been a boy scout, always come prepared!

But after ten minutes of doing this he decided to change it!  Just so that he could 'drop out' as he said.  He put us into pairs this time. We walked so that we came to the middle of the long straight, he sent one person directly opposite us.  What he got us to do was to run around the 200 meters hand over the baton to our partner and then jog over the green to meet them the other side, and then they in turn will have to jog back across the green to meet us at the 200 meters.  Hard work.  Great fun, and it kept us all moving, so no standing around.

We did that for 10 minutes and then went to the three laps run at 5k pace!  I think ChattyWendi wondered what had hit her.  I did say as we were running around accompanied by Mr.S and after he said that we needn't do all three laps, that I was only going to do 2 laps.  "Oh good" she said.  She looked quite please and we settled into a nice pace to get around our two laps.

But when we got to the finish like or our second lap Mr.S said, "Come on, you know you want to do the last lap"  PhysioMike had also said. while looking at his timing "You going to do your last lap" I said to ChattyWendi, "Come on then, lets do it" 
"You lied Old Girl"
"Yeah but we can do it, you know you will like it when it's all done"

And wither that we continued our last lap of the session!

It was tough, we put in as much as we could, but making sure that we didn't make it a chore!  I loved it!  And I know ChattyWendi will be smiling to herself knowing that she had done her first track session in a long time"


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